

 * Add the message padding, then do an RSA operation
int mbedtls_rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( mbedtls_rsa_context *ctx,
                       int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t),
                       void *p_rng,
                       int mode, size_t ilen,
                       const unsigned char *input,
                       unsigned char *output )
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( ctx != NULL );
                      mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( output != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( ilen == 0 || input != NULL );

    switch( ctx->padding )
#if defined(MBEDTLS_PKCS1_V15)
        case MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_V15:
            return mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_pkcs1_v15_encrypt( ctx, f_rng, p_rng, mode, ilen,
                                                input, output );

#if defined(MBEDTLS_PKCS1_V21)
        case MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_V21:
            return mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_oaep_encrypt( ctx, f_rng, p_rng, mode, NULL, 0,
                                           ilen, input, output );

            return( MBEDTLS_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING );


如果选择的是PKCS_V15填充模式,则会调用mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_pkcs1_v15_encrypt()函数进行加密运算。此模式的padding方式可以用如下公式表示EB=00||BT||PS||00||D。其中开头的00是为了防止做加密运算的padding后数据大于模指数N;BT是Block Type的缩写,代表块的的类型,如果是私钥操作的话,这里是字节0x00或者0x01,如果是公钥操作的话,这里是0x02。PS是的Padding String的缩写。它的长度至少是8字节,大小等于K(Key size in byte)-3-D,如果这里BT是0x01,这里的padding是K-3-D字节0xff,如果BT是0x02,这里的padding是K-3-D字节的随机数。做完填充之后,进行最基本的RSA模幂运算。根据mode类型,选择是公钥还是私钥运算。

 * Implementation of the PKCS#1 v2.1 RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCRYPT function
int mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_pkcs1_v15_encrypt( mbedtls_rsa_context *ctx,
                                 int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t),
                                 void *p_rng,
                                 int mode, size_t ilen,
                                 const unsigned char *input,
                                 unsigned char *output )
    size_t nb_pad, olen;
    int ret;
    unsigned char *p = output;

    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( ctx != NULL );
                      mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( output != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( ilen == 0 || input != NULL );

    if( mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PRIVATE && ctx->padding != MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_V15 )

    olen = ctx->len;

    /* first comparison checks for overflow */
    if( ilen + 11 < ilen || olen < ilen + 11 )

    nb_pad = olen - 3 - ilen;

    *p++ = 0;
    if( mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC )
        if( f_rng == NULL )
            return( MBEDTLS_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA );

        *p++ = MBEDTLS_RSA_CRYPT;

        while( nb_pad-- > 0 )
            int rng_dl = 100;

            do {
                ret = f_rng( p_rng, p, 1 );
            } while( *p == 0 && --rng_dl && ret == 0 );

            /* Check if RNG failed to generate data */
            if( rng_dl == 0 || ret != 0 )
                return( MBEDTLS_ERR_RSA_RNG_FAILED + ret );

        *p++ = MBEDTLS_RSA_SIGN;

        while( nb_pad-- > 0 )
            *p++ = 0xFF;

    *p++ = 0;
    if( ilen != 0 )
        memcpy( p, input, ilen );

    return( ( mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC )
            ? mbedtls_rsa_public(  ctx, output, output )
            : mbedtls_rsa_private( ctx, f_rng, p_rng, output, output ) );

如果选择的是PKCS_V21填充模式,则会调用mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_oaep_encrypt()函数进行加密运算。此模式的padding方式可以用如下公式表示EM=00||maskedseed||maskedDB。其中开头的00是为了防止做加密运算的padding后数据大于模指数N;这里seed是hlen长度的随机数,使用MGF(Mask Generate Function)函数将seed生成olen-hlen-1长度的掩码dbmask,DB=hash(label)||(olen-2*hlen-2-ilen)0x00||0x01||M,计算maskedDB=dbmask异或DB。使用MGF函数将maskeddb生成长度为hlen的seedmask,maskseed=seed异或seedmask。由此编码得到了填充数据,然后进行加密操作。

 * Implementation of the PKCS#1 v2.1 RSAES-OAEP-ENCRYPT function
int mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_oaep_encrypt( mbedtls_rsa_context *ctx,
                            int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t),
                            void *p_rng,
                            int mode,
                            const unsigned char *label, size_t label_len,
                            size_t ilen,
                            const unsigned char *input,
                            unsigned char *output )
    size_t olen;
    int ret;
    unsigned char *p = output;
    unsigned int hlen;
    const mbedtls_md_info_t *md_info;
    mbedtls_md_context_t md_ctx;

