Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function capCreateCaptureWindow Lib "avicap32.dll" Alias "capCreateCaptureWindowA" (ByVal lpszWindowName As String, ByVal dwStyle As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hwndParent As Long, ByVal nID As Long) As Long
Dim ctCapWin As Long, ctAviPath As String, ctPicPath As String, ctConnect As Boolean
Const WS_Child = &H40000000: Const WS_Visible = &H10000000
Const WS_Caption = &HC00000: Const WS_ThickFrame = &H40000
Const WM_User = &H400 '用户消息开始号
Const WM_CAP_Connect = WM_User + 10 '连接一个摄像头
Const WM_CAP_DisConnect = WM_User + 11 '断开一个摄像头的连接
Const WM_CAP_Set_PreView = WM_User + 50 '使预览模式有效或者失效
Const WM_CAP_Set_Overlay = WM_User + 51 '使窗口处于叠加模式,也会自动地使预览模式失效。
Const WM_CAP_Set_PreViewRate = WM_User + 52 '设置在预览模式下帧的显示频率
Const WM_CAP_Edit_Copy = WM_User + 30 '将当前图像复制到剪贴板
Const WM_CAP_Sequence = WM_User + 62 '开始录像,录像未结束前不会返回。
Const WM_Cap_File_Set_File = WM_User + 20 '设置当前的视频捕捉文件
Const WM_Cap_File_Get_File = WM_User + 21 '得到当前的视频捕捉文件
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Left = Screen.Width - 7000
'Me.Top = Screen.Height + 5000
Dim H1 As Long
Me.Caption = "监控"
Command1.Caption = "连接": Command1.ToolTipText = "连接摄像头"
Command2.Caption = "断开": Command2.ToolTipText = "断开与摄像头的连接"
Command3.Caption = "截图": Command3.ToolTipText = "将当前图像保存为图片文件"
Command4.Caption = "录像": Command4.ToolTipText = "开始录像,保存为视频文件"
' H1 = Me.TextHeight("A")
' Command1.Move H1 * 0.5, H1 * 0.5, H1 * 4, H1 * 2
'Command2.Move H1 * 5, H1 * 0.5, H1 * 4, H1 * 2
'Command3.Move H1 * 10, H1 * 0.5, H1 * 4, H1 * 2
'Command4.Move H1 * 15, H1 * 0.5, H1 * 4, H1 * 2
Call ReadSaveSet
KjEnabled True
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim nStyle As Long, T As Long
If ctCapWin = 0 Then '创建一个视频窗口,大小:640*480
T = Me.ScaleY(Command1.Top + Command1.Height * 1.1, Me.ScaleMode, 3) '视频窗口垂直位置:像素
'nStyle = WS_Child + WS_Visible + WS_Caption + WS_ThickFrame '子窗口(在Form1内)+可见+标题栏+边框
'nStyle = WS_Child + WS_Visible '视频窗口无标题栏和边框
nStyle = WS_Visible '视频窗口为独立窗口,关闭主窗口视频窗口也会自动关闭
ctCapWin = capCreateCaptureWindow("视频监视中", nStyle, 0, T, 500, 400, Me.hWnd, 0)
End If
SendMessage ctCapWin, WM_CAP_Connect, 0, 0 '连接摄像头
SendMessage ctCapWin, WM_CAP_Set_PreView, 1, 0 '第三个参数:1-预览模式有效,0-预览模式无效
SendMessage ctCapWin, WM_CAP_Set_PreViewRate, 30, 0 '第三个参数:设置预览显示频率为每秒 30 帧
ctConnect = True: KjEnabled True
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
SendMessage ctCapWin, WM_CAP_DisConnect, 0, 0 '断开摄像头连接
ctConnect = False: KjEnabled True
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim F As String, S As Long, nPath As String, nStr As String
nPath = Trim(ctPicPath)
If nPath = "" Then nPath = App.Path & "\MyPic"
If Right(nPath, 1) <> "\" Then nPath = nPath & "\"
On Error Resume Next
S = S + 1
F = nPath & "MyPic-" & S & ".bmp"
If Dir(F, 23) = "" Then Exit Do
On Error GoTo 0
nStr = Trim(InputBox("设置图片保存的文件名:", "保存图片", F))
If nStr = "" Then Exit Sub
Call CutPathFile(nStr, nPath, F) '分解出文件和目录
If Not MakePath(nPath) Then
MsgBox "在指定的位置无法建立目录:" & vbCrLf & nPath, vbInformation, "保存图片文件"
Exit Sub
End If
ctPicPath = nPath: F = nPath & F
If Dir(F, 23) <> "" Then
