        1)createBond()创建,最终会调到源码的BluetoothService的createBond(String address)方法,通过对源码浅显的了解,createBond主要是写入匹配密钥(BluetoothService的writeDockPin())以及进入jni注册回调函数onCreatePairedDeviceResult观察匹配结果
比如:    // Pins did not match, or remote device did not respond to pin
            // request in time
            // We rejected pairing, or the remote side rejected pairing. This
            // happens if either side presses 'cancel' at the pairing dialog.
            // Not sure if this happens 
            // Other device is not responding at all
            // already bonded
        2)setPin()设置密钥,通过查看setting源码,发现在确认输入密钥之后会调用setPin()(如果点取消,就会调用cancelPairingUserInput,取消密钥框),setPin具体通过D-BUS做了什么没有去深究,但是在调用setPin的时候会remove掉一个map里面的键值对(address:int),也就是我们在调用setPin之后如果再去调用onCreatePairedDeviceResult,则该方法一定返回false,并且出现下面的打印提示:cancelUserInputNative(B8:FF:FE:55:EF:D6) called but no native data available, ignoring. Maybe the PasskeyAgent Request was already cancelled by the remote or by bluez.(因为该方法也会remove掉一个键值对)



/*package*/          synchronized boolean attemptAutoPair(String address) {        

                  if          (!mBondState.hasAutoPairingFailed(address) &&        

                  !mBondState.isAutoPairingBlacklisted(address)) {        


                  setPin(address, BluetoothDevice.convertPinToBytes(         "0000"         ));        

                  return          true         ;        


                  return          false         ;        


         /*package*/          synchronized boolean attemptAutoPair(String address) {        

                  if          (!mBondState.hasAutoPairingFailed(address) &&        

                  !mBondState.isAutoPairingBlacklisted(address)) {        


                  setPin(address, BluetoothDevice.convertPinToBytes(         "0000"         ));        

                  return          true         ;        


                  return          false         ;        


该方法是在底层回调到java层的onRequestPinCode方法时被调用,首先 Check if its a dock(正常输入的密钥,走正常配对方式,双方输入匹配值),然后再 try 0000 once if the device looks dumb(涉及到Device.AUDIO_VIDEO相关部分如:耳机,免提等进入自动匹配模式)进行自动配对。 




package          cn.bluetooth;        


         import          java.lang.reflect.Field;        

         import          java.lang.reflect.Method;        

         import          android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;        

         import          android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;        

         import          android.util.Log;        

         public          class          ClsUtils         


                  public          static          BluetoothDevice remoteDevice=         null         ;        


                  * 与设备配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git         

                  * /Settings/src/com/android/settings/bluetooth/CachedBluetoothDevice.java         


                  @SuppressWarnings         (         "unchecked"         )        

                  static          public          boolean          createBond(         @SuppressWarnings         (         "rawtypes"         ) Class btClass, BluetoothDevice btDevice)         

                  throws          Exception         


                  Method createBondMethod = btClass.getMethod(         "createBond"         );         

                  Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);         

                  return          returnValue.booleanValue();         




                  * 与设备解除配对 参考源码:platform/packages/apps/Settings.git         

                  * /Settings/src/com/android/settings/bluetooth/CachedBluetoothDevice.java         


                  @SuppressWarnings         (         "unchecked"         )        

                  static          public          boolean          removeBond(Class btClass, BluetoothDevice btDevice)         

                  throws          Exception         


                  Method removeBondMethod = btClass.getMethod(         "removeBond"         );         

                  Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) removeBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);         

                  return          returnValue.booleanValue();         



                  @SuppressWarnings         (         "unchecked"         )        

                  static          public          boolean          setPin(Class btClass, BluetoothDevice btDevice,         

                  String str)          throws          Exception         




                  Method removeBondMethod = btClass.getDeclaredMethod(         "setPin"         ,         

                  new          Class[]         

                  {         byte         [].         class         });         

                  Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) removeBondMethod.invoke(btDevice,         

                  new          Object[]         


                  Log.d(         "returnValue"         ,          "setPin is success "          +btDevice.getAddress()+ returnValue.booleanValue());        


                  catch          (SecurityException e)         


                  // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());         



                  catch          (IllegalArgumentException e)         


                  // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());         



                  catch          (Exception e)         


                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block         



                  return          true         ;         




                  // 取消用户输入         

                  @SuppressWarnings         (         "unchecked"         )        

                  static          public          boolean          cancelPairingUserInput(Class btClass,         

