
  • 前言
  • 1. Controller 处理请求的流程
  • 2. 源码分析
  • 2.1 事件生成
  • 2.2 事件消费
  • 2.3 创建 topic 时的分区分配
  • 2.4 业务执行结果处理


Kafka 3.0 源码笔记(5)-Kafka 服务端集群选主的流程 中笔者详细分析了 Kafka 集群启动时的 Leader 选举流程,而在确定集群的主节点后该节点需要对外提供服务,其中最重要的就是接受请求并维护集群的元数据。本文将以 Kafka 最常用的 Topic创建场景 来分析 Controller 的运行原理,其中也涉及分区副本选主,读者可以清楚了解到 Topic 创建时的分区分配流程

1. Controller 处理请求的流程

对于创建 Topic 这种会更改集群元数据的请求,在 KRaft模式下都会交给 Kafka Controller集群的 Leader 节点处理。 Kafka 的源码中对于这类请求具有完备统一的异步处理框架,大致流程如下:

kafka zk etcd集群_kafka zk etcd集群

  1. 异步事件生成
    ControllerApis.scala 将创建 topic 请求分发给 QuorumController.java,由其负责生成封装了业务逻辑的异步事件 ControllerWriteEvent,并将事件投递到事件队列KafkaEventQueue.java
  2. 异步事件消费
    事件处理器 EventHandler 消费 KafkaEventQueue.java 中的事件,封装在 ControllerWriteEvent中的业务逻辑被触发执行,本文中的业务逻辑主要指 topic 创建时的分区分配
  3. 业务执行结果处理

2. 源码分析

kafka zk etcd集群_kafka zk etcd集群_02

2.1 事件生成

  1. 客户端的请求抵达 Kafka 服务端 ControllerServer 后,经过底层网络组件的协议解析处理转换为上层的 Request,然后分发到上层的 ControllerApis.scala#handle() 方法进行业务逻辑分发。对于 CreateTopics请求,处理方法是 ControllerApis.scala#handleCreateTopics(),可以看到其核心逻辑如下:
  1. 首先使用 AuthHelper 组件进行必要的鉴权等操作
  2. 调用 ControllerApis.scala#createTopics() 方法将请求分发出去,并获取到一个异步任务 CompletableFuture 对象
  3. 持有 CompletableFuture 对象,并调用其 CompletableFuture#whenComplete() 设置异步任务完成时的后续处理,可以看到此处任务完成的主要处理是调用 RequestHelper.scala#sendResponseMaybeThrottle() 方法将处理结果发送给请求发起方
def handleCreateTopics(request: RequestChannel.Request): Unit = {
 val createTopicsRequest = request.body[CreateTopicsRequest]
 val future = createTopics(createTopicsRequest.data(),
     authHelper.authorize(request.context, CREATE, CLUSTER, CLUSTER_NAME),
     names => authHelper.filterByAuthorized(request.context, CREATE, TOPIC, names)(identity))
 future.whenComplete { (result, exception) =>
   requestHelper.sendResponseMaybeThrottle(request, throttleTimeMs => {
     if (exception != null) {
       createTopicsRequest.getErrorResponse(throttleTimeMs, exception)
     } else {
       new CreateTopicsResponse(result)
  1. ControllerApis.scala#createTopics() 方法源码的处理比较清晰,关键步骤如下:
  1. 首先检查过滤掉请求携带的 topic 列表中名称重复的 topic,确定需要执行创建动作的 topic 列表
  2. 调用接口方法 Controller.java#createTopics() 进行下一步处理,接口实现为 QuorumController.java#createTopics() 方法
def createTopics(request: CreateTopicsRequestData,
                hasClusterAuth: Boolean,
                getCreatableTopics: Iterable[String] => Set[String])
                : CompletableFuture[CreateTopicsResponseData] = {
 val topicNames = new util.HashSet[String]()
 val duplicateTopicNames = new util.HashSet[String]()
 request.topics().forEach { topicData =>
   if (!duplicateTopicNames.contains(topicData.name())) {
     if (!topicNames.add(topicData.name())) {
 val authorizedTopicNames = if (hasClusterAuth) {
 } else {
 val effectiveRequest = request.duplicate()
 val iterator = effectiveRequest.topics().iterator()
 while (iterator.hasNext) {
   val creatableTopic = iterator.next()
   if (duplicateTopicNames.contains(creatableTopic.name()) ||
       !authorizedTopicNames.contains(creatableTopic.name())) {
 controller.createTopics(effectiveRequest).thenApply { response =>
   duplicateTopicNames.forEach { name =>
     response.topics().add(new CreatableTopicResult().
       setErrorMessage("Duplicate topic name."))
   topicNames.forEach { name =>
     if (!authorizedTopicNames.contains(name)) {
       response.topics().add(new CreatableTopicResult().
  1. QuorumController.java#createTopics() 方法实现如下,核心的处理其实是调用 QuorumController.java#appendWriteEvent() 方法进行事件创建:
  1. ReplicationControl.java#createTopics() 方法构建 Lambda 表达式作为 ControllerWriteOperation 的接口实现完成业务逻辑封装,调用 QuorumController.java#appendWriteEvent() 方法创建事件
  2. QuorumController.java#appendWriteEvent() 方法中首先使用方法入参构建 ControllerWriteEvent 对象
  3. 调用 KafkaEventQueue.java#appendWithDeadline() 方法将新建事件投递到事件队列
 public CompletableFuture<CreateTopicsResponseData>
         createTopics(CreateTopicsRequestData request) {
     if (request.topics().isEmpty()) {
         return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(new CreateTopicsResponseData());
     return appendWriteEvent("createTopics",
         time.nanoseconds() + NANOSECONDS.convert(request.timeoutMs(), MILLISECONDS),
         () -> replicationControl.createTopics(request));

