对于Java应用程序来说,热部署就是在运行时更新Java类文件。在基于Java的应用服务 器实现热部署的过程中,类装入器扮演着重要的角色。大多数基于Java的应用服务器,包括EJB服务器和Servlet容器,都支持热部署。类装入器不能 重新装入一个已经装入的类,但只要使用一个新的类装入器实例,就可以将类再次装入一个正在运行的应用程序。
Tomcat的热部署(以后就不用重启了) 没有热部署和有热部署的开发效率是天差地别的。这个问题还受很多第三方软件包(Struts,Spring,Hibernate)的限制。本来可以热部署,加入了第三方的包就不可以了。所以,先说明详细的软件环境,和程序配置是非常必要的。 虚拟机:java version "1.5.0_06" Servlet Engine:Apache Tomcat/5.0.27 Eclipse:3.0.1 Myeclipse:3.8.3 应用程序情况:纯正的sertlet+jsp+javabean,数据库连接使用JDBC- ODBC桥连接Access数据库。没有使用任何第三方软件包,没有使用Struts,Spring,Hibernate。\WebRoot\WEB- INF\lib下是空的。 配置方法: ie登陆http://Tomcat所在的服务器IP:8080/ -> 点超连接“Tomcat Administration”-> 输入用户名密码登陆 ->在左侧的功能树中 -> Tomcat Server -> Service(Catalina) -> Host(localhost) -> Context(/要修改的web项目) ->右侧新出现的页面中 ->Reloadable设置为true -> Save按钮 -> Commit Changes。 然后Tomcat日志显示: debugging -- changes saved to conf/server.xml - Removing web application at context path /test - Processing Context configuration file URL file:D:\Program Files\Tomcat 5.0\conf\Catalina\localhost\test.xml - Removing web application at context path /admin - unregistering logger Catalina:type=Logger,path=/admin,host=localhost - Processing Context configuration file URL file:D:\Program Files\Tomcat 5.0\conf\Catalina\localhost\admin.xml - Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.util.LocalStrings', returnNull=true - Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.action.ActionResources', returnNull=true - Initializing, config='org.apache.webapp.admin.ApplicationResources', returnNull=true - Removing web application at context path /webdav - Processing Context configuration file URL file:D:\Program Files\Tomcat 5.0\conf\Catalina\localhost\webdav.xml - Removing web application at context path /test - Processing Context configuration file URL file:D:\Program Files\Tomcat 5.0\conf\Catalina\localhost\test.xml …… 这样,设置就生效了。 开发时,修改.java文件后,调用这个类时日志提示: - Reloading this Context has started 这是正在重新加载修改后的.class文件。 如果没有进行这个设置,修改.java文件后,不抛出异常。系统使用没有修改的.java文件继续运行。 不同版本的Tomcat的配置方法是不同的。这里使用的是5.0.27 j2ee开发插件(这里使用Myeclipse),也可能导致热部署失效。因为插件必须要把编译好的.class文件从工作空间复制到Tomcat\webapps下的项目里。才能使Tomcat得到需要热部署的文件。 注意:如果项目中加入了Struts,Hibernate,Spring只类的第三方软件,可能导致热部署失效。
我的目录结构是 d://hotdeploy//Client.java d://hotdeploy//ServerItf.java d://hotdeploy//server//ServerImpl.java 文件内容依次为: //file Client.java import java . net . URL; import java . net . URLClassLoader; import java. io . BufferedReader; import java . io . InputStreamReader; public class Client { static ClassLoader cl; static ServerItf server; public static void loadNewVersionOfServer() throws Exception { URL[] serverURLs = new URL[] { new URL("file://d:/hotdeploy/server/") }; cl = new URLClassLoader(serverURLs); server = (ServerItf) cl.loadClass("ServerImpl").newInstance(); } public static void test() throws Exception { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System . in)); loadNewVersionOfServer(); while (true) { System.out.PRint("Enter QUOTE, RELOAD, GC, or QUIT: "); String cmdRead = br.readLine(); String cmd = cmdRead.toUpperCase(); if (cmd.equals("QUIT")) { return; } else if (cmd.equals("QUOTE")) { System.out.println(server.getQuote()); } else if (cmd.equals("RELOAD")) { loadNewVersionOfServer(); } else if (cmd.equals("GC")) { System.gc(); System.runFinalization(); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { test(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- public interface ServerItf { public String getQuote(); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class ServerImpl implements ServerItf { // catch the class being unloaded from the VM static Object reporter = new Reporter(ServerImpl.class); public String getQuote() { return "i love you"; } } // file ServerImpl.java. Place this file // in a subdirectory named 'server'. class Reporter { Class cls; Reporter(Class cls) { this.cls = cls; System.out.println("ServerImpl class " + cls.hashCode() + " loaded into VM"); } protected void finalize() { System.out.println("ServerImpl class " + cls.hashCode() + " unloaded from VM"); } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 运行的命令依次为: D:\hotdeploy>javac Client.java D:\hotdeploy>javac ServerItf.java D:\hotdeploy>javac -cp d:\hotdeploy d:\hotdeploy\server\ServerImpl.java D:\hotdeploy>java Client ServerImpl class 1641745 loaded into VM Enter QUOTE, RELOAD, GC, or QUIT: quote i love you Enter QUOTE, RELOAD, GC, or QUIT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 编辑ServerImpl.java为: public class ServerImpl implements ServerItf { // catch the class being unloaded from the VM static Object reporter = new Reporter(ServerImpl.class); public String getQuote() { return "you love me"; } } // file ServerImpl.java. Place this file // in a subdirectory named 'server'. class Reporter { Class cls; Reporter(Class cls) { this.cls = cls; System.out.println("ServerImpl class " + cls.hashCode() + " loaded into VM"); } protected void finalize() { System.out.println("ServerImpl class " + cls.hashCode() + " unloaded from VM"); } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 打开另外一个dos窗口,运行javac -cp d:\hotdeploy d:\hotdeploy\server\ServerImpl.java ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 回到原先的doc窗口,依次运行 Enter QUOTE, RELOAD, GC, or QUIT: reload ServerImpl class 12677476 loaded into VM Enter QUOTE, RELOAD, GC, or QUIT: quote you love me Enter QUOTE, RELOAD, GC, or QUIT: 可以看到效果。