                  BluetoothDevice device)         


                  throws          Exception         


                  Method createBondMethod = btClass.getMethod(         "cancelPairingUserInput"         );         

                  // cancelBondProcess()         

                  Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(device);         

                  Log.d(         "returnValue"         ,          "cancelPairingUserInput is success "          + returnValue.booleanValue());        

                  return          returnValue.booleanValue();         



                  // 取消配对         

                  @SuppressWarnings         (         "unchecked"         )        

                  static          public          boolean          cancelBondProcess(Class btClass,         

                  BluetoothDevice device)         


                  throws          Exception         


                  Method createBondMethod = btClass.getMethod(         "cancelBondProcess"         );         

                  Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(device);         

                  return          returnValue.booleanValue();         





                  * @param clsShow         


                  @SuppressWarnings         (         "unchecked"         )        

                  static          public          void          printAllInform(Class clsShow)         




                  // 取得所有方法         

                  Method[] hideMethod = clsShow.getMethods();         

                  int          i =          0         ;         

                  for          (; i < hideMethod.length; i++)         


                  //Log.e("method name", hideMethod.getName() + ";and the i is:"        

                  //      + i);         


                  // 取得所有常量         

                  Field[] allFields = clsShow.getFields();         

                  for          (i =          0         ; i < allFields.length; i++)         


                  //Log.e("Field name", allFields.getName());         



                  catch          (SecurityException e)         


                  // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());         



                  catch          (IllegalArgumentException e)         


                  // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());         



                  catch          (Exception e)         


                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block         



Bluetooth1.java  主activity,所有界面操作实现地方 


package          cn.bluetooth;        

         import          java.io.IOException;        

         import          java.util.ArrayList;        

         import          java.util.List;        


         import          android.app.Activity;        

         import          android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;        

         import          android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;        

         import          android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket;        

         import          android.content.BroadcastReceiver;        

         import          android.content.Context;        

         import          android.content.Intent;        

         import          android.content.IntentFilter;        

         import          android.os.Bundle;        

         import          android.util.Log;        

         import          android.view.Menu;        

         import          android.view.View;        

         import          android.widget.AdapterView;        

         import          android.widget.ArrayAdapter;        

         import          android.widget.Button;        

         import          android.widget.ListView;        

         import          android.widget.Toast;        

         import          android.widget.ToggleButton;        

         public          class          Bluetooth1          extends          Activity {        

                  /** Called when the activity is first created. */        

                  Button btnSearch, btnDis, btnExit;         

                  ToggleButton tbtnSwitch;         

                  ListView lvBTDevices;         

                  ArrayAdapter<String> adtDevices;         

                  List<String> lstDevices =          new          ArrayList<String>();         

                  BluetoothAdapter btAdapt;         

                  public          static          BluetoothSocket btSocket;         


                  public          void          onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {         

                  super         .onCreate(savedInstanceState);         


                  // Button 设置         

                  btnSearch = (Button)          this         .findViewById(R.id.btnSearch);         

                  btnSearch.setOnClickListener(         new          ClickEvent());         

                  btnExit = (Button)          this         .findViewById(R.id.btnExit);         

                  btnExit.setOnClickListener(         new          ClickEvent());         

                  btnDis = (Button)          this         .findViewById(R.id.btnDis);         

                  btnDis.setOnClickListener(         new          ClickEvent());         


                  // ToogleButton设置         

                  tbtnSwitch = (ToggleButton)          this         .findViewById(R.id.tbtnSwitch);         

                  tbtnSwitch.setOnClickListener(         new          ClickEvent());         


                  // ListView及其数据源 适配器         

                  lvBTDevices = (ListView)          this         .findViewById(R.id.lvDevices);         

                  adtDevices =          new          ArrayAdapter<String>(         this         ,         

                  android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, lstDevices);         


                  lvBTDevices.setOnItemClickListener(         new          ItemClickEvent());         


                  btAdapt = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();         // 初始化本机蓝牙功能         


                  // ========================================================         

                  // modified by wiley         


                  * if (btAdapt.getState() == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF)// 读取蓝牙状态并显示        

                  * tbtnSwitch.setChecked(false); else if (btAdapt.getState() ==        

                  * BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON) tbtnSwitch.setChecked(true);        


                  if          (btAdapt.isEnabled()) {         

                  tbtnSwitch.setChecked(         false         );         

                  }          else          {         

                  tbtnSwitch.setChecked(         true         );         


