
经常有一些C/C++库,会自定义一些在不同平台上 长度不同的native类型,例如我之前遇到的8字节的enum问题,MvPixelType枚举类型,在windows平台是4字节整型,在Linux平台意外变成了8字节长整型,这种时候JNA默认给枚举分配的4字节就不合适了,需要通过某种方式指导JNA根据平台类型读写相应长度的内存






public interface TypeConverter extends FromNativeConverter, ToNativeConverter {}

public interface FromNativeConverter {

    /** Convert the given native object into its Java representation using

     * the given context.


    Object fromNative(Object nativeValue, FromNativeContext context);

    /** Indicate the native type used by this converter. */

    Class<?> nativeType();

public interface ToNativeConverter {


     * Convert a Java type to an appropriate native type. The new type

     * must be one of the following classes:

     * <ul>

     * <li>{@link Pointer}

     * <li>Boolean

     * <li>Byte

     * <li>Short

     * <li>Character

     * <li>Integer

     * <li>{@link NativeLong}

     * <li>Long

     * <li>Float

     * <li>Double

     * <li>{@link Structure}

     * <li>String

     * <li>{@link WString}

     * <li>{@link java.nio.Buffer} (unsupported in direct mode)

     * <li>primitive array (unsupported in direct mode)

     * </ul>


    Object toNative(Object value, ToNativeContext context);

    /** Indicate the type expected from {@link #toNative}. */

    Class<?> nativeType();



/** Provides converters for conversion to and from native types. */
public interface TypeMapper {
    /** Return the {@link FromNativeConverter} appropriate for the given Java class.
     * @param javaType Java class representation of the native type.
     * @return Converter from the native-compatible type.
    FromNativeConverter getFromNativeConverter(Class<?> javaType);

    /** Return the {@link ToNativeConverter} appropriate for the given Java class.
     * @param javaType Java class representation of the native type.
     * @return Converter to the native-compatible type.
    ToNativeConverter getToNativeConverter(Class<?> javaType);


public class DefaultTypeMapper implements TypeMapper {
    private static class Entry {
        public Class<?> type;
        public Object converter;
        public Entry(Class<?> type, Object converter) {
            this.type = type;
            this.converter = converter;

    private List<Entry> toNativeConverters = new ArrayList<Entry>();
    private List<Entry> fromNativeConverters = new ArrayList<Entry>();

    /** Add a {@link ToNativeConverter} to define the conversion into a native
     * type from arguments of the given Java type.  Converters are
     * checked for in the order added.
     * @param cls Java class requiring conversion
     * @param converter {@link ToNativeConverter} to transform an object of
     * the given Java class into its native-compatible form.
    public void addToNativeConverter(Class<?> cls, ToNativeConverter converter) {
        toNativeConverters.add(new Entry(cls, converter));
        Class<?> alt = getAltClass(cls);
        if (alt != null) {
            toNativeConverters.add(new Entry(alt, converter));
     * Add a {@link FromNativeConverter} to convert a native result type into the
     * given Java type.  Converters are checked for in the order added.
     * @param cls Java class for the Java representation of a native type.
     * @param converter {@link FromNativeConverter} to transform a
     * native-compatible type into its Java equivalent.
    public void addFromNativeConverter(Class<?> cls, FromNativeConverter converter) {
        fromNativeConverters.add(new Entry(cls, converter));
        Class<?> alt = getAltClass(cls);
        if (alt != null) {
            fromNativeConverters.add(new Entry(alt, converter));

     * Add a {@link TypeConverter} to provide bidirectional mapping between
     * a native and Java type.
     * @param cls Java class representation for a native type
     * @param converter {@link TypeConverter} to translate between native and
     * Java types.
    public void addTypeConverter(Class<?> cls, TypeConverter converter) {
        addFromNativeConverter(cls, converter);
        addToNativeConverter(cls, converter);

    private Object lookupConverter(Class<?> javaClass, Collection<? extends Entry> converters) {
        for (Entry entry : converters) {
            if (entry.type.isAssignableFrom(javaClass)) {
                return entry.converter;
        return null;

    public FromNativeConverter getFromNativeConverter(Class<?> javaType) {
        return (FromNativeConverter)lookupConverter(javaType, fromNativeConverters);

    public ToNativeConverter getToNativeConverter(Class<?> javaType) {
        return (ToNativeConverter)lookupConverter(javaType, toNativeConverters);






import com.sun.jna.FromNativeContext;
import com.sun.jna.NativeMapped;

public class MvGvspPixelType implements NativeMapped {
    private static String os_arch;
    private Long value;
    static {
        os_arch = System.getProperty("os.arch");

    public MvGvspPixelType() {} // must exist!

    private MvGvspPixelType(Long value){
        this.value = value;

    public MvGvspPixelType fromNative(Object o, FromNativeContext fromNativeContext) {
        if (os_arch.equals("arm")) {
            return new MvGvspPixelType(Long.valueOf((long) o));
        } else {
            return new MvGvspPixelType(Integer.toUnsignedLong((int) o));

    public Object toNative() {
        if (os_arch.equals("arm")) {
            return this.value;
        } else {
            return this.value.intValue();

    public Class<?> nativeType() {
        if (os_arch.equals("arm")) {
            return Long.class;
        } else {
            return Integer.class;


The type "com.happen23.agv.hik_camera.lib_hik.MvGvspPixelType" is not supported: Can't create an instance of class com.happen23.agv.hik_camera.lib_hik.MvGvspPixelType, requires a public no-arg constructor: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.happen23.agv.hik_camera.lib_hik.MvGvspPixelType.<init>()

