IOS 怎么创建新的版本 ios怎么创建新的apple id_编程语言

创建新的apple id

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iMessage isn’t just for texting your friends and family anymore. With Apple’s new Business Chat feature, you can now text businesses and brands with your questions right from iMessage. Here’s how it works.

iMessage不再只是用于发短信给您的朋友和家人。 借助Apple的新业务聊天功能,您现在可以直接从iMessage向企业和品牌发短信询问您的问题。 运作方式如下。

Business Chat is a way for you to easily connect with businesses without jumping through hoops on their website. Instead, you can text them through iMessage and ask your questions there. The feature was originally unveiled during WWDC 2017, but wasn’t released until recently as a new feature in iOS 11.3 (as well as on macOS 10.13.4).

商务聊天是您轻松与企业联系的一种方式,而无需跳过其网站上的障碍。 取而代之的是,您可以通过iMessage向他们发送短信,然后在此处提问。 该功能最初是在WWDC 2017期间发布的,但是直到最近才作为iOS 11.3(以及macOS 10.13.4)的新功能发布。

Currently, there are only a handful of businesses that support Business Chat: Apple, Discover, Hilton, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Marriott, Newegg, TD Ameritrade, Wells Fargo, and 1-800-Flowers. Furthermore, it seems that Business Chat is still rolling out slowly to users, as not every supported business worked for me. So keep that in mind.

当前,只有少数几家公司支持商务聊天:Apple,Discover,Hilton,Home Depot,Lowe's,Marriott,Newegg,TD Ameritrade,Wells Fargo和1-800-Flowers。 此外,似乎业务聊天仍在缓慢地向用户推广,因为并不是每个受支持的业务都对我有用。 所以记住这一点。

To get started, there are several ways you can bring up a Business Chat with a supported brand or business. Some websites have a link to chat in iMessage (like 1-800-Flowers), but you can always find an iMessage button next to supported businesses when you search for them in Siri, Safari, or Apple Maps. Like I mentioned above, some businesses may not show up for you right now—Home Depot showed up in Siri results for me, but not when searching for it in Apple Maps.

首先,您可以通过多种方式来与受支持的品牌或公司开展业务聊天。 某些网站具有在iMessage中聊天的链接(例如1-800-Flowers),但是当您在Siri,Safari或Apple Maps中搜索支持的商家时,您总是可以在支持的商家旁边找到一个iMessage按钮。 就像我上面提到的那样,有些企业可能不会立即为您显示-Home Depot会在我的Siri结果中显示出来,但在Apple Maps中搜索时却没有出现。

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After tapping the iMessage button, a new conversation window is created with that business and you can immediately start chatting with them. You’ll probably get an automated message at first saying that a representative will be with you shortly, so be prepared to wait a bit.

点击iMessage按钮后,将与该公司创建一个新的对话窗口,您可以立即开始与他们聊天。 首先,您可能会收到一条自动消息,说很快就会有一位代表在您身边,因此请稍等一下。

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After you’re connected, though, it’s just like chatting with a friend through iMessage, only this time it’s with a business, and you can get help or ask questions about products or services.


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The great thing about Business Chat is that there’s really no rush to respond to the customer service representative. During a live chat online, you could be disconnected if you don’t respond after a while. But with Business Chat, you can go about your day, and whenever you get a reply, you’ll receive a notification just like you would with any text message.

Business Chat的优点在于,您确实不必急于回应客户服务代表。 在线实时聊天过程中,如果一段时间后没有响应,您可能会断开连接。 但是,通过商务聊天,您可以整日忙碌,每当收到回复时,您都会收到一条通知,就像处理任何短信一样。

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Business Chat doesn’t share your personal information with the business you’re chatting with (name, phone number, zip code, and so on). However, you may need to share this info with them if you’re setting up an appointment or a delivery.

商务聊天不会与您聊天的公司共享您的个人信息(姓名,电话号码,邮政编码等)。 但是,如果要设置约会或交货,则可能需要与他们共享此信息。


创建新的apple id