chrome remote address 是什么意思 chrome private mode_linux

chrome 默认隐身

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Google Chrome normally remembers your browsing history. You can put a stop to that, though, if you set it to always open in Incognito mode. Here’s how you can set up Chrome for private browsing.

Google Chrome通常会记住您的浏览历史记录。 不过,如果您将其设置为始终以隐身模式打开,则可以停止此操作。 您可以通过以下方法设置Chrome浏览器以进行私人浏览。

(What Is Incognito Mode?)

Incognito is the private browsing mode in Chrome. When you use it, Chrome doesn’t locally store your browsing history, cookies, site data, or any information you type in forms between sessions. A session ends when you close all open Chrome windows. Downloads and bookmarks are still saved unless you clear them manually.

隐身模式是Chrome中的私人浏览模式 。 当您使用它时,Chrome不会在本地存储您的浏览历史记录,Cookie,网站数据或您在会话之间的表单中键入的任何信息。 当您关闭所有打开的Chrome窗口时,会话结束。 除非您手动清除下载和书签,否则它们仍会保存。

It’s important to know that Incognito doesn’t prevent you from being tracked by third parties across the Internet. These include ISPs, any organization you browse at (such as a school or office), or websites like Facebook, that keep track of your activities across the web via your IP address.

重要的是要知道隐身身份不会阻止您被Internet上的第三方跟踪。 其中包括ISP,您浏览过的任何组织(例如学校或办公室)或Facebook之类的网站,这些网站都可以通过IP地址跟踪您在网络上的活动。

(How to Always Start Google Chrome in Incognito Mode on Windows 10)

To launch Chrome in Incognito mode by default, you have to add a command-line option to a shortcut that launches Chrome. While that might sound scary, it’s actually not that hard to do.

要默认情况下以隐身模式启动Chrome,您必须在启动Chrome的快捷方式中添加命令行选项。 虽然这听起来很可怕,但实际上并不难。

First, locate the shortcut you use to launch Chrome. This might be in the Start Menu or taskbar, or on your Desktop. Right-click the Chrome icon, and then in the popup, right-click “Google Chrome” and select “Properties.”

首先,找到用于启动Chrome的快捷方式。 这可能在“开始”菜单或任务栏中,或者在您的桌面上。 右键单击Chrome图标,然后在弹出窗口中右键单击“ Google Chrome”,然后选择“属性”。

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A Properties window for the shortcut appears. In the “Shortcut” tab, locate the “Target” text field.

出现快捷方式的“属性”窗口。 在“快捷方式”选项卡中,找到“目标”文本字段。

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The Target box will contain something similar to the following:


“C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe.”

“ C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Google \ Chrome \ Application \ chrome.exe。”

This is the path to the Google Chrome application that runs every time you click the shortcut.

这是每次单击快捷方式时运行的Google Chrome应用程序的路径。

You’re going to modify the contents of the Target box by adding something to the end. Click the text field and position your cursor at the end of the path. Press the spacebar, and then type “-incognito” at the end of the path in the text box.

您将通过在末尾添加一些内容来修改“目标”框的内容。 单击文本字段,然后将光标置于路径的末尾。 按下空格键,然后在文本框中的路径末尾键入“ -incognito”。

The Target box should now contain the path to the Chrome app in quotation marks, and the text you just typed, as shown in the image below.


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Click “OK” to close the Properties window. If you click “Apply,” you might get a warning; ignore it and click “OK.”

单击“确定”关闭“属性”窗口。 如果单击“应用”,则可能会收到警告; 忽略它,然后单击“确定”。

The next time you open Chrome from that shortcut, it will automatically launch in Incognito mode.


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Keep in mind that Chrome will only start in Incognito mode if you launch it from the shortcut you just modified. When you’re finished with your session, make sure you close all open Chrome windows.

请记住,只有从刚修改的快捷方式启动Chrome时,Chrome才会以隐身模式启动。 完成会话后,请确保关闭所有打开的Chrome窗口。

If you have trouble launching Chrome from the shortcut you modified, double-check that you didn’t make a typo in the “Target” box. If all else fails, remove or delete the shortcut, create a new one, and then try modifying it again.

如果您无法通过修改的快捷方式启动Chrome,请再次确认您没有在“目标”框中输入错误。 如果所有其他方法均失败,请删除或删除该快捷方式,创建一个新的快捷方式,然后尝试再次对其进行修改。

(How to Remove Incognito Mode)

If you want Chrome to launch in regular mode once again, you can remove the “-incognito” option at the end of the path in the Target box. You can also simply unpin or delete that shortcut to Chrome and create a new one.

如果您希望Chrome浏览器再次以常规模式启动,则可以在目标框中删除路径末尾的“-隐身”选项。 您也可以简单地取消固定或删除该快捷方式到Chrome,然后创建一个新的快捷方式。

After you configure Chrome, you might want to set up a custom Windows 10 user account for each person who uses your PC. This gives everyone more privacy, and each person can also configure Windows 10 to suit his or her preferences.

配置Chrome之后,您可能想为每个使用PC的用户设置一个自定义Windows 10用户帐户 。 这为每个人提供了更多的隐私,每个人还可以配置Windows 10以适应他或她的喜好。


chrome 默认隐身