private <T> CompletableFuture<T> appendWriteEvent(String name,
                                                   long deadlineNs,
                                                   ControllerWriteOperation<T> op) {
     ControllerWriteEvent<T> event = new ControllerWriteEvent<>(name, op);
     queue.appendWithDeadline(deadlineNs, event);
     return event.future();
  1. KafkaEventQueue.java#appendWithDeadline() 方法的实现为接口默认方法EventQueue#appendWithDeadline(),最终其实调用到 KafkaEventQueue.java#enqueue() 方法实现事件入队,关键处理如下,至此事件的生产入队基本结束
  1. 将异步事件封装到 EventContext 对象中
  2. 调用 EventHandler#enqueue 方法将新建的 EventContext 对象加入到待处理队列
 public void enqueue(EventInsertionType insertionType,
                     String tag,
                     Function<OptionalLong, OptionalLong> deadlineNsCalculator,
                     Event event) {
     EventContext eventContext = new EventContext(event, insertionType, tag);
     Exception e = eventHandler.enqueue(eventContext, deadlineNsCalculator);
     if (e != null) {

2.2 事件消费

  1. 上一节中事件已经被投递到队列内部,事件消费则是由 EevntHandler 事件处理器来完成的。EevntHandler 实现了 Runnable 接口,会在事件队列KafkaEventQueue被创建的时候启动,触发 EevntHandler#run() 方法执行,可以看到其核心是执行 EevntHandler#handleEvents() 方法
     public void run() {
         try {
         } catch (Throwable e) {
             log.warn("event handler thread exiting with exception", e);
  1. EevntHandler#handleEvents() 方法会在 while 死循环中不断轮询获取内部队列中的 EventContext 对象,一旦获取到则调用 EventContext#run() 方法完成事件消费
private void handleEvents() throws InterruptedException {
        EventContext toTimeout = null;
        EventContext toRun = null;
        while (true) {
            if (toTimeout != null) {
                toTimeout = null;
            } else if (toRun != null) {
                toRun = null;
            try {
                long awaitNs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
                Map.Entry<Long, EventContext> entry = deadlineMap.firstEntry();
                if (entry != null) {
                    // Search for timed-out events or deferred events that are ready
                    // to run.
                    long now = time.nanoseconds();
                    long timeoutNs = entry.getKey();
                    EventContext eventContext = entry.getValue();
                    if (timeoutNs <= now) {
                        if (eventContext.insertionType == EventInsertionType.DEFERRED) {
                            // The deferred event is ready to run.  Prepend it to the
                            // queue.  (The value for deferred events is a schedule time
                            // rather than a timeout.)
                            toRun = eventContext;
                        } else {
                            // not a deferred event, so it is a deadline, and it is timed out.
                            toTimeout = eventContext;
                    } else if (closingTimeNs <= now) {
                        toTimeout = eventContext;
                    awaitNs = timeoutNs - now;
                if (head.next == head) {
                    if ((closingTimeNs != Long.MAX_VALUE) && deadlineMap.isEmpty()) {
                        // If there are no more entries to process, and the queue is
                        // closing, exit the thread.
                } else {
                    toRun = head.next;
                if (closingTimeNs != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
                    long now = time.nanoseconds();
                    if (awaitNs > closingTimeNs - now) {
                        awaitNs = closingTimeNs - now;
                if (awaitNs == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
                } else {
            } finally {
