机器学习 多输入多输出 多输入多输出系统_ide

本文为新西兰坎特伯雷大学(作者:Wan Amirul Wan Mohd Mahyiddin)的博士论文,共147页。










Massive multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) systems have been gaining interest recently due to their potential toachieve high spectral efficiency [1]. Despite their potential, they come withcertain issues such as pilot contamination. Pilot contamination occurs whencells simultaneously transmit the same pilot sequences, creating interference.Unsynchronizing the pilots can reduce pilot contamination, but it can producedata to pilot interference. This thesis investigates the impact of pilotcontamination and other interference, namely data to pilot interference, on theperformance of finite massive MIMO systems with synchronized and unsynchronizedpilots. Two unsynchronized pilot schemes are considered. The first is based onan existing time-shifted pilot scheme, where pilots overlap with downlink datafrom nearby cells. The second timeshifted method overlaps pilots with uplinkdata from nearby cells. Results show that if there are small numbers of users,the first time-shifted method provides the best sum rate performance. However,for higher numbers of users, the second time-shifted method provides betterperformance than the other methods. We also show that time-synchronized pilotsare not necessarily the worst case scenario in terms of sum rate performancewhen shadowing effects are considered. The wireless channel can be time andfrequency varying due to the Doppler effect from mobile user equipment (UE) anda multipath channel. These variations can be simulated by using a selectivechannel model, where the channel can vary within the coherence block in bothtime and frequency domains. The block fading channel model approximates thesevariations by assuming the channel stays constant within a coherence block, butchanges independently between blocks [2]. Due to its simplicity, the block fadingmodel is widely used in massive MIMO studies [3–8]. Our research compares theimpact of block fading and time-selective fading channel models in massive MIMOsystems. To achieve this, we derive a novel closed form sum rate expression fortime-selective channels. Results show that there are significant differences insum rate performance between these models. In addition to time variation fromDoppler effect, the channel can also experience frequency variation due todelay spread from multipath signal propagation. The combination of time andfrequency selective channels can be described as a doubly-selective channel.Hence, the sum rate expression for time-selective channels can also be extendedto doubly-selective channels. We investigate two types of pilot sequences,namely constant amplitude pilots and zero padded pilots in doubly-selectivechannels. Results show that a zero padded pilot has a better sum rateperformance than a constant amplitude pilot for a wide range of antenna numbersand time-frequency correlation values. Two different type of trainingoptimization, namely average optimum training and adaptive optimum training,are investigated. Both methods shows similar sum rate performance. In addition,we also study the effect of increasing frequency reuse and the pilot reusefactor. Even though these methods can reduce intercell interference, they alsoresult to lower sum rate due to inefficient use of time-frequency resources. 


1 引言

2 项目背景与假设前提

3 大规模MIMO的时移导频设计

4 时间选择信道下的大规模MIMO系统

5 时频选择信道下的大规模MIMO系统

6 结论与未来研究工作展望

附录A 定理3.2的证明

附录B 不相关信道估计误差的证明

附录C 定理C.1

附录D 功率优化