





2、通过$.fn 向jQuery添加新的方法

3、通过$.widget()应用jQuery UI的部件工厂方式创建





A Lightweight Start 模式

让我们用一些遵循了(包括那些在jQuery 插件创作指导中的)最佳实践的基础的东西来开始我们针对插件模式的深入探讨。这一模式对于插件开发的新手和只想要实现一些简单的东西(例如工具插件)的人来说是理想的。A Lightweight Start 使用到了下面这些东西:

  • 诸如分号放置在函数调用之前这样一些通用的最佳实践(我们将在下面的注释中解释为什么要这样做)
  • window,document,undefined作为参数传入。
  • 基本的默认对象。
  • 一个简单的针对跟初始化创建和要一起运作的元素的赋值相关的逻辑的插件构造器。
  • 扩展默认的选项。
  • 围绕构造器的轻量级的封装,它有助于避免诸如实例化多次的问题。
  • 坚持最大限度可读性的jQuery核心风格的指导方针。


最后,还给出了 a lightweight start模式的代码格式,以及使用方法:


 * jQuery lightweight plugin boilerplate
 * Original author: @ajpiano
 * Further changes, comments: @addyosmani
 * Licensed under the MIT license

// the semi-colon before the function invocation is a safety
// net against concatenated scripts and/or other plugins
// that are not closed properly.
;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {

    // undefined is used here as the undefined global
    // variable in ECMAScript 3 and is mutable (i.e. it can
    // be changed by someone else). undefined isn't really
    // being passed in so we can ensure that its value is
    // truly undefined. In ES5, undefined can no longer be
    // modified.

    // window and document are passed through as local
    // variables rather than as globals, because this (slightly)
    // quickens the resolution process and can be more
    // efficiently minified (especially when both are
    // regularly referenced in our plugin).

    // Create the defaults once
    var pluginName = "defaultPluginName",
        defaults = {
            propertyName: "value"

    // The actual plugin constructor
    function Plugin( element, options ) {
        this.element = element;

        // jQuery has an extend method that merges the
        // contents of two or more objects, storing the
        // result in the first object. The first object
        // is generally empty because we don't want to alter
        // the default options for future instances of the plugin
        this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options) ;

        this._defaults = defaults;
        this._name = pluginName;


    Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
        // Place initialization logic here
        // We already have access to the DOM element and
        // the options via the instance, e.g. this.element
        // and this.options

    // A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor,
    // preventing against multiple instantiations
    $.fn[pluginName] = function ( options ) {
        return this.each(function () {
            if ( !$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName )) {
                $.data( this, "plugin_" + pluginName,
                new Plugin( this, options ));

})( jQuery, window, document );


扩展jquery函数功能 jquery插件开发方法_jQuery插件开发


  propertyName: "a custom value"



扩展jquery函数功能 jquery插件开发方法_jQuery插件实例讲解_02








;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
    "use strict";

    var pluginName = "flipswitch";

    function Plugin(element, statusChanged) {
        this.element = element;
        this.statusChanged = statusChanged;
        this._name = pluginName;

    $.extend(Plugin.prototype, {
        init: function () {
            var base = this;
            var statusChanged = base.statusChanged;
            var $elem = $(base.element);

            $elem.wrap('<div class="' + $elem.attr("class") + '"></div>');//用DIV包裹$elem

            var $parent = $elem.parent();
            if($elem.prop("checked")) {//prop()函数用于设置或返回当前jQuery对象所匹配的元素的属性值。

            $elem.on("change", function() {
                if($.isFunction(statusChanged)) {//判断是否是函数

    $.fn[pluginName] = function (statusChanged) {
        return this.each(function () {
            if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) {
                $.data(this, "plugin_" +
                    pluginName, new Plugin(this, statusChanged));

})(jQuery, window, document);


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <style type="text/css">
        .flipswitch {
            width: 48px;
            height: 28px;
            border-radius: 14px;
            cursor: pointer;
            background-color: #ccc;
            display: inline-block;
            text-align: left;
            position: relative;
            overflow: hidden;

        .flipswitch > input[type=checkbox] {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            position: absolute;
            top: -10%;
            left: -5%;
            opacity: 0.01;
            cursor: pointer;

        .flipswitch.active {
            text-align: right;
            background-color: #5cb85c;

        .flipswitch span {
            width: 24px;
            height: 24px;
            margin: 2px;
            border-radius: 13px;
            display: inline-block;
            background: #fff;

