
  • 一 .前言
  • 二 .代码分析
  • 2.1. 入口
  • 2.2. SocketTextStreamFunction
  • 2.2.1. SourceFunction接口
  • 2.2.2. SourceContext
  • 2.2.3. 属性
  • 2.2.4. 构造方法
  • 2.2.5. run(SourceContext ctx)
  • 2.2.6. cancle ()
  • 2.2.7. 官方提供的SourceFunction示例
  • 2.3. addSource
  • 三 .StreamSource
  • 四 .DataStreamSource
  • 五 .ParallelSourceFunction
  • 六 .RichParallelSourceFunction

一 .前言

本文主要分析DataSource数据源如何获取数据,并且返回DataStream .

二 .代码分析


2.1. 入口

DataStream<String> text = env.socketTextStream(hostname, port, "\n"); 是读取数据&转化为DataStream的入口.
所以我们从StreamExecutionEnvironment#socketTextStream 方法开始入手.

	 * Creates a new data stream that contains the strings received infinitely from a socket. Received strings are
	 * decoded by the system's default character set. On the termination of the socket server connection retries can be
	 * initiated.
	 * <p>Let us note that the socket itself does not report on abort and as a consequence retries are only initiated when
	 * the socket was gracefully terminated.
	 * @param hostname
	 * 		The host name which a server socket binds
	 * @param port
	 * 		The port number which a server socket binds. A port number of 0 means that the port number is automatically
	 * 		allocated.
	 * @param delimiter
	 * 		A string which splits received strings into records
	 * @param maxRetry
	 * 		The maximal retry interval in seconds while the program waits for a socket that is temporarily down.
	 * 		Reconnection is initiated every second. A number of 0 means that the reader is immediately terminated,
	 * 		while
	 * 		a	negative value ensures retrying forever.
	 * @return A data stream containing the strings received from the socket
	public DataStreamSource<String> socketTextStream(String hostname, int port, String delimiter, long maxRetry) {
		return addSource(new SocketTextStreamFunction(hostname, port, delimiter, maxRetry),
				"Socket Stream");

2.2. SocketTextStreamFunction

StreamExecutionEnvironment#addSource方法中,传入了一个SocketTextStreamFunction对象. 并返回DataStreamSource 我们看一下SocketTextStreamFunction 的代码 .

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2.2.1. SourceFunction接口

Base interface for all stream data sources in Flink.

SocketTextStreamFunction 实现了SourceFunction接口. SourceFunction接口继承了Function和 Serializable类.

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一. Stream Source 的约定如下:

1. 当Source开始发射元素时,{@link#run}方法被调用,其中{@link SourceContext}可用于发射元素。
2. run方法可以根据需要运行任意长的时间。
3. 可以调用{@link #cancel()} 方法退出run 方法

二.  CheckpointedFunction Sources
     Sources可以实现 {@link  org.apache.flink.streaming.api.checkpoint.CheckpointedFunction} 接口必须保证  state checkpointing , 内部状态更新 和 元素发送不会同时进行.
     可以在synchronized代码块汇总 使用提供的 checkpointing lock object 锁 来保护 状态更新和 发送数据.

     这是实现  checkpointed Source 时应遵循的基本模式:

三. Timestamps and watermarks

 Sources可以为数据分配timestamps,并且可以手动发出watermarks 。
     但是,只有当 streaming program 在{@link TimeCharacteristic#EventTime}上运行时,才会有效。
 在({@link TimeCharacteristic#IngestionTime} and {@link  TimeCharacteristic#ProcessingTime})模式watermarks就会失效.
  • 我们看到SourceFunction一共就两个方法

run : 执行方法, 在里面写读取数据的实际操作.
cancel : 取消函数, 用于取消/关闭连接使用.

2.2.2. SourceContext

SourceContext 接口用于 source function 发送数据或者水印相关的操作. 这里的方法返回值都是void .

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void collect(T element);

从source 发送 一条没有附加timestamp的数据, 在大多数情况下,这是默认的数据获取方式

element的时间戳取决于streaming program的 time characteristic

void collectWithTimestamp(T element, long timestamp);


void emitWatermark(Watermark mark);


void markAsTemporarilyIdle();

标记当前source 为暂时空闲.

Object getCheckpointLock();

返回一个checkpoint lock .

void close();


2.2.3. 属性

SocketTextStreamFunction 类里面有一些属性是为了建立请求用的信息.