  1. EventContext#run() 方法的核心其实是调用 Event#run() 方法触发任务执行,在本文中也就是触发 ControllerWriteEvent#run() 方法
void run(Logger log) throws InterruptedException {
         try {
         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
             throw e;
         } catch (Exception e) {
             try {
             } catch (Throwable t) {
                 log.error("Unexpected exception in handleException", t);
  1. ControllerWriteEvent#run() 方法的实现如下,此处非常重要,定义了 Controller 对于会改变元数据的请求的处理步骤,至此事件消费处理的大致逻辑基本介绍完毕
  1. 调用 ControllerWriteOperation#generateRecordsAndResult() 函数式接口方法,触发在2.1节步骤3设置的业务逻辑处理,本文中则是触发 ReplicationControl.java#createTopics() 方法执行
  2. 业务处理完成后,根据处理结果进行后续处理。如果处理结果中的消息记录不为空,根据 ControllerResult.isAtomic 属性确定向集群元数据 topic 写入消息的方式,对于创建 topic 的请求,此处将调用 KafkaRaftClient.java#scheduleAtomicAppend() 方法
  3. 以上处理完成,调用 ControllerPurgatory.java#add() 将当前 ControllerWriteEvent 对象作为监听器监听元数据 偏移量offset 的移动,当目标 offset 抵达时,ControllerWriteEvent#complete() 方法将被执行,进而通过 CompletableFuture 一路回调触发异步任务,最终实现2.1节步骤1提到的将请求的处理结果发送给请求方
     public void run() throws Exception {
         long now = time.nanoseconds();
         controllerMetrics.updateEventQueueTime(NANOSECONDS.toMillis(now - eventCreatedTimeNs));
         int controllerEpoch = curClaimEpoch;
         if (controllerEpoch == -1) {
             throw newNotControllerException();
         startProcessingTimeNs = Optional.of(now);
         ControllerResult<T> result = op.generateRecordsAndResult();
         if (result.records().isEmpty()) {
             // If the operation did not return any records, then it was actually just
             // a read after all, and not a read + write.  However, this read was done
             // from the latest in-memory state, which might contain uncommitted data.
             Optional<Long> maybeOffset = purgatory.highestPendingOffset();
             if (!maybeOffset.isPresent()) {
                 // If the purgatory is empty, there are no pending operations and no
                 // uncommitted state.  We can return immediately.
                 resultAndOffset = ControllerResultAndOffset.of(-1, result);
                 log.debug("Completing read-only operation {} immediately because " +
                     "the purgatory is empty.", this);
             // If there are operations in the purgatory, we want to wait for the latest
             // one to complete before returning our result to the user.
             resultAndOffset = ControllerResultAndOffset.of(maybeOffset.get(), result);
             log.debug("Read-only operation {} will be completed when the log " +
                 "reaches offset {}", this, resultAndOffset.offset());
         } else {
             // If the operation returned a batch of records, those records need to be
             // written before we can return our result to the user.  Here, we hand off
             // the batch of records to the raft client.  They will be written out
             // asynchronously.
             final long offset;
             if (result.isAtomic()) {
                 offset = raftClient.scheduleAtomicAppend(controllerEpoch, result.records());
             } else {
                 offset = raftClient.scheduleAppend(controllerEpoch, result.records());
             writeOffset = offset;
             resultAndOffset = ControllerResultAndOffset.of(offset, result);
             for (ApiMessageAndVersion message : result.records()) {
                 replay(message.message(), Optional.empty(), offset);
             log.debug("Read-write operation {} will be completed when the log " +
                 "reaches offset {}.", this, resultAndOffset.offset());
         purgatory.add(resultAndOffset.offset(), this);

