


If you have a router or other device in your home that needs periodic reboots to keep it happy, you don’t have to resort to any arcane skills to make that happen. Let’s look at a dead simple way to automatically reboot your devices.

如果您家里有路由器或其他设备,需要定期重启以使其保持快乐状态,则无需诉诸任何奥术技巧即可实现。 让我们看一下自动重启设备的简单方法。

(Why Automate Reboots?)

In many instances, you can run devices more or less indefinitely, rebooting them perhaps a few times a year if any issues crop up. Other times, those issues crop up more frequently, and you may find yourself manually rebooting your router, cable modem, and other devices around the home more than you’d like.

在许多情况下,您可以无限期地运行设备,如果出现任何问题,则可能每年重新启动设备几次。 有时,这些问题会更加频繁地出现,并且您可能会发现自己手动重启路由器,电缆调制解调器和家庭中的其他设备的次数超过了您的期望。

We’ve shown you how to automate restarting your router before in a very geeky way (that involves remotely connecting to your router, writing scripts, and other matters that you may want to avoid), but we’re back with a much simpler solution that not only works for a router but for any other device—including those that don’t support such scripts.

我们已经向您展示了如何以一种非常怪异的方式 ( 之前涉及到远程连接到路由器,编写脚本以及您可能需要避免的其他事情) 自动重启路由器 ,但是我们提供了一个简单得多的解决方案不仅适用于路由器,而且适用于任何其他设备(包括不支持此类脚本的设备)。

You only need one thing: an outlet timer. Yeah, like the kind you use for your Christmas lights. With an outlet timer, you can cut off the power and then turn it back on to force your router to reboot—just like when you pull the plug for 10 seconds.

您只需要一件事:出口计时器。 是的,就像您用于圣诞灯的那种。 使用插座计时器,您可以切断电源,然后重新打开电源以强制路由器重新启动,就像拔插头10秒钟一样。

(How to Get the Right Timer for the Job)

Outlet timers have been around for decades, but that doesn’t mean that any old outlet timer is suitable for our purposes. Before you dig out an old outlet timer for a box in your garage, consider the following features.

出口计时器已经存在了数十年,但这并不意味着任何旧的出口计时器都适合我们的用途。 在为车库中的箱子挖掘旧的插座计时器之前,请考虑以下功能。

Get a grounded timer. When it doubt, always get a grounded (three-prong) timer. The device you’re rebooting today might not have a ground pin, but the device you’re rebooting a year from now might (many newer and more powerful routers include a beefier power supply and an electrical ground).

获取接地的计时器。 如果有疑问,请务必使用接地的(三爪)计时器。 您今天要重启的设备可能没有接地针,但一年后重启的设备可能没有接地(许多更新且功能更强大的路由器都包括更强大的电源和电气接地)。

The more watts it can handle, the better. While a little old outlet timer intended for a lamp might work fine for your router (as your router likely doesn’t pull down that much wattage), buying a beefier outlet timer that can handle more watts safely is a wise idea. Here’s where appliance-grade timers really shine as they’re usually rated for 1800 watts.

它可以处理的瓦数越多越好。 尽管一个稍旧的用于灯泡的插座计时器可能对您的路由器而言是正常的(因为路由器可能不会降低那么多的功率),但购买功能更强大的插座计时器可以安全地处理更多的瓦数是一个明智的主意。 这是设备级计时器真正发光的地方,因为它们通常的额定功率为1800瓦。

Not only are such timers generally built better with higher quality connections and safety features, but you can easily plug a power strip into them so you can reboot multiple devices at once. You could, for example, use one outlet timer to reboot your cable modem, your router, and your smarthome hub all at once. A high quality grounded outlet timer combined with a good power strip gives you the most options. (Built-in surge protection in appliance timers is rare, so a power strip with surge protection either in the input or output side of the timer is important.)

