The iPhone Home screen hasn’t changed since Steve Jobs first showed it off in 2007. Come fall 2020, iOS 14 will drastically shake things up with a few features that will be familiar to anyone who used an Android device in the last few years.
自从史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)于2007年首次展示以来,iPhone主屏幕一直没有改变。到2020年秋季, iOS 14将通过一些功能大幅度地改变现状,这是最近几年使用Android设备的用户所熟悉的。
That’s not a bad thing. iOS 14’s new Home screen features will be a welcome change for most users. The same changes are coming to the iPad with iPadOS 14, too.
这不是一件坏事。 对于大多数用户而言,iOS 14的新主屏幕功能将是一个可喜的变化。 带有iPadOS 14的iPad也将进行相同的更改。
(iOS Gets Inline Widgets)
In iOS 14, widgets can now live on the Home screen alongside your app icons and folders. These widgets come in a variety of shapes and sizes and use the current Home screen grid layout as a guide. The bigger a widget, the more information can be displayed.
在iOS 14中,小部件现在可以位于主屏幕上,与您的应用程序图标和文件夹一起。 这些小部件具有各种形状和大小,并使用当前的主屏幕网格布局作为指南。 小部件越大,可以显示的信息越多。
Tapping and holding on an app icon, choosing “Edit Home Screen,” and then selecting a “+” button at the top of the interface reveals the Widget Browser. Available widgets are searchable, with suggested widgets appearing at the top of the list. A list of categories follows, which provides some idea of what Apple expects widgets to be used for.
点击并按住一个应用程序图标,选择“编辑主屏幕”,然后选择界面顶部的“ +”按钮,将显示窗口小部件浏览器。 可用的小部件都是可搜索的,建议的小部件出现在列表的顶部。 以下是类别列表,它提供了一些有关Apple期望小部件将用于什么用途的想法。
There are widgets for your Batteries, Fitness widgets that display information from your Apple Watch, and “Up Next” schedulers based on your calendar. You can add a Now Playing widget to control media playback, get the News headlines at a glance, or get information from Maps about the local area.
有用于电池的小部件,用于显示Apple Watch信息的Fitness小部件以及基于日历的“ Up Next”计划程序。 您可以添加“正在播放”窗口小部件来控制媒体的播放,一目了然地获得新闻头条,或者从“地图”中获取有关本地的信息。
These widgets can be arranged and moved around your Home screen in the same way that app icons do in iOS 13. You can have a whole Home screen full of widgets if you want, but the new feature will presumably work best when you strike a balance between useful information and frequently accessed apps.
可以按照与iOS 13中应用程序图标相同的方式在主屏幕上排列和移动这些小部件。如果需要,您可以拥有一个充满小部件的整个主屏幕,但是当您达到平衡时,新功能可能会发挥最佳作用在有用的信息和经常访问的应用之间。
To save space, you can stack several widgets on top of each other and scroll between them with a feature Apple is calling Widget Stacks. You can also place more than one of the same widgets on a single Home screen, which sounds useful for displaying different calendars or inboxes at once.
为了节省空间,您可以将多个小部件相互堆叠,并使用Apple称为“小部件堆叠”的功能在它们之间滚动。 您还可以在一个主屏幕上放置多个相同的小部件,这听起来对于一次显示不同的日历或收件箱很有用。
There’s also a special Smart Stack widget that works a bit like Siri Suggestions in iOS 13. This widget will change based on your usage and the time of day.
还有一个特殊的Smart Stack小部件,其功能类似于iOS 13中的Siri建议。此小部件将根据您的使用情况和一天中的时间而变化。
Many people find the iPhone a little too tall to comfortably reach the top row of icons one-handed. In iOS 14, you can place a few 2×2 widgets or a single 4×2 widget in this out-of-reach space instead. This brings the rest of your app icons down by two rows without completely wasting screen real estate.
许多人发现iPhone的高度太高,无法单手到达图标顶部。 在iOS 14中,您可以在这个无法到达的空间中放置几个2×2小部件或单个4×2小部件。 这会将您的其余应用程序图标减少两行,而不会完全浪费屏幕空间。
Widgets, Widget Stacks, and Smart Stacks are already built into the first developer preview of the iOS 14 private beta. Just keep in mind that Apple has been known to make changes between now and the final release in past iOS releases, so some of these details may change.
小部件,小部件堆栈和智能堆栈已内置在iOS 14私人Beta版的第一个开发人员预览版中。 请记住,众所周知,Apple从现在开始到过去的iOS发行版之间进行了更改,因此其中一些细节可能会更改。
(Finding Software Is Easier with the App Library)
Don’t you just hate organizing your iPhone apps? In iOS 14, you don’t have to. The new App Library groups app by various criteria including Siri Suggestions, apps you have Recently Added, and categories like Social, Entertainment, and Apple Arcade.
