

按照下图步骤就能配置一个基本的GPIO口,在组件里面选择pin_mux,选中就能配置使能和方向,no pin routed就是没有配置的。GPIO口分ABCDE组,每组从0到最大的序号。

S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform怎么编写底层代码_#if

然后在functional properties里面配置具体每一个引脚的复用、锁定、上拉下拉、数字过滤、输出初始值等等……

S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform怎么编写底层代码_#if_02


pin_settings_config_t g_pin_mux_InitConfigArr[NUM_OF_CONFIGURED_PINS] = 
        .base          = PORTB,
        .pinPortIdx    = 16u,
        .pullConfig    = PORT_INTERNAL_PULL_NOT_ENABLED,
        .passiveFilter = false,
        .driveSelect   = PORT_LOW_DRIVE_STRENGTH,
        .mux           = PORT_MUX_AS_GPIO,
        .pinLock       = false,
        .intConfig     = PORT_DMA_INT_DISABLED,
        .clearIntFlag  = false,
        .gpioBase      = PTB,
        .direction     = GPIO_OUTPUT_DIRECTION,
        .digitalFilter = false,
        .initValue     = 0u,
        .base          = PORTB,
        .pinPortIdx    = 15u,
        .pullConfig    = PORT_INTERNAL_PULL_NOT_ENABLED,
        .passiveFilter = false,
        .driveSelect   = PORT_LOW_DRIVE_STRENGTH,
        .mux           = PORT_MUX_ADC_INTERLEAVE,
        .pinLock       = false,
        .intConfig     = PORT_DMA_INT_DISABLED,
        .clearIntFlag  = false,
        .gpioBase      = PTB,
        .digitalFilter = false,




/** Peripheral PORTB base address */
#define PORTB_BASE                               (0x4004A000u)
/** Peripheral PORTB base pointer */
#define PORTB                                    ((PORT_Type *)PORTB_BASE)

/** Peripheral PTB base address */
#define PTB_BASE                                 (0x400FF040u)
/** Peripheral PTB base pointer */
#define PTB                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTB_BASE)



 * @brief Internal resistor pull feature selection
 * Implements : port_pull_config_t_Class
typedef enum
    PORT_INTERNAL_PULL_NOT_ENABLED   = 0U,  /*!< internal pull-down or pull-up resistor is not enabled.           */
    PORT_INTERNAL_PULL_DOWN_ENABLED  = 1U,  /*!< internal pull-down resistor is enabled. @internal gui name="Down"*/
    PORT_INTERNAL_PULL_UP_ENABLED    = 2U   /*!< internal pull-up resistor is enabled. @internal gui name="Up"    */
} port_pull_config_t;

对应配置的pull select,不过要先将pull enable使能才行,不然就是默认的PORT_INTERNAL_PULL_NOT_ENABLED

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passiveFilter被动滤波,一般不用,对应配置当中的Passive Filter。被动滤波是相对于主动滤波来看的,这种没有电源,纯纯靠电阻电容电感组成的滤波电路就是被动滤波,我们GPIO口这种纯上下拉就属于被动滤波。主动滤波是有电源的,滤波电路里面有放大器、控制器之类的。

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 * @brief Configures the drive strength.
 * Implements : port_drive_strength_t_Class
typedef enum
    PORT_STRENGTH_DISABLED      = 0U, /*!< Output driver disabled                                         */
    PORT_LOW_DRIVE_STRENGTH     = 1U, /*!< Low drive strength is configured. Resistor is set to 240 Ohm   */
    PORT_STR1_DRIVE_STRENGTH    = 1U, /*!< Resistor is set to 240 Ohm                                     */
    PORT_STR2_DRIVE_STRENGTH    = 2U, /*!< Resistor is set to 240 / 2 Ohm = 120 Ohm                       */
    PORT_STR3_DRIVE_STRENGTH    = 3U, /*!< Resistor is set to 240 / 3 Ohm = 80 Ohm                        */
    PORT_STR4_DRIVE_STRENGTH    = 4U, /*!< Resistor is set to 240 / 4 Ohm = 60 Ohm                        */
    PORT_STR5_DRIVE_STRENGTH    = 5U, /*!< Resistor is set to 240 / 5 Ohm = 48 Ohm                        */
    PORT_STR6_DRIVE_STRENGTH    = 6U, /*!< Resistor is set to 240 / 6 Ohm = 40 Ohm                        */
    PORT_STR7_DRIVE_STRENGTH    = 7U, /*!< Resistor is set to 240 / 7 Ohm = 34 Ohm                        */
    PORT_HIGH_DRIVE_STRENGTH    = 7U  /*!< High drive strength is configured. Resistor is set to 240 Ohm  */
    PORT_LOW_DRIVE_STRENGTH     = 0U,    /*!< low drive strength is configured. @internal gui name="Low"  */
    PORT_HIGH_DRIVE_STRENGTH    = 1U     /*!< high drive strength is configured. @internal gui name="High"*/
} port_drive_strength_t;

