HDR功能是相机的重要功能之一,如https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1167072的系列文章所言,近些年HDR技术发展迅速,新算法层出不穷。为了降低读者的入门门槛,下面我将结合代码就简单但非常经典的基于多尺度对比度重组的单图像HDR技术进行讲解。先前讲过最小二乘(WLS)滤波器可用于图像抽象、多尺度HDR分解等,本文其实可以看作是对“Edge-Preserving Decompositions for Multi-Scale Tone and Detail Manipulation”论文源码的解读。
% Multi-scale HDR tonemapping using the WLS edge-preserving filter.
% This script computes a multi-scale edge-preserving decomposition
% of an HDR image, using the weighted least squares (WLS) optimization
% framework, as described in Farbman, Fattal, Lischinski, and Szeliski,
% "Edge-Preserving Decompositions for Multi-Scale Tone and Detail
% Manipulation", ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), August 2008.
% The decomposition is then used to produce two different tonemapped
% looks by recombining the detail layers in different manners.
close all;clc;
%% Load
filename = 'HDR images/Beach_02.hdr';
hdr = double(hdrread(filename));
I = 0.299*hdr(:,:,1) + 0.587*hdr(:,:,2) + 0.114*hdr(:,:,3) + 1e-6;
R = hdr(:,:,1) ./ I; %归一化R/G/B
G = hdr(:,:,2) ./ I;
B = hdr(:,:,3) ./ I;
LL = log(I);
% figure,imshow(hdr);
% figure,imshow(I./max(I(:)));
%% Filter
u0 = LL;
u1 = wlsFilter(LL, 0.125, 1.2, LL );
u2 = wlsFilter(LL, 1.0, 1.2, LL );
u3 = wlsFilter(LL, 8.0, 1.2, LL );
% figure,imshow(exp(u1));
% figure,imshow(exp(u2));
% figure,imshow(exp(u3));
%% Compute detail layers
d0 = u0-u1;
d1 = u1-u2;
d2 = u2-u3;
%% Recombine the layers together while moderately boosting multiple scale detail
% 具有柔化图像效果的HDR技术演示,代码已经过调整
% look = 'Balanced';
w0 =0.2; %抑制小尺度和大尺度的对比度,中尺度对比度不变,获得柔和效果
w1 = 1.0;
w2 = 0.8;
w3 = 0.4; %原图像幂律变换,压缩动态范围作为基底图像
sat = 1.0; %保持1.0,表示不是各通道的原始对比度进行压缩
exposure = 1.0; %保持1.0,通过调整百分比确保变换后在设定百分比内的像素不会过曝
gamma = 1.0/1.6;
cLL = w0*d0 + w1*d1 + w2*d2 + w3*u3;
figure,imshow(exp(d0)-0.5); %显示各尺度的对比度图像
figure,imshow(exp(w3*u3)); %动态范围压缩后的图像作为基底图像,在此基础上进行各尺度对比度的调整
%% Convert back to RGB
Inew = exposure*exp(cLL);
sI = sort(Inew(:));
mx = sI(round(length(sI) * (98/100))); %保持98%的像素处理后不会过曝
Inew = Inew/mx;
rgb = composeIRGB(Inew, R, G, B, sat, gamma);
%% Recombine the layers together with stronger emphasis on fine detail
% 小尺度对比度增强的HDR技术演示,保持核心源代码不变
% look = 'StrongFine';
w0 = 2.0;
w1 = 0.8;
w2 = 0.7;
w3 = 0.2;
sat = 0.6;
exposure = 0.9;
gamma = 1.0;
%w0 = 3.0; w1 = 1.0; w2 = 1.0; w3 = 0.45;
cLL = w0*d0 + w1*d1 + w2*d2 + w3*u3; %进行多尺度合成
%% Convert back to RGB
Inew = exp(cLL);
sI = sort(Inew(:));
mx = sI(round(length(sI) * (99.95/100)));
Inew = Inew/mx;
rgb = composeIRGB(exposure*Inew, R, G, B, sat, gamma);
function rgb = composeIRGB(Inew, r, g, b, sat, gamma)
rgb(:,:,1) = Inew .* (r .^ sat);
rgb(:,:,2) = Inew .* (g .^ sat);
rgb(:,:,3) = Inew .* (b .^ sat);
if gamma ~= 1.0
rgb = rgb .^ gamma;
function OUT = wlsFilter(IN, lambda, alpha, L)
%WLSFILTER Edge-preserving smoothing based on the weighted least squares(WLS)
% optimization framework, as described in Farbman, Fattal, Lischinski, and
% Szeliski, "Edge-Preserving Decompositions for Multi-Scale Tone and Detail
% Manipulation", ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), August 2008.
% Given an input image IN, we seek a new image OUT, which, on the one hand,
% is as close as possible to IN, and, at the same time, is as smooth as
% possible everywhere, except across significant gradients in L.
% Input arguments:
% ----------------
% IN Input image (2-D, double, N-by-M matrix).
% lambda Balances between the data term and the smoothness
% term. Increasing lambda will produce smoother images.
% Default value is 1.0
% alpha Gives a degree of control over the affinities by non-
% lineary scaling the gradients. Increasing alpha will
% result in sharper preserved edges. Default value: 1.2
% L Source image for the affinity matrix. Same dimensions
% as the input image IN. Default: log(IN)
% Example
% -------
% RGB = imread('peppers.png');
% I = double(rgb2gray(RGB));
% I = I./max(I(:));
% res = wlsFilter(I, 0.5);
% figure, imshow(I), figure, imshow(res)
% res = wlsFilter(I, 2, 2);
% figure, imshow(res)
if(~exist('L', 'var')),
L = log(IN+eps);
if(~exist('alpha', 'var')),
alpha = 1.2;
if(~exist('lambda', 'var')),
lambda = 1;
smallNum = 0.0001;
[r,c] = size(IN);
k = r*c;
% Compute affinities between adjacent pixels based on gradients of L
dy = diff(L, 1, 1);
dy = -lambda./(abs(dy).^alpha + smallNum);
dy = padarray(dy, [1 0], 'post');
dy = dy(:);
dx = diff(L, 1, 2);
dx = -lambda./(abs(dx).^alpha + smallNum);
dx = padarray(dx, [0 1], 'post');
dx = dx(:);
% Construct a five-point spatially inhomogeneous Laplacian matrix
B(:,1) = dx;
B(:,2) = dy;
d = [-r,-1];
A = spdiags(B,d,k,k);
e = dx;
w = padarray(dx, r, 'pre'); w = w(1:end-r);
s = dy;
n = padarray(dy, 1, 'pre'); n = n(1:end-1);
D = 1-(e+w+s+n);
A = A + A' + spdiags(D, 0, k, k);
% Solve
OUT = A\IN(:);
OUT = reshape(OUT, r, c);