Are you managing a multi-user WordPress website? By default, WordPress comes with a built-in user management system, and you can extend it to meet your needs. In this article, we will show you the best WordPress user management plugins.
您是否正在管理多用户WordPress网站? 默认情况下,WordPress带有内置的用户管理系统 ,您可以对其进行扩展以满足您的需求。 在本文中,我们将向您展示最好的WordPress用户管理插件。
Note: If you are looking to add new users, here’s our tutorial on how to add new users in WordPress.
(Video Tutorial)
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1.增强功能管理器 (1. Capability Manager Enhanced)
WordPress comes with a few built in user roles. Each user role has some pre-defined capabilities assigned to them. Capability Manager Enhanced plugin allows you to edit those capabilities and create customized user roles for your WordPress site. See our tutorial on how to add or remove capabilities to user roles in WordPress for more detailed instructions.
WordPress带有一些内置的用户角色。 每个用户角色都分配有一些预定义的功能。 Capability Manager增强插件可让您编辑这些功能并为WordPress网站创建自定义用户角色。 有关更多详细说明,请参阅我们的教程,该教程如何在WordPress中为用户角色添加或删除功能 。
2. WP空闲注销 (2. WP Idle Logout)
Sometimes user log into their WordPress account and forget to logout. Inactive users may cause session hijacking threat. WP Idle Logout plugin allows you to logout users if they are inactive for a given amount of time. Users can safely log back in when they want to resume their session again. See our guide on how to automatically logout idle users in WordPress for more details.
有时,用户登录其WordPress帐户而忘记注销。 不活跃的用户可能会导致会话劫持威胁。 WP Idle Logout插件允许您注销用户,如果他们在给定时间内不活动。 用户想要再次恢复会话时可以安全地重新登录。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何在WordPress中自动注销空闲用户,以获取更多详细信息。
3. Cimy用户额外字段 (3. Cimy User Extra Fields)
The basic WordPress user profile field is quite simple. Cimy User Extra Fields plugin allows you to extend user profiles by adding extra fields to them. Users can fill out these fields during registration or by editing their profiles. See our step by step tutorial on how to add additional user profile fields in WordPress for more instructions on using the plugin.
基本的WordPress用户个人资料字段非常简单。 Cimy User Extra Fields插件允许您通过向用户配置文件添加额外的字段来扩展用户配置文件。 用户可以在注册期间或编辑其个人资料来填写这些字段。 请参阅有关如何在WordPress中添加其他用户个人资料字段的分步教程,以获取有关使用该插件的更多说明。
4.新用户批准 (4. New User Approve)
Anyone can register on your site when you open your WordPress site for user registration. New User Approve plugin allows you to moderate new user registrations. You can approve or deny new user registrations from your WordPress admin area. See our guide on how to moderate new user registrations in WordPress for step by step instructions on how to setup the plugin.
当您打开WordPress网站进行用户注册时,任何人都可以在您的网站上注册。 新用户批准插件可让您审核新用户注册。 您可以从WordPress管理区域批准或拒绝新用户注册。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何在WordPress中审核新用户注册,以获取有关如何设置插件的逐步说明。
5.彼得的登录重定向 (5. Peter’s Login Redirect)
If you want to redirect users to specific page after login, then Peter’s Login Redirect is the plugin for that. Simply activate the plugin and go to the plugin’s settings page. You can redirect users based on username, user role, or capabilities. You can also set a page where users will be redirected after successful registration. For more details take a look at our guide on how to redirect users after successful login in WordPress.
如果您想在登录后将用户重定向到特定页面,则Peter的Login Redirect是该插件。 只需激活插件,然后转到插件的设置页面即可。 您可以根据用户名,用户角色或功能来重定向用户。 您还可以设置一个页面,成功注册后将重定向用户。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何成功登录WordPress后如何重定向用户的指南。
6.用户切换 (6. User Switching)
When testing a multi user site features, you may need to switch to different user accounts. User Switching plugin provides an easier way to instantly switch user accounts in WordPress. Simply install and activate the plugin and you can switch to any account from the users page or from the toolbar. The plugin only allows site admins to switch user accounts.
测试多用户站点功能时,可能需要切换到其他用户帐户。 用户切换插件提供了一种更简便的方法来立即切换WordPress中的用户帐户 。 只需安装并激活插件,即可从用户页面或工具栏切换到任何帐户。 该插件仅允许站点管理员切换用户帐户。
7.帐户储物柜精简版 (7. Account Locker Lite)
Sometimes you may want to restrict a user’s access to your WordPress site without deleting their account or changing their password. Account Locker Lite allows you to block a user account without deleting it. This is particularly helpful if you don’t want to lose a user’s account because there are posts associated with them that you would like to still credit to them. See our tutorial on how to block a WordPress user without deleting their account for more detailed instructions.
