OpenTSDB ,可以认为是一个时系列数据(库),它基于HBase存储数据,充分发挥了HBase的分布式列存储特性,支持数百万每秒的读写。


开源监控系统OpenTSDB,用hbase存储所有的时序(无须 采样)来构建一个分布式、可伸缩的时间序列数据库。它支持秒级数据采集所有metrics,支持永久存储,可以做容量规划,并很容易的接入到现有的报警系 统里。OpenTSDB可以从大规模的集群(包括集群中的网络设备、操作系统、应用程序)中获取相应的metrics并进行存储、索引以及服务,从而使得 这些数据更容易让人理解,如web化,图形化等。


How does OpenTSDB work?

OpenTSDB consists of a Time Series Daemon (TSD) as well as set of command line utilities. Interaction with OpenTSDB is primarily achieved by running one or more of the TSDs. Each TSD is independent. There is no master, no shared state so you can run as many TSDs as required to handle any load you throw at it. Each TSD uses the open source database HBase to store and retrieve time-series data. The HBase schema is highly optimized for fast aggregations of similar time series to minimize storage space. Users of the TSD never need to access HBase directly. You can communicate with the TSD via a simple telnet-style protocol, an HTTP API or a simple built-in GUI. All communications happen on the same port (the TSD figures out the protocol of the client by looking at the first few bytes it receives).

opentsdb 架构 opentsdb性能_图形化

 In OpenTSDB, a time series data point consists of:

A metric name.

A UNIX timestamp (seconds or millisecinds since Epoch).

A value (64 bit integer or single-precision floating point value).

A set of tags (key-value pairs) that describe the time series the point belongs to.








还是前面的例子,如果我们把webserver01.sys.cpu.0.user作为key,那么可能要存储很多这样的key,比如机器有64核,你要存64条记录,我现在要算机器cpu avg,那么你要扫描全部的记录,然后聚合求均值,试想,如果你有很多机房,很多机器呢?当你的统计需求涉及大量的记录的时候,这些记录在底层存储的时候特别分散,那么无疑,你聚合的性能会很差,时序数据的metrics 之所以要搞成metrics加tag的方式,实际上跟hbase表的设计有关,rowkey开始的字段是metrics然后加时间戳加tag



opentsdb要求你必须至少有一个tag,可以有多个,数量不限,同时使用一个精简的metric作为key,这个metric其实是可以共用的。还是举前面那个例子,webserver01.sys.cpu.0.user被改造成sys.cpu.user{host=webserver01,cpu=42}即带2个tag kv对,metric变成sys.cpu.user