    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( ctx != NULL );
                      mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( output != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( ilen == 0 || input != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( label_len == 0 || label != NULL );

    if( mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PRIVATE && ctx->padding != MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_V21 )

    if( f_rng == NULL )

    md_info = mbedtls_md_info_from_type( (mbedtls_md_type_t) ctx->hash_id );
    if( md_info == NULL )

    olen = ctx->len;
    hlen = mbedtls_md_get_size( md_info );

    /* first comparison checks for overflow */
    if( ilen + 2 * hlen + 2 < ilen || olen < ilen + 2 * hlen + 2 )

    memset( output, 0, olen );

    *p++ = 0;

    /* Generate a random octet string seed */
    if( ( ret = f_rng( p_rng, p, hlen ) ) != 0 )
        return( MBEDTLS_ERR_RSA_RNG_FAILED + ret );

    p += hlen;

    /* Construct DB */
    if( ( ret = mbedtls_md( md_info, label, label_len, p ) ) != 0 )
        return( ret );
    p += hlen;
    p += olen - 2 * hlen - 2 - ilen;
    *p++ = 1;
    if( ilen != 0 )
        memcpy( p, input, ilen );

    mbedtls_md_init( &md_ctx );
    if( ( ret = mbedtls_md_setup( &md_ctx, md_info, 0 ) ) != 0 )
        goto exit;

    /* maskedDB: Apply dbMask to DB */
    if( ( ret = mgf_mask( output + hlen + 1, olen - hlen - 1, output + 1, hlen,
                          &md_ctx ) ) != 0 )
        goto exit;

    /* maskedSeed: Apply seedMask to seed */
    if( ( ret = mgf_mask( output + 1, hlen, output + hlen + 1, olen - hlen - 1,
                          &md_ctx ) ) != 0 )
        goto exit;

    mbedtls_md_free( &md_ctx );

    if( ret != 0 )
        return( ret );

    return( ( mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC )
            ? mbedtls_rsa_public(  ctx, output, output )
            : mbedtls_rsa_private( ctx, f_rng, p_rng, output, output ) );



 * Do an RSA operation, then remove the message padding
int mbedtls_rsa_pkcs1_decrypt( mbedtls_rsa_context *ctx,
                       int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t),
                       void *p_rng,
                       int mode, size_t *olen,
                       const unsigned char *input,
                       unsigned char *output,
                       size_t output_max_len)
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( ctx != NULL );
                      mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( output_max_len == 0 || output != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( input != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( olen != NULL );

    switch( ctx->padding )
#if defined(MBEDTLS_PKCS1_V15)
        case MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_V15:
            return mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_pkcs1_v15_decrypt( ctx, f_rng, p_rng, mode, olen,
                                                input, output, output_max_len );

#if defined(MBEDTLS_PKCS1_V21)
        case MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_V21:
            return mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_oaep_decrypt( ctx, f_rng, p_rng, mode, NULL, 0,
                                           olen, input, output,
                                           output_max_len );

            return( MBEDTLS_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING );


如果选择的是PKCS_V15填充模式,这里会调用mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_pkcs1_v15_decrypt函数,函数首先会调用RSA解密函数解密数据。然后根据编码的逆运算来解码数据。首先检查第一个字节是否是0x00,然后获取padding len,判断padding len是否小于8,小于8则报错,然后找到对应的数据位置,解码得到相应的明文数据的二进制编码。

 * Implementation of the PKCS#1 v2.1 RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-DECRYPT function
int mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_pkcs1_v15_decrypt( mbedtls_rsa_context *ctx,
                                 int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t),
                                 void *p_rng,
                                 int mode, size_t *olen,
                                 const unsigned char *input,
                                 unsigned char *output,
                                 size_t output_max_len )
    int ret;
    size_t ilen, i, plaintext_max_size;
    unsigned char buf[MBEDTLS_MPI_MAX_SIZE];
    /* The following variables take sensitive values: their value must
     * not leak into the observable behavior of the function other than
     * the designated outputs (output, olen, return value). Otherwise
     * this would open the execution of the function to
     * side-channel-based variants of the Bleichenbacher padding oracle
     * attack. Potential side channels include overall timing, memory
     * access patterns (especially visible to an adversary who has access
     * to a shared memory cache), and branches (especially visible to
     * an adversary who has access to a shared code cache or to a shared
     * branch predictor). */
    size_t pad_count = 0;
    unsigned bad = 0;
    unsigned char pad_done = 0;
    size_t plaintext_size = 0;
    unsigned output_too_large;

    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( ctx != NULL );
                      mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( output_max_len == 0 || output != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( input != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( olen != NULL );

    ilen = ctx->len;
    plaintext_max_size = ( output_max_len > ilen - 11 ?
                           ilen - 11 :
                           output_max_len );

    if( mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PRIVATE && ctx->padding != MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_V15 )

    if( ilen < 16 || ilen > sizeof( buf ) )

    ret = ( mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC )
          ? mbedtls_rsa_public(  ctx, input, buf )
          : mbedtls_rsa_private( ctx, f_rng, p_rng, input, buf );

    if( ret != 0 )
        goto cleanup;

