HM-3120:2D Mshing in Curved Surfaces(2D在曲面中进行网格划分)

弦偏差(Chordal deviation)是一种网格划分算法,它允许HyperMesh沿着曲面边缘自动改变节点密度和偏差,以获得更准确的网格表面表示。(Chordal deviation is a meshing algorithm that allows HyperMesh to automatically vary node densities and biasing along curved surface edges to gain a more accurate representation of the surface being meshed.)

1.在本教程中,您将学习如何创建一个基于元素大小的网格。(In this tutorial you will learn how to Create a mesh based only on element size)
2.使用最大偏差参数对一组曲面进行网格划分。(Mesh a set of surfaces using the maximum deviation parameter)
3.减小最大角度周长。(Reduce the maximum angle perimeter)
4.增加最大元素大小参数。(Increase the maximum element size parameter)。

Step 1. Open the Model File

In this step you will open the model file,

  1. Start HyperMesh Desktop.
  2. From the menu bar, click File > Open > Model.
  3. In the Open Model dialog, open the model file.
  4. Observe the model using the different visual options available

Step 2. Set the Mesh Parameters(设置网格参数)

In this step you will set the mesh parameters and create the mesh.(这一步你将设置网格参数并创建网格)

  1. To open the Mesh panel, click Mesh > Create > 2D AutoMesh from the menu bar, or select automesh from the 2D page.
  2. Toggle the mesh mode from interactive to automatic. (将网格模式从交互式切换到自动
  3. In the element size= field, type 15.000.
  4. Set the mesh type to quads.
  5. Set the toggle to elems to surf comp. (将元素切换到表面组件)
  6. Select surfs >> by collector >> use size. (由收集器>>使用尺寸)
  7. Click select.
  8. Click mesh.

Step 3. Set the Chordal Deviation Parameters设置弦偏差参数


解答 :(在点云内任意取3个点,过此三点必然可以作一个圆弧,连接此圆弧的2端点形成一直线,过此圆弧的中点作直线的垂线.此垂线的长度既为弦.则,以某点云的点为基准,必然可以在其它的点云里的点里找到上述的很多点,这些点形成一个区域.在此区域内的点云全部被过滤掉.)

In this step you will set the chordal deviation parameters and create the mesh.(在这一步中,您将设置弦偏差参数并创建网格)。

  1. Go to the edge deviation subpanel. (转到边缘偏差子面板
  2. In the min elem size= field, type 1.000.
    Note: To cycle through the parameter settings, press the Tab key after typing in a value.(注:输入数值后按Tab键循环参数设置。)
  3. In the max elem size= field, type 15.000.
  4. In the max deviation(最大偏差)= field, type 0.500.
  5. In the max angle(最大角度)= field, type 90.000 for the maximum angle parameter to be neglected. (对于被忽略的最大角度参数)
  6. Set the mesh type to quads.
  7. Select surfs >> by collector >> deviation ctrl.
  8. Click select.
  9. Click mesh.
    The mesh is created.

Step 4. Set the Chordal Deviation Parameters, Part 2(步骤4。设置弦偏差参数,第2部分)

In this step you will set the chordal deviation parameters and create the mesh.
You will use the same chordal deviation settings from the previous step, but reducethe maximum angle parameter to compare the effects.(您将使用与上一步相同的弦偏差设置,但减少最大角度参数来比较效果。

  1. In the max angle= field, type 20.000.
  2. Select surfs >> by collector >>angle ctrl.
  3. Click select.
  4. Click mesh.
    The mesh is created on the surfaces.

Step 5. Set the Chordal Deviation Parameters, Part 3

In this step you will set the chordal deviation parameters and create the mesh.You will use the same chordal deviation parameters from the previous step except for the maximum element size parameter. The maximum element size parameter is increased to allow the algorithm to create larger and fewer elements along planer and less curved surface edges.(在这一步中,您将设置弦偏差参数并创建网格。除了最大单元尺寸参数外,您将使用与上一步相同的弦偏差参数。增加了最大元素尺寸参数,以允许算法沿着平面和更少的曲面边缘创建更大和更少的元素。

  1. In the max elem size= field, type 30.000.
  2. Select surfs >> by collector >> max size ctrl.
  3. Click select.
  4. Click mesh. The mesh is created.