2.3 创建 topic 时的分区分配

  1. ReplicationControl.java#createTopics() 方法是创建 topic 的入口,这里关键的处理如下:
  1. 首先依然是请求携带的 topic 校验,包括 topic 名称的校验及 topic 存在性校验等,还包括新的 topic 的配置校验
  2. 校验通过则遍历 topic 列表,调用 ReplicationControl.java#createTopics() 方法依次创建 topic。需注意此处会将消息列表 records 传入,这个集合用于保存记录了 topic 分区分配信息的消息
  3. 最后调用 ControllerResult#atomicOf() 方法将 topic 创建请求的响应和分区分配消息记录封装起来,作为业务逻辑的处理结果返回
         createTopics(CreateTopicsRequestData request) {
     Map<String, ApiError> topicErrors = new HashMap<>();
     List<ApiMessageAndVersion> records = new ArrayList<>();

     // Check the topic names.
     validateNewTopicNames(topicErrors, request.topics());

     // Identify topics that already exist and mark them with the appropriate error
     request.topics().stream().filter(creatableTopic -> topicsByName.containsKey(creatableTopic.name()))
             .forEach(t -> topicErrors.put(t.name(), new ApiError(Errors.TOPIC_ALREADY_EXISTS)));

     // Verify that the configurations for the new topics are OK, and figure out what
     // ConfigRecords should be created.
     Map<ConfigResource, Map<String, Entry<OpType, String>>> configChanges =
         computeConfigChanges(topicErrors, request.topics());
     ControllerResult<Map<ConfigResource, ApiError>> configResult =
     for (Entry<ConfigResource, ApiError> entry : configResult.response().entrySet()) {
         if (entry.getValue().isFailure()) {
             topicErrors.put(entry.getKey().name(), entry.getValue());

     // Try to create whatever topics are needed.
     Map<String, CreatableTopicResult> successes = new HashMap<>();
     for (CreatableTopic topic : request.topics()) {
         if (topicErrors.containsKey(topic.name())) continue;
         ApiError error = createTopic(topic, records, successes);
         if (error.isFailure()) {
             topicErrors.put(topic.name(), error);

     // Create responses for all topics.
     CreateTopicsResponseData data = new CreateTopicsResponseData();
     StringBuilder resultsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
     String resultsPrefix = "";
     for (CreatableTopic topic : request.topics()) {
         ApiError error = topicErrors.get(topic.name());
         if (error != null) {
             data.topics().add(new CreatableTopicResult().
             resultsBuilder.append(resultsPrefix).append(topic).append(": ").
                 append(error.error()).append(" (").append(error.message()).append(")");
             resultsPrefix = ", ";
         CreatableTopicResult result = successes.get(topic.name());
         resultsBuilder.append(resultsPrefix).append(topic).append(": ").
         resultsPrefix = ", ";
     log.info("createTopics result(s): {}", resultsBuilder.toString());
     return ControllerResult.atomicOf(records, data);
  1. ReplicationControl.java#createTopics() 方法的处理主要分为两个部分:
  1. 请求中手动指定了分区分配方案,则进行方案校验,校验通过则直接采用手动分配方案完成该 topic 下的分区分配。这部分代码比较直观,不做过多分析
  2. 请求中未手动指定分区方案,则使用内部算法进行 topic 下各个分区及其副本在 Broker 上的分配,这部分主要通过ClusterControlManager#placeReplicas() 方法进行