    <script src="http://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.flipswitch.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        (function($, window, document) {
            $(function() {
                $(".flipswitch").flipswitch(function(status) {
        })(jQuery, window, document);
    <div style="width: 800px; margin: 20px auto;">
        <input type="checkbox" class="flipswitch" checked />

扩展jquery函数功能 jquery插件开发方法_jQuery插件实例讲解_03


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扩展jquery函数功能 jquery插件开发方法_jQuery_06


     2.原理:鼠标移入时,鼠标移入到img区域的时候通过算法计算鼠标从哪个方向进来的(from),然后创建遮罩层并给遮罩层设置初始位置(left和bottom绝对定位),然后使用 animate方法逐渐移动到left:0,bottom:0(和img重合)的位置.鼠标移出img时,同样的算法计算出移动到哪个方位(to),然后逐渐移出,并remove掉。


getDirection: function($target, event) {
            //reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3627042/jquery-animation-for-a-hover-with-mouse-direction
            var w = $target.width(),
                h = $target.height(),
                x = (event.pageX - $target.offset().left - (w / 2)) * (w > h ? (h / w) : 1),
                y = (event.pageY - $target.offset().top - (h / 2)) * (h > w ? (w / h) : 1),
                direction = Math.round((((Math.atan2(y, x) * (180 / Math.PI)) + 180) / 90) + 3) % 4;
            return direction;



 * sliphover v2.0.6
 * require jquery 1.7+
 * MIT License
 * for more info pls visit :https://github.com/wayou/SlipHover

(function($, window, document, undefined) {

    // Create the defaults once
    var pluginName = "sliphover",
        defaults = {
            target: 'img', //the element that the overlay will attach to
            caption: 'title', //the caption that will display when hover
            duration: 'fast', //specify how long the animation will lasts in milliseconds
            fontColor: '#fff',
            textAlign: 'center', //display the caption left, center or right
            verticalMiddle: true, //display the caption vertical middle or not
            backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,.7)', //specify the background color and opacity using rgba
            backgroundColorAttr: null, //specify the attribute with background color value and opacity using rgba
            reverse: false, //reverse the direction
            height: '100%', //specify the height of the overlay
            withLink: true //if image is wraped with a link the overlay will be clickable, set false to disable click

    function SlipHover(element, options) {
        this.element = element;
        this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
        this._defaults = defaults;
        this._name = pluginName;
        this.version = 'v2.0.5';

    SlipHover.prototype = {
        init: function() {

            //disable on touch devices
            if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {

            var that = this,
                target = this.settings.target;

            //create the overlay container each time the mouse enters
            $(this.element).off('mouseenter', target).on('mouseenter', target, function(event) {
                //fix #9 https://github.com/wayou/SlipHover/issues/9
                //use this instead of event.target for sometimes the event.target is not retriving the right target we want
                var $element = $(this),
                    $overlayContainer = that.createContainer($element);

                $overlayContainer.off('mouseenter mouseleave').on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(event) {
                    //if (!$overlayContainer) return;
                    var direction = that.getDirection($(this), event);

                    //check if reverse option is on
                    direction = that.settings.reverse ? direction = (direction + 2) % 4 : direction;

                    if (event.type === 'mouseenter') {
                        //check if the previous overlay still exists before we create it
                        var $overlay = $overlayContainer.find('.sliphover-overlay');
                        if (!$overlay.length) {
                            $overlay = that.createOverlay(that, direction, $element);
                            //put the overlay into the container
                        that.slideIn(that, $overlay);//滑入
                    } else {
                        //slide out based on the direction
                        that.removeOverlay(that, $(this), direction);
        createContainer: function($element) {
            //get the properties of the target
            var top = $element.offset().top,
                left = $element.offset().left,
                //border = parseFloat($element.css("border-left-width")),
                width = $element.outerWidth(),
                height = $element.outerHeight();
            zIndex = $element.css("z-index");
            var $overlayContainer = $('<div>', {
                class: 'sliphover-container'
                pointerEvent: 'none',
                width: width,
                height: height,
                position: 'absolute',
                overflow: 'hidden',
                top: top,
                left: left,
                borderRadius: $element.css('border-radius'), //in case the target has a round border, this will make the overlay more nicer
                zIndex: zIndex == +zIndex ? (zIndex + 1) : 999 // if the z-index of the target is not number then use 999


            return $overlayContainer;
        createOverlay: function(instance, direction, $element) {

            var bottom, left, $overlay, $overlayColor, content, $targetAParent;

            switch (direction) {
                case 0:
                    //from top
                    left = 0;
                    bottom = '100%';
                case 1:
                    //from right
                    left = '100%';
                    bottom = 0;
                case 2:
                    //from bottom
                    left = 0;
                    bottom = '-100%';
                case 3:
                    //from left
                    left = '-100%';
                    bottom = 0;
                    window.console.error('error when get direction of the mouse');

