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Your Mac comes with a unique set of sound effects that you can assign as the default system alert. Some of these sounds are actually fairly ancient and may elicit feelings of nostalgia. However, you can change your system alert to any other sound effects your Mac comes with, or you can add custom sounds yourself–as well as turn them off completely.

Mac带有一组独特的声音效果,您可以将它们分配为默认系统警报。 其中一些声音实际上是相当古老的,可能会引起怀旧的感觉。 但是,您可以将系统警报更改为Mac随附的任何其他声音效果,也可以自己添加自定义声音,也可以将其完全关闭。

(How to Change or Disable System Sounds)

Your system Sound preferences can can be accessed by opening the System Preferences and clicking on “Sound”.


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If you read our article on how to adjust the volume for individual audio devices, then this panel will be familiar.


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When you click on a sound effect, you can hear what it sounds like and it will be set as your system alert.


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Below the list of sound effects, you can elect to play them through your computer’s internal speakers or some other sound source. You will also be able to change the volume of all sound alerts, turn them off completely (by unchecking “Play user interface sound effects”), and decide whether you want to hear feedback whenever you change the volume on your system.

在声音效果列表下方,您可以选择通过计算机的内置扬声器或其他声音源播放它们。 您还可以更改所有声音警报的音量,完全关闭它们(通过取消选中“播放用户界面的声音效果”),以及决定是否要在更改系统音量时听取反馈。

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This last option doesn’t play a sound when you actually click on the volume slider on the menubar and change the volume, rather when you change the volume using the special keyboard keys.


(How to Add Your Own Custom Sound Effects)

You can add custom sound effects to your Mac with little difficulty. Before you begin, you’ll either have to make some custom sound effects, or you can download something already made. For this demonstration, we already have some custom Mac OS sounds we found online (, so we’ll use those.

您可以毫不费力地向Mac添加自定义声音效果。 在开始之前,您必须制作一些自定义声音效果,或者可以下载已经制作的内容。 对于本演示,我们已经在网上找到了一些自定义Mac OS声音(,因此我们将使用它们。

First open your ~/Library/Sounds folder. The easiest way to do this is to select the “Go” menu in Finder, hold the “Option” key until “Library” appears. then click it. From there, open the Sounds folder.

首先打开〜/ Library / Sounds文件夹。 最简单的方法是在Finder中选择“转到”菜单,按住“选项”键,直到出现“库”。 然后点击它。 从那里打开“声音”文件夹。

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To use custom sound effects, they have to be in AIFF format. If they’re not in AIFF, then they’ll need to be converted first. Read the next section to learn how to do that using iTunes, otherwise drag your custom sound AIFF files to the ~/Library/Sounds folder.

要使用自定义声音效果,它们必须为AIFF格式。 如果它们不在AIFF中,则需要先进行转换。 阅读下一节以了解如何使用iTunes进行操作,否则将自定义声音AIFF文件拖到〜/ Library / Sounds文件夹中。

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Finally, open the Sound preferences once again and select the “Custom” sound effect you want to use as your system alert.


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(How to Convert Custom Sounds to AIFF)

As we mentioned, if you have something you want to use as a system sound, it will need to be in .AIFF format. If it isn’t, you can convert it using iTunes.

如前所述,如果您想将某些声音用作系统声音,则必须采用.AIFF格式。 如果不是,则可以使用iTunes进行转换。

Open iTunes and then the preferences using the iTunes menu or by pressing Command+, on your keyboard.

打开iTunes,然后使用iTunes菜单或按键盘上的Command +,打开首选项。

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Now on the General preferences tab, click “Import Settings”.


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In the Import Settings, select “AIFF Encoder” from the “Import Using” dropdown menu, then click “OK” and exit the preferences.

在导入设置中,从“使用导入”下拉菜单中选择“ AIFF编码器”,然后单击“确定”并退出首选项。

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Now, in your media library (assuming you’ve added the MP3s you want to convert to your iTunes library), select the file or files you want to convert to AIFF. Click “File” then “Convert” and finally “Create AIFF Version”.

现在,在媒体库中(假设您已将要转换的MP3添加到iTunes库中),选择要转换为AIFF的文件。 单击“文件”,然后单击“转换”,最后单击“创建AIFF版本”。

The conversion process should only take a few seconds at the most.


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Right-click on the new sound file in the iTunes library and choose “Show in Finder”.


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Now, you can just drag your new sound file to the ~/Library/Sounds folder as described in the previous section, and it will be automatically added as a new custom sound effect. Make sure you go back into the Sound preferences once again and select it as you new system alert sound.

现在,您可以按照上一节中的描述将新的声音文件拖到〜/ Library / Sounds文件夹中,它将自动添加为新的自定义声音效果。 确保再次返回到“声音”首选项,并将其选择为新的系统警报声音。

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Being able to use different sounds effects for your system alert not only distinguishes your Mac from everyone else’s, it gives you a break from the usual assortment of system alert sounds.


Now you can change things up every now and then to give yourself a break from the same old same old.


