Shutterstock/Stokkete Shutterstock /斯托克特
The only certainties in life are death, taxes, and having to provide tech support for your relatives over the holidays because you “know computers.” Save yourself some time, and follow our 12-step plan to clean and secure everyone’s gadgets.
生活中唯一可以确定的是死亡,税收以及在假期期间必须为亲戚提供技术支持,因为您“知道计算机”。 节省一些时间,并按照我们的12步计划来清洁和保护每个人的小工具。
We don’t necessarily recommend updating an operating system (OS) on the first day a new version is released. In general, though, it’s a good idea to keep your OS up to date. Both Windows and macOS bundle security updates with bug fixes and feature updates, so an up-to-date system is one of the easiest and most effective ways to keep a computer safe.
我们不一定建议在发布新版本的第一天就更新操作系统(OS) 。 不过,总的来说,最好是使操作系统保持最新。 Windows和macOS都将安全更新与错误修复和功能更新捆绑在一起,因此,最新的系统是确保计算机安全的最简单,最有效的方法之一。
On both Windows computers and Macs, it’s easy to find out which version of the OS it’s running and upgrade if necessary. You can follow our instructions to update the firmware on both Windows or macOS.
在Windows计算机和Mac上,很容易找出正在运行的操作系统版本,并在必要时进行升级。 您可以按照我们的说明在Windows或macOS上更新固件。
This can take some time, so you’ll probably want to do this step first.
Shutterstock/Rawpixel Shutterstock / Rawpixel
Antivirus software prevents viruses and other unpleasant things from infecting a machine. It also monitors everything that’s downloaded or installed, compares it to a list of programs that are known to be harmful, and prevents it from delivering anything nefarious to the system.
防病毒软件可防止病毒和其他不愉快的事物感染计算机。 它还监视下载或安装的所有内容,将其与已知有害的程序列表进行比较,并防止其向系统传递任何有害信息。
We recommend Windows Defender for Windows machines. It’s been built into the OS since Windows 8. It’s also free and easy to use—just turn it on, tell it to update its virus definitions automatically, and then scan the machine.
我们建议将Windows Defender用于Windows计算机。 它自Windows 8起就已内置在OS中。它还免费且易于使用-只需将其打开,告诉它自动更新其病毒定义,然后扫描计算机即可。
There are fewer viruses and malware that target Macs, but they’re increasing. Installing an antivirus shouldn’t cause any problems, though. Choose a reputable program, install it, update the virus definitions, and scan the Mac.
针对Mac的病毒和恶意软件较少,但正在增加 。 但是,安装防病毒软件不会引起任何问题。 选择一个信誉良好的程序 ,进行安装,更新病毒定义,然后扫描Mac。
It’s impossible for antivirus software to be 100 percent effective against everything, so you should also install a good anti-malware program. We recommend Malwarebytes for both Windows and Macs.
防病毒软件不可能对所有事物都具有100%的效果,因此您还应该安装一个好的防恶意软件程序。 我们建议Windows和Mac都使用Malwarebytes 。
Install it, update the malware definitions, and then scan the machine again.
Shutterstock/designer491 Shutterstock /设计师491
Because we spend so much of our lives online, and people tend to use very common passwords or the same one on many sites, it’s crucial that they know if their passwords have been stolen. Check HaveIBeenPwned (HIBP) to see if an email address or password for any online accounts have been compromised.
由于我们的大部分时间都在网上度过,并且人们倾向于在许多站点上使用非常常见的密码或使用相同的密码,因此至关重要的是,他们必须知道自己的密码是否被盗。 检查HaveIBeenPwned (HIBP),以查看任何在线帐户的电子邮件地址或密码是否受到破坏。
We’ve covered HIBP before, so if you’ve never used it, just follow the instructions.
我们之前已经介绍过HIBP,因此,如果您从未使用过,请按照说明进行操作 。
Regardless of whether HIBP returns any hits, having a unique password for every website is one of the best ways to improve safety on the internet.
Unfortunately, multiple passwords are often really hard to remember. That’s where a password manager comes in. It will generate and store passwords for every site your family member logs in to.
不幸的是,通常很难记住多个密码。 在那里提供了密码管理器 。它将为您的家人登录的每个站点生成并存储密码。
The best way to protect online accounts is by enabling two-factor authentication. When Google conducted a study on security hygiene, it looked at how effective different methods of security were at preventing automated bots, and bulk phishing and targeted attacks.
保护在线帐户的最佳方法是启用两因素身份验证 。 Google在进行安全卫生方面的研究时,研究了各种安全方法在预防自动漫游器,网络钓鱼和针对性攻击方面的有效性。
The only method that was 100 percent effective against all three types of attack was two-factor authentication (2FA) using an app or hardware key.