需注意一个分区的分配信息都存储在 PartitionRegistration 对象中,该对象会保存分区下所有副本分布的 Broker 列表,并单独保存 leader 副本所在的 Broker,从代码中可以看到 ISR 列表的第一个 Broker 节点上的副本将作为分区下所有副本的 leader

private ApiError createTopic(CreatableTopic topic,
                              List<ApiMessageAndVersion> records,
                              Map<String, CreatableTopicResult> successes) {
     Map<Integer, PartitionRegistration> newParts = new HashMap<>();
     if (!topic.assignments().isEmpty()) {
         if (topic.replicationFactor() != -1) {
             return new ApiError(INVALID_REQUEST,
                 "A manual partition assignment was specified, but replication " +
                 "factor was not set to -1.");
         if (topic.numPartitions() != -1) {
             return new ApiError(INVALID_REQUEST,
                 "A manual partition assignment was specified, but numPartitions " +
                     "was not set to -1.");
         OptionalInt replicationFactor = OptionalInt.empty();
         for (CreatableReplicaAssignment assignment : topic.assignments()) {
             if (newParts.containsKey(assignment.partitionIndex())) {
                 return new ApiError(Errors.INVALID_REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT,
                     "Found multiple manual partition assignments for partition " +
             validateManualPartitionAssignment(assignment.brokerIds(), replicationFactor);
             replicationFactor = OptionalInt.of(assignment.brokerIds().size());
             List<Integer> isr = assignment.brokerIds().stream().
             if (isr.isEmpty()) {
                 return new ApiError(Errors.INVALID_REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT,
                     "All brokers specified in the manual partition assignment for " +
                     "partition " + assignment.partitionIndex() + " are fenced.");
             newParts.put(assignment.partitionIndex(), new PartitionRegistration(
                 Replicas.toArray(assignment.brokerIds()), Replicas.toArray(isr),
                 Replicas.NONE, Replicas.NONE, isr.get(0), 0, 0));
     } else if (topic.replicationFactor() < -1 || topic.replicationFactor() == 0) {
         return new ApiError(Errors.INVALID_REPLICATION_FACTOR,
             "Replication factor was set to an invalid non-positive value.");
     } else if (!topic.assignments().isEmpty()) {
         return new ApiError(INVALID_REQUEST,
             "Replication factor was not set to -1 but a manual partition " +
                 "assignment was specified.");
     } else if (topic.numPartitions() < -1 || topic.numPartitions() == 0) {
         return new ApiError(Errors.INVALID_PARTITIONS,
             "Number of partitions was set to an invalid non-positive value.");
     } else {
         int numPartitions = topic.numPartitions() == -1 ?
             defaultNumPartitions : topic.numPartitions();
         short replicationFactor = topic.replicationFactor() == -1 ?
             defaultReplicationFactor : topic.replicationFactor();
         try {
             List<List<Integer>> replicas = clusterControl.
                 placeReplicas(0, numPartitions, replicationFactor);
             for (int partitionId = 0; partitionId < replicas.size(); partitionId++) {
                 int[] r = Replicas.toArray(replicas.get(partitionId));
                     new PartitionRegistration(r, r, Replicas.NONE, Replicas.NONE, r[0], 0, 0));
         } catch (InvalidReplicationFactorException e) {
             return new ApiError(Errors.INVALID_REPLICATION_FACTOR,
                 "Unable to replicate the partition " + replicationFactor +
                     " time(s): " + e.getMessage());
     Uuid topicId = Uuid.randomUuid();
     successes.put(topic.name(), new CreatableTopicResult().
         setErrorCode((short) 0).
         setReplicationFactor((short) newParts.get(0).replicas.length));
     records.add(new ApiMessageAndVersion(new TopicRecord().
