excel 如何添加水印 python excel里怎么添加水印_excel

Recently, we showed you how to add a watermark to a document in Word 2013. You can also add a watermark to worksheets in Excel 2013; however, you must add them manually using the header and footer tools. We will show you how.

最近,我们向您展示了如何在Word 2013中向文档添加水印。 您还可以在Excel 2013中将水印添加到工作表中。 但是,必须使用页眉和页脚工具手动添加它们。 我们将向您展示如何。

Open your worksheet in Excel and click the Insert tab on the Ribbon.


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In the Text section, click Header & Footer.


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NOTE: If your Excel window is smaller, the Text section might be condensed to a drop-down button. If that’s the case, click the Text button and select Header & Footer from the Text section that drops down.

注意:如果您的Excel窗口较小,则“文本”部分可能会浓缩为一个下拉按钮。 如果是这种情况,请单击“文本”按钮,然后从下拉的“文本”部分中选择“页眉和页脚”。

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The Header & Footer Tools Design tab displays. To insert a picture as the watermark, click Picture in the Header & Footer Elements section.

将显示“页眉和页脚工具设计”选项卡。 要将图片作为水印插入,请在“页眉和页脚元素”部分中单击“图片”。

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The Insert Pictures dialog box displays. Select the location where the desired image file is located. We selected an image from our hard drive, so we clicked Browse next to From a file.

显示“插入图片”对话框。 选择所需图像文件所在的位置。 我们从硬盘驱动器中选择了一个图像,因此单击了“来自文件”旁边的“浏览”。

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Navigate to the location of your image file, select it, and click Insert.


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While the header is still open, the picture is represented by “&[Picture]”. Depending in the size of the image, you can insert blank lines before &[Picture] to center the image on the worksheet.

当标题仍然打开时,图片由“&[Picture]”表示。 根据图像的大小,您可以在&[Picture]之前插入空白行以使图像在工作表上居中。

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To view the picture behind the contents of the file, click on any cell outside of the header. You’ll notice that the image displays behind the text and graphics in your file, but it is full color and possibly very dark.

要查看文件内容后面的图片,请单击标题外部的任何单元格。 您会注意到该图像显示在文件中的文本和图形的后面,但是它是全彩色的,并且可能非常暗。

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You can easily make the image appear faded. Open the header again so the Header & Footer Tools Design tab displays again. Click Format Picture in the Header & Footer Elements section.

您可以轻松地使图像显得褪色。 再次打开页眉,以便再次显示“页眉和页脚工具设计”选项卡。 在“页眉和页脚元素”部分中,单击“设置图片格式”。

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Click the Picture tab on the Format Picture dialog box and select Washout from the Color drop-down list. Click OK.

单击“设置图片格式”对话框中的“图片”选项卡,然后从“颜色”下拉列表中选择“冲洗”。 单击确定。

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The picture becomes faded behind the text and graphics.


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You can also use text as a watermark by entering the text in the header (preceded by blank lines, to center the text on the worksheet), selecting the text, and filling it with a light gray.


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To remove the watermark, simply open the header again, select the text or the picture marker (&[Picture]), delete it, and click in any cell outside the header to save your change.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/151327/how-to-add-a-watermark-to-a-worksheet-in-microsoft-excel-2013/