
Documents come in different shapes and sizes, like legal or brochure. In Word, you can change the paper size to fit the type of document you’re working on, or change the default paper size for all new documents. We’ll walk you through it!

文件有不同的形状和大小,例如法律或小册子。 在Word中,您可以更改纸张尺寸以适合您正在处理的文档类型,或者更改所有新文档的默认纸张尺寸。 我们将引导您完成整个过程!

(Change the Paper Size of a Document)

When you’re ready to change the paper size of a Word file, open the document and navigate to the “Page Setup” group in the “Layout” tab. Here, click “Size.”

当您准备更改Word文件的纸张大小时,请打开文档并导航至“布局”选项卡中的“页面设置”组。 在这里,单击“大小”。


A drop-down menu appears in which you see a generous list of paper sizes. Just select an option from this list to change the paper size of the entire document.

出现一个下拉菜单,您可以在其中看到大量的纸张尺寸列表。 只需从此列表中选择一个选项即可更改整个文档的纸张尺寸。


(Change the Paper Size from a Specific Point Onward)

There might be times when you need to use two different paper sizes in the same Word document. You can easily accomplish this in just a few steps.

有时您可能需要在同一Word文档中使用两种不同的纸张尺寸。 您只需几个步骤即可轻松完成此操作。

First, make sure your cursor is where you want the new paper size to start. If that happens to be in the middle of a page, it will simply move to a new page after you select the new size.

首先,确保光标位于您要开始使用新纸张尺寸的位置。 如果恰好在页面中间,则在您选择新的尺寸后,它将简单地移动到新页面。


Next, head back to the “Page Setup” group of the “Layout” tab and click “Size” again. This time, though, instead of selecting an option from the list, click “More Paper Sizes” at the bottom of the menu.

接下来,返回“布局”选项卡的“页面设置”组,然后再次单击“大小”。 但是,这次,不是从列表中选择一个选项,而是单击菜单底部的“更多纸张尺寸”。


Here, in the “Paper” tab of the “Page Setup” dialog box, select the size you want under “Paper Size.”



At the bottom of the dialog box, click the drop-down arrow next to “Apply to,” click “This Point Forward,” and then click “OK.”



The location in which you had your cursor now appears on a new page with the new paper size.



(Change the Default Paper Size in Word)

Word’s default paper size is “Letter,” which is 8.5 x 11 inches. If you use a different size more frequently than the default, you can change the default size of all new documents. This way, you won’t have to change the paper size of each new document you create.

Word的默认纸张尺寸是“ Letter”,即8.5 x 11英寸。 如果您使用比默认大小更大的大小,则可以更改所有新文档的默认大小。 这样,您不必更改创建的每个新文档的纸张尺寸。

To do this, go to Layout > Size > More Paper Sizes. In the “Page Setup” dialog box, click “Paper,” and then click the drop-down arrow next to “Paper Size.”

为此,请转到布局>尺寸>更多纸张尺寸。 在“页面设置”对话框中,单击“纸张”,然后单击“纸张尺寸”旁边的下拉箭头。

Select the paper size you want to make the default for all future documents.



At the bottom of the dialog box, click “Set As Default.”



A message appears asking you to confirm the change; click “Yes.”

出现一条消息,要求您确认更改。 点击“是”。


Click “OK” to close the Page Setup dialog box. Next time you open Word, the paper size will be the one you just selected.

单击“确定”关闭“页面设置”对话框。 下次打开Word时,纸张尺寸将是您刚刚选择的尺寸。