对应配置Drive Strength驱动强度,例子当中的这个芯片没那么多可以选的,只能选个low或者high。

S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform怎么编写底层代码_引脚_05


 * @brief Configures the Pin mux selection
 * Implements : port_mux_t_Class
typedef enum
    PORT_PIN_DISABLED            = 0U,  /*!< corresponding pin is disabled, but is used as an analog pin       */
    PORT_MUX_AS_GPIO             = 1U,  /*!< corresponding pin is configured as GPIO                           */
    PORT_MUX_ALT2                = 2U,  /*!< chip-specific                                                     */
    PORT_MUX_ALT3                = 3U,  /*!< chip-specific                                                     */
    PORT_MUX_ALT4                = 4U,  /*!< chip-specific                                                     */
    PORT_MUX_ALT5                = 5U,  /*!< chip-specific                                                     */
    PORT_MUX_ALT6                = 6U,  /*!< chip-specific                                                     */
    PORT_MUX_ALT7                = 7U,  /*!< chip-specific                                                     */
    PORT_MUX_ADC_INTERLEAVE      = 8U   /*!< when selected, ADC Interleaved channel is connected to current pin
                                         *   and disconnected to opposed pin
                                         * ADC1_SE14-PTB15 | ADC1_SE15-PTB16 | ADC0_SE8-PTC0  | ADC0_SE9-PTC1
                                         * ADC1_SE14-PTB0  | ADC1_SE15-PTB1  | ADC0_SE8-PTB13 | ADC0_SE9-PTB14 */
} port_mux_t;

对应配置的pin mux,普通IO口就是GPIO,模拟口就是analog。

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S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform怎么编写底层代码_#define_07


 * @brief Configures the interrupt generation condition.
 * Implements : port_interrupt_config_t_Class
typedef enum
    PORT_DMA_INT_DISABLED  = 0x0U,  /*!< Interrupt/DMA request is disabled.                   */
    PORT_DMA_RISING_EDGE   = 0x1U,  /*!< DMA request on rising edge.                          */
    PORT_DMA_FALLING_EDGE  = 0x2U,  /*!< DMA request on falling edge.                         */
    PORT_DMA_EITHER_EDGE   = 0x3U,  /*!< DMA request on either edge.                          */
    PORT_FLAG_RISING_EDGE  = 0x5U,  /*!< Flag sets on rising edge, no interrupt is generated. */
    PORT_FLAG_FALLING_EDGE = 0x6U,  /*!< Flag sets on falling edge, no interrupt is generated.*/
    PORT_FLAG_EITHER_EDGE  = 0x7U,  /*!< Flag sets on either edge, no interrupt is generated. */
    PORT_INT_LOGIC_ZERO    = 0x8U,  /*!< Interrupt when logic 0.                              */
    PORT_INT_RISING_EDGE   = 0x9U,  /*!< Interrupt on rising edge.                            */
    PORT_INT_FALLING_EDGE  = 0xAU,  /*!< Interrupt on falling edge.                           */
    PORT_INT_EITHER_EDGE   = 0xBU,  /*!< Interrupt on either edge.                            */
    PORT_INT_LOGIC_ONE     = 0xCU,  /*!< Interrupt when logic 1.                              */
    PORT_HIGH_TRIGGER_OUT  = 0xDU,  /*!< Enable active high trigger output, flag is disabled. */
    PORT_LOW_TRIGGER_OUT   = 0xEU   /*!< Enable active low trigger output, flag is disabled.  */
} port_interrupt_config_t;

clearIntFlag和digitalFilter一般也是默认就行,对应interrupt flag和digital filter。



S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform怎么编写底层代码_#define_08

initValue是输出初始值,输入的IO口没有,只有输出引脚有,对应initial value。

S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform怎么编写底层代码_#if_09



S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform怎么编写底层代码_eclipse_10




 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_Init
 * Description   : This function configures the pins with the options provided
 * in the given structure.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_Init_Activity
status_t PINS_DRV_Init(uint32_t pinCount,
                       const pin_settings_config_t config[])
    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0U; i < pinCount; i++)