         setTopicId(topicId), TOPIC_RECORD.highestSupportedVersion()));
     for (Entry<Integer, PartitionRegistration> partEntry : newParts.entrySet()) {
         int partitionIndex = partEntry.getKey();
         PartitionRegistration info = partEntry.getValue();
         records.add(info.toRecord(topicId, partitionIndex));
     return ApiError.NONE;
  1. ClusterControlManager#placeReplicas() 方法如下,显然核心在于 BrokerHeartbeatManager#placeReplicas() 方法的执行
public List<List<Integer>> placeReplicas(int startPartition,
                                          int numPartitions,
                                          short numReplicas) {
     if (heartbeatManager == null) {
         throw new RuntimeException("ClusterControlManager is not active.");
     return heartbeatManager.placeReplicas(startPartition, numPartitions, numReplicas,
         id -> brokerRegistrations.get(id).rack(), replicaPlacer);
  1. BrokerHeartbeatManager#placeReplicas() 方法其实也只是个入口,核心的分区分配功能由 ReplicaPlacer#place()方法完成,StripedReplicaPlacer#place()方法为最终实现
List<List<Integer>> placeReplicas(int startPartition,
                                   int numPartitions,
                                   short numReplicas,
                                   Function<Integer, Optional<String>> idToRack,
                                   ReplicaPlacer placer) {
     Iterator<UsableBroker> iterator = new UsableBrokerIterator(
         brokers.values().iterator(), idToRack);
     return placer.place(startPartition, numPartitions, numReplicas, iterator);
  1. StripedReplicaPlacer#place()方法的关键处理如下:
  1. 新建一个 RackList 对象来作为分区分配的处理器
  2. 检查分区副本数设置是否合法,如果分区副本数参数大于集群内 Broker 节点的总数量则抛出异常
  3. 遍历分区列表,调用 RackList#place() 方法将每一个分区下的副本分配到各个 Broker 上
 public List<List<Integer>> place(int startPartition,
                                  int numPartitions,
                                  short replicationFactor,
                                  Iterator<UsableBroker> iterator) {
     RackList rackList = new RackList(random, iterator);
     throwInvalidReplicationFactorIfTooFewBrokers(replicationFactor, rackList.numTotalBrokers());
     List<List<Integer>> placements = new ArrayList<>(numPartitions);
     for (int partition = 0; partition < numPartitions; partition++) {
     return placements;
  1. RackList#place() 方法的实现中会使用成员变量记录每次分区分配的信息,使用这个数据来避免各个分区的 Leader 副本集中分布在一个 Broker 节点上。至此,创建 topic 时的分区副本分配告一段落
List<Integer> place(int replicationFactor) {
        throwInvalidReplicationFactorIfTooFewBrokers(replicationFactor, numTotalBrokers());
        // If we have returned as many assignments as there are unfenced brokers in
        // the cluster, shuffle the rack list and broker lists to try to avoid
        // repeating the same assignments again.
        // But don't reset the iteration epoch for a single unfenced broker -- otherwise we would loop forever
        if (epoch == numUnfencedBrokers && numUnfencedBrokers > 1) {
            epoch = 0;
        if (offset == rackNames.size()) {
            offset = 0;
        List<Integer> brokers = new ArrayList<>(replicationFactor);
        int firstRackIndex = offset;
        while (true) {
            Optional<String> name = rackNames.get(firstRackIndex);
            Rack rack = racks.get(name);
            int result = rack.nextUnfenced(epoch);
            if (result >= 0) {
            if (firstRackIndex == rackNames.size()) {
                firstRackIndex = 0;
        int rackIndex = offset;
        for (int replica = 1; replica < replicationFactor; replica++) {
            int result = -1;
            do {
                if (rackIndex == firstRackIndex) {
                    firstRackIndex = -1;
                } else {
                    Optional<String> rackName = rackNames.get(rackIndex);
                    Rack rack = racks.get(rackName);
                    result = rack.next(epoch);
                if (rackIndex == rackNames.size()) {
                    rackIndex = 0;
            } while (result < 0);
        return brokers;