有时,您可能希望限制用户对WordPress网站的访问,而不删除其帐户或更改其密码。 Account Locker Lite允许您阻止用户帐户而不删除它。 如果您不想丢失用户的帐户,这将特别有用,因为有些与您相关联的帖子您仍然希望记入他们的帐户。 有关更详细的说明,请参阅有关如何在不删除其帐户的情况下阻止WordPress用户的教程。
8. WP Useronline (8. WP Useronline)
Many community sites and forums have widgets that can display online users. You can do that in WordPress with WP Useronline plugin. It allows you to display users currently visiting your website. See our tutorial on how to show real time online users in WordPress for more details.
许多社区站点和论坛都有可显示在线用户的小部件。 您可以使用WP Useronline插件在WordPress中完成此操作。 它允许您显示当前正在访问您的网站的用户。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何在WordPress中显示实时在线用户的教程。
9.防止并发登录 (9. Prevent Concurrent Logins)
By default WordPress users can sign into an account from multiple locations at the same time. This could affect the security of a multi author WordPress site. If you run a paid membership site, then this could also affect your profits. Prevent Concurrent Logins plugin disables this behavior and only allows one session per user at a time. See our tutorial on how to stop users from sharing passwords in WordPress for more details.
默认情况下,WordPress用户可以同时从多个位置登录帐户。 这可能会影响多作者WordPress网站的安全性。 如果您运行付费会员网站,那么这也可能影响您的利润。 “防止并发登录”插件禁用了此行为,并且每个用户一次仅允许一个会话。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何阻止用户在WordPress中共享密码的教程。
10.强制使用强密码 (10. Force Strong Passwords)
Passwords are the first barrier between your site’s admin area and hackers. Using weak passwords makes your WordPress site vulnerable to hacking attacks. Force Strong Passwords plugin enforces strong passwords for users with capability of publishing or editing posts on your WordPress site. Check out our guide on how to force strong passwords on users in WordPress for more details.
密码是您网站的管理区域和黑客之间的第一道障碍。 使用弱密码会使您的WordPress网站容易受到黑客攻击。 Force Strong Passwords插件为具有发布或编辑WordPress网站上帖子功能的用户强制使用强密码。 查阅我们的指南, 了解如何在WordPress中对用户强制使用强密码以获取更多详细信息。
11.管理 (11. Adminimize)
Sometimes you may want to tweak the WordPress user interface for some users on your website. Adminimize allows you to hide unnecessary items from WordPress menu. You can configure each and every aspect of WordPress admin area on your site for each user role. Take a look at our detailed guide on how to hide unnecessary items from WordPress admin menu with Adminmize.
有时,您可能想调整网站上某些用户的WordPress用户界面。 Adminimize允许您从WordPress菜单中隐藏不必要的项目。 您可以为每个用户角色在站点上配置WordPress管理区域的各个方面。 看看我们的详细指南,了解如何使用Adminmize从WordPress管理菜单中隐藏不必要的项目。
12.用户提交的帖子 (12. User Submitted Posts)
If you do not want to give other users access to your WordPress admin area, then there are other ways you can allow users to submit content on your WordPress site. User Submitted Posts plugin allows you to add a form to the front-end of your WordPress site where your users can submit posts to your website. Another popular alternative for user submitted content is Gravity Forms. We have detailed tutorial on how to allow user submitted posts on your WordPress site.
如果您不想让其他用户访问您的WordPress管理区域,则可以使用其他方法允许用户在WordPress网站上提交内容。 用户提交的帖子插件可让您向WordPress网站的前端添加一个表单,您的用户可以在其中将帖子提交到您的网站。 用户提交内容的另一个流行替代方法是Gravity Forms 。 我们有关于如何允许用户在您的WordPress网站上提交帖子的详细教程。
13.简单的本地头像 (13. Simple Local Avatars)
WordPress comes with a built-in user profile photo handling through Gravatar. However, some of your users may not have a Gravatar photo. Simple Local Avatars allows your users to upload a photo from their profile page. WordPress will then use this local image as user’s photo on your site.
WordPress带有通过Gravatar内置的用户个人资料照片处理功能。 但是,您的某些用户可能没有Gravatar照片。 简单的本地头像允许您的用户从其个人资料页面上传照片。 然后,WordPress将使用此本地图像作为您网站上用户的照片。
We hope this article helped you find the best user management plugins for WordPress. You may also want to take a look at our guide on the WordPress search plugins to improve your site search.
我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳用户管理插件。 您可能还需要看一下有关WordPress搜索插件的指南, 以改善您的站点搜索 。