1 点云概述
- 三维激光扫描仪采集,RGB-D相机采集
- 二维影像三维重建
- 三维模型计算生成
2 点云配准
- 粗配准(Coarse Global Registeration):基于局部几何特征
- 精配准(Fine Local Registeration):需要初始位姿(initial alignment)
- ICP(iterative closest point)是一种最经典的点云配准算法(Besl和Mckay,1992),通过迭代对应点搜寻和最小化点对整体距离以估计变换矩阵。因为是非凸的,所以容易陷入局部极小值。当点云配准需要较大的旋转平移时,ICP往往无法得到正确的结果。
- NDT(normal distributions transform)是另一种经典的精配准方法,通过最大化源点在目标点体素化后计算出的正态分布的概率密度上的得分进行配准。
ICP(Iterative Closest Point,迭代最近邻点)
point-to-point ICP
- 得到源点云与目标点云之间的对应关系;
- 通过最小二乘法构建目标函数,迭代最小化点对整体距离。最终得到变换矩阵。
- 精度高,无需提取特征点;
- 使用前需完成粗配准,否则易陷入局部最优;
- 只适用于刚性配准;
- 不适用于部分重叠点云的配准。
- 计算两组匹配点的质心:
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-AZrlDHel-1658737706115)(https://s2.loli.net/2022/07/25/sIuxCtpgeXMS7Bv.png)] - 得到去质心的点集:
- 计算3x3矩阵 H:
- 对H进行SVD分解
关于SVD分解的细节参考:奇异值分解(SVD) - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
- 计算最优平移向量:
参考文章链接:PCL|ICP|Interactive Iterative Closest Point|代码实践 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
PCL 库中 ICP 的接口及其变种:
- 点到点:pcl::IterativeClosestPoint< PointSource, PointTarget, Scalar >
- 点到面:pcl::IterativeClosestPointWithNormals< PointSource, PointTarget, Scalar >
- 面到面:pcl::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint< PointSource, PointTarget >
其中,IterativeClosestPoint 模板类是 ICP 算法的一个基本实现,其优化求解方法基于 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD),算法迭代结束条件包括:
- 最大迭代次数:Number of iterations has reached the maximum user imposed number of iterations (via setMaximumIterations)
- 两次变换矩阵之间的差值:The epsilon (difference) between the previous transformation and the current estimated transformation is smaller than an user imposed value (via setTransformationEpsilon)
- 均方误差:The sum of Euclidean squared errors is smaller than a user defined threshold (via setEuclideanFitnessEpsilon)
IterativeClosestPoint<PointXYZ, PointXYZ> icp;
// Set the input source and target
icp.setInputCloud (cloud_source);
icp.setInputTarget (cloud_target);
// Set the max correspondence distance to 5cm (e.g., correspondences with higher distances will be ignored)
icp.setMaxCorrespondenceDistance (0.05);
// Set the maximum number of iterations (criterion 1)
icp.setMaximumIterations (50);
// Set the transformation epsilon (criterion 2)
icp.setTransformationEpsilon (1e-8);
// Set the euclidean distance difference epsilon (criterion 3)
icp.setEuclideanFitnessEpsilon (1);
// Perform the alignment
icp.align (cloud_source_registered);
// Obtain the transformation that aligned cloud_source to cloud_source_registered
Eigen::Matrix4f transformation = icp.getFinalTransformation ();
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <pcl/io/ply_io.h>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>
#include <pcl/registration/icp.h>
#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>
#include <pcl/console/time.h> // TicToc
* The bool will help us know when the user asks for the next iteration of ICP
bool next_iteration = false;
* This function takes the reference of a 4x4 matrix and prints the rigid transformation (刚体变换)in an human readable (可读的) way.
* %6.3f 是指:要输出的浮点数总位数(包括小数点)大于6位的话,按全宽输出,小于 6 位时,小数点后输出3位小数,右对齐,左边不足的位用空格填充
void print4x4Matrix(const Eigen::Matrix4d &matrix) {
printf("Rotation matrix :\n");
printf(" | %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f | \n", matrix(0, 0), matrix(0, 1), matrix(0, 2));
printf("R = | %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f | \n", matrix(1, 0), matrix(1, 1), matrix(1, 2));
printf(" | %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f | \n", matrix(2, 0), matrix(2, 1), matrix(2, 2));
printf("Translation vector :\n");
printf("t = < %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f >\n\n", matrix(0, 3), matrix(1, 3), matrix(2, 3));
* This function is the callback for the viewer.
* This function will be called whenever a key is pressed when the viewer window is on top.
* If “space” is hit; set the bool(next_iteration) to true.
void keyboardEventOccurred(const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent &event, void *) {
if (event.getKeySym() == "space" && event.keyDown())
next_iteration = true;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// The point clouds we will be using. The 3 point clouds we will use to store the data.