2.4 业务执行结果处理

  1. 业务处理结束后,回到2.2节步骤4第2步,如果本次创建 topic 请求确实产生了元数据消息,则需要将其写入内部 topic: __cluster_metadata,本文中将触发KafkaRaftClient.java#scheduleAtomicAppend() 方法执行,可以看到这里的核心是调用 KafkaRaftClient.java#append() 方法,其关键处理如下:
  1. 首先是调用 QuorumState#maybeLeaderState() 方法进行 Controller 节点状态检查,如果当前节点已经不是 Leader,则不能继续处理
  2. 检查通过后,调用 QuorumState#accumulator() 方法获取批量消息暂存器BatchAccumulator,随后调用 BatchAccumulator.appendAtomic() 方法暂存消息
 public long scheduleAtomicAppend(int epoch, List<T> records) {
     return append(epoch, records, true);

 private long append(int epoch, List<T> records, boolean isAtomic) {
     LeaderState<T> leaderState = quorum.<T>maybeLeaderState().orElseThrow(
         () -> new NotLeaderException("Append failed because the replication is not the current leader")

     BatchAccumulator<T> accumulator = leaderState.accumulator();
     boolean isFirstAppend = accumulator.isEmpty();
     final long offset;
     if (isAtomic) {
         offset = accumulator.appendAtomic(epoch, records);
     } else {
         offset = accumulator.append(epoch, records);

     // Wakeup the network channel if either this is the first append
     // or the accumulator is ready to drain now. Checking for the first
     // append ensures that we give the IO thread a chance to observe
     // the linger timeout so that it can schedule its own wakeup in case
     // there are no additional appends.
     if (isFirstAppend || accumulator.needsDrain(time.milliseconds())) {
     return offset;
  1. 消息暂存下来后,写入的动作将被 KafkaRaftClient.java#poll() 方法异步触发,读者如不了解 KafkaRaftClient.java#poll() 方法的触发点,可参考Kafka 3.0 源码笔记(5)-Kafka 服务端集群选主的流程KafkaRaftClient.java#poll() 方法内与本节关联的重点是 KafkaRaftClient.java#pollCurrentState() 方法调用
public void poll() {

     long currentTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
     if (maybeCompleteShutdown(currentTimeMs)) {

     long pollStateTimeoutMs = pollCurrentState(currentTimeMs);
     long cleaningTimeoutMs = snapshotCleaner.maybeClean(currentTimeMs);
     long pollTimeoutMs = Math.min(pollStateTimeoutMs, cleaningTimeoutMs);


     RaftMessage message = messageQueue.poll(pollTimeoutMs);

     currentTimeMs = time.milliseconds();

     if (message != null) {
         handleInboundMessage(message, currentTimeMs);
  1. KafkaRaftClient.java#pollCurrentState() 方法中,当前节点为 Controller 集群 leader,则调用 KafkaRaftClient.java#pollLeader() 方法进入 Leader 的周期处理。以下代码中,最终与本节息息相关的流程是 KafkaRaftClient.java#maybeAppendBatches() 方法执行
private long pollCurrentState(long currentTimeMs) {
     if (quorum.isLeader()) {
         return pollLeader(currentTimeMs);
     } else if (quorum.isCandidate()) {
         return pollCandidate(currentTimeMs);
     } else if (quorum.isFollower()) {
         return pollFollower(currentTimeMs);
     } else if (quorum.isVoted()) {
         return pollVoted(currentTimeMs);
     } else if (quorum.isUnattached()) {
         return pollUnattached(currentTimeMs);
     } else if (quorum.isResigned()) {
         return pollResigned(currentTimeMs);
     } else {
         throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected quorum state " + quorum);

