【本文大纲】 1、前言 2、Strategy3、Batch(包含一个或多个Rule及一个策略)4、batches: Seq[Batch](Batch队列)5、execute(核心方法) |
Spark sql通过Analyzer中 定义的rule把Parsed Logical Plan解析成 Analyzed Logical Plan;通过Optimizer定义的rule把 Analyzed Logical Plan 优化成 Optimized Logical Plan 。
下图是RuleExecutor类 的继承关系,Analyzer、Optimizer都继承了RuleExecutor。
Analyzer、Optimizer定义了一系列 rule,而RuleExecutor 定义了一个 rules 执行框架,即怎么把一批批规则应用在一个 plan 上得到一个新的 plan。
规则是怎么执行的 ?
abstract class RuleExecutor[TreeType <: treenode>extends Logging {abstract class Strategy { def maxIterations: Int def errorOnExceed: Boolean = false def maxIterationsSetting: String = null}case object Once extends Strategy { val maxIterations = 1 }case class FixedPoint( override val maxIterations: Int, override val errorOnExceed: Boolean = false, override val maxIterationsSetting: String = null) extends Strategyprotected case class Batch(name: String, strategy: Strategy, rules: Rule[TreeType]*)protected def batches: Seq[Batch]
Strategy 定义了Rule处理的迭代策略,有些Rule只用执行一次,有些需要多次直到达到某种效果。
abstract class Strategy { //表示 Batch 最大执行次数,有可能是一次或多次。如果执行了 maxIterations 次之前达到收敛点,就停止,不再继续执行 Batch def maxIterations: Int //决定如果执行次超过了最大迭代次数是否抛出异常 def errorOnExceed: Boolean = false //是大执行次数可以在配置文件里配制,这里是获取配制文件中key。 def maxIterationsSetting: String = null}
Strategy有两个实现类 :Once、FixedPoint
once定义了只运行一次的规则,即maxIterations = 1的 Strategy
case object Once extends Strategy { val maxIterations = 1 }
fixedPoint 定义多于1次的迭代策略,maxIterations 通过配置文件获取。
case class FixedPoint( override val maxIterations: Int, override val errorOnExceed: Boolean = false, override val maxIterationsSetting: String = null) extends Strategy
Analyzer 和 Optimizer 中分 别定义自己的fixedPoint,最大迭代次数,分别从
spark.sql.analyzer.maxIterations or spark.sql.optimizer.maxIterations 这两个配置参数里获取,默认100
Batch 用来表示一组同类的规则。
每个Batch的Rule使用相同的策略(执行一次 or 达到fixedPoint),便于管理
/** A batch of rules. */protected case class Batch(name: String, //这组同类规则的名称strategy: Strategy,//策略rules: Rule[TreeType]* //具体的规则 )
Analyzer 和 Optimizer 中分 别定义自己的batch,比如Analyzer中 定义的【Hints】,策略用的是FixedPoint,【Hints】中包含了两个与处理【hint】相关的rule:
batches: Seq[Batch](Batch队列)
RuleExecutor 包含了一个 protected def batches: Seq[Batch] 方法,用来获取一系列 Batch(Batch队列),这些 Batch 都会在 execute 中执行。所有继承 RuleExecutor(Analyzer 和 Optimizer)都必须实现该方法,提供自己的 Seq[Batch]。
Analyzer 和 Optimizer 中 提供各自己的 batches:
Optimizer 中的batches略显复杂,Optimizer定义了 三种batches:defaultBatches、excludedRules 、 nonExcludableRules
最终要被执行的batches为:defaultBatches - (excludedRules - nonExcludableRules)
while (continue) 的终止条件:
达到最大迭代次数maxIterations 或者 当前plan和last plan相比没有变化
//传入参数plan是当前的执行计划def execute(plan: TreeType): TreeType = { var curPlan = plan val queryExecutionMetrics = RuleExecutor.queryExecutionMeter val planChangeLogger = new PlanChangeLogger() val tracker: Option[QueryPlanningTracker] = QueryPlanningTracker.get val beforeMetrics = RuleExecutor.getCurrentMetrics() // Run the structural integrity checker against the initial input if (!isPlanIntegral(plan)) { val message = "The structural integrity of the input plan is broken in " + s"${this.getClass.getName.stripSuffix("$")}." throw new TreeNodeException(plan, message, null) } //遍历batches,取出batch batches.foreach { batch => //针对每个batch处理 val batchStartPlan = curPlan var iteration = 1 var lastPlan = curPlan var continue = true while (continue) { //foldLeft语法,形如A.foldLeft(B){(z,i)=>{dosomething() return C}} //curPlan是batch迭代的初始值 //case(plan,rule) 中plan是batch中某个rule执行后返回的plan,继续投入batch中下个rule;rule是指batch中的某个rule对象 //整个foldLeft最后返回当前batch执行完之后生成的plan curPlan = batch.rules.foldLeft(curPlan) { case (plan, rule) => val startTime = System.nanoTime() val result = rule(plan) //调用rule的apply方法,执行规则 val runTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime val effective = !result.fastEquals(plan) if (effective) { queryExecutionMetrics.incNumEffectiveExecution(rule.ruleName) queryExecutionMetrics.incTimeEffectiveExecutionBy(rule.ruleName, runTime) planChangeLogger.logRule(rule.ruleName, plan, result) } queryExecutionMetrics.incExecutionTimeBy(rule.ruleName, runTime) queryExecutionMetrics.incNumExecution(rule.ruleName) // Record timing information using QueryPlanningTracker tracker.foreach(_.recordRuleInvocation(rule.ruleName, runTime, effective)) // Run the structural integrity checker against the plan after each rule. if (!isPlanIntegral(result)) { val message = s"After applying rule ${rule.ruleName} in batch ${batch.name}, " + "the structural integrity of the plan is broken." throw new TreeNodeException(result, message, null) } result } iteration += 1 //迭代次数+1 if (iteration > batch.strategy.maxIterations) { //处理迭代次数大于策略中最大迭代次的情况 if (iteration != 2) { //这个处理策略最大迭代次数不是一次,并且迭代次数超过了maxIterations的情况 val endingMsg = if (batch.strategy.maxIterationsSetting == null) { "." } else { s", please set '${batch.strategy.maxIterationsSetting}' to a larger value." } val message = s"Max iterations (${iteration - 1}) reached for batch ${batch.name}" + s"$endingMsg" if (Utils.isTesting || batch.strategy.errorOnExceed) { //如果errorOnExceed为true则抛出异常 throw new TreeNodeException(curPlan, message, null) } else { //只给警告日志 logWarning(message) } } // Check idempotence for Once batches. if (batch.strategy == Once && Utils.isTesting && !blacklistedOnceBatches.contains(batch.name)) { checkBatchIdempotence(batch, curPlan) } //对于达到策略设置数量,continue置false,迭代将会结束 continue = false } //如果迭代次数没达到maxIterations,但是当前plan和上次plan完全一样的话,也会把 continue 置为 false,停止迭代 if (curPlan.fastEquals(lastPlan)) { logTrace( s"Fixed point reached for batch ${batch.name} after ${iteration - 1} iterations.") continue = false } lastPlan = curPlan } planChangeLogger.logBatch(batch.name, batchStartPlan, curPlan) } planChangeLogger.logMetrics(RuleExecutor.getCurrentMetrics() - beforeMetrics) curPlan}