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_in(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // Original point cloud
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_tr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // Transformed point cloud
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_icp(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // ICP output point cloud
// Checking program arguments
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Usage : ");
printf("%s file.ply number_of_ICP_iterations\n", argv[0]);
PCL_ERROR ("Provide one ply file.\n");
return (-1);
int iterations = 1; // Default number of ICP iterations
if (argc > 2) {
// If the user passed the number of iteration as an argument
iterations = atoi(argv[2]);
if (iterations < 1) {
PCL_ERROR ("Number of initial iterations must be >= 1\n");
return (-1);
pcl::console::TicToc time;
if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile(argv[1], *cloud_in) < 0) {
PCL_ERROR ("Error loading cloud %s.\n", argv[1]);
return (-1);
std::cout << "\nLoaded file " << argv[1] << " (" << cloud_in->size() << " points) in " << time.toc() << " ms\n" << std::endl;
// Defining a rotation matrix and translation vector.
// We check the arguments of the program, set the number of initial ICP iterations and try to load the PLY file.
Eigen::Matrix4d transformation_matrix = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity();
// A rotation matrix (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix)
double theta = M_PI / 8; // The angle of rotation in radians
transformation_matrix(0, 0) = std::cos(theta);
transformation_matrix(0, 1) = -sin(theta);
transformation_matrix(1, 0) = sin(theta);
transformation_matrix(1, 1) = std::cos(theta);
// A translation on Z axis (0.4 meters) Z 方向平移 0.4 米
transformation_matrix(2, 3) = 0.4;
// Display in terminal the transformation matrix
std::cout << "Applying this rigid transformation to: cloud_in -> cloud_icp" << std::endl;
cout << "transformation_matrix\n" << transformation_matrix << endl;
// Executing the transformation
pcl::transformPointCloud(*cloud_in, *cloud_icp, transformation_matrix);
// We backup cloud_icp into cloud_tr for later use
*cloud_tr = *cloud_icp;
* The Icp(Iterative Closest Point algorithm)
* We transform the original point cloud using a rigid matrix transformation.
* cloud_in contains the original point cloud.
* cloud_tr and cloud_icp contains the translated/rotated point cloud.
* cloud_tr is a backup we will use for display (green point cloud).
* This is the creation of the ICP object. We set the parameters of the ICP algorithm.
* setMaximumIterations(iterations) sets the number of initial iterations to do (1 is the default value).
* We then transform the point cloud into cloud_icp.
* After the first alignment we set ICP max iterations to 1 for all the next times this ICP object will be used (when the user presses “space”).
pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointXYZ> icp;
// 输出配准后点云
// We set this variable to 1 for the next time we will call .align () function
std::cout << "Applied " << iterations << " ICP iteration(s) in " << time.toc() << " ms" << std::endl;
* Check if the ICP algorithm converged(收敛 ); otherwise exit the program.
* In case of success we store the transformation matrix in a 4x4 matrix and then print the rigid matrix transformation.
* The reason why we store this matrix is explained later.
if (icp.hasConverged()) {
std::cout << "\nICP has converged, score is " << icp.getFitnessScore() << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nICP transformation " << iterations << " : cloud_icp -> cloud_in" << std::endl;
transformation_matrix = icp.getFinalTransformation().cast<double>();
cout << "transformation_matrix\n" << transformation_matrix << endl;
} else {
PCL_ERROR ("\nICP has not converged.\n");
return (-1);
* For the visualization we create two viewports in the visualizer vertically separated(垂直分离的可视化器 ).
* bckgr_gray_level and txt_gray_lvl are variables to easily switch
* from white background & black text/point cloud to black background & white text/point cloud.
pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer("ICP demo");
// Create two vertically separated viewports
int v1(0);
int v2(1);
// 零点在左下角,x轴向右,y轴向上。
viewer.createViewPort(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, v1);
viewer.createViewPort(0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, v2);
// The color we will be using -> 背景颜色
float bckgr_gray_level = 0.0; // Black
float txt_gray_lvl = 1.0 - bckgr_gray_level;
* We add the original point cloud in the 2 viewports and display it the same color as txt_gray_lvl.
* We add the point cloud we transformed using the matrix in the left viewport in green and the point cloud aligned with ICP in red (right viewport).
// Original point cloud is white -> 原始点云是白色的,旋转45°的绿色的,红色的是icp每一步运行运行的结果。
// 这里的txt_gray_lvl,是上面定义的显示界面的文字的颜色,这个颜色和背景颜色相加的和是“1“
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud_in_color_h(
(int) 255 * txt_gray_lvl,
(int) 255 * txt_gray_lvl,
(int) 255 * txt_gray_lvl);
viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_in, cloud_in_color_h, "cloud_in_v1", v1);
viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_in, cloud_in_color_h, "cloud_in_v2", v2);
// Transformed point cloud is green
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud_tr_color_h(cloud_tr, 20, 180, 20);
viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_tr, cloud_tr_color_h, "cloud_tr_v1", v1);
// ICP aligned point cloud is red
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud_icp_color_h(cloud_icp, 180, 20, 20);
viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_icp, cloud_icp_color_h, "cloud_icp_v2", v2);
* Adding text descriptions in each viewport
* We add descriptions for the point clouds in each viewport so the user knows what is what.
