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The alarm app on the iPhone and iPad doesn’t allow much wiggle room when it comes to making it louder. There are some ways, however, that you can better assure you won’t sleep through your alarm.

iPhone和iPad上的警报应用程序在使其声音更大时不允许有很大的摆动空间。 但是,有一些方法可以更好地确保您不会因闹钟而入睡。

There’s no denying that the traditional alarm clock has taken a backseat to our mobile phones. Nowadays, it’s safe to say that our phone is our timer, our stopwatch and, most importantly, our alarm clock.

不可否认,传统的闹钟已经落后于我们的手机。 如今,可以肯定地说我们的电话是我们的计时器,秒表,最重要的是我们的闹钟。

The problem with the alarm on the iPhone is that it’s all too easy to doze right through it. Doing a quick search for how to make the iPhone’s alarm louder reveals a litany of complaints and sadly, there’s really no unified solution. That said, we do have some suggestions that can help you rest assured that hopefully you will no longer sleep through your alarm.

iPhone上的警报的问题在于,通过它打ze睡太容易了。 快速搜索如何使iPhone的警报声更大,这显示出一连串的抱怨,可悲的是,实际上并没有统一的解决方案。 就是说,我们确实有一些建议可以帮助您放心,希望您不再因闹钟而入睡。

Setting an alarm on you iPhone or iPad is very simple. You can open the Clock app, tap “Alarm” and then tap the “+” symbol in the upper-right corner to add an alarm.

在您的iPhone或iPad上设置闹钟非常简单。 您可以打开“时钟”应用程序,点击“闹钟”,然后点击右上角的“ +”符号以添加闹钟。

First thing you want to do, of course, is dial in your alarm’s time. If you want it to repeat, such as every weekday, then you can do that too. Need to add a label to tell your alarms apart? Use the “Label” section, and then you can choose your alarm tone, and whether snooze is an option.

当然,您要做的第一件事就是拨入闹钟的时间。 如果您希望重复,例如每个工作日重复一次,那么您也可以这样做。 是否需要添加标签以区分您的警报? 使用“标签”部分,然后您可以选择闹钟铃声,以及是否可以选择暂停。

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So, it’s simple to create an alarm but you’ll notice there are no options for anything else. You can’t configure the alarm’s volume so you have to make sure your ringer’s volume is turned all the way up.

因此,创建警报很简单,但是您会注意到没有其他选择。 您无法配置警报的音量,因此必须确保将铃声的音量调到最大。

If you do that, however, and you don’t want to be woken by any phone calls, you will need to make sure “Do Not Disturb” is “On”.


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If you set your alarm/ringer volume to maximum, make sure you’ve enable Do Not Disturb or you could be in for a rude awakening if someone calls you. 如果您将警报/铃声音量设置为最大,请确保已启用“请勿打扰”,否则如果有人打给您,您可能会被粗暴唤醒。

That’s one way to make sure your alarm wakes you up. Another way is to pick an alarm tone that is louder than the others. To do this, pick your alarm, tap “Edit” and then tap “Sound” to choose a different alarm tone.

这是确保闹钟将您唤醒的一种方法。 另一种方法是选择一个比其他声音更大的警报音。 为此,选择警报,点击“编辑”,然后点击“声音”以选择其他警报音。

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iOS includes a variety of other tones you can set that will better work at waking you up. iOS包括您可以设置的其他多种音调,这些音调可以更好地唤醒您。

Alternately, you can choose a loud song guaranteed to rock you out of your slumber.


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A loud song may be just what you need to wake up, though not exactly the gentlest method. 大声的歌曲可能只是您需要唤醒的东西,尽管这并不是最温和的方法。

If these tips don’t work for you, then you might try outputting your iPhone or iPad sound to an external speaker. You can, for example, connect your device to a Bluetooth speaker, or even add Bluetooth to existing speakers.

如果这些提示对您不起作用,则您可以尝试将iPhone或iPad声音输出到外部扬声器。 例如,您可以将设备连接到蓝牙扬声器,甚至可以将蓝牙添加到现有扬声器

You can also try placing your phone or tablet inside a hollow container to amplify its alarm tone. That means then having said container next to your bedside so this last suggestion might be a little impractical for some.

您也可以尝试将手机或平板电脑放在空心容器中,以放大其警报音。 这意味着将所述容器放在床旁,这样对于某些人来说,最后的建议可能不切实际。

Have a tip for how to make your iPhone or iPad’s alarm louder? Please leave your feedback in our discussion forum. We want to hear from you.

有提示如何使您的iPhone或iPad的警报响亮吗? 请将您的反馈意见留在我们的论坛中。 我们希望收到你的来信。

