select StudentNo as nonono,SUM(StudentResult) from Result where StudentNo=1 group by StudentNo
select StudentNo as no,aa='22' from Result where StudentNo=2
select top 3 * from Student
union --做了distinct操作
select top 3 * from Student
select top 3 * from Student
union all --不做distinct操作,它的合并效率更高,因为没有必须去判断结果记录是否重复
select top 3 * from Student
select MAX(StudentResult) from Result
select MIN(StudentResult) from Result
select AVG(StudentResult) from Result
select MAX(StudentResult), MIN(StudentResult), AVG(StudentResult) from Result
select (select MAX(StudentResult) from Result),(select MIN(StudentResult) from Result),(select AVG(StudentResult) from Result)
select MAX(StudentResult) from Result
select MIN(StudentResult) from Result
select AVG(StudentResult) from Result
union语句中不能添加order by排序,如果加只能加在最后,最后一句的order by只能去选择第一个结果集中的列
select cast(StudentNo as CHAR(2)) as id,StudentResult from Result
select '平均分',AVG(StudentResult) from Result order by id Desc
select ' '+cast(StudentNo as CHAR(2)) as id,StudentResult from Result
select ' 平均分',AVG(StudentResult) from Result
--select 字段列表/* from 表列表where 条件(not and or)
select * from Student
select * from Student where Sex='女'
select * from Student where Sex='女'
select StudentName,Sex,Phone,Address from Student where Sex='女'
select Student.StudentName,Student.Sex,Student.Phone,Student.Address from Student where Sex='女'
select StudentName as 姓名,Sex 性别,电话=Phone,Address from Student where Sex='女'
select StudentName as 姓名,Sex 性别,电话=Phone,Address,'广州' as 城市 from Student where Sex='女'
select 1
--select CEILING(0.999)
select top 2 StudentName as 姓名,Sex 性别,电话=Phone,Address,'广州' as 城市 from Student where Sex='女'
select top 80 percent StudentName as 姓名,Sex 性别,电话=Phone,Address,'广州' as 城市 from Student where Sex='女'
select distinct LoginPwd,Sex from Student
--- 创建关系时的级联操作
alter table student
with nocheck --不检查现有数据
add constraint FK_Grade_Student_GradeId foreign key(gradeid) references grade(gradeid)
on delete set null
--NO ACTION--不做任何操作:该报错就报错,可以删除就删除
--SET NULL:如果删除主表的记录,那么对应的从表记录的字段值会被设置为null,前提是从表的这个字段的值可以是null
--SET DEFAULT :删除主表记录,从表的记录的对应字段值设置为默认值,前提是你之前为这个字段设置了默认值
select COUNT(*) from Student where ClassId=6
--查询年龄最大的学员 年龄值越大就越小
select min(BornDate) from Student
select max(BornDate) from Student
select SUM(StudentName) from Student
select min(StudentName) from Student
select max(StudentName) from Student
select max(BornDate) from Student
select avg(BornDate) from Student
select SUM(StudentResult) from Result where SubjectId=1
--在sql server中,null是指不知道是什么值。聚合函数会过滤掉null值
select avg(StudentResult*1.0) from Result where SubjectId=1 and StudentResult is not null
select * from Student order by StudentName
select 1+'1'
select '1'+'1'
--cast(源数据as 目标类型)
print '我的总成绩是:'+cast(200 as varchar(30))
print '我的总成绩是:'+convert(char(3),200)
select CONVERT(char(30),GETDATE(),102)
--语法:select 字段列表/* from 表列表where 条件
select * from Student where ClassId=1 or ClassId=2 or ClassId=3
select * from Student where ClassId in(1,2,3)
select * from Student where ClassId not in(1,2,3)
select * from Student where ClassId in('1','2','3')
select * from Result where StudentResult>=80 and StudentResult<=90
select * from Result where StudentResult between 80 and 90
select * from Student where StudentName like '张%' and Sex='女'
select * from Student where StudentName like '张__' and Sex='女'
select * from Student where StudentNo not like '[1-2]'
select * from Student where StudentNo like '[345^672]'
select StudentNo,StudentName,ISNULL(email,'没有电子邮箱') from Student where ClassId=6
select classid from grade where classname='六期班'
select * from Student where StudentName like '王%' and ClassId=(select classid from grade where classname='六期班')
--2.查询所有科目中包含c 字符的科目信息--不区分大小写
select * from Subject where SubjectName like '%[Cc]%'
select subjectid from Subject where SubjectName='office'
select max(ExamDate) from Result where SubjectId=(select subjectid from Subject where SubjectName='office')
--select 字段列表from 表列表where 条件order by 排序字段列表
--top是order by 之后再取值
select top 1 ExamDate 考试日期,StudentNo from Result where SubjectId=(select subjectid from Subject where SubjectName='office') order by 考试日期
--delete [from] 表名where 条件
delete from Student where StudentNo=4 or StudentNo=5 or StudentNo=6
--truncate table 表名 --没有条件,
truncate table student
--select 字段列表from 表列表 where 对数据源进行数据筛选group by 分组字段列表Order by 排序字段列表
select COUNT(*) from Student
select COUNT(*) from Student where Sex='男'
select COUNT(*) from Student where Sex='女'
select COUNT(*),sex from Student group by sex
select COUNT(*),sex from Student
select COUNT(*) from Student
select distinct sex from Student
--1.聚合不应出现在WHERE 子句中,语法规则
--2.where 的执行在分组之前,先对源数据做筛选之后再对筛选得到的结果集做分组
--select 字段列表from 表列表 where 源数据筛选条件 group by 分组统计字段列表having 对分组统计结果集做筛选order by 得到最终结果集之后的数据重排
select classid ,COUNT(*) from Student group by ClassId having ClassId=6
select classid 班级,COUNT(*) 人数,StudentNo from Student group by ClassId having StudentNo>10
-- 5 显示 1获取数据源 2 筛选原 3 对数据源进行分组 4 对分组统计的结果集做筛选 6对最终结果集做数据重排
select classid 班级,COUNT(*) 人数 from Student where Email is not null group by ClassId having COUNT(*) between 2 and 3 order by 人数
select StudentNo no,StudentName name from Student where StudentName like '%'
select COUNT(*) 人数 from Student where Email is not null having COUNT(*)>=3 order by 人数
select classid, sex,COUNT(*) from Student group by ClassId,Sex order by ClassId,sex
select classid, SUM(ClassHour) from Subject where ClassId is not null group by ClassId order by SUM(ClassHour)
select studentNo, AVG(StudentResult) from Result where StudentResult is not null group by StudentNo --having StudentResult is not null
select SubjectId, AVG(StudentResult) as score from Result where StudentResult is not null group by SubjectId order by score desc
select ClassId,Sex, COUNT(*) from Student group by ClassId,Sex
--数据更新-- 做修改和删除对于程序员而言一定需要看有没有条件
--update 表名set 字段=新值,字段=新值where 条件(主键一般就可以做为条件)
update Student set GradeId=1
update Student set GradeId=3 where StudentNo=9
update Student set Gender=0,GradeId=3 where StudentNo=4
update Student set Address='广州传智'