
        为了使用Jenkins实现混合部署,经调研采用当前热门且社区强大的ansible工具,以下是环境搭建过程。下面是本人在windows10 1803操作系统上的实验记录,操作系统不同,实验步骤可能略有区别,各位小伙伴要特别留意啊。




windows ansible 目录 ansible winrm_jenkins

图 winrm配置示意图


winrm service 
winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener
winrm quickconfig 
winrm set winrm/config/service '@{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'




图 配置ansible受控机信息




/home/jenkins/ci/${ANSIBLE_HOST_NAME_VXSIP}/are-agent/exec-are-agent.sh  ${ANSIBLE_HOST_NAME_ARE}  ${JOB_NAME}

图 调用层脚本


echo "当前项目路径:/home/jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/$2"
echo "当前ansible主机:$1"
ansible-playbook -e "host_name=$1 service_name=project1 project_name=$2" /home/jenkins/ci/$1/common-server.yml

图 中间层脚本


- hosts: "{{ host_name }}"   #目标机器的主机名
  gather_facts: no  #不收集facts
  # 变量引用
       - ./common_vars.yml
       - exec_path: "{{ remote_server_exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}"
       - src_path: "{{ compile_file_path }}/{{ project_name }}/target"
       - src_conf_path: "{{ compile_file_path }}/{{ project_name }}/deploy/windows-undocker"
  - name: get current timestamp 
    win_shell: "Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'"
    register: current_date 
  - name: stop and uninstall remote {{ service_name }} server
    win_shell: 'if (( test-path {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}.exe ) -and (Get-Service {{ service_name }} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))  { (sc.exe query {{ service_name }} |findstr /i  "state" |findstr /i "running") -and (net stop {{ service_name }}); {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}.exe uninstall; }'
    #ignore_errors: True

  - name: justify if exists {{ src_path }}/dependency folder 
    shell: 'ls {{ src_path }}/dependency'
    register: dependency_folder_exists_flag
    delegate_to: localhost
    ignore_errors: True
  #- debug: var=dependency_folder_exists_flag
  - name: copy dependency folder from path {{ src_path }}/dependency/ to exec path {{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}
    win_copy: "src='{{ src_path }}/dependency/' dest='{{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}/'"
    ignore_errors: True
    #succeeded 和 failed
    when: dependency_folder_exists_flag.failed  == false

  - name: create dependency folder in path {{ remote_server_exec_path }}/ if it is not exists
    win_shell: 'if (( test-path {{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency ) -ne "True" )  {new-item -path "{{ remote_server_exec_path }}/" -name "dependency" -type directory }'
    ignore_errors: True
    #succeeded 和 failed
    when: dependency_folder_exists_flag.failed  == false

  - name: combine dependency folder from path {{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}/ to  path {{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency/
    #win_shell: "if (Test-Path {{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}) {copy-item -Force '{{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}/*' '{{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency/'}"
    win_shell: 'if (Test-Path {{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}) { $source_path="{{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}/";$dest_path="{{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency/";$filelist=Get-ChildItem $source_path;$filelist | foreach {  Copy-Item -Path $source_path$_ -Destination $dest_path -Force };}'
   # win_shell: 'if (Test-Path {{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}) { $source_path={{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }};$dest_path={{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency/;$filelist=Get-ChildItem $source_path;$filelist | foreach {  try{Copy-Item -Path $source_path$_ -Destination $dest_path -Force }catch{}};}'
    ignore_errors: True
    #register: combine_result
  #- debug: var=combine_result

  - name: delete the temp exchange folder with {{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }} 
    win_shell: "if (Test-Path {{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}) {Remove-Item '{{ remote_server_exec_path }}/dependency_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}' -recurse }"    
  - name: clear {{ exec_path }} folder exclude {{ service_name }}.jar and {{ service_name }}_backup_*.jar
    win_shell: "if (Test-Path {{ exec_path }}) { Remove-Item '{{ exec_path }}/*' -Exclude ('{{ service_name }}.jar','{{ service_name }}_backup_*.jar') -recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if (!$?) {break;}} "
    ignore_errors: True
  - name: backup flie {{ service_name }}.jar if it exists
    win_shell: "if (Test-Path {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}.jar) {ren  {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}.jar  {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}_backup_{{ current_date.stdout_lines[0] }}.jar}"    

  - name: justify if exists file {{ src_path }}/bootstrap.yml  
    shell: 'ls {{ src_conf_path }}/bootstrap.yml'
    register: bootstrap_yml_exists_flag
    delegate_to: localhost
    ignore_errors: True
 # - debug: var=bootstrap_yml_exists_flag
  - name: get remote host ipv4 address if it is a dual network it may failed 
    win_shell: '(ipconfig|select-string "IPv4"|out-string).Split(":")[-1].trim("")'
    register: remote_host_ip_address
    ignore_errors: True
    when: bootstrap_yml_exists_flag.failed  == false

  #- debug: 'msg="replace to remote network address {{ remote_host_ip_address.stdout_lines[0] }} with flie {{ exec_path }}/bootstrap.yml"'
  - name: replace to remote network address {{ remote_host_ip_address.stdout_lines[0] }} with flie {{ src_conf_path }}/bootstrap.yml
      path: '{{ src_conf_path }}/bootstrap.yml'
      regexp: ''
      replace: '{{ remote_host_ip_address.stdout_lines[0] }}'
    delegate_to: localhost
    ignore_errors: True
    when: bootstrap_yml_exists_flag.failed  == false

  - name: copy configuration flies from path {{ src_conf_path }} to exec path {{ exec_path }}/
    win_copy: "src={{ src_conf_path }}/  dest={{ exec_path }}/"

  - name: copy {{ service_name }}.jar flie from path {{ src_path }}/{{ service_name }}-{{ version }}.jar to exec path {{ exec_path }}/
    win_copy: "src={{ src_path }}/{{ service_name }}-{{ version }}.jar dest={{ exec_path }}/"

  - name: remove server exec flie version {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}-{{ version }}.jar to {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}.jar
    win_shell: "ren {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}-{{ version }}.jar  {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}.jar"
  - name: install and startup remote {{ service_name }} server 
    win_shell: 'if (( test-path {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}.exe ) -eq "True")  { Get-Service {{ service_name }} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if ( !$? ) { {{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}.exe install;} else {(sc.exe query {{ service_name }} |findstr /i  "state" |findstr /i "running") -and (net stop {{ service_name }}); ({{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}.exe uninstall) -and ({{ exec_path }}/{{ service_name }}.exe install);} net start {{ service_name }};  }'


        环境和脚本搭建了这么久,到底行不行,验证一下。执行jenkins job,一方面,我们可以观察构建日志,如图,即可证明脚本执行成功。另一方面,我们可以去受控机查看脚本执行结果。

windows ansible 目录 ansible winrm_ci_02