            //if we want to display content vertical middle, we need to wrap the content into a div and set the style with display table-cell
            if (instance.settings.verticalMiddle) {
                content = $('<div>').css({
                    display: 'table-cell', //此元素会作为一个表格单元格显示(类似 <td> 和 <th>)
                    verticalAlign: 'middle'
            } else {
                content = $element.attr(instance.settings.caption);
            $targetAParent = $element.parent('a');
            if ($targetAParent.length && instance.settings.withLink) {
                var url = $targetAParent.attr('href'),
                target=$targetAParent.attr('target');//fix issue#17
                $overlay = $('<a>', {
                    class: 'sliphover-overlay',
                    href: url || '#',
                    target: target||'_self'
                    textDecoration: 'none'
            } else {
                $overlay = $('<div>', {
                    class: 'sliphover-overlay'

            $overlayColor = instance.settings.backgroundColorAttr ?
              $element.attr(instance.settings.backgroundColorAttr) : instance.settings.backgroundColor;

                width: '100%',
                height: instance.settings.height,
                position: 'absolute',
                left: left,
                bottom: bottom,
                display: instance.settings.verticalMiddle ? 'table' : 'inline',
                textAlign: instance.settings.textAlign,
                color: instance.settings.fontColor,
                backgroundColor: $overlayColor
            return $overlay;
        slideIn: function(instance, $overlay) {
                left: 0,
                bottom: 0
            }, instance.settings.duration);
        removeOverlay: function(instance, $overlayContainer, direction) {
            var finalState,
                $overlay = $overlayContainer.find('.sliphover-overlay');

            switch (direction) {
                case 0: //to top
                    finalState = {
                        bottom: '100%',
                        left: 0
                case 1: //to right
                    finalState = {
                        bottom: 0,
                        left: '100%'
                case 2: //to bottom
                    finalState = {
                        bottom: '-100%',
                        left: 0
                case 3: //to left
                    finalState = {
                        bottom: 0,
                        left: '-100%'
                    window.console.error('error when get direction of the mouse');

            //slide out
            $overlay.stop().animate(finalState, instance.settings.duration, function() {
        getDirection: function($target, event) {
            //reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3627042/jquery-animation-for-a-hover-with-mouse-direction
            var w = $target.width(),
                h = $target.height(),
                x = (event.pageX - $target.offset().left - (w / 2)) * (w > h ? (h / w) : 1),
                y = (event.pageY - $target.offset().top - (h / 2)) * (h > w ? (w / h) : 1),
                direction = Math.round((((Math.atan2(y, x) * (180 / Math.PI)) + 180) / 90) + 3) % 4;
            return direction;

    $.fn[pluginName] = function(options) {
        this.each(function() {
            if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) {
                $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new SlipHover(this, options));

        // chain jQuery functions
        return this;

})(jQuery, window, document);


<script src="http://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.sliphover.js"></script>
<!-- demo begin -->
<div class="demo" id="sliphover">
                    <a href="#"><img src="img/1.jpg" title="this is a normal caption" /></a>
                <a href="#" >
                    <img src="img/2.jpg" title="description goes here" />
                <a href="#">
                    <img src="img/3.jpg" title="with html, you can put <a href='#'>link</a> , <input type='button' value='button'> or any other element you want" />
                <a href="#">
                    <img src="img/4.jpg" title="description for this image" />
                <a href="#">
                    <img src="img/5.jpg" title="description for this image" />
                <a href="#">
                    <img src="img/6.jpg" title="description for this image" />
                <a href="#">
                    <img src="img/7.jpg" title="description for this image" />
                <a href="#">
                    <img src="img/8.jpg" title="description for this image" />
                <a href="#">
                    <img src="img/9.jpg" title="description for this image" />
                 <a href="#">
                    <img src="img/10.jpg" title="description for this image" />
<!-- demo end -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
  //call sliphover plugin

