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1 通用容器能力
2 通用容器操作
Operation Effect
ContType c Creates an empty container without any element
ContType c1(c2) Copies a container of the same type
ContType c(beg,end) Creates a container and initializes it with copies of all elements of [beg,end)
c.~ContType() Deletes all elements and frees the memory
c.size() Returns the actual number of elements
c.empty() Returns whether the container is empty (equivalent to size()==0, but might be faster)
c.max_size() Returns the maximum number of elements possible
c1 == 2 Returns whether c1 is equal to c2
c1 != c2 Returns whether c1 is not equal to c2 (equivalent to !(c1==c2))
c1 < c2 Returns whether c1 is less than c2
c1 > c2 Returns whether c1 is greater than c2 (equivalent to c2<c1
c1 <= c2 Returns whether c1 is less than or equal to c2 (equivalent to !(c2<c1))
c1 >= c2 Returns whether c1is greater than or equal to c2 (equivalent to !(c1<c2))
c1 = c2 Assigns all elements of c1 to c2
c1.swap(c2) Swaps the data of c1and c2
swap(c1,c2) Same (as global function)
c.begin() Returns an iterator for the first element
c.end() Returns an iterator for the position after the last element
c.rbegin() Returns a reverse iterator for the first element of a reverse iteration
c.rend() Returns a reverse iterator for the position after the last element of a reverse iteration
c.insert(pos,elem) Inserts a copy of elem (return value and the meaning of pos differ)
c.erase(beg,end) Removes all elements of the range [beg,end) (some containers return next element not removed)
c.clear() Removes all elements (makes the container empty)
c.get_allocator() Returns the memory model of the container
2.1 初始化操作(initialize)
std::list<int> col1;
//copy all elements of col1 as floats into a vector
std::vector<float> col2(col1.begin(), col1.end());
int arr[] = {3, 5, 7, 23, 45, 67};
//copy all elements of array into a set
std::set<int> col1(arr, arr + sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]));
std::deque<int> col1((std::istream_iterator<int>(std::cin)),
2.2 容器大小操作(size)
对于所有的STL容器类,都提供三个跟容器大小相关的操作:size(), empty(), max_size().
2.3 比较操作(comparisons)
针对容器的比较操作符==, !=, <, <=, >, >=依据下面的规则而定义:
(3)比较一个容器小于另一个容器,要按照词典比较法(lexicographical comparison)进行。
2.4 赋值操作(assignment and swap)