If vbCancel = MsgBox("文件已存在,覆盖此文件吗?" & vbCrLf & F, vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "截图 - 文件覆盖") Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo Cuo
SetAttr F, 0
Kill F
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Clipboard.Clear: SendMessage ctCapWin, WM_CAP_Edit_Copy, 0, 0 '将当前图像复制到剪贴板
SavePicture Clipboard.GetData, F '保存为 Bmp 图像,要保存为 jpg 格式,参见: 将图片保存或转变为JPG格式
Exit Sub
MsgBox "无法写文件:" & vbCrLf & F, vbInformation, "保存文件"
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
'如果不设置文件路径和名称,或路径不存在,视频窗口会使用默认文件名 C:\CAPTURE.AVI
Dim F As String, S As Long, nPath As String, nStr As String
nPath = Trim(ctAviPath)
If nPath = "" Then nPath = App.Path & "\MyVideo"
If Right(nPath, 1) <> "\" Then nPath = nPath & "\"
On Error Resume Next
S = S + 1
F = nPath & "MyVideo-" & S & ".avi"
If Dir(F, 23) = "" Then Exit Do
On Error GoTo 0
nStr = Trim(InputBox("设置录像保存的文件名:", "录像保存的文件名", F))
If nStr = "" Then Exit Sub
Call CutPathFile(nStr, nPath, F) '分解出文件和目录
If Not MakePath(nPath) Then
MsgBox "在指定的位置无法建立目录:" & vbCrLf & nPath, vbInformation, "保存文件"
Exit Sub
End If
ctAviPath = nPath: F = nPath & F
If Dir(F, 23) <> "" Then
If vbCancel = MsgBox("文件已存在,覆盖此文件吗?" & vbCrLf & F, vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "视频 - 文件覆盖") Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo Cuo
SetAttr F, 0
Kill F
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Me.Caption = "摄像头控制 - 正在录像(任意位置单击鼠标停止)": KjEnabled False: DoEvents
SendMessage ctCapWin, WM_Cap_File_Set_File, 0, ByVal F '设置录像保存的文件
SendMessage ctCapWin, WM_CAP_Sequence, 0, 0 '开始录像。录像未结束前不会返回
Me.Caption = "摄像头控制": KjEnabled True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "无法写文件:" & vbCrLf & F, vbInformation, "保存文件"
End Sub
Private Function CutPathFile(nStr As String, nPath As String, nFile As String)
Dim I As Long, S As Long
For I = 1 To Len(nStr)
If Mid(nStr, I, 1) = "\" Then S = I '查找最后一个目录分隔符
If S > 0 Then
nPath = Left(nStr, S): nFile = Mid(nStr, S + 1)
nPath = "": nFile = nStr
End If
End Function
Private Function MakePath(ByVal nPath As String) As Boolean
'逐级建立目录,成功返回 T
Dim I As Long, Path1 As String, IsPath As Boolean
nPath = Trim(nPath)
If Right(nPath, 1) <> "\" Then nPath = nPath & "\"
On Error GoTo Exit1
For I = 1 To Len(nPath)
If Mid(nPath, I, 1) = "\" Then
Path1 = Left(nPath, I - 1)
If Dir(Path1, 23) = "" Then
MkDir Path1
IsPath = GetAttr(Path1) And 16
If Not IsPath Then Exit Function '有一个同名的文件
End If
End If
MakePath = True: Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Call ReadSaveSet(True) '保存用户设置
End Sub
Private Sub KjEnabled(nEnabled As Boolean)
If nEnabled Then
Command1.Enabled = Not ctConnect: Command2.Enabled = ctConnect
Command3.Enabled = ctConnect: Command4.Enabled = ctConnect
Command1.Enabled = nEnabled: Command2.Enabled = nEnabled
Command3.Enabled = nEnabled: Command4.Enabled = nEnabled
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReadSaveSet(Optional IsSave As Boolean)
Dim nKey As String, nSub As String
nKey = "摄像头控制程序": nSub = "UserOpt"
If IsSave Then
SaveSetting nKey, nSub, "AviPath", ctAviPath
SaveSetting nKey, nSub, "PicPath", ctPicPath
ctAviPath = GetSetting(nKey, nSub, "AviPath", "")
ctPicPath = GetSetting(nKey, nSub, "PicPath", "")
End If
End Sub