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_SetPullSel
 * Description   : This function configures the internal resistor.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_SetPullSel_Activity
void PINS_DRV_SetPullSel(PORT_Type * const base,
                         uint32_t pin,
                         port_pull_config_t pullConfig)
    PINS_SetPullSel(base, pin, pullConfig);
 * @brief Configures the internal resistor.
 * Pull configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes.
 * @param[in] base        port base pointer.
 * @param[in] pin         port pin number
 * @param[in] pullConfig  internal resistor pull feature selection
 *        - PORT_PULL_NOT_ENABLED: internal pull-down or pull-up resistor is not enabled.
 *        - PORT_PULL_DOWN_ENABLED: internal pull-down resistor is enabled.
 *        - PORT_PULL_UP_ENABLED: internal pull-up resistor is enabled.
static inline void PINS_SetPullSel(PORT_Type * const base,
                                   uint32_t pin,
                                   port_pull_config_t pullConfig)
    switch (pullConfig)
                base->PCR[pin] &= ~(PORT_PCR_PE_MASK);
                uint32_t regValue = base->PCR[pin];
                regValue &= ~(PORT_PCR_PS_MASK);
                regValue |= PORT_PCR_PE(1U);
                base->PCR[pin] = regValue;
                uint32_t regValue = base->PCR[pin];
                regValue |= PORT_PCR_PE(1U);
                regValue |= PORT_PCR_PS(1U);
                base->PCR[pin] = regValue;
            /* invalid command */



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_SetMuxModeSel
 * Description   : This function configures the pin muxing.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_SetMuxModeSel_Activity
void PINS_DRV_SetMuxModeSel(PORT_Type * const base,
                            uint32_t pin,
                            port_mux_t mux)
    PINS_SetMuxModeSel(base, pin, mux);
 * Function Name : PINS_SetMuxModeSel
 * Description   : This function configures the pin muxing and support configuring
 * for the pins that have ADC interleaved channel as well.
void PINS_SetMuxModeSel(PORT_Type * const base,
                        uint32_t pin,
                        port_mux_t mux)
    uint32_t regValue = base->PCR[pin];
    port_mux_t muxing = mux;