                  // ============================================================         

                  // 注册Receiver来获取蓝牙设备相关的结果         

                  IntentFilter intent =          new          IntentFilter();         

                  intent.addAction(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND);         // 用BroadcastReceiver来取得搜索结果         




                  registerReceiver(searchDevices, intent);         



                  private          final          BroadcastReceiver searchDevices =          new          BroadcastReceiver() {           


                  public          void          onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {              


                  String action = intent.getAction();         

                  Bundle b = intent.getExtras();         

                  Object[] lstName = b.keySet().toArray();         


                  // 显示所有收到的消息及其细节         

                  for          (         int          i =          0         ; i < lstName.length; i++) {         

                  String keyName = lstName.toString();         

                  Log.e(keyName, String.valueOf(b.get(keyName)));         


                  BluetoothDevice device =          null         ;         

                  // 搜索设备时,取得设备的MAC地址         

                  if          (BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND.equals(action)) {         

                  device = intent.getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE);         

                  if          (device.getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE) {         

                  String str =          "           未配对|"          + device.getName() +          "|"        

                  + device.getAddress();         

                  if          (lstDevices.indexOf(str) == -         1         )         // 防止重复添加         

                  lstDevices.add(str);          // 获取设备名称和mac地址         



                  }         else          if         (BluetoothDevice.ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED.equals(action)){         

                  device = intent.getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE);         


                  switch          (device.getBondState()) {         

                  case          BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDING:         

                  Log.d(         "BlueToothTestActivity"         ,          "正在配对......"         );         

                  break         ;         

                  case          BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED:         

                  Log.d(         "BlueToothTestActivity"         ,          "完成配对"         );         


                  break         ;         

                  case          BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE:         

                  Log.d(         "BlueToothTestActivity"         ,          "取消配对"         );         

                  default         :         

                  break         ;         








                  protected          void          onDestroy() {         

                  this         .unregisterReceiver(searchDevices);         

                  super         .onDestroy();         




                  class          ItemClickEvent          implements          AdapterView.OnItemClickListener {         



                  public          void          onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1,          int          arg2,         

                  long          arg3) {         

                  if         (btAdapt.isDiscovering())btAdapt.cancelDiscovery();         

                  String str = lstDevices.get(arg2);         

                  String[] values = str.split(         "\\|"         );         

                  String address = values[         2         ];         

                  Log.e(         "address"         , values[         2         ]);                     

                  BluetoothDevice btDev = btAdapt.getRemoteDevice(address);         

                  try          {         

                  Boolean returnValue =          false         ;         

                  if          (btDev.getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE) {         

                  Toast.makeText(Bluetooth1.         this         ,          "远程设备发送蓝牙配对请求"         ,          5000         ).show();         


                  ClsUtils.createBond(btDev.getClass(), btDev);           

                  }         else          if         (btDev.getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED){         

                  Toast.makeText(Bluetooth1.         this         , btDev.getBondState()+         " ....正在连接.."         ,          1000         ).show();         


                  }          catch          (Exception e) {         





                  class          ClickEvent          implements          View.OnClickListener {         


                  public          void          onClick(View v) {         

                  if          (v == btnSearch)         // 搜索蓝牙设备,在BroadcastReceiver显示结果         


                  if          (btAdapt.getState() == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF) {         // 如果蓝牙还没开启         

                  Toast.makeText(Bluetooth1.         this         ,          "请先打开蓝牙"         ,          1000         )         


                  return         ;         


                  if          (btAdapt.isDiscovering())         



                  Object[] lstDevice = btAdapt.getBondedDevices().toArray();         

                  for          (         int          i =          0         ; i < lstDevice.length; i++) {         

                  BluetoothDevice device = (BluetoothDevice) lstDevice[i];         

                  String str =          " 已配对|"          + device.getName() +          "|"        

                  + device.getAddress();         

                  lstDevices.add(str);          // 获取设备名称和mac地址         



                  setTitle(         "本机:"          + btAdapt.getAddress());         


                  }          else          if          (v == tbtnSwitch) {         // 本机蓝牙启动/关闭         

                  if          (tbtnSwitch.isChecked() ==          false         )         



                  else          if          (tbtnSwitch.isChecked() ==          true         )         



                  }          else          if          (v == btnDis)         // 本机可以被搜索         


                  Intent discoverableIntent =          new          Intent(         



                  BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_DISCOVERABLE_DURATION,          300         );         


                  }          else          if          (v == btnExit) {         

                  try          {         

                  if          (btSocket !=          null         )         


                  }          catch          (IOException e) {         



                  Bluetooth1.         this         .finish();         





                  public          boolean          onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {        

                  getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu);        

                  return          true         ;        






