iOS 只运行一次 iphone 一次只能开一个程序_ios


iOS 只运行一次 iphone 一次只能开一个程序_iOS 只运行一次_02

With all the apps we have on our iPhones these days, organizing them into folders is pretty much a requirement. But why does Apple still only show nine apps per folder page, especially with screen sizes getting bigger?

如今,随着iPhone上拥有的所有应用程序,将它们组织到文件夹中是非常必要的。 但是,为什么苹果在每个文件夹页面上仍然只显示九个应用程序,尤其是在屏幕尺寸变大的情况下?

Apple first introduced folders in iOS 4, and you could only have up to 12 apps in a single folder—they bumped up that number to 16 starting with the iPhone 5. But the nice thing was that all 16 would appear on the screen at once.

苹果在iOS 4中首次引入了文件夹,一个文件夹中最多只能包含12个应用程序-从iPhone 5开始,它们的数量就增加到16个。但是,很高兴的是,所有16个应用程序都会一次出现在屏幕上。

However, the introduction of iOS 7 meant a completely redesigned user interface, and that included folders. While folders now came with pages you can swipe through (up to 15 of them!), you can only fit a measly nine apps on a page at once.

但是,iOS 7的引入意味着完全重新设计的用户界面,其中包括文件夹。 虽然文件夹现在带有您可以滑动浏览的页面(最多15个!),但是一次只能在一个页面上容纳9个应用程序。

This still made sense on the iPhone 4 and even on the iPhone 5, both of which had a much smaller screen size than current models. On the smaller models, opening up a folder with nine apps filled out the screen quite nicely. But with iPhone screen sizes all the way up to a gargantuan 6.5 inches with the iPhone XS Max, using that same folder size just wastes screen space.

这在iPhone 4甚至iPhone 5上仍然有意义,因为两者的屏幕尺寸均比当前型号小得多。 在较小的机型上,打开一个包含九个应用程序的文件夹非常好。 但是,如果使用iPhone XS Max,iPhone屏幕尺寸一直达到6.5英寸,那么使用相同的文件夹尺寸只会浪费屏幕空间。

Unfortunately, on these larger iPhones (even on the regular iPhone XS’s 5.8-inch screen), folders look kind of…bad. Just look at this screenshot of an open folder. There’s a lot of wasted screen space that could otherwise be put to good use. And why is the folder title so far apart from the folder?

不幸的是,在这些较大的iPhone(甚至在常规的iPhone XS的5.8英寸屏幕上)上,文件夹看起来有点……不好。 只要看一下打开的文件夹的屏幕截图。 屏幕上有很多浪费的空间,否则可以很好地利用它们。 为什么文件夹标题与文件夹相距如此远?

iOS 只运行一次 iphone 一次只能开一个程序_java_03

Of course, this could be a deliberate design choice by Apple so that you wouldn’t have to reach way up to the top of the screen to select an app in a folder, but you have to do that anyway to select apps at the top of the home screen.


In any case, we did a bit of Photoshopping to see just how much better a folder could be on iOS, and how much nicer it would look on newer, larger iPhones.


iOS 只运行一次 iphone 一次只能开一个程序_ios_04

As you can see, adding another two rows of apps increases the count from 9 to 15, which is a more reasonable use of all that space. You’d still have pages you could swipe through, but having more apps onscreen at once would reduce the amount of swiping you had to do.

如您所见,添加另外两行应用程序会将计数从9增加到15,这是对所有空间的更合理使用。 您仍然可以滑动页面,但是一次在屏幕上显示更多应用程序将减少您必须滑动的次数。

Apple could easily implement something like this on the iPad as well. Granted, a folder page on the iPad shows 16 apps at once, but there’s still a lot of space around the folder that could easily be put to use, as shown below.

苹果也可以轻松地在iPad上实现类似的功能。 当然,iPad上的文件夹页面一次可以显示16个应用程序,但是文件夹周围仍然有很多空间可以轻松使用,如下所示。

Hell, Apple could easily expand the size of a folder to cover most of the iPad’s screen.


On Android, it depends on the specific device and what launcher you’re using, but the default launcher on the Pixel 3 can show up to 15 apps at once within a folder. If you have a custom launcher, like Nova Launcher, you can squeeze up to 20 apps in a folder to show at once, which works pretty well.

在Android上,它取决于特定的设备和您使用的启动器,但是Pixel 3上的默认启动器可以在一个文件夹中一次最多显示15个应用程序。 如果您具有自定义启动器(例如Nova Launcher),则可以在一个文件夹中最多压缩20个应用程序以一次显示,效果很好。

In any case, I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple implements an improvement of its iOS folders at some point in a future update, but I’m perplexed as to why it’s taking this long.


