Matlab shows both grayscale and RGB
image overlay
在这里存档一下grayscale to rgb部分的代码。。
function res = grs2rgb(img, map)
%%Convert grayscale images to RGB using specified colormap.
% IMG is the grayscale image. Must be specified as a name of the image
% including the directory, or the matrix.
% MAP is the M-by-3 matrix of colors.
% RES = GRS2RGB(IMG) produces the RGB image RES from the grayscale image IMG
% using the colormap HOT with 64 colors.
% RES = GRS2RGB(IMG,MAP) produces the RGB image RES from the grayscale image
% IMG using the colormap matrix MAP. MAP must contain 3 columns for Red,
% Green, and Blue components.
% Example 1:
% open 'image.tif';
% res = grs2rgb(image);
% Example 2:
% cmap = colormap(summer);
% res = grs2rgb('image.tif',cmap);
% See also COLORMAP, HOT
% Written by
% Valeriy R. Korostyshevskiy, PhD
% Georgetown University Medical Center
% Washington, D.C.
% December 2006
% vrk@georgetown.edu
% Check the arguments
if nargin<1
error('grs2rgb:missingImage','Specify the name or the matrix of the image');
if ~exist('map','var') || isempty(map)
map = hot(64);
[l,w] = size(map);
if w~=3
error('grs2rgb:wrongColormap','Colormap matrix must contain 3 columns');
if ischar(img)
a = imread(img);
elseif isnumeric(img)
a = img;
error('grs2rgb:wrongImageFormat','Image format: must be name or matrix');
% Calculate the indices of the colormap matrix
a = double(a);
a(a==0) = 1; % Needed to produce nonzero index of the colormap matrix
ci = ceil(l*a/max(a(:)));
% Colors in the new image
[il,iw] = size(a);
r = zeros(il,iw);
g = zeros(il,iw);
b = zeros(il,iw);
r(:) = map(ci,1);
g(:) = map(ci,2);
b(:) = map(ci,3);
% New image
res = zeros(il,iw,3);
res(:,:,1) = r;
res(:,:,2) = g;
res(:,:,3) = b;