PairingRequest.java  (重要部分,自动配对主要是这个部分完成,activity只是创建了一个配对请求) 


package          cn.bluetooth;        


         import          android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;        

         import          android.content.BroadcastReceiver;        

         import          android.content.Context;        

         import          android.content.Intent;        

         import          android.widget.Toast;        


         public          class          PairingRequest          extends          BroadcastReceiver {        

                  String strPsw =          "0000"         ;        

                  final          String ACTION_PAIRING_REQUEST =          "android.bluetooth.device.action.PAIRING_REQUEST"         ;        

                  static          BluetoothDevice remoteDevice =          null         ;        



                  public          void          onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {        

                  if          (intent.getAction().equals(ACTION_PAIRING_REQUEST)) {        


                  BluetoothDevice device = intent        


                  if          (device.getBondState() != BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED) {        

                  try          {        

                  ClsUtils.setPin(device.getClass(), device, strPsw);          // 手机和蓝牙采集器配对        

                  // ClsUtils.cancelPairingUserInput(device.getClass(),        

                  // device); //一般调用不成功,前言里面讲解过了        

                  Toast.makeText(context,          "配对信息"          + device.getName(),          5000         )        


                  }          catch          (Exception e) {        

                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block        

                  Toast.makeText(context,          "请求连接错误..."         ,          1000         ).show();        



                  // */        

                  // pair(device.getAddress(),strPsw);        




AndroidManifest.xml  启动activity,接收广播 


<         manifest          xmlns:android         =         "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"        

                  package         =         "cn.bluetooth"        

                  android:versionCode         =         "1"        

                  android:versionName         =         "1.0"          >        

                  <         uses-sdk        

                  android:minSdkVersion         =         "8"        

                  android:targetSdkVersion         =         "15"          />        

         <         uses-permission          android:name         =         "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"          />        

         <         uses-permission          android:name         =         "android.permission.BLUETOOTH"          />        

                  <         application        

                  android:icon         =         "@drawable/ic_launcher"        

                  android:label         =         "@string/app_name"        

                  android:theme         =         "@style/AppTheme"          >        

                  <         activity        

                  android:name         =         ".Bluetooth1"        

                  android:label         =         "@string/title_activity_bluetooth1"          >        

                  <         intent-filter         >        

                  <         action          android:name         =         "android.intent.action.MAIN"          />        

                  <         category          android:name         =         "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"          />        

                  </         intent-filter         >        

                  </         activity         >        

                  <         receiver          android:name         =         ".PairingRequest"         >        

                  <         intent-filter         >        

                  <         action          android:name         =         "android.bluetooth.device.action.PAIRING_REQUEST"          />         

                  </         intent-filter         >        

                  </         receiver         >        


                  </         application         >        

         </         manifest         >        


main.xml   布局 


<         LinearLayout          xmlns:android         =         "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"        

                  xmlns:tools         =         "http://schemas.android.com/tools"        

                  android:id         =         "@+id/LinearLayout1"        

                  android:layout_width         =         "match_parent"        

                  android:layout_height         =         "match_parent"        

                  android:orientation         =         "vertical"          >        

                  <         Button        

                  android:layout_width         =         "wrap_content"        

                  android:layout_height         =         "wrap_content"        

                  android:id         =         "@+id/btnSearch"        

                  android:text         =         "btnSearch"        


         <         Button        

                  android:layout_width         =         "wrap_content"        

                  android:layout_height         =         "wrap_content"        

                  android:id         =         "@+id/btnExit"        

                  android:text         =         "btnExit"        


         <         Button        

                  android:layout_width         =         "wrap_content"        

                  android:layout_height         =         "wrap_content"        

                  android:id         =         "@+id/btnDis"        

                  android:text         =         "btnDis"        


         <         ToggleButton        

         android:layout_width         =         "wrap_content"        

                  android:layout_height         =         "wrap_content"        

                  android:id         =         "@+id/tbtnSwitch"        

                  android:text         =         "tbtnSwitch"        


         <         ListView        

                  android:layout_width         =         "fill_parent"        

                  android:layout_height         =         "wrap_content"        

                  android:id         =         "@+id/lvDevices"        



我觉得想要真正意义上的完成蓝牙设备的自动配对,方法还是有的,需要研究一下setting部分的Bluetooth模块,以及根据蓝牙源码进行深入了解,期待着关于android bluetooth深入浅出的文章,大家有什么好的文章,留个言大家一起好好学习学习。