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(Install CKB-Next)

(Problems With the Software)

While it’s certainly improved over time, CKB is still third-party software and not without its faults:


It will take around ten seconds or so for CKB to detect your mouse, during which time the mouse works, but only on default settings, and lags when moving around.


It does add a bit of input lag to the overall operation of the mouse.


I’ve had the number keys not work in specific applications, possibly due to the way it sends those inputs to the system.


Initial setup of the mouse is clunky and takes a while


And then there’s the fact that even having to run a third-party program is a major problem, particularly on Corsair’s part. Still, I didn’t expect to find a community made port of iCUE for Mac and Linux, so many thanks to the developers of this app.

还有一个事实,就是即使必须运行第三方程序也是一个主要问题,尤其是在海盗船方面。 尽管如此,我还是没想到会找到社区为Mac和Linux制作的iCUE移植版,非常感谢此应用程序的开发人员。




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