    if (muxing == PORT_MUX_ADC_INTERLEAVE)
        /* Get ADC Interleave from SIM and enable/disable desired bit */
        uint32_t interleaveVal = PINS_GetAdcInterleaveVal(base, pin, chipCtlReg);
        if (interleaveVal != (uint32_t)PIN_ADC_INTERLEAVE_INVALID)
            SIM->CHIPCTL |= SIM_CHIPCTL_ADC_INTERLEAVE_EN(interleaveVal);
        /* return real muxing for pin */
        muxing = PORT_PIN_DISABLED;
    regValue &= ~(PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK);
    regValue |= PORT_PCR_MUX(muxing);
    base->PCR[pin] = regValue;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_SetPinIntSel
 * Description   : This function configures the port pin interrupt/DMA request.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_SetPinIntSel_Activity
void PINS_DRV_SetPinIntSel(PORT_Type * const base,
                           uint32_t pin,
                           port_interrupt_config_t intConfig)
    PINS_SetPinIntSel(base, pin, intConfig);
static inline void PINS_SetPinIntSel(PORT_Type * const base,
                                     uint32_t pin,
                                     port_interrupt_config_t intConfig)
    uint32_t regValue = base->PCR[pin];
    regValue &= ~(PORT_PCR_IRQC_MASK);
    regValue |= PORT_PCR_IRQC(intConfig);
    base->PCR[pin] = regValue;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_GetPinIntSel
 * Description   : This function gets the current port pin interrupt/DMA request configuration.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_GetPinIntSel_Activity
port_interrupt_config_t PINS_DRV_GetPinIntSel(const PORT_Type * const base,
                                              uint32_t pin)
    return PINS_GetPinIntSel(base, pin);
 * @brief Gets the current port pin interrupt/DMA request configuration.
 * @param[in] base  port base pointer
 * @param[in] pin   port pin number
 * @return  interrupt configuration
 *        - PORT_INT_DISABLED     : Interrupt/DMA request disabled.
 *        - PORT_DMA_RISING_EDGE  : DMA request on rising edge.
 *        - PORT_DMA_FALLING_EDGE : DMA request on falling edge.
 *        - PORT_DMA_EITHER_EDGE  : DMA request on either edge.
 *        - PORT_FLAG_RISING_EDGE : Flag sets on rising edge only.
 *        - PORT_FLAG_FALLING_EDGE: Flag sets on falling edge only.
 *        - PORT_FLAG_EITHER_EDGE : Flag sets on either edge only.
 *        - PORT_INT_LOGIC_ZERO   : Interrupt when logic zero.
 *        - PORT_INT_RISING_EDGE  : Interrupt on rising edge.
 *        - PORT_INT_FALLING_EDGE : Interrupt on falling edge.
 *        - PORT_INT_EITHER_EDGE  : Interrupt on either edge.
 *        - PORT_INT_LOGIC_ONE    : Interrupt when logic one.
 *        - PORT_HIGH_TRIGGER_OUT : Enable active high trigger output, flag is disabled.
 *        - PORT_LOW_TRIGGER_OUT  : Enable active low trigger output, flag is disabled.
static inline port_interrupt_config_t PINS_GetPinIntSel(const PORT_Type * const base,
                                                        uint32_t pin)
    uint32_t regValue = base->PCR[pin];
    regValue = (regValue & PORT_PCR_IRQC_MASK) >> PORT_PCR_IRQC_SHIFT;

    return (port_interrupt_config_t)regValue;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_ClearPinIntFlagCmd
 * Description   : This function clears the individual pin-interrupt status flag.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_ClearPinIntFlagCmd_Activity
void PINS_DRV_ClearPinIntFlagCmd(PORT_Type * const base,
                                 uint32_t pin)
    PINS_ClearPinIntFlagCmd(base, pin);
 * @brief Clears the individual pin-interrupt status flag.
 * @param[in] base  port base pointer
 * @param[in] pin   port pin number
static inline void PINS_ClearPinIntFlagCmd(PORT_Type * const base,
                                           uint32_t pin)
    uint32_t regValue = base->PCR[pin];
    regValue &= ~(PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK);
    regValue |= PORT_PCR_ISF(1U);
    base->PCR[pin] = regValue;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_EnableDigitalFilter
 * Description   : This function enables digital filter feature for digital pin muxing.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_EnableDigitalFilter_Activity
void PINS_DRV_EnableDigitalFilter(PORT_Type * const base,
                                  uint32_t pin)
    PINS_EnableDigitalFilter(base, pin);
 * @brief Enables digital filter for digital pin muxing
 * @param[in] base  port base pointer
 * @param[in] pin   port pin number
static inline void PINS_EnableDigitalFilter(PORT_Type * const base,
                                            uint32_t pin)
    base->DFER |= (uint32_t)1U << pin;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_DisableDigitalFilter
 * Description   : This function disables digital filter feature for digital
 * pin muxing.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_DisableDigitalFilter_Activity
void PINS_DRV_DisableDigitalFilter(PORT_Type * const base,
                                   uint32_t pin)
    PINS_DisableDigitalFilter(base, pin);
 * @brief Disables digital filter for digital pin muxing
 * @param[in] base  port base pointer
 * @param[in] pin   port pin number
static inline void PINS_DisableDigitalFilter(PORT_Type * const base,
                                             uint32_t pin)
    base->DFER &= ~((uint32_t)1U << pin);



