

隶属度函数 Membership function

  • 高斯隶属度函数 Gaussian membership function
  • 广义钟形隶属度函数 Generalized bell-shaped membership function
  • S形隶属度函数 Sigmoidal membership function
  • 梯形隶属度函数 Trapezoidal membership function
  • 三角形隶属度函数 Triangular membership function
  • Z形隶属度函数 Z-shaped membership function
  • 模糊算子 Fuzzy operator
  • 并算子 Union operator
  • 交算子 Intersection operator
  • 平衡算子 Equilibrium operator
  • 中心平均解模糊器 Center average defuzzifier


#include "fuzzyPID.h"

#define DOF 6

int main() {
    // Default fuzzy rule base of delta kp/ki/kd
    int rule_base[][qf_default] = {
            //delta kp rule base
            {PB, PB, PM, PM, PS, ZO, ZO},
            {PB, PB, PM, PS, PS, ZO, NS},
            {PM, PM, PM, PS, ZO, NS, NS},
            {PM, PM, PS, ZO, NS, NM, NM},
            {PS, PS, ZO, NS, NS, NM, NM},
            {PS, ZO, NS, NM, NM, NM, NB},
            {ZO, ZO, NM, NM, NM, NB, NB},
            //delta ki rule base
            {NB, NB, NM, NM, NS, ZO, ZO},
            {NB, NB, NM, NS, NS, ZO, ZO},
            {NB, NM, NS, NS, ZO, PS, PS},
            {NM, NM, NS, ZO, PS, PM, PM},
            {NM, NS, ZO, PS, PS, PM, PB},
            {ZO, ZO, PS, PS, PM, PB, PB},
            {ZO, ZO, PS, PM, PM, PB, PB},
            //delta kd rule base
            {PS, NS, NB, NB, NB, NM, PS},
            {PS, NS, NB, NM, NM, NS, ZO},
            {ZO, NS, NM, NM, NS, NS, ZO},
            {ZO, NS, NS, NS, NS, NS, ZO},
            {ZO, ZO, ZO, ZO, ZO, ZO, ZO},
            {PB, PS, PS, PS, PS, PS, PB},
            {PB, PM, PM, PM, PS, PS, PB}};

    // Default parameters of membership function
    int mf_params[4 * qf_default] = {-3, -3, -2, 0,
                                     -3, -2, -1, 0,
                                     -2, -1,  0, 0,
                                     -1,  0,  1, 0,
                                      0,  1,  2, 0,
                                      1,  2,  3, 0,
                                      2,  3,  3, 0};

    // Default parameters of pid controller
    float fuzzy_pid_params[DOF][pid_params_count] = {{0.65f,  0,     0,    0, 0.5f,  -2.4f,    1},
                                                     {-0.34f, 0,     0,    0, 0.5f, 0.536f, 2.3f},
                                                     {-1.1f,  0,     0,    0, 0.5f,  0.00f,    1},
                                                     {-2.4f,  0,     0,    0, 0.5f,   2.3f,    1},
                                                     {1.2f,   0,     0,    0, 0.5f,  -0.7f, 2.3f},
                                                     {1.2f,   0.05f, 0.1f, 0,    0,      0,    1}};

    // Obtain the PID controller vector according to the parameters
    struct PID **pid_vector = fuzzy_vector_pid_init(fuzzy_pid_params, 2.0f, 4, 1, 0, mf_params, rule_base, DOF);

    bool direct[DOF] = {true, false, false, false, true, true};
    float real = 0;
    float idea = max_error * 0.9f;
    for (int j = 0; j < 500; ++j) {
        int out = fuzzy_pid_motor_pwd_output(real, idea, direct[5], pid_vector[5]);
        real += (float) (out - middle_pwm_output) / (float) middle_pwm_output * (float) max_error * 0.1f;
        printf("%d,%f\n", out, real);

    delete_pid_vector(pid_vector, DOF);
    return 0;



可以需要根据参考输入与被控对象的实际输出产生的误差 DMCNN图像去模糊代码_pid_02 、误差变化量 DMCNN图像去模糊代码_控制算法_03


其中 DMCNN图像去模糊代码_c++_05 代表并 (and) 操作,当然也可以用或 (or, DMCNN图像去模糊代码_pid_06) 生成条件语句。同时由于模糊概念的存在,误差 DMCNN图像去模糊代码_pid_02 、误差变化量 DMCNN图像去模糊代码_控制算法_03DMCNN图像去模糊代码_c++_09DMCNN图像去模糊代码_DMCNN图像去模糊代码_10

int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < qf_default; ++i) {
    float temp = mf(e, fuzzy_struct->mf_type[0], fuzzy_struct->mf_params + 4 * i);
    if (temp > 1e-4) {
        membership[j] = temp;
        index[j++] = i;

count[0] = j;

for (int i = 0; i < qf_default; ++i) {
    float temp = mf(de, fuzzy_struct->mf_type[1], fuzzy_struct->mf_params + 4 * i);
    if (temp > 1e-4) {
        membership[j] = temp;
        index[j++] = i;

count[1] = j - count[0];

其中使用 fuzzy_struct->mf_type 存储隶属度函数类型, fuzzy_struct->mf_params 存储隶属度函数所需的参数,通过调用 mf 便可实现隶属度的计算,同时多输入的情况下需要使用交并函数(模糊算子)求出联合隶属度。项目的源码实现如下:

// Joint membership
float joint_membership[count[0] * count[1]];

for (int i = 0; i < count[0]; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < count[1]; ++j) {
        joint_membership[i * count[1] + j] = fo(membership[i], membership[count[0] + j], fuzzy_struct->fo_type);

其中使用 fuzzy_struct->fo_type 存储交并函数类型,通过调用 fo 实现联合隶属度的求取。在得到每个语言值的联合隶属度,便可以通过模糊推理求取。项目的源码实现如下:

// Mean of centers defuzzifier, only for two input multiple index
void moc(const float *joint_membership, const unsigned int *index, const unsigned int *count, struct fuzzy *fuzzy_struct) {

    float denominator_count = 0;
    float numerator_count[fuzzy_struct->output_num];
    for (unsigned int l = 0; l < fuzzy_struct->output_num; ++l) {
        numerator_count[l] = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < count[0]; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < count[1]; ++j) {
            denominator_count += joint_membership[i * count[1] + j];

    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < fuzzy_struct->output_num; ++k) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count[0]; ++i) {
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < count[1]; ++j) {
                numerator_count[k] += joint_membership[i * count[1] + j] *
                                      fuzzy_struct->rule_base[k * qf_default * qf_default + index[i] * qf_default +
                                                              index[count[0] + j]];

    for (unsigned int l = 0; l < fuzzy_struct->output_num; ++l) {
        fuzzy_struct->output[l] = numerator_count[l] / denominator_count;


struct PID **
fuzzy_pid_vector_init(float params[][pid_params_count], float delta_k, unsigned int mf_type, unsigned int fo_type,
                      unsigned int df_type, int *mf_params, int rule_base[][qf_default],
                      unsigned int count);

其中 count 用于设定控制器个数,rule_base 用于传递模糊规则库,delta_k 用于控制PID的三个参数在初始值的基础上可以调节的程度,params 用于传递基础的PID参数,mf_type、fo_type、df_type三个参数分别决定了隶属度函数类型、模糊算子类型以及解模糊器类型。