前言:早晨磁盘报警刚清空完tomcat和nginx日志,使用的命令是类似echo "" > show_web-error.log或者> show_web-debug.log清空语句,然后rm -rf 掉一些tar.gz包,空出来30G空间。而且也关闭了tomcat的debug信息。刚刚又接到报警,磁盘100%了。怎么回事?
1,进去df -h下,确实100%了,如下所示:
[root@localhost ~]# df -h
文件系统 容量 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
113G 113G 0 100% /
/dev/sda1 99M 13M 82M 14% /boot
tmpfs 8.8G 0 8.8G 0% /dev/shm
2,去/根目录check,du -sh *
[root@localhost ~]# cd /
[root@localhost /]# du -sh *
7.8M bin
6.9M boot
131M data
196K dev
111M etc
178M home
131M lib
23M lib64
119M logs
16K lost+found
8.0K media
0 misc
8.0K mnt
0 net
0 nohup.out
3.8G opt
15M pcre-8.33
2.1M pcre-8.33.zip
du: 无法访问 “proc/11575/task/11575/fd/1565”: 没有那个文件或目录
du: 无法访问 “proc/15403/task/14464/fd/625”: 没有那个文件或目录
0 proc
1.4G product
153M repo
143M root
37M sbin
8.0K selinux
363M soft
8.0K srv
0 sys
20K temp
100K tftpboot
2.1G tmp
8.6G usr
184M var
30M varnish-3.0.3
56M zabbix-2.0.8
[root@localhost /]#
看到,占据的磁盘空间所有的加起来也不到30G,可是df -h下来,确实100%呢?差异在哪里?
3,baidu,google资料,找到 http://www.chinaunix.net/old_jh/6/465673.html 里面有这么2段话:
When you open a file, you get a pointer. Subsequent writes to this file
references this file pointer. The write call does not check to see if the file
is there or not. It just writes to the specified number of characters starting
at a predetermined location. Regardless of whether the file exist or not, disk
blocks are used by the write operation.
The df command reports the number of disk blocks used while du goes through the
file structure and and reports the number of blocks used by each directory. As
far as du is concerned, the file used by the process does not exist, so it does
not report blocks used by this phantom file. But df keeps track of disk blocks
used, and it reports the blocks used by this phantom file.
This section gives the technical explanation of why du and df sometimes report
different totals of disk space usage.
When a program that is running in the background writes to a file while the
process is running, the file to which this process is writing is deleted.
Running df and du shows a discrepancy in the amount of disk space usage. The
df command shows a higher value.
如果文件已经删除了,但是还有残留的进程引用它(具体不知道怎么表达好),则df看到的空间使用量并没有减去那些已经删除的文件。而创建并写入一个文件是,判断空间是否足够是依据df(本人认为),所以df 100%的时候就不能写入文件了。--但是创建文件是可以的,我做过测试。查看这些残留进程(姑且这么称呼,我也不知道那些进程叫什么)的方法是lsof
# lsof /home | grep /home/oracle/osinfo | sort +8 | grep '^.*070920.*$'
sadc 17821 root 3w REG 253,1 326492112 926724 /home/oracle/osinfo/070920sar.data (deleted)
sadc 17861 root 3u REG 253,1 326492112 926724 /home/oracle/osinfo/070920sar.data (deleted)
sadc 17981 root 3u REG 253,1 326492112 926724 /home/oracle/osinfo/070920sar.data (deleted)
top 17858 root 1w REG 253,1 169919916 927111 /home/oracle/osinfo/070920top.data (deleted)
top 17977 root 1w REG 253,1 169919916 927111 /home/oracle/osinfo/070920top.data (deleted)
我想起了,我早晨在执行echo "" >shop_web.log类似操作的时候,并没有停止tomcat应用,所以应用是一直往log里面写数据的,那么我>的那一刻,是du -sh *可能看到磁盘空间有了,df -h也可以看到磁盘释放了,但是当tomcat应用继续往shop_web.log里面写日志的时候,加载的还是最初打开的那个执行>shop_web.log之前的占据很大磁盘空间的缓存文件。所以磁盘其实一直没有释放掉,而能坚持一天不报警,是由于我rm了一些tar.gz包所释放的空间。
[root@localhost local]# cat /root/start_tomcat_port.sh
PID=`ps -eaf|grep apache-tomcat-6.0.37_$1 |grep -v grep |grep -v start_tomcat_port |awk '{print $2}'`
echo $1
echo $PID
kill -9 $PID
rm -rf /var/tomcat/$1.pid
[root@localhost local]#
sh /root/start_tomcat_port.sh 6100;
sh /root/start_tomcat_port.sh 6200;
sh /root/start_tomcat_port.sh 6300;
sh /root/start_tomcat_port.sh 6400;
sh /root/start_tomcat_port.sh 6500;
sh /root/start_tomcat_port.sh 6700;
sh /root/start_tomcat_port.sh 7100;
sh /root/start_tomcat_port.sh 7200;
sh /root/start_tomcat_port.sh 7300;
service nginx restart
[root@localhost local]# df -h
文件系统 容量 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
113G 18G 90G 17% /
/dev/sda1 99M 13M 82M 14% /boot
tmpfs 8.8G 0 8.8G 0% /dev/shm
[root@localhost local]#
看到df -h命令正常了,已经释放了90G的磁盘空间,现在磁盘使用率才17%,nagios报警解除了。
du -s命令通过将指定文件系统中所有的目录、符号链接和文件使用的块数累加得到该文件系统使用的总块数;
du是用户级程序,不考虑Meta Data(系统为自身分配的一些磁盘块)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main(int argc,char **argv)
if(open("tempfile",O_RDWR) < 0){
fprintf(stderr,"open error");
if(unlink("tempfile") < 0){
fprintf(stderr,"unlink error");
printf("file unlinked\n");