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_ConfigDigitalFilter
 * Description   : This function configures digital filter for port with
 * given configuration.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_ConfigDigitalFilter_Activity
void PINS_DRV_ConfigDigitalFilter(PORT_Type * const base,
                                  const port_digital_filter_config_t * const config)
    PINS_ConfigDigitalFilter(base, config);
 * @brief Configures digital filter clock for port with given configuration
 * @param[in] base   port base pointer
 * @param[in] config configuration struct
static inline void PINS_ConfigDigitalFilter(PORT_Type * const base,
                                            const port_digital_filter_config_t * const config)
    DEV_ASSERT(config->width <= PORT_DFWR_FILT_MASK);
    base->DFCR = PORT_DFCR_CS(config->clock);
    base->DFWR = PORT_DFWR_FILT(config->width);
 * @brief The digital filter configuration
 * Implements : port_digital_filter_config_t_Class
typedef struct
    port_digital_filter_clock_t clock;  /*!< The digital filter clock for port */
    uint8_t                     width;  /*!< The digital filter width value */
} port_digital_filter_config_t;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_GetPortIntFlag
 * Description   : This function reads the entire port interrupt status flag.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_GetPortIntFlag_Activity
uint32_t PINS_DRV_GetPortIntFlag(const PORT_Type * const base)
    return PINS_GetPortIntFlag(base);
 * @brief Reads the entire port interrupt status flag.
 * @param[in] base  port base pointer
 * @return all 32 pin interrupt status flags. For specific bit:
 *         - 0: interrupt is not detected.
 *         - 1: interrupt is detected.
static inline uint32_t PINS_GetPortIntFlag(const PORT_Type * const base)
    uint32_t regValue = base->ISFR;

    return regValue;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_ClearPortIntFlagCmd
 * Description   : This function clears the entire port interrupt status flag.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_ClearPortIntFlagCmd_Activity
void PINS_DRV_ClearPortIntFlagCmd(PORT_Type * const base)
 * @brief Clears the entire port interrupt status flag.
 * @param[in] base  port base pointer
static inline void PINS_ClearPortIntFlagCmd(PORT_Type * const base)



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_SetGlobalPinControl
 * Description   : This function quickly configures multiple pins within the one port for
 * the same peripheral function with the same pin configuration. Supports up to 16 pins with
 * the lower or upper half of pin registers at the same port.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_SetGlobalPinControl_Activity
void PINS_DRV_SetGlobalPinControl(PORT_Type * const base,
                                  uint16_t pins,
                                  uint16_t value,
                                  port_global_control_pins_t halfPort)
    PINS_SetGlobalPinControl(base, pins, value, halfPort);
 * Function Name : PINS_SetGlobalPinControl
 * Description   : Quickly configures multiple pins with the same pin configuration.
void PINS_SetGlobalPinControl(PORT_Type * const base,
                              uint16_t pins,
                              uint16_t value,
                              port_global_control_pins_t halfPort)
    uint16_t mask = 0;
    /* keep only available fields */
    mask |= PORT_PCR_PS_MASK;
    mask |= PORT_PCR_PE_MASK;
    mask |= PORT_PCR_SRE_MASK;
    mask |= PORT_PCR_PFE_MASK;
    mask |= PORT_PCR_ODE_MASK;
    mask |= PORT_PCR_DSE_MASK;
    mask |= PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK;
    mask |= PORT_PCR_OCE_MASK;
    mask |= PORT_PCR_LK_MASK;
    mask &= value;

    switch (halfPort)
            base->GPCLR = (((uint32_t)pins) << PORT_GPCLR_GPWE_SHIFT) | (uint32_t)mask;
            base->GPCHR = (((uint32_t)pins) << PORT_GPCLR_GPWE_SHIFT) | (uint32_t)mask;
            /* nothing to configure */



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_SetGlobalIntControl
 * Description   : This function quickly configures multiple pins within the one port for
 * the same peripheral function with the same interrupt configuration. Supports up to 16 pins with
 * the lower or upper half of pin registers at the same port.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_SetGlobalIntControl_Activity
void PINS_DRV_SetGlobalIntControl(PORT_Type * const base,
                                  uint16_t pins,
                                  uint16_t value,
                                  port_global_control_pins_t halfPort)
    PINS_SetGlobalIntControl(base, pins, value, halfPort);
 * Function Name : PINS_SetGlobalIntControl
 * Description   : Quickly configures multiple pins with the same interrupt configuration.
void PINS_SetGlobalIntControl(PORT_Type * const base,
                              uint16_t pins,
                              uint16_t value,
                              port_global_control_pins_t halfPort)
    uint32_t mask;
    mask = (((uint32_t)value) << PORT_GICLR_GIWD_SHIFT) & PORT_PCR_IRQC_MASK;

    switch (halfPort)
            base->GICLR = ((uint32_t)pins) | mask;
            base->GICHR = ((uint32_t)pins) | mask;
            /* nothing to configure */