您不只是讨厌组织iPhone应用程序吗? 在iOS 14中,您不必这样做。 新的应用程序库按各种标准对应用程序进行分组,包括Siri建议,您最近添加的应用程序以及社交,娱乐和Apple Arcade等类别。
This app library appears at the end of your list of Home screens, accessed by swiping right to left. Folders are displayed as 2×2 squares, with a search field at the top for launching apps even quicker.
此应用程序库显示在主屏幕列表的末尾,可从右向左滑动来访问。 文件夹显示为2×2正方形,顶部有一个搜索字段,可以更快地启动应用程序。
In iOS 14, you don’t need to display all apps on your Home screen anymore. You can hide all apps and use the App Library exclusively if you want. Tapping and holding on an app will now display an option to “Remove App” rather than deleting it altogether as is the case in iOS 13.
在iOS 14中,您不再需要在主屏幕上显示所有应用。 您可以隐藏所有应用程序,并根据需要专门使用应用程序库。 轻按并按住某个应用程序现在将显示“删除应用程序”选项,而不是像iOS 13一样将其完全删除。
There’s even an option to prevent newly installed apps from appearing on the Home screen at all, instead deferring all new arrivals to the App Library. That’s great news if you’re in love with the new widgets or simply want a minimalist iOS home screen.
甚至还有一个选项可以阻止新安装的应用程序完全出现在主屏幕上,而是将所有新版本的应用程序推迟到应用程序库中。 如果您喜欢新的小部件,或者只是想要一个简约的iOS主屏幕,那将是个好消息。
The App Library will also keep a list of another new iOS 14 feature called App Clips, under the Recently Added category.
应用程序库还将在“最近添加的”类别下保留一个名为“应用程序剪辑”的新iOS 14功能列表。
App Clips work just like Instant Apps on Android. Clips are delivered via QR codes, NFC tags, other apps, and App Clip codes. These mini-apps are compatible with Apple Pay and Sign in with Apple. They allow you to do things like pay for a service or make a reservation without searching the App Store, downloading an app, and signing up to use it.
应用程序剪辑的工作方式与Android上的即时应用程序相同 。 剪辑是通过QR代码,NFC标签,其他应用程序和应用程序剪辑代码交付的。 这些迷你应用程序与Apple Pay兼容,并与Apple登录。 它们使您无需搜索App Store,下载应用程序并注册使用该服务即可进行服务付款或预订等操作。
(Do More without Leaving the Home Screen)
One of the big themes of iOS 14 is making better use of available space. In addition to a more useful Home screen, Apple has committed to making other UI elements less intrusive wherever possible.
iOS 14的一大主题是更好地利用可用空间。 除了更有用的主屏幕外,Apple还承诺尽可能减少其他UI元素的侵入。
A prime example is how iOS 14 handles calls. While iOS 13 announces a call by taking up the whole screen, iOS 14 simply drops a notification box at the top of the screen like any other notification. This means you can take or ignore a call without interrupting whatever it is you’re currently doing. You’re less likely to answer the call by accident because you’ll need to reach to the top of the screen to accept or reject it.
一个典型的例子是iOS 14如何处理呼叫。 iOS 13通过占据整个屏幕来宣布呼叫时,iOS 14像其他通知一样,只是在屏幕顶部放置一个通知框。 这意味着您可以接听或忽略呼叫,而不会打扰您正在执行的操作。 您不太可能意外接听电话,因为您需要到达屏幕顶部才能接受或拒绝电话。
A new picture-in-picture mode allows you to watch videos or take FaceTime calls without dedicating the whole screen to whatever you’re watching. You can drag, shrink, or zoom the window around your Home screen (or your web browser, or whatever else it is you’re doing).
全新的画中画模式使您可以观看视频或进行FaceTime通话,而无需将整个屏幕专用于所观看的内容。 您可以在主屏幕(或Web浏览器,或您正在执行的其他操作)周围拖动,缩小或缩放窗口。
Siri is also less intrusive now. The usual Siri animation appears at the bottom of the screen, with any relevant information appearing in a window at the top. Whatever it is you were doing before you invoked Siri remains on-screen, which probably should have been the case all along.
Siri现在也不再那么麻烦了。 通常的Siri动画显示在屏幕的底部,所有相关信息显示在顶部的窗口中。 在调用Siri之前,您正在做的是什么,仍然可能出现在屏幕上,这可能一直都是这样。
While these new features don’t relate specifically to the Home screen, they allow you to take calls, watch videos, and talk to Apple’s virtual assistant without leaving your Home screen.
尽管这些新功能与主屏幕无关,但是它们使您可以在不离开主屏幕的情况下拨打电话,观看视频以及与Apple的虚拟助手通话 。
(iOS 14 Arrives in Fall 2020)
The latest release of Apple’s mobile operating system (along with a version tailored to tablets called iPadOS) will arrive in the fall, usually right after the latest batch of iPhones are announced.
In the meantime, you can sign up for the iOS 14 public beta which should be arriving in July.
同时,您可以注册将于7月发布的iOS 14公开测试版 。