


1. UI设置

首先新建一个Canavs命名为Bulletin board,新建子对象image作为背景图片和Scroll View作为公告栏,在Scroll View中新建image作为公告的背景,Viewport的content对象中新建4个buton作为测试公告,button中除了一个title文本外,新建一个内容文本,新建完成后的结构图如下:

Scroll View的大小和content的高度根据需要自行设置,我的是Scroll View为400 * 400, content高500.



2. 新建代码


  • Blletin.cs:响应代码,挂载到所有button上
  • GameEvent.cs:事件源,用于订阅与发布模式
  • Singleton.cs:单例模式


public class Singleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T: MonoBehaviour{

    protected static T instance;

    public static T Instance{
            if (instance == null) {
                instance = (T)FindObjectOfType (typeof(T));
                if (instance == null) {
                    Debug.LogError ("An instance of " + typeof(T) +
                        " is needed in the scence, but there is none.");
            return instance;
3. 公告的5个运动状态


public enum State:int {uping, downing, text_hidding, text_appearing, none}
  • uping:因为按下某个显示的公告而处于向上滑动的状态
  • downing:因为按下某个隐藏的公告而处于向下滑动的状态
  • text_hidding:当前公告为显示,按下当前公告使文本处于渐隐状态
  • text_appearing:当前公告为隐藏,按下当前公告使文本处于渐显状态
  • none:没有任何运动


private bool isHidden = false;
private State state = State.none;
4. 订阅与发布


public class GameEvent : MonoBehaviour {

    public delegate void UpEvent(char num);
    public static event UpEvent upEvent;

    public delegate void DownEvent (char num);
    public static event DownEvent downEvent;

    public void up(char num){
        if (upEvent != null) {
            upEvent (num);

    public void down(char num){
        if (downEvent != null) {
            downEvent (num);



private Button btn;     //button对象
private Text content;   //text对象
private char number;    //当前公告的编号
private float y;        //当前公告的y轴位置

void Start () {
    btn = this.GetComponent<Button> ();

    btn.onClick.AddListener (ifClicked);
    content = this.transform.GetChild (1).GetComponent<Text> ();

    y = btn.transform.localPosition.y;

    number = btn.name [8];

void OnEnable(){
    GameEvent.upEvent += Hide;
    GameEvent.downEvent += Appear;

void OnDisable(){
    GameEvent.upEvent -= Hide;
    GameEvent.downEvent -= Appear;


private Vector3 target; //将要移动的目标位置

void Hide(char changeNum){

    if (number > changeNum) {
        target = new Vector3 (btn.transform.localPosition.x, y + 100, btn.transform.localPosition.z);
        state = State.uping;

void Appear(char changeNum)

    if (number > changeNum) {
        target = new Vector3 (btn.transform.localPosition.x, y - 100, btn.transform.localPosition.z);
        state = State.downing;


void ifClicked(){

    if (isHidden) {
        state = State.text_appearing;
        Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.down (number);
    } else {
        state = State.text_hidding;
        Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.up (number);
5. 公告的运动


private float duration = 2.5f;  //变化时间
private float time = 0;         //计时器

void TextChange(){
    if (state == State.text_hidding) {
        time += 0.1f;
        if (time > duration) {
            isHidden = true;
            time = 0;
            state = State.none;
        } else {
            Color newColor = content.color;
            float proportion = time / duration;
            newColor.a = Mathf.Lerp (1, 0, proportion);
            content.color = newColor;
    else if(state == State.text_appearing){
        time += 0.1f;
        if (time > duration) {
            isHidden = false;
            time = 0;
            state = State.none;
        } else {
            Color newColor = content.color;
            float proportion = time / duration;
            newColor.a = Mathf.Lerp (0, 1, proportion);
            content.color = newColor;


void PositionChange(){
    if (state == State.uping) {
        btn.transform.localPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards (btn.transform.localPosition, target, 100f * Time.deltaTime);
        if (btn.transform.localPosition == target) {
            state = State.none;
            y = btn.transform.localPosition.y;
    else if (state == State.downing) {
        btn.transform.localPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards (btn.transform.localPosition, target, 100f * Time.deltaTime);
        if (btn.transform.localPosition == target) {
            state = State.none;
            y = btn.transform.localPosition.y;


void Update () {
    if (state != State.none) {
        TextChange ();
        PositionChange ();
6. 互斥锁


public bool isChange{ get; set;}



Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange = false;


void ifClicked(){
    if (!Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange) {


void Hide(char changeNum){
    if (number > changeNum) {
        Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange = true;

void Appear(char changeNum){
    if (number > changeNum) {
        Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange = true;


void PositionChange(){
    if (state == State.uping) {
        if (btn.transform.localPosition == target) {
            Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange = false;
    else if (state == State.downing) {
        if (btn.transform.localPosition == target) {
            Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange = false;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI; 

public class Bulletin : MonoBehaviour {

    private Button btn;
    private Text content;

    private bool isHidden = false;
    private State state = State.none;
    private Vector3 target;
    private float y;
    private float duration = 2.5f;
    private float time = 0;
    private char number;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        btn = this.GetComponent<Button> ();
        btn.onClick.AddListener (ifClicked);
        content = this.transform.GetChild (1).GetComponent<Text> ();
        y = btn.transform.localPosition.y;
        number = btn.name [8];
        Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange = false;

    void OnEnable(){
        GameEvent.upEvent += Hide;
        GameEvent.downEvent += Appear;

    void OnDisable(){
        GameEvent.upEvent -= Hide;
        GameEvent.downEvent -= Appear;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {
        if (state != State.none) {
            TextChange ();
            PositionChange ();

    void Hide(char changeNum){
        if (number > changeNum) {
            Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange = true;
            target = new Vector3 (btn.transform.localPosition.x, y + 100, btn.transform.localPosition.z);
            state = State.uping;

    void Appear(char changeNum){
        if (number > changeNum) {
            Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange = true;
            target = new Vector3 (btn.transform.localPosition.x, y - 100, btn.transform.localPosition.z);
            state = State.downing;

    void ifClicked(){
        if (!Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange) {
            if (isHidden) {
                state = State.text_appearing;
                Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.down (number);
            } else {
                state = State.text_hidding;
                Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.up (number);

    void TextChange(){
        if (state == State.text_hidding) {
            time += 0.1f;
            if (time > duration) {
                isHidden = true;
                time = 0;
                state = State.none;
            } else {
                Color newColor = content.color;
                float proportion = time / duration;
                newColor.a = Mathf.Lerp (1, 0, proportion);
                content.color = newColor;
        else if(state == State.text_appearing){
            time += 0.1f;
            if (time > duration) {
                isHidden = false;
                time = 0;
                state = State.none;
            } else {
                Color newColor = content.color;
                float proportion = time / duration;
                newColor.a = Mathf.Lerp (0, 1, proportion);
                content.color = newColor;

    void PositionChange(){
        if (state == State.uping) {
            btn.transform.localPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards (btn.transform.localPosition, target, 100f * Time.deltaTime);
            if (btn.transform.localPosition == target) {
                state = State.none;
                y = btn.transform.localPosition.y;
                Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange = false;
        else if (state == State.downing) {
            btn.transform.localPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards (btn.transform.localPosition, target, 100f * Time.deltaTime);
            if (btn.transform.localPosition == target) {
                state = State.none;
                y = btn.transform.localPosition.y;
                Singleton<GameEvent>.Instance.isChange = false;