Hypermesh使用最小边界偏差(edge deviation)命令提高曲线处网格划分精度


HyperMesh提供了一种处理这类问题的方法。用户可以通过控制沿着曲面边界的单元的生成方式来,减少边界上的偏差。此功能可以通过automesh中的edge deviation子面板来实现。

edge deviation中的控制参数主要有以下几个:

Min elem size: HyperMesh 创建的最小单元;

Max elem size: HyperMesh 创建的最大单元;

Max deviation : 指定网格和曲面边界的最大偏差值,HyperMesh 会自动编辑节点和单元来满足指定的条件;

Max angle: 指定相邻两个单元件的最大夹角值,HyperMesh会自动编辑节点和单元来满足设定的条件。

上述问题也可以手动在边界上添加点,通过控制这些点的数量来控制网格非常接近原有的边界。要创建这些点,点击Geom>point edit>add 选择 on edge 并输入想要创建的点的数目,或者创建网格时手动调整边上所创建节点的数量。创建点的数目越多,网格和曲面的贴合程度就更高。

对于曲面也可以使用Surface Deviation来提高网格与曲面的贴合度,关于Hypermesh中Surface Deviation命令的使用方法可参考文章《hypermesh二维面网格局部加密细化》

HM-3130: QI Mesh Creation

HyperMesh has a set of features designed to help you achieve good element quality more efficiently.(HyperMesh有一组功能,旨在帮助您更有效地实现良好的元素质量。)
These features use settings from the Quality index panel to generate or modify a mesh This allows HyperMesh to give results that account you’re your preferences for which element quality checks are more or less important than others. The quality index (Q.I.) optimization features are found in the Auto mesh, Smooth, and Quality index panels. You can use these functions separately or in unison.(这些特性使用Quality索引面板的设置来生成或修改网格。这使得HyperMesh能够根据你的喜好给出结果,对于哪些元素质量检查比其他元素更重要或更不重要。质量指数(q.i)优化特征可以在Auto网格、Smooth和quality指数面板中找到。这些功能可以单独使用,也可以同时使用。)
In this tutorial you will learn how to create and optimize a 2D mesh based on user-defined quality criteria.(在本教程中,您将学习如何创建和优化基于用户定义的质量标准的2D网格。)

Step 1. Open the Model File

In this step you will open the model file,

  1. Start HyperMesh Desktop.
  2. From the menu bar, click File > Open > Model.
  3. In the Open Model dialog, open the model file.
  4. Observe the model using the different visual options available, such as rotation and zooming.

Step 2. Work with Node and Element Optimization(步骤2。与节点和元素优化工作**)

Within the quality index panel, there are tools you can use to select individual nodes or elements, and then alter the position or shape of the node/element to optimize the element quality for the surrounding elements. The element qualities are optimized according to the settings in the quality index panel. These features are very useful for improving element qualities in local areas of the mesh.(在质量索引面板中,有一些工具可以用来选择单独的节点或元素,然后改变节点/元素的位置或形状,以优化周围元素的元素质量。根据质量指标面板中的设置优化元素质量。这些特征对于改善网格局部区域的单元质量非常有用。)

  1. Open the quality index panel by clicking Mesh > Check > Elements > Quality Index from the menu bar, or by selecting quality index from the 2D page.
  2. On the right-hand side of the panel, note the value for comp. Q.I.=. It should read 85.09.
    Note: Keep this number in mind so that you can judge how much progress you make in improving the element quality.
  3. Click cleanup tools.
  4. Open the quality index panel by clicking Mesh > Check > Elements > Quality Index from the menu bar, **or by selecting quality index from the 2D page. **
option               |                                                      Description
        radial (径向)         |  Use this option to alter the radius of a hole (and, optionally, the washer)To alter the radius of the hole, click and drag a node in the graphics area. The element orientation remains constant, but the hole may become larger or smaller based on the input. There are additionalcontrols to enable or disable automatic remeshing when altering the hole dimensions.(使用此选项可以改变孔的半径(以及,可选的垫圈)。


