运动目标检测算法Vibe 运动目标检测技术研究_目标跟踪








Visual surveillance in dynamic scenes has become a very importantresearch area of image processing and computer vision techniques in recentyears, which attempts to detect, recognize, and track certain objects fromimage sequences, and more generally to understand and describe targetbehaviors. Visual traffic surveillance system provides the most efficienttraffic information for traffic control and management, and assistance for safedriving in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Moving target detection and trackingmethods are the most basic and important technologies in the area ofintelligent visual surveillance, and are the key to realizing real timeintelligent visual surveillance. However, due to the short history ofdevelopment, some important problems are still unresolved, and new methods oftechniques are needed. Thus, the research of moving target detection andtracking has great theoretical significance and practical value. This dissertationdoes the researches focused on the key technical problems about intelligent trafficsurveillance, and the major works include as follows: A novel backgroundsubtraction method is proposed to detect the moving target. Due to the dynamicconditions and interference factors, the color statistical background model basedon YCbCr color space is presented. We propose a multiple feature similarityfusion using Choquet integral to class the foreground and background, and providea new idea for high precision target detection. By analyzing of the traditionalblind and selective background maintenance process, an adaptive background maintenancemethod is proposed to adapt the complex condition. For single target tracking,we present a multiple feature fusion algorithm based on the Particlefilter(PF). The proposed mechanism not only fuses multiple features to representthe tracking target, but dynamically balances the effect of feature similarity andfeature discriminability among target model, candidate and adjacent backgroundto obtain the adaptive feature weight. Bhattacharyya coefficient is adopted torepresent the similarity, and the variance of the log-likelihood ratio is usedto describe the discriminability between the target model and the adjacentbackground. For the tracking problems of complex conditions, such as largescale change, rotation and mutual osculation, etc. A robust vehicle trackingbased on the Speeded-Up RobustFeatures(SURF) in aparticle filter framework is presented. What’s more, we propose the dynamicupdate mechanisms of target template to capture the appearance change. Specifically,adopting new feature points and discarding bad feature points. The size of trackingwindow is also modified dynamically by balancing the weights of three feature distributions.Furthermore, the weights of each particle are allocated by an improved distancekernel function method. In order to robustly track multiple target, we firstlyanalyze the traditional data association methods, and then propose a multipletarget tracking method based on feature measurement Probability HypothesisDensity (PHD) filter. In this method, the feature measurement is used toapproximate the posterior density. And, we adopt an adaptive weight to fuse thecolor and LBP features which are extracted by Monte Carlotechnology, and implement the tracking method using Gaussian mixture. Theexperimental results corresponding to each method are presented and the effectivenessof the methods are evaluated and discussed under the criterion of accuracy. Theresearches of this thesis will make a contribution to the technology of movingtarget detection and tracking in intelligence visual surveillance.

1 引言
2 采用背景剔除的运动目标检测
3 采用粒子滤波和多特征融合的单目标跟踪技术
4 采用SURF和PF的单目标跟踪技术
5 采用FM-PHD滤波器的多目标跟踪技术
6 结论与未来研究工作展望