 private long pollLeader(long currentTimeMs) {
     LeaderState<T> state = quorum.leaderStateOrThrow();

     if (shutdown.get() != null || state.isResignRequested()) {
         return 0L;

     long timeUntilFlush = maybeAppendBatches(

     long timeUntilSend = maybeSendRequests(

     return Math.min(timeUntilFlush, timeUntilSend);
  1. KafkaRaftClient.java#maybeAppendBatches() 方法简单明了,关键处理分为以下几步:
  1. state.accumulator().drain() 执行获取消息暂存器,并调用 BatchAccumulator#drain() 方法获取批量消息列表
  2. 迭代器遍历批量消息列表,依次调用 KafkaRaftClient.java#appendBatch() 方法开始将其追加到本地 Log 文件
  3. 以上处理完成后,调用 KafkaRaftClient.java#flushLeaderLog() 方法将元数据消息刷盘,并更新 Leader 节点上保存元数据的分区 Leader 副本状态,其中包括尝试更新 HW 的动作
private long maybeAppendBatches(
     LeaderState<T> state,
     long currentTimeMs
 ) {
     long timeUntilDrain = state.accumulator().timeUntilDrain(currentTimeMs);
     if (timeUntilDrain <= 0) {
         List<BatchAccumulator.CompletedBatch<T>> batches = state.accumulator().drain();
         Iterator<BatchAccumulator.CompletedBatch<T>> iterator = batches.iterator();

         try {
             while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                 BatchAccumulator.CompletedBatch<T> batch = iterator.next();
                 appendBatch(state, batch, currentTimeMs);
             flushLeaderLog(state, currentTimeMs);
         } finally {
             // Release and discard any batches which failed to be appended
             while (iterator.hasNext()) {
     return timeUntilDrain;
  1. KafkaRaftClient.java#appendBatch() 方法的核心处理是调用 KafkaRaftClient.java#appendAsLeader() 方法进行写入,此处将通过 ReplicatedLog.appendAsLeader() 接口调用到其实现 KafkaMetadataLog.scala#appendAsLeader() 方法。至此处理流程进入消息的本地写入,不了解的读者可参考Kafka 3.0 源码笔记(7)-Kafka 服务端对客户端的 Produce 请求处理,本文全部分析基本结束
private void appendBatch(
     LeaderState<T> state,
     BatchAccumulator.CompletedBatch<T> batch,
     long appendTimeMs
 ) {
     try {
         int epoch = state.epoch();
         LogAppendInfo info = appendAsLeader(batch.data);
         OffsetAndEpoch offsetAndEpoch = new OffsetAndEpoch(info.lastOffset, epoch);
         CompletableFuture<Long> future = appendPurgatory.await(
             offsetAndEpoch.offset + 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

         future.whenComplete((commitTimeMs, exception) -> {
             if (exception != null) {
                 logger.debug("Failed to commit {} records at {}", batch.numRecords, offsetAndEpoch, exception);
             } else {
                 long elapsedTime = Math.max(0, commitTimeMs - appendTimeMs);
                 double elapsedTimePerRecord = (double) elapsedTime / batch.numRecords;
                 kafkaRaftMetrics.updateCommitLatency(elapsedTimePerRecord, appendTimeMs);
                 logger.debug("Completed commit of {} records at {}", batch.numRecords, offsetAndEpoch);
                 batch.records.ifPresent(records -> {
                     maybeFireHandleCommit(batch.baseOffset, epoch, batch.appendTimestamp(), batch.sizeInBytes(), records);
     } finally {

 private LogAppendInfo appendAsLeader(
     Records records
 ) {
     LogAppendInfo info = log.appendAsLeader(records, quorum.epoch());
     OffsetAndEpoch endOffset = endOffset();
     kafkaRaftMetrics.updateAppendRecords(info.lastOffset - info.firstOffset + 1);
     logger.trace("Leader appended records at base offset {}, new end offset is {}", info.firstOffset, endOffset);
     return info;