逐行编写Python文本文件(write a text file in Python, line by line)

我需要逐行写一个文本文件。 此代码逐行打印文本,但只有最后一行存储在result.txt文件中。

import re
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input("test.txt"):
new_str = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\n\.]'," ", line)
print new_str
open('result.txt', 'w').write(new_str)
I need to write a text file, line by line. This code is printing a text line by line, but only the last line is stored in the result.txt file.
import re
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input("test.txt"):
new_str = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\n\.]'," ", line)
print new_str
open('result.txt', 'w').write(new_str)


我不知道为什么你需要fileinput模块, open也可以处理这种情况。

你的for循环遍历所有行并用新行覆盖 new_str 。 最后一行没有下一行,因此不会被覆盖,因此它是唯一可以保存的行。

import re
test_f = open('test.txt')
result_f = open('result.txt', 'a')
for line in test_f:
new_str = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\n\.]'," ", line)
# also, this too, please:


import re
with open('test.txt') as test_f, open('result.txt', 'w') as result_f:
for line in test_f:
new_str = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\n\.]'," ", line)
I don't know why you need the fileinput module, open can handle this case as well.
Your for-loop goes through all lines and overrides new_str with the new line. The last line has no next line, so it won't be overridden, so it's the only line that will get saved. import re
test_f = open('test.txt')
result_f = open('result.txt', 'a')
for line in test_f:
new_str = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\n\.]'," ", line)
# also, this too, please:
You should use the with statement to automatically close your files even when your code crashes. import re
with open('test.txt') as test_f, open('result.txt', 'w') as result_f:
for line in test_f:
new_str = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\n\.]'," ", line)




with open("in3.txt") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
with open("out.txt", "w") as f1:
for x, line in enumerate(lines): # Changed to enumerate as per recommendation
y = x*10

我知道解释如何做这样的事情的一般指导方针是更好的形式,但对于像这样的简单任务,代码本身就说明了,真的...... 我会像这样实现它。

from pprint import pprint # For nicer formatting of the output.
# For the sake of a self-contained example,
# the data is inlined here.
# `f` could be replaced with `open('log.txt'

在文件中没有“替换现有行”这样的东西。 对于您想要执行的操作,您必须使用修改后的内容编写新文件,然后使用新文件替换旧文件。 示例代码:

with open("old.file") as old, open("new.file", "w") as new:
for line in old:
line = modify(line.lstrip())
new.write(line + "\n")
os.rename("new.file", "old


if( isset($_POST['submit']) ){
$name = $_POST['name'];
$age = $_POST['age'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$file = fopen("student.txt","a");

我不确定我完全明白你在问什么,但我会尽力帮忙。 如果您尝试从文件中选择随机行,可以使用open() , readlines() , random.choice() : import random

line = random.choice(open("file").readlines())

如果您尝试从三个列表中的每一个中选择一个随机元素,则可以使用random.choice() :

import random
choices=[random.choice(i) for i in lists]


with open('data.txt') as inf:
for line in inf:
num = line.strip()
if num:
fn = '%s.txt' %num
with open(fn, 'w') as outf:
outf.write('contains one line of text "%s"\n' %num)



python中的文件I / O已经缓冲。 open()函数可以让您确定缓冲写入的范围: 可选的buffering参数指定文件所需的缓冲区大小: 0表示无缓冲, 1表示行缓冲,任何其他正值表示使用(大约)该大小的缓冲区。 负buffering意味着使用系统默认值,通常为tty设备进行行缓冲,并为其他文件进行完全缓冲。 如果省略,则使用系统默认值。 就个人而言,我通过with语句将该文件用作上下文管理器。 只要with suite下的所有语句(至少一个缩进级别更深)已完成或引发异常,文件对象就会关闭:


您的代码确实输出换行符。 检查您的编辑器是否识别\n换行符。 但是,它是偶然的。 writelines期望一系列的行: with open('output.txt','w', encoding='UTF-8') as output:

output.writelines(str(i)+'\n' for i in range(5))

Your code does output newlines. Check that your editor recognizes \n newlines. How


引用文档 , 要从文件中读取行,可以循环遍历文件对象。 这是内存高效,快速,并导致简单的代码 所以,我是你,我会这样做的

import os
wordReplacements = {'document':'file', 'notepad':'Notepad'}
def transform_line(line):
for key, value in wordReplacements.iteritems():
line = line.replace(key, value)

我不知道为什么你需要fileinput模块, open也可以处理这种情况。 你的for循环遍历所有行并用新行覆盖 new_str 。 最后一行没有下一行,因此不会被覆盖,因此它是唯一可以保存的行。

import re
test_f = open('test.txt')
result_f = open('result.txt', 'a')
for line in test_f:
new_str = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\n\.]'," ", line)