  1. On the right-hand side of the panel, note the value for comp. Q.I. =It ==should read 85.09. ==
    Note: Keep this number in mind so that you can judge how much progress you make in improving the element quality.(记住这个数字,这样您就可以判断您在改进元素质量方面取得了多大的进展。)
  2. Click cleanup tools.
    The QI criteria is replaced by a series of yellow buttons, each representing a tool for element cleanup.
  3. Experiment with the modify hole and washers tool. Use these options on the hole in the mesh to reposition nodes on the hole’s edges, change the radius of the holes, and link holes with their washers so that the washers rotate or resize along with changes made to the holes. (用修改后的孔和垫圈工具进行实验。在网格中的孔上使用这些选项来重新定位孔边缘上的节点,更改孔的半径,并将孔与其垫圈连接起来,以便垫圈随着对孔的更改而旋转或调整大小。)
  4. Experiment with the place node tool. Use the following place node options to reposition some of the nodes in the mesh and change the shape of the surrounding elements. To reposition a node in the mesh, click and drag it Note: The affected elements will change color as you reposition the node to indicate their quality grade at the node’s current position. Observe how the comp. Q.I. changes.(9. 使用位置节点工具进行实验。使用下面的位置节点选项重新定位网格中的一些节点,并改变周围元素的形状。注意:当你重新定位节点时,受影响的元素会改变颜色,以指示它们在节点当前位置的质量等级。观察comp. Q.I.的变化)

HM-3140: Batch Meshing (批处理划分网格)

BatchMesher is a tool that can perform geometry cleanup and automeshing (in batch mode) for given CAD files. BatchMesher performs a variety of geometry cleanup operations to improve the quality of the mesh created for the selected element size and type. Cleanup operations include: equivalencing of “red” free edges, fixing small surfaces (relative to the element size), and detecting features.(BatchMesher是一个工具,可以执行几何清理和自动化给定的CAD文件(批处理模式)。BatchMesher执行各种几何清理操作,以提高为所选元素大小和类型创建的网格的质量。清理操作包括:等效“红色”自由边,固定小表面(相对于元素大小),和检测特征)
BatchMesher also performs specified surface editing/defeaturing operations such as: removal of pinholes (less than specified size), removal of edge fillets, and addition of a layer of washer elements around holes.(BatchMesher还执行指定的表面编辑/变形操作,如:去除针孔(小于指定尺寸),去除边缘圆角,并在孔周围添加一层垫圈元素。)

All user-defined criteria determines the quality index (QI) of a model. The QI value is used to assess the potential of each geometry cleanup and meshing tool, and apply them accordingly. QI optimized meshing and node placement optimization are performed to obtain the best quality meshing. Final results are stored in a HyperMesh database file.(所有用户定义的标准都决定模型的质量指数(QI)。QI值用于评估每种几何清理和网格划分工具的潜力,并相应地应用它们。通过QI优化网格划分和节点布局优化,获得最佳网格划分质量。最终结果存储在HyperMesh数据库文件中。)

In this tutorial you will learn how to:

1.Define a configuration for the batch mesh(定义批处理网格的配置)
2.Edit the criteria and parameter files(编辑标准和参数文件)
3.Set up a simple user procedure for a post-batch mesh run(建立一个简单的用户程序后批量网格运行)

This exercise uses the following files found in the file. Copy the files from this directory to your working directory.

  • bm_housing.criteria
  • bm_housing.param

Step 1Start BatchMesher
In this step you will start BatchMesher.

  1. To start BatchMesher:

on Windows, click on the Start menu All Programs > Altair HyperWorks > BatchMesher, or type hw_batchmesh with the full path, ~altairhome\hm\batchmesh\hw_batchmesh.

on Unix, type the hw_batchmesh command to invoke the user interface or hw_batchmesh - noqui… to perform the batch mesh without a user interface.

  1. In the Input model directory field, click and navigate to your working directory.
    Note: In this exercise you will use files located in the file.
  2. In the Output directory, click and navigate to the appropriate directory if different from the Input model directory.
  3. Optional: Move all of the .hm output files to the corresponding directory of the input model by selecting the Relocate .hm files to input model directory checkbox.
    5 On the right-hand side of BatchMesher, click .
    The Select Model Files dialog appears.
    6.From the Type of Geometry list, select the appropriate CAD data type. For this tutorial, use the geometry already loaded in HyperMesh, therefore select HyperMesh.
    ==Note: ==A filter will help select applicable HyperMesh models for batch meshing.
    7.Select the following model files:,, and
    Note: Select multiple files by pressing Ctrl while selecting files.
    Click Select.