








滤波函数中权重 滤波函数和重建算法_滤波函数中权重




滤波函数中权重 滤波函数和重建算法_python_02

滤波函数中权重 滤波函数和重建算法_滤波函数中权重_03

滤波函数中权重 滤波函数和重建算法_计算机视觉_04

滤波函数中权重 滤波函数和重建算法_python_05

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from phantominator import shepp_logan
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.signal import convolve

def forward_projection(theta_proj, N, N_d):
    shep = np.array([[1,       0.69,      0.92,         0,         0,            0],      
                     [-0.8,      0.6624,    0.8740,         0,   -0.0184,           0],         
                     [-0.2,      0.1100,    0.3100,      0.22,          0,        -18],   
                     [-0.2,      0.1600,    0.4100,      -0.22,      0,            18],        
                     [0.1,       0.2100,     0.2500,          0,      0.35,         0],       
                     [0.1,       0.0460,     0.0460,          0,       0.1,         0],        
                     [0.1,       0.0460,     0.0460,          0,       0.1,         0],       
                     [0.1,       0.0460,     0.0230,      -0.08,    -0.605,         0],       
                     [0.1,       0.0230,     0.0230,          0,     -0.606,         0],       
                     [0.1,       0.0230,     0.0460,       0.06,     -0.605,         0]])

    theta_num = len(theta_proj)
    P = np.zeros((int(N_d), theta_num))
    rho = shep[:, 0]
    ae = 0.5 * N * shep[:, 1]
    be = 0.5 * N * shep[:, 2]
    xe = 0.5 * N * shep[:, 3]
    ye = 0.5 * N * shep[:, 4]
    alpha = shep[:, 5]
    alpha = alpha * np.pi / 180
    theta_proj = theta_proj * np.pi / 180
    TT = np.arange(-(N_d - 1) / 2, (N_d - 1) / 2 + 1)

    for k1 in range(theta_num):
        P_theta = np.zeros(int(N_d))
        for k2 in range(len(xe)):
            a = (ae[k2] * np.cos(theta_proj[k1] - alpha[k2]))**2 + (be[k2] * np.sin(theta_proj[k1] - alpha[k2]))**2
            temp = a - (TT - xe[k2] * np.cos(theta_proj[k1]) - ye[k2] * np.sin(theta_proj[k1]))**2
            ind = temp > 0
            P_theta[ind] += rho[k2] * (2 * ae[k2] * be[k2] * np.sqrt(temp[ind])) / a
        P[:, k1] = P_theta

    P_min = np.min(P)
    P_max = np.max(P)
    P = (P - P_min) / (P_max - P_min)
    return P

N = 180
theta = np.arange(0, 180, 1)
I = shepp_logan(N) # Replace with your phantom generation code

#N_d = 2 * np.ceil(np.linalg.norm(np.array(I.shape) - np.floor((np.array(I.shape) - 1) / 2) - 1)) - 4
N_d = N
P = forward_projection(theta, N, int(N_d))

plt.imshow(I, cmap='gray')
plt.title('180x180 Head Phantom')
plt.imshow(P, cmap='gray')
plt.title('180° Parallel Beam Projection')

def IRandonTransform00(image, steps):
    channels = len(image[0])
    origin = np.zeros((steps, channels, steps))
    for i in range(steps):
        projectionValue = image[:, i]
        projectionValueExpandDim = np.expand_dims(projectionValue, axis=0)
        projectionValueRepeat = projectionValueExpandDim.repeat(channels, axis=0)
        origin[i] = ndimage.rotate(projectionValueRepeat, i*180/steps, reshape=False).astype(np.float64)
    iradon = np.sum(origin, axis=0)
    return iradon

#image = cv2.imread('straightLine.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

iradon00 = IRandonTransform00(P, P.shape[0])
plt.imshow(iradon00, cmap='gray')
plt.title('BP Reconstruction')

def RLFilter(N, d):
    filterRL = np.zeros((N,))
    for i in range(N):
        filterRL[i] = - 1.0 / np.power((i - N / 2) * np.pi * d, 2.0)
        if np.mod(i - N / 2, 2) == 0:
            filterRL[i] = 0
    filterRL[int(N/2)] = 1 / (4 * np.power(d, 2.0))
    return filterRL

def SLFilter(N, d):
    filterSL = np.zeros((N,))
    for i in range(N):
        #filterSL[i] = - 2 / (np.power(np.pi, 2.0) * np.power(d, 2.0) * (np.power((4 * (i - N / 2)), 2.0) - 1))
        filterSL[i] = - 2 / (np.pi**2.0 * d**2.0 * (4 * (i - N / 2)**2.0 - 1))
    return filterSL

def IRandonTransform01(image, steps):
    channels = len(image[0])
    origin = np.zeros((steps, channels, channels))
    #filter = RLFilter(channels, 1)
    filter = RLFilter(channels, 1)
    for i in range(steps):
        projectionValue = image[:, i]
        projectionValueFiltered = convolve(filter, projectionValue, "same")
        projectionValueExpandDim = np.expand_dims(projectionValueFiltered, axis=0)
        projectionValueRepeat = projectionValueExpandDim.repeat(channels, axis=0)
        origin[i] = ndimage.rotate(projectionValueRepeat, i*180/steps, reshape=False).astype(np.float64)
    iradon = np.sum(origin, axis=0)
    return iradon

def IRandonTransform02(image, steps):
    channels = len(image[0])
    origin = np.zeros((steps, channels, channels))
    #filter = RLFilter(channels, 1)
    filter = SLFilter(channels, 1)
    for i in range(steps):
        projectionValue = image[:, i]
        projectionValueFiltered = convolve(filter, projectionValue, "same")
        projectionValueExpandDim = np.expand_dims(projectionValueFiltered, axis=0)
        projectionValueRepeat = projectionValueExpandDim.repeat(channels, axis=0)
        origin[i] = ndimage.rotate(projectionValueRepeat, i*180/steps, reshape=False).astype(np.float64)
    iradon = np.sum(origin, axis=0)
    return iradon
#image = cv2.imread('straightLine.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

iradon01 = IRandonTransform01(P, len(P[0]))
iradon02 = IRandonTransform02(P, len(P[0]))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(iradon01, cmap='gray')
plt.title('RL FBP Reconstruction')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(iradon02, cmap='gray')
plt.title('SL FBP Reconstruction')