    /* Check and get padding length in constant time and constant
     * memory trace. The first byte must be 0. */
    bad |= buf[0];

    if( mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PRIVATE )
        /* Decode EME-PKCS1-v1_5 padding: 0x00 || 0x02 || PS || 0x00
         * where PS must be at least 8 nonzero bytes. */
        bad |= buf[1] ^ MBEDTLS_RSA_CRYPT;

        /* Read the whole buffer. Set pad_done to nonzero if we find
         * the 0x00 byte and remember the padding length in pad_count. */
        for( i = 2; i < ilen; i++ )
            pad_done  |= ((buf[i] | (unsigned char)-buf[i]) >> 7) ^ 1;
            pad_count += ((pad_done | (unsigned char)-pad_done) >> 7) ^ 1;
        /* Decode EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 padding: 0x00 || 0x01 || PS || 0x00
         * where PS must be at least 8 bytes with the value 0xFF. */
        bad |= buf[1] ^ MBEDTLS_RSA_SIGN;

        /* Read the whole buffer. Set pad_done to nonzero if we find
         * the 0x00 byte and remember the padding length in pad_count.
         * If there's a non-0xff byte in the padding, the padding is bad. */
        for( i = 2; i < ilen; i++ )
            pad_done |= if_int( buf[i], 0, 1 );
            pad_count += if_int( pad_done, 0, 1 );
            bad |= if_int( pad_done, 0, buf[i] ^ 0xFF );

    /* If pad_done is still zero, there's no data, only unfinished padding. */
    bad |= if_int( pad_done, 0, 1 );

    /* There must be at least 8 bytes of padding. */
    bad |= size_greater_than( 8, pad_count );

    /* If the padding is valid, set plaintext_size to the number of
     * remaining bytes after stripping the padding. If the padding
     * is invalid, avoid leaking this fact through the size of the
     * output: use the maximum message size that fits in the output
     * buffer. Do it without branches to avoid leaking the padding
     * validity through timing. RSA keys are small enough that all the
     * size_t values involved fit in unsigned int. */
    plaintext_size = if_int( bad,
                             (unsigned) plaintext_max_size,
                             (unsigned) ( ilen - pad_count - 3 ) );

    /* Set output_too_large to 0 if the plaintext fits in the output
     * buffer and to 1 otherwise. */
    output_too_large = size_greater_than( plaintext_size,
                                          plaintext_max_size );

    /* Set ret without branches to avoid timing attacks. Return:
     * - INVALID_PADDING if the padding is bad (bad != 0).
     * - OUTPUT_TOO_LARGE if the padding is good but the decrypted
     *   plaintext does not fit in the output buffer.
     * - 0 if the padding is correct. */
    ret = - (int) if_int( bad, - MBEDTLS_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING,
                  if_int( output_too_large, - MBEDTLS_ERR_RSA_OUTPUT_TOO_LARGE,
                          0 ) );

    /* If the padding is bad or the plaintext is too large, zero the
     * data that we're about to copy to the output buffer.
     * We need to copy the same amount of data
     * from the same buffer whether the padding is good or not to
     * avoid leaking the padding validity through overall timing or
     * through memory or cache access patterns. */
    bad = all_or_nothing_int( bad | output_too_large );
    for( i = 11; i < ilen; i++ )
        buf[i] &= ~bad;

    /* If the plaintext is too large, truncate it to the buffer size.
     * Copy anyway to avoid revealing the length through timing, because
     * revealing the length is as bad as revealing the padding validity
     * for a Bleichenbacher attack. */
    plaintext_size = if_int( output_too_large,
                             (unsigned) plaintext_max_size,
                             (unsigned) plaintext_size );

    /* Move the plaintext to the leftmost position where it can start in
     * the working buffer, i.e. make it start plaintext_max_size from
     * the end of the buffer. Do this with a memory access trace that
     * does not depend on the plaintext size. After this move, the
     * starting location of the plaintext is no longer sensitive
     * information. */
    mem_move_to_left( buf + ilen - plaintext_max_size,
                      plaintext_max_size - plaintext_size );

    /* Finally copy the decrypted plaintext plus trailing zeros into the output
     * buffer. If output_max_len is 0, then output may be an invalid pointer
     * and the result of memcpy() would be undefined; prevent undefined
     * behavior making sure to depend only on output_max_len (the size of the
     * user-provided output buffer), which is independent from plaintext
     * length, validity of padding, success of the decryption, and other
     * secrets. */
    if( output_max_len != 0 )
        memcpy( output, buf + ilen - plaintext_max_size, plaintext_max_size );