This is why we recommend using 2FA via an app. However, 2FA with SMS (text messages) is still better than not using 2FA at all.
这就是为什么我们建议通过应用程序使用2FA的原因。 但是,带有SMS(文本消息)的2FA仍然比完全不使用2FA更好。
You can enable 2FA on Google accounts, Apple IDs, Office 365, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram, Slack, and a whole bunch of other accounts, including Facebook, Yahoo!, and Dropbox.
您可以在Google帐户 , Apple ID , Office 365 , Amazon , Twitter , Instagram , Slack和其他一系列帐户(包括Facebook,Yahoo!和Dropbox)上启用2FA。
Don’t forget to copy the recovery codes, though, so if your family member loses or breaks his phone, he can still get in easily.
Shutterstock/grey_and Shutterstock / grey_and
Unused apps can be a security risk because people often forget to update them. They also take up hard drive space and potentially slow down a computer if they’re loaded into memory when the computer boots.
未使用的应用程序可能会带来安全风险,因为人们常常忘记更新它们。 它们还会占用硬盘驱动器空间,并且如果在计算机启动时将它们加载到内存中,可能会降低计算机的速度。
Removing any unnecessary apps makes a computer more secure, increases hard drive space, and might make it run a bit quicker.
Here’s how you can remove installed apps from Windows 10, uninstall built-in Windows apps, and remove any app from macOS.
这是从Windows 10中删除已安装的应用程序 , 卸载内置Windows应用程序以及从macOS中删除任何应用程序的方法 。
It’s important to keep apps updated because the latest versions are normally the most secure and reliable. They also have the latest features and run faster. Here’s how to upgrade apps on Windows and Macs.
保持应用程序更新很重要,因为最新版本通常是最安全和可靠的。 它们还具有最新功能,并且运行速度更快。 这是在Windows和Mac 上升级应用程序的方法 。
Browser extensions can be useful, but they can also slow it down and make it less secure. In the worst-case scenario, they can also actively spy.
浏览器扩展可能很有用 ,但它们也可能降低速度并降低其安全性 。 在最坏的情况下,他们也可以主动监视 。
This might be obvious to you, but if you’re cleaning up someone else’s machine, it’s common to find a bunch of sketchy extensions doing who knows what.
Check out our guide on removing browser extensions from Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera, or this one for Edge.
查看我们的指南,该指南关于从Chrome,Firefox,Internet Explorer,Safari和Opera或Edge中 删除浏览器扩展的指南。
Like computers, phones and tablets benefit from the latest updates to their operating systems as these contain bug fixes, security updates, and feature enhancements.
You can follow the steps in our guides to update Android devices, iPhones, and iPads to the latest available software.
您可以按照指南中的步骤将Android设备 , iPhone和iPad更新为最新的可用软件。
Shutterstock/ymgerman Shutterstock /伊格曼
Smartphones are the backbone of many people’s lives. They contain everything from email accounts and banking services, to medical data, and fingerprint or face unlock.
智能手机是许多人生活的Struts。 它们包含从电子邮件帐户和银行服务到医疗数据以及指纹或面部解锁的所有内容。
Because phones (and tablets) contain so much valuable and private information, it’s best to remove any unwanted apps. After all, as we mentioned previously, you can’t be sure they’re not invading your privacy.
由于电话(和平板电脑)包含大量有价值的私人信息,因此最好删除所有不需要的应用程序。 毕竟,正如我们之前提到的,您不能确定它们没有侵犯您的隐私。
We’ve covered how to uninstall apps on Android, and iPhone or iPad before, so check those out for further instructions.
我们之前已经介绍了如何在Android, iPhone或iPad 上卸载应用程序 ,因此请查看这些指南以获取更多说明。
You’re almost finished—there’s just one more thing. Android, iOS, and iPadOS try to keep apps updated automatically, but that doesn’t always happen.
您快要完成了-仅此而已。 Android,iOS和iPadOS会尝试自动更新应用程序,但这并不总是如此。
People sometimes disable automatic updating because they want to know what changes will be made to their device before they install the latest version.
You can follow our guides for Android, iPhone, and iPad to make sure a phone or tablet is running the most up-to-date apps.
您可以按照Android , iPhone和iPad的指南进行操作,以确保手机或平板电脑正在运行最新的应用程序。
Now, you can go back to overindulging and relaxing—until the next relative asks you for a quick favor, that is.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/449863/12-things-to-do-when-youre-being-holiday-tech-support/