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_GetPinsDirection
 * Description   : This function returns the current pins directions for a port. Pins
 * corresponding to bits with value of '1' are configured as output and
 * pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' are configured as input.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_GetPinsDirection_Activity
pins_channel_type_t PINS_DRV_GetPinsDirection(const GPIO_Type * const base)
    return PINS_GPIO_GetPinsDirection(base);
 * @brief Get the pins directions configuration for a port
 * This function returns the current pins directions for a port. Pins
 * corresponding to bits with value of '1' are configured as output and
 * pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' are configured as input.
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @return GPIO directions. Each bit represents one pin (LSB is pin 0, MSB is
 * pin 31). For each bit:
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is set to input
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is set to output
static inline pins_channel_type_t PINS_GPIO_GetPinsDirection(const GPIO_Type * const base)
    return (pins_channel_type_t)base->PDDR;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_SetPinDirection
 * Description   : This function configures the direction for the given pin, with the
 * given value('1' for pin to be configured as output and '0' for pin to
 * be configured as input).
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_SetPinDirection_Activity
void PINS_DRV_SetPinDirection(GPIO_Type * const base,
                              pins_channel_type_t pin,
                              pins_level_type_t direction)
    PINS_GPIO_SetPinDirection(base, pin, direction);
 * @brief Configure the direction for a certain pin from a port
 * This function configures the direction for the given pin, with the
 * given value('1' for pin to be configured as output and '0' for pin to
 * be configured as input)
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @param pin the pin number for which to configure the direction
 * @param direction the pin direction:
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is set to input
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is set to output
static inline void PINS_GPIO_SetPinDirection(GPIO_Type * const base,
                                             pins_channel_type_t pin,
                                             pins_level_type_t direction)
    pins_channel_type_t pinsDirections = (pins_channel_type_t)base->PDDR;
    pinsDirections &= (pins_channel_type_t)(~((pins_channel_type_t)1U << pin));
    pinsDirections |= (pins_channel_type_t)((pins_channel_type_t)direction << pin);
    base->PDDR = GPIO_PDDR_PDD(pinsDirections);



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_SetPinsDirection
 * Description   : This function sets the direction configuration for all pins
 * in a port. Pins corresponding to bits with value of '1' will be configured as
 * output and pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' will be configured as
 * input.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_SetPinsDirection_Activity
void PINS_DRV_SetPinsDirection(GPIO_Type * const base,
                               pins_channel_type_t pins)
    PINS_GPIO_SetPinsDirection(base, pins);
 * @brief Set the pins directions configuration for a port
 * This function sets the direction configuration for all pins
 * in a port. Pins corresponding to bits with value of '1' will be configured as
 * output and pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' will be configured as
 * input.
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @param pins pin mask where each bit represents one pin (LSB
 * is pin 0, MSB is pin 31). For each bit:
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is set to input
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is set to output
static inline void PINS_GPIO_SetPinsDirection(GPIO_Type * const base,
                                              pins_channel_type_t pins)
    base->PDDR = GPIO_PDDR_PDD(pins);



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_SetPortInputDisable
 * Description   : This function sets the pins input state for a port.
 * Pins corresponding to bits with value of '1' will not be configured
 * as input and pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' will be configured
 * as input.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_SetPortInputDisable_Activity
void PINS_DRV_SetPortInputDisable(GPIO_Type * const base,
                                  pins_channel_type_t pins)
    PINS_GPIO_SetPortInputDisable(base, pins);
 * @brief Set the pins input disable state for a port
 * This function sets the pins input state for a port.
 * Pins corresponding to bits with value of '1' will not be configured
 * as input and pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' will be configured
 * as input.
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @param pins pin mask where each bit represents one pin (LSB is pin 0, MSB is
 * pin 31). For each bit:
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is set to input
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is not set to input
static inline void PINS_GPIO_SetPortInputDisable(GPIO_Type * const base,
                                                 pins_channel_type_t pins)
    base->PIDR = GPIO_PIDR_PID(pins);