    /* Report the amount of data we copied to the output buffer. In case
     * of errors (bad padding or output too large), the value of *olen
     * when this function returns is not specified. Making it equivalent
     * to the good case limits the risks of leaking the padding validity. */
    *olen = plaintext_size;

    mbedtls_platform_zeroize( buf, sizeof( buf ) );

    return( ret );



解码完成之后,首先检查第一个字节是否是0x00,然后检查label hash lhash。然后获取0x00的padding长度,判断紧跟着的字节是否是0x01。后面数据即为明文数据的二进制编码。

 * Implementation of the PKCS#1 v2.1 RSAES-OAEP-DECRYPT function
int mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_oaep_decrypt( mbedtls_rsa_context *ctx,
                            int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t),
                            void *p_rng,
                            int mode,
                            const unsigned char *label, size_t label_len,
                            size_t *olen,
                            const unsigned char *input,
                            unsigned char *output,
                            size_t output_max_len )
    int ret;
    size_t ilen, i, pad_len;
    unsigned char *p, bad, pad_done;
    unsigned char buf[MBEDTLS_MPI_MAX_SIZE];
    unsigned char lhash[MBEDTLS_MD_MAX_SIZE];
    unsigned int hlen;
    const mbedtls_md_info_t *md_info;
    mbedtls_md_context_t md_ctx;

    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( ctx != NULL );
                      mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( output_max_len == 0 || output != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( label_len == 0 || label != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( input != NULL );
    RSA_VALIDATE_RET( olen != NULL );

     * Parameters sanity checks
    if( mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PRIVATE && ctx->padding != MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_V21 )

    ilen = ctx->len;

    if( ilen < 16 || ilen > sizeof( buf ) )

    md_info = mbedtls_md_info_from_type( (mbedtls_md_type_t) ctx->hash_id );
    if( md_info == NULL )

    hlen = mbedtls_md_get_size( md_info );

    // checking for integer underflow
    if( 2 * hlen + 2 > ilen )

     * RSA operation
    ret = ( mode == MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC )
          ? mbedtls_rsa_public(  ctx, input, buf )
          : mbedtls_rsa_private( ctx, f_rng, p_rng, input, buf );

    if( ret != 0 )
        goto cleanup;

     * Unmask data and generate lHash
    mbedtls_md_init( &md_ctx );
    if( ( ret = mbedtls_md_setup( &md_ctx, md_info, 0 ) ) != 0 )
        mbedtls_md_free( &md_ctx );
        goto cleanup;

    /* seed: Apply seedMask to maskedSeed */
    if( ( ret = mgf_mask( buf + 1, hlen, buf + hlen + 1, ilen - hlen - 1,
                          &md_ctx ) ) != 0 ||
    /* DB: Apply dbMask to maskedDB */
        ( ret = mgf_mask( buf + hlen + 1, ilen - hlen - 1, buf + 1, hlen,
                          &md_ctx ) ) != 0 )
        mbedtls_md_free( &md_ctx );
        goto cleanup;

    mbedtls_md_free( &md_ctx );

    /* Generate lHash */
    if( ( ret = mbedtls_md( md_info, label, label_len, lhash ) ) != 0 )
        goto cleanup;

     * Check contents, in "constant-time"
    p = buf;
    bad = 0;

    bad |= *p++; /* First byte must be 0 */

    p += hlen; /* Skip seed */

    /* Check lHash */
    for( i = 0; i < hlen; i++ )
        bad |= lhash[i] ^ *p++;

    /* Get zero-padding len, but always read till end of buffer
     * (minus one, for the 01 byte) */
    pad_len = 0;
    pad_done = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < ilen - 2 * hlen - 2; i++ )
        pad_done |= p[i];
        pad_len += ((pad_done | (unsigned char)-pad_done) >> 7) ^ 1;

    p += pad_len;
    bad |= *p++ ^ 0x01;

     * The only information "leaked" is whether the padding was correct or not
     * (eg, no data is copied if it was not correct). This meets the
     * recommendations in PKCS#1 v2.2: an opponent cannot distinguish between
     * the different error conditions.
    if( bad != 0 )
        goto cleanup;

    if( ilen - ( p - buf ) > output_max_len )
        goto cleanup;

    *olen = ilen - (p - buf);
    if( *olen != 0 )
        memcpy( output, p, *olen );
    ret = 0;

    mbedtls_platform_zeroize( buf, sizeof( buf ) );
    mbedtls_platform_zeroize( lhash, sizeof( lhash ) );

    return( ret );