* The string stream ss is needed to transform the integer iterations into a string.
viewer.addText("White: Original point cloud\nGreen: Matrix transformed point cloud", 10, 15, 16, txt_gray_lvl,
txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, "icp_info_1", v1);
viewer.addText("White: Original point cloud\nRed: ICP aligned point cloud", 10, 15, 16, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl,
txt_gray_lvl, "icp_info_2", v2);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << iterations;
std::string iterations_cnt = "ICP iterations = " + ss.str();
viewer.addText(iterations_cnt, 10, 60, 16, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, "iterations_cnt", v2);
* We set the two viewports background color according to bckgr_gray_level.
* To get the camera parameters I simply pressed “C” in the viewer.
* Then I copied the parameters into this function to save the camera position / orientation / focal point.
* The function registerKeyboardCallback allows us to call a function whenever the users pressed a keyboard key when viewer windows is on top.
// Set background color
viewer.setBackgroundColor(bckgr_gray_level, bckgr_gray_level, bckgr_gray_level, v1);
viewer.setBackgroundColor(bckgr_gray_level, bckgr_gray_level, bckgr_gray_level, v2);
// Set camera position and orientation
viewer.setCameraPosition(-3.68332, 2.94092, 5.71266, 0.289847, 0.921947, -0.256907, 0);
viewer.setSize(1280, 1024); // Visualiser window size
// Register keyboard callback :
viewer.registerKeyboardCallback(&keyboardEventOccurred, (void *) NULL);
// Display the visualiser
// This is the normal behaviour if no key is pressed. The viewer waits to exit.
while (!viewer.wasStopped()) {
* If the user press any key of the keyboard, the function keyboardEventOccurred is called;
* this function checks if the key is “space” or not. If yes the global bool next_iteration is set to true,
* allowing the viewer loop to enter the next part of the code: the ICP object is called to align the meshes.
* Remember we already configured this object input/output clouds and we set max iterations to 1 in lines 90-93.
* As before we check if ICP as converged, if not we exit the program. printf(“033[11A”);
* is a little trick to go up 11 lines in the terminal to write over the last matrix displayed.
* In short it allows to replace text instead of writing new lines; making the output more readable.
* We increment iterations to update the text value in the visualizer.
* Now we want to display the rigid transformation from the original transformed point cloud to the current alignment made by ICP.
* The function getFinalTransformation() returns the rigid matrix transformation done during the iterations (here: 1 iteration).
* This means that if you have already done 10 iterations this function returns the matrix to transform the point cloud from the iteration 10 to 11.
* This is not what we want.
* If we multiply the last matrix with the new one the result is the transformation matrix from the start to the current iteration.
* This is basically how it works
* While this is mathematically true, you will easily notice that this is not true in this program due to roundings.
* This is why I introduced the initial ICP iteration parameters.
* Try to launch the program with 20 initial iterations and save the matrix in a text file.
* Launch the same program with 1 initial iteration and press space till you go to 20 iterations.
* You will a notice a slight difference.
* The matrix with 20 initial iterations is much more accurate than the one multiplied 19 times.
// The user pressed "space" :
if (next_iteration) {
// The Iterative Closest Point algorithm
std::cout << "Applied 1 ICP iteration in " << time.toc() << " ms" << std::endl;
if (icp.hasConverged()) {
printf("\033[11A"); // Go up 11 lines in terminal output.
printf("\nICP has converged, score is %+.0e\n", icp.getFitnessScore());
std::cout << "\nICP transformation " << ++iterations << " : cloud_icp -> cloud_in" << std::endl;
transformation_matrix *= icp.getFinalTransformation().cast<double>(); // WARNING /!\ This is not accurate! For "educational" purpose only!
print4x4Matrix(transformation_matrix); // Print the transformation between original pose and current pose
ss << iterations;
std::string iterations_cnt = "ICP iterations = " + ss.str();
viewer.updateText(iterations_cnt, 10, 60, 16, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl,"iterations_cnt");
viewer.updatePointCloud(cloud_icp, cloud_icp_color_h, "cloud_icp_v2");
} else {
PCL_ERROR ("\nICP has not converged.\n");
return (-1);
// We set the bool to false and the rest is the ending of the program.
next_iteration = false;
return (0);
使用teapot.ply(41472 points)迭代100次结果:
使用bunny.ply(1889 points)迭代100次结果: