本发明公开一种笔记本电脑结构,该笔记本电脑的键盘为触摸式键盘;本发明将触摸式键盘作为笔记本电脑的键盘使用,能够使笔记本电脑实现非常薄的厚度. The present invention discloses a structure of a laptop, the laptop keyboard is touch-sensitive keyboard; the present invention will be used as a touch keyboard using laptop keyboard, enabling the laptop to achieve a very thin thickness. 该笔记本电脑结构还可包括具有操作手感的按键模组,该按键模组与触摸式键盘分离设置,使用时,将按键模组放置在触摸式键盘上方,通过按压按键实现触摸式键盘的输入功能,用户可根据实际需求实现不同行程的手感;而且,由于按键模组与触摸式键盘分离设置,其作为一个独立部件,能够在不增加笔记本电脑厚度的情况下使用户拥有高行程好手感;同时,能够方便的收纳和携带. The structure may also include a laptop operating feel of the key module, the key module provided separately with the touch keyboard when using the touch-key module is placed above the keyboard, touch keypad function as an input by pressing the button users can achieve the feel of a different itinerary based on actual demand; Moreover, since the key module with touch keypad is provided separately, as a separate component, enables the user to feel good with high stroke without increasing the thickness of the laptop case; at the same time , to facilitate the storage and portability.