这样的计时器通常不仅具有更高质量的连接和安全功能,还可以更好地构建,而且您可以轻松地将电源板插入其中,以便立即重新启动多个设备。 例如,您可以使用一个插座计时器立即重新启动电缆调制解调器,路由器和智能家居集线器。 高质量的接地插座定时器和良好的配电盘为您提供最多的选择。 (设备计时器中的内置电涌保护很少,因此在计时器的输入或输出侧具有电涌保护的配电盘很重要。)

Go digital for more flexibility, or smart for remote control. Old school outlet timers use a mechanical tab system to set the time and a mechanical wheel mechanism to keep time (that’s why you hear them whirring faintly when they’re plugged in). There are two down sides to using such mechanical timers: they don’t offer a lot of granular controls (only 15, 30, or 60 minute chunks), and if they lose power, the mechanism stops (throwing the timing off when the power comes back on).

数字化可提高灵活性,智能化可实现远程控制。 老学校的出口计时器使用机械表系统设置时间,并使用机械轮机制保持时间(这就是为什么在插入电源时听到它们微微呼啸的原因)。 使用此类机械计时器有两个缺点:它们没有提供很多精细的控件(仅提供15、30或60分钟的块),并且如果它们失去动力,则该机制会停止运转(在通电时取消计时)回来)。

Digital timers overcome both of these obstacles. We don’t need to turn the router or device off for that long, we just need to turn it off long enough to clear the RAM (which takes less than a minute). And if you lose power, a digital timer will keep your settings.

数字计时器克服了这两个障碍。 我们不需要关闭路由器或设备那么长时间, 我们只需要将其关闭足够长的时间以清除RAM (不到一分钟)即可。 而且,如果您断电,数字计时器将保留您的设置。


With those parameters in mind, here are some products we recommend. If you’re on a budget, your best bet is a 7-day programmable grounded appliance timer like the Enover TS18 ($16) or the Century 7-day Heavy Duty Digital Timer ($13).

考虑到这些参数,我们推荐一些产品。 如果预算有限,最好的选择是7天可编程接地设备计时器,例如Enover TS18 (16美元)或Century 7天重型数字计时器 (13美元)。

If you’re looking for a little extra flexibility (at a bit of an extra cost), you can opt for a smart plug. Not only do you get the flexibility of granular timing, just like with a digital outlet timer, but you also get remote control so you can reboot your equipment from anywhere. Plus, you can adjust the schedule on-the-fly—for example, if you’re downloading tons of game updates all night, you can easily use the companion app for your smart plug to temporarily turn off the scheduled reboot.

如果您需要一点额外的灵活性(需要支付一些额外费用),则可以选择智能插头。 您不仅可以像使用数字插座定时器那样获得粒度定时的灵活性,而且还可以进行远程控制,以便可以从任何地方重新启动设备。 另外,您可以即时调整计划-例如,如果整夜下载大量游戏更新,则可以轻松地使用随同应用程序作为智能插件来暂时关闭计划的重启。


Smart plugs typically range in price from $30-50 (although you can often find them dirt cheap in the clearance section of your local big box stores). We’re big fans of the iHome iSP5 ($40); it’s easy to set up, rated up to 1800 watts, and we’ve found it very dependable in day to day use. A slightly cheaper model (but still well reviewed) is the TP-Link HS100 ($30); while only rated for 850 watts, that’s still more than adequate for a power strip of home networking gear (and then some).

智能插头的价格通常在30至50美元之间(尽管您经常可以在当地大盒子商店的清仓区中找到便宜的插头)。 我们是iHome iSP5 (40美元)的忠实拥护者 ; 它易于设置 ,额定功率高达1800瓦,我们发现它在日常使用中非常可靠。 TP-Link HS100稍便宜一些(但仍得到很好的评价)(30美元)。 虽然额定功率仅为850瓦,但对于家用网络设备(还有一些)的电源板来说,仍然绰绰有余。

Once you’ve purchased a timer for the project, the rest is easy peasy. Plug it in, plug your device(s) into it, and pick the time you want to perform the reboot. From then on, no more trudging over to the router to manually reboot it after a few days—it’ll reboot automatically in the middle of the night.

一旦为该项目购买了计时器,剩下的就很容易了。 将其插入,将设备插入其中,然后选择要执行重新引导的时间。 从那时起,几天之后,您便不再需要花费太多时间来手动重新启动路由器,它将在深夜自动重新启动。
