Android图像格式类及图像转换方法介绍 一款软件的开发和图像密切相关,特别是移动应用程序,在视觉效果等方面是至关重要的,因为这直接关系到用户的体验效果。在Android程序开发的过程中,了解存在哪些图像格式类(ImageFormat、PixelFormat及BitmapConfig等)及图像(JPG、PNG及BMP等)的转换方法,对以后的开发多多少少会有些帮助。
int JPEG ,Encoded formats,常量值: 256 (0x00000100)
int NV16,YCbCr format, used for video,16 (0x00000010)
int NV21,YCrCb format used for images, which uses the NV21 encoding format,常量值: 17 (0x00000011)
int RGB_565,RGB format used for pictures encoded as RGB_565,常量值: 4 (0x00000004)
int UNKNOWN, 常量值:0 (0x00000000)
int YUY2,YCbCr format used for images,which uses YUYV (YUY2) encoding format,20 (0x00000014)
int YV12,Android YUV format,This format is exposed to software decoders and applications
YV12 is a 4:2:0 YCrCb planar format comprised of a WxH Y plane followed by (W/2) x (H/2) Cr and Cb planes
1 ImageReader imageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(width, height, ImageFormat.RGB_565, 2);
int A_8,常量值:8 (0x00000008)
int JPEG,常量值:256 (0x00000100),constant,已声明不赞成使用,use ImageFormat.JPEG instead.
int LA_88,常量值:10 (0x0000000a)
int L_8, 常量值:9 (0x00000009)
int OPAQUE,常量值: -1 (0xffffffff),System chooses an opaque format (no alpha bits required)
int RGBA_4444,常量值:7 (0x00000007)
int RGBA_5551,常量值:6 (0x00000006)
int RGBA_8888,常量值:1 (0x00000001)
int RGBX_8888,常量值:2 (0x00000002)
int RGB_332,常量值:11 (0x0000000b)
int RGB_565,常量值:4 (0x00000004)
int RGB_888,常量值:3 (0x00000003)
int TRANSLUCENT,常量值: -3 (0xfffffffd),System chooses a format that supports translucency (many alpha bits)
int TRANSPARENT,常量值:-2 (0xfffffffe),System chooses a format that supports transparency (at least 1 alpha bit)
int UNKNOWN,常量值: 0 (0x00000000)
int YCbCr_420_SP,常量值:17 (0x00000011),constant 已声明不赞成使用 use ImageFormat.NV21 instead
int YCbCr_422_I,常量值: 20 (0x00000014),constant 已声明不赞成使用 use ImageFormat.YUY2 instead
int YCbCr_422_SP,常量值:16 (0x00000010),constant 已声明不赞成使用 use ImageFormat.NV16 instead
1 getWindow().setFormat(PixelFormat.RGBA_8888);
Possible bitmap configurations。A bitmap configuration describes how pixels are stored。This affects the quality (color depth) as well as the ability to display transparent/translucent colors。(官网介绍,大致意思是说:影响一个图片色彩色度显示质量主要看位图配置,显示图片时透明还是半透明)。
ALPHA_8:Each pixel is stored as a single translucency (alpha) channel。(原图的每一个像素以半透明显示)
ARGB_4444:This field was deprecated in API level 13。Because of the poor quality of this configuration, it is advised to use ARGB_8888 instead。(在API13以后就被弃用了,建议使用8888)。
ARGB_8888 :Each pixel is stored on 4 bytes。 Each channel (RGB and alpha for translucency) is stored with 8 bits of precision (256 possible values) 。This configuration is very flexible and offers the best quality。 It should be used whenever possible。(每个像素占4个字节,每个颜色8位元,反正很清晰,看着很舒服)。
RGB_565:Each pixel is stored on 2 bytes and only the RGB channels are encoded:red is stored with 5 bits of precision (32 possible values),green is stored with 6 bits of precision (64 possible values) and blue is stored with 5 bits of precision。(这个应该很容易理解了)。
1 Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height,Bitmap.Config.RGB_565)
1 YuvImage image = new YuvImage(data, ImageFormat.NV21, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, null);
而YuvImage类正好有一个compressToJPEG(Rect rect, int i, OutputStream)方法,可以直接将数据保存在JPG文件的输出流中。
1 byte[] data = null;
2 File pngImage = null;
3 BufferedOutputStream stream = null;
4 try {
5 pngImage = new File(outputFile); //outputFile为png图像名称
6 FileOutputStream fstream = new FileOutputStream(pngImage);
7 stream = new BufferedOutputStream(fstream);
8 stream.write(data);
9 } catch (Exception e) {
10 e.printStackTrace();
11 } finally {
12 if (stream != null) {
13 try {
14 stream.close();
15 } catch (IOException e) {
16 e.printStackTrace();
17 }
18 }
19 }
20 Bitmap bitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length);
1 Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.icon);
1 Bitmap bitmapOrg = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(rawData, 0, rawData.length);
2 Bitmap bitmapNew = bitmapOrg.copy(Config.ARGB_8888, true);
3 if(bitmapNew == null)
4 return;
5 for(int i = 0;i<bitmapNew.getWidth();i++)
6 {
7 for(int j =0;j<bitmapNew.getHeight();j++)
8 {
9 int col = bitmapNew.getPixel(i, j);
10 int alpha = col&0xFF000000;
11 int red = (col&0x00FF0000)>>16;
12 int green = (col&0x0000FF00)>>8;
13 int blue = (col&0x000000FF);
14 int gray = (int)((float)red*0.3+(float)green*0.59+(float)blue*0.11);
15 int newColor = alpha|(gray<<16)|(gray<<8)|gray;
16 }
17 }
18 sendMsg(bitmapNew);
19 File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+File.separator+"gray"+number+".jpg");
20 OutputStream out;
21 try {
22 out = new FileOutputStream(file);
23 if(bitmapNew.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, out))
24 out.close();
25 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
26 e.printStackTrace();
27 } catch (IOException e) {
28 e.printStackTrace();
29 }