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_GetPortInputDisable
 * Description   : This function returns the current pins input state for a port. Pins
 * corresponding to bits with value of '1' are not configured as input and
 * pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' are configured as input.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_GetPortInputDisable_Activity
pins_channel_type_t PINS_DRV_GetPortInputDisable(const GPIO_Type * const base)
    return PINS_GPIO_GetPortInputDisable(base);
 * @brief Get the pins input disable state for a port
 * This function returns the current pins input state for a port. Pins
 * corresponding to bits with value of '1' are not configured as input and
 * pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' are configured as input.
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @return GPIO input state. Each bit represents one pin (LSB is pin 0, MSB is
 * pin 31). For each bit:
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is set to input
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is not set to input
static inline pins_channel_type_t PINS_GPIO_GetPortInputDisable(const GPIO_Type * const base)
    return (pins_channel_type_t)base->PIDR;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_WritePin
 * Description   : This function writes the given pin from a port, with the given value
 * ('0' represents LOW, '1' represents HIGH).
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_WritePin_Activity
void PINS_DRV_WritePin(GPIO_Type * const base,
                       pins_channel_type_t pin,
                       pins_level_type_t value)
    PINS_GPIO_WritePin(base, pin, value);
 * @brief Write a pin of a port with a given value
 * This function writes the given pin from a port, with the given value
 * ('0' represents LOW, '1' represents HIGH).
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @param pin pin number to be written
 * @param value pin value to be written
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is set to LOW
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is set to HIGH
static inline void PINS_GPIO_WritePin(GPIO_Type * const base,
                                      pins_channel_type_t pin,
                                      pins_level_type_t value)
    pins_channel_type_t pinsValues = (pins_channel_type_t)base->PDOR;
    pinsValues &= (pins_channel_type_t)(~((pins_channel_type_t)1U << pin));
    pinsValues |= (pins_channel_type_t)((pins_channel_type_t)value << pin);
    base->PDOR = GPIO_PDOR_PDO(pinsValues);
    pins_channel_type_t pinsValues = (pins_channel_type_t)base->PGPDO;
    pinsValues &= (pins_channel_type_t)(~((pins_channel_type_t)1U << (15U - pin)));
    pinsValues |= (pins_channel_type_t)((pins_channel_type_t)value << (15U - pin));
    base->PGPDO = pinsValues;
#endif /* if defined(FEATURE_PINS_DRIVER_USING_PORT) */



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_WritePins
 * Description   : This function writes all pins configured as output with the values given in
 * the parameter pins. '0' represents LOW, '1' represents HIGH.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_WritePins_Activity
void PINS_DRV_WritePins(GPIO_Type * const base,
                        pins_channel_type_t pins)
    PINS_GPIO_WritePins(base, pins);
 * @brief Write all pins of a port
 * This function writes all pins configured as output with the values given in
 * the parameter pins. '0' represents LOW, '1' represents HIGH.
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @param pins pin mask to be written
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is set to LOW
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is set to HIGH
static inline void PINS_GPIO_WritePins(GPIO_Type * const base,
                                       pins_channel_type_t pins)
    base->PDOR = GPIO_PDOR_PDO(pins);
    base->PGPDO = REV_BIT_16(pins);
#endif /* if defined(FEATURE_PINS_DRIVER_USING_PORT) */



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_GetPinsOutput
 * Description   : This function returns the current output that is written to a port. Only pins
 * that are configured as output will have meaningful values.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_GetPinsOutput_Activity
pins_channel_type_t PINS_DRV_GetPinsOutput(const GPIO_Type * const base)
    return PINS_GPIO_GetPinsOutput(base);
 * @brief Get the current output from a port
 * This function returns the current output that is written to a port. Only pins
 * that are configured as output will have meaningful values.
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @return GPIO outputs. Each bit represents one pin (LSB is pin 0, MSB is pin
 * 31). For each bit:
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is set to LOW
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is set to HIGH
static inline pins_channel_type_t PINS_GPIO_GetPinsOutput(const GPIO_Type * const base)
    pins_channel_type_t returnValue = 0U;

    returnValue = (pins_channel_type_t)(base->PDOR);
    returnValue = (pins_channel_type_t)REV_BIT_16(base->PGPDO);
#endif /* if defined(FEATURE_PINS_DRIVER_USING_PORT) */

    return returnValue;



