android P:
bool BluetoothAddress::GetLocalAddress(uint8_t *local_addr)
char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = { 0 };
bool valid_bda = false;
// Get addr from vendor location
if (fetch_vendor_addr(local_addr)) {
valid_bda = true;
// Get local bdaddr storage path from a system property.
if (!valid_bda && property_get(PROPERTY_BT_BDADDR_PATH, property, NULL)) {
int addr_fd;
ALOGV("%s: Trying %s", __func__, property);
addr_fd = open(property, O_RDONLY);
if (addr_fd != -1) {
int bytes_read = read(addr_fd, property, kStringLength);
CHECK(bytes_read == kStringLength);
// Null terminate the string.
property[kStringLength] = '\0';
// If the address is not all zeros, then use it.
const uint8_t zero_bdaddr[kBytes] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
if ((StringToBytes(property, local_addr)) &&
(memcmp(local_addr, zero_bdaddr, kBytes) != 0)) {
valid_bda = true;
ALOGD("%s: Got Factory BDA %s", __func__, property);
// No BDADDR found in the file. Look for BDA in a factory property.
if (!valid_bda && property_get(FACTORY_BDADDR_PROPERTY, property, NULL) &&
StringToBytes(property, local_addr)) {
valid_bda = true;
// Check if address is stored @ Modem NV
if ((!valid_bda)&& property_get("persist.vendor.bluetooth.modem_nv_support",
property, "false") && (strcmp(property, "true") == 0))
ALOGV("%s: QMI initialization START ",__func__);
if(!tried_reading_modemnv_) {
int retry = 0;
while (retry < QMI_INIT_MAX_TRY) {
if (retry > 0)
if (QmiDmsInit() == true) {
if (QmiDmsGetAddress(modem_bdaddr_) == true) {
char bdstr[kStringLength + 1];
ALOGE("Read MODEM_NV_BD_ADDR 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x \n",
modem_bdaddr_[0], modem_bdaddr_[1], modem_bdaddr_[2], modem_bdaddr_[3],
modem_bdaddr_[4], modem_bdaddr_[5]);
valid_bda = true;
read_addr_from_modemnv_ = true;
memcpy(local_addr, modem_bdaddr_, kBytes);
/* Convert to ascii, and store as a persistent property */
BytesToString(local_addr, bdstr);
if (property_set(PERSIST_BDADDR_PROPERTY, (char*)bdstr) < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed to set MODEM_NV_BD_ADDR in prop %s", __func__,
ALOGE("%s: QMI initialization failed in %d try...", __func__, retry);
tried_reading_modemnv_ = true;
} else if(read_addr_from_modemnv_) {
memcpy(local_addr, modem_bdaddr_, kBytes);
valid_bda = true;
// No factory BDADDR found. Look for a previously stored BDA.
if (!valid_bda && property_get(PERSIST_BDADDR_PROPERTY, property, NULL) &&
StringToBytes(property, local_addr)) {
valid_bda = true;
/* Generate new BDA if necessary */
if (!valid_bda) {
char bdstr[kStringLength + 1];
struct timespec cur_time;
if (-1 == clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cur_time))
ALOGE("%s: clock_gettime failed\n", __func__);
srand((unsigned int)cur_time.tv_nsec);
/* No autogen BDA. Generate one now. */
local_addr[0] = 0x22;
local_addr[1] = 0x22;
local_addr[2] = (uint8_t)rand();
local_addr[3] = (uint8_t)rand();
local_addr[4] = (uint8_t)rand();
local_addr[5] = (uint8_t)rand();
/* Convert to ascii, and store as a persistent property */
BytesToString(local_addr, bdstr);
ALOGE("%s: No preset BDA! Generating BDA: %s for prop %s", __func__,
ALOGE("%s: This is a bug in the platform! Please fix!", __func__);
if (property_set(PERSIST_BDADDR_PROPERTY, (char*)bdstr) < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed to set random BDA in prop %s", __func__,
valid_bda = false;
} else {
valid_bda = true;
return valid_bda;
在上面的代码中,一共有下面的 6 种获取mac地址的方法:
// Get addr from vendor location
// Get local bdaddr storage path from a system property.
// No BDADDR found in the file. Look for BDA in a factory property.
// Check if address is stored @ Modem NV
// No factory BDADDR found. Look for a previously stored BDA.
/* Generate new BDA if necessary */
其中,当需要从NV去读取Bluetooth的mac地址时,代码走// Check if address is stored @ Modem NV里面;
persist.vendor.bluetooth.modem_nv_support=true \
diff --git a/common64.mk b/common64.mk
--- a/common64.mk
+++ b/common64.mk
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \
persist.vendor.radio.custom_ecc=1 \
persist.vendor.radio.rat_on=combine \
persist.backup.ntpServer=0.pool.ntp.org \
+ persist.vendor.bluetooth.modem_nv_support=true \
sys.vendor.shutdown.waittime=500 \
adb root
adb shell
btnvtool -b 或者,
btnvtool -b 22:22:22:22:22:22
btnvtool -p
代码就是生活的一部分。 坚持每天积累一点,时间久了,你就牛b了!