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_SetPins
 * Description   : This function configures output pins listed in parameter pins (bits that are
 * '1') to have a value of 'set' (HIGH). Pins corresponding to '0' will be
 * unaffected.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_SetPins_Activity
void PINS_DRV_SetPins(GPIO_Type * const base,
                      pins_channel_type_t pins)
    PINS_GPIO_SetPins(base, pins);
 * @brief Write pins with 'Set' value
 * This function configures output pins listed in parameter pins (bits that are
 * '1') to have a value of 'set' (HIGH). Pins corresponding to '0' will be
 * unaffected.
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @param pins pin mask of bits to be set.  Each bit represents one pin (LSB is
 * pin 0, MSB is pin 31). For each bit:
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is unaffected
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is set to HIGH
static inline void PINS_GPIO_SetPins(GPIO_Type * const base,
                                     pins_channel_type_t pins)
    base->PSOR = GPIO_PSOR_PTSO(pins);
    base->PGPDO |= REV_BIT_16(pins);
#endif /* if defined(FEATURE_PINS_DRIVER_USING_PORT) */



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_ClearPins
 * Description   : This function configures output pins listed in parameter pins (bits that are
 * '1') to have a 'cleared' value (LOW). Pins corresponding to '0' will be
 * unaffected.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_ClearPins_Activity
void PINS_DRV_ClearPins(GPIO_Type * const base,
                        pins_channel_type_t pins)
    PINS_GPIO_ClearPins(base, pins);
 * @brief Write pins to 'Clear' value
 * This function configures output pins listed in parameter pins (bits that are
 * '1') to have a 'cleared' value (LOW). Pins corresponding to '0' will be
 * unaffected.
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @param pins pin mask of bits to be cleared.  Each bit represents one pin (LSB
 * is pin 0, MSB is pin 31). For each bit:
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is unaffected
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is cleared(set to LOW)
static inline void PINS_GPIO_ClearPins(GPIO_Type * const base,
                                       pins_channel_type_t pins)
    base->PCOR = GPIO_PCOR_PTCO(pins);
    base->PGPDO &= (pins_channel_type_t)(~REV_BIT_16(pins));
#endif /* if defined(FEATURE_PINS_DRIVER_USING_PORT) */



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_TogglePins
 * Description   : This function toggles output pins listed in parameter pins (bits that are
 * '1'). Pins corresponding to '0' will be unaffected.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_TogglePins_Activity
void PINS_DRV_TogglePins(GPIO_Type * const base,
                         pins_channel_type_t pins)
    PINS_GPIO_TogglePins(base, pins);
 * @brief Toggle pins value
 * This function toggles output pins listed in parameter pins (bits that are
 * '1'). Pins corresponding to '0' will be unaffected.
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @param pins pin mask of bits to be toggled.  Each bit represents one pin (LSB
 * is pin 0, MSB is pin 31). For each bit:
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is unaffected
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is toggled
static inline void PINS_GPIO_TogglePins(GPIO_Type * const base,
                                        pins_channel_type_t pins)
    base->PTOR = GPIO_PTOR_PTTO(pins);
    base->PGPDO ^= REV_BIT_16(pins);
#endif /* if defined(FEATURE_PINS_DRIVER_USING_PORT) */



 * Function Name : PINS_DRV_ReadPins
 * Description   : This function returns the current input values from a port. Only pins
 * configured as input will have meaningful values.
 * Implements    : PINS_DRV_ReadPins_Activity
pins_channel_type_t PINS_DRV_ReadPins(const GPIO_Type * const base)
    return PINS_GPIO_ReadPins(base);
 * @brief Read input pins
 * This function returns the current input values from a port. Only pins
 * configured as input will have meaningful values.
 * @param base  GPIO base pointer (PTA, PTB, PTC, etc.)
 * @return GPIO inputs. Each bit represents one pin (LSB is pin 0, MSB is pin
 * 31). For each bit:
 *        - 0: corresponding pin is read as LOW
 *        - 1: corresponding pin is read as HIGH
static inline pins_channel_type_t PINS_GPIO_ReadPins(const GPIO_Type * const base)
    pins_channel_type_t returnValue = 0U;

    returnValue = (pins_channel_type_t)(base->PDIR);
    returnValue = (pins_channel_type_t)REV_BIT_16(base->PGPDI);
#endif /* if defined(FEATURE_PINS_DRIVER_USING_PORT) */

    return returnValue;




S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform怎么编写底层代码_#if_11

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S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform怎么编写底层代码_#if_13