// 主机地址
    private final String hostname;
    // 端口
    private final int port;
    // 分隔符
    private final String delimiter;
    // 最大重试次数
    private final long maxNumRetries;
    // 重试间隔
    private final long delayBetweenRetries;

    // 构建的socket
    private transient Socket currentSocket;

    // 标识符,是否正在运行
    private volatile boolean isRunning = true;

2.2.4. 构造方法


public SocketTextStreamFunction(
            String hostname, int port, String delimiter, long maxNumRetries) {
        this(hostname, port, delimiter, maxNumRetries, DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RETRY_SLEEP);

    public SocketTextStreamFunction(
            String hostname,
            int port,
            String delimiter,
            long maxNumRetries,
            long delayBetweenRetries) {
        checkArgument(isValidClientPort(port), "port is out of range");
                maxNumRetries >= -1,
                "maxNumRetries must be zero or larger (num retries), or -1 (infinite retries)");
        checkArgument(delayBetweenRetries >= 0, "delayBetweenRetries must be zero or positive");

        this.hostname = checkNotNull(hostname, "hostname must not be null");
        this.port = port;
        this.delimiter = delimiter;
        this.maxNumRetries = maxNumRetries;
        this.delayBetweenRetries = delayBetweenRetries;

2.2.5. run(SourceContext ctx)


    public void run(SourceContext<String> ctx) throws Exception {

        //构建buffer 缓存...
        final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

        // 重试次数
        long attempt = 0;

        // 是否运行
        while (isRunning) {

            // 构建socket
            try (Socket socket = new Socket()) {

                // 设置当前currentSocket
                currentSocket = socket;

                LOG.info("Connecting to server socket " + hostname + ':' + port);
                // 设置连接信息和超时时间
                socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port), CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_TIME);

                // 读取socket数据...
                try (BufferedReader reader =
                        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()))) {

                    char[] cbuf = new char[8192];
                    int bytesRead;
                    while (isRunning && (bytesRead = reader.read(cbuf)) != -1) {
                        buffer.append(cbuf, 0, bytesRead);
                        int delimPos;

                        // 读取数据...
                        while (buffer.length() >= delimiter.length()
                                && (delimPos = buffer.indexOf(delimiter)) != -1) {

                            // 获取数据记录...
                            String record = buffer.substring(0, delimPos);
                            // truncate trailing carriage return
                            if (delimiter.equals("\n") && record.endsWith("\r")) {
                                record = record.substring(0, record.length() - 1);
                            // 处理数据
                            // 清理掉buffer中的缓存数据...
                            buffer.delete(0, delimPos + delimiter.length());

            // 如果退出当前循环则重试操作...
            // if we dropped out of this loop due to an EOF, sleep and retry
            if (isRunning) {
                // 重试次数相关处理.
                if (maxNumRetries == -1 || attempt < maxNumRetries) {
                            "Lost connection to server socket. Retrying in "
                                    + delayBetweenRetries
                                    + " msecs...");
                } else {
                    // this should probably be here, but some examples expect simple exists of the
                    // stream source
                    // throw new EOFException("Reached end of stream and reconnects are not
                    // enabled.");

        // 最后操作...
        // collect trailing data
        if (buffer.length() > 0) {

2.2.6. cancle ()


    public void cancel() {
        isRunning = false;

        // we need to close the socket as well, because the Thread.interrupt() function will
        // not wake the thread in the socketStream.read() method when blocked.
        Socket theSocket = this.currentSocket;
        if (theSocket != null) {

2.2.7. 官方提供的SourceFunction示例

public class ExampleCountSource implements SourceFunction<Long>, CheckpointedFunction {
    private long count = 0L;
    private volatile boolean isRunning = true;

    private transient ListState<Long> checkpointedCount;

    public void run(SourceContext<T> ctx) {
        while (isRunning && count < 1000) {
            // this synchronized block ensures that state checkpointing,
            // internal state updates and emission of elements are an atomic operation
            synchronized (ctx.getCheckpointLock()) {

    public void cancel() {
        isRunning = false;

    public void initializeState(FunctionInitializationContext context) {
        this.checkpointedCount = context
            .getListState(new ListStateDescriptor<>("count", Long.class));

        if (context.isRestored()) {
            for (Long count : this.checkpointedCount.get()) {
                this.count = count;

    public void snapshotState(FunctionSnapshotContext context) {

2.3. addSource

添加具有自定义类型信息的数据源,从而打开{@link DataStream}。
否则使用 {@link #addSource(org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.SourceFunction)}

// addSource方法用来添加一个数据源到计算任务中。
    // 默认情况下数据源是非并行的,
    // 用户需要实现ParallelSourceFunction接口或者继承RichParallelSourceFunction来实现可并行的数据源。
    // addSource方法将一个StreamFunction封装为StreamSource,
    // 当数据源开始执行时调用SourceFunction#run(SourceContext<T> ctx)方法,
    // 持续地向SourceContext发送生成的数据。
    private <OUT> DataStreamSource<OUT> addSource(
            // SocketTextStreamFunction
            final SourceFunction<OUT> function,
            // Socket Stream
            final String sourceName,
            // null
            @Nullable final TypeInformation<OUT> typeInfo,
            // 无界: Boundedness.CONTINUOUS_UNBOUNDED
            final Boundedness boundedness) {
        // Boundedness 是枚举类, 代表数据源的类型是有界数据[BOUNDED]或者是无界[CONTINUOUS_UNBOUNDED]数据.

        // 获取数据的处理类型 : String
        TypeInformation<OUT> resolvedTypeInfo =
                getTypeInfo(function, sourceName, SourceFunction.class, typeInfo);

        // 是否是并行的SourceFunction  : false
        boolean isParallel = function instanceof ParallelSourceFunction;

        // 清理函数...

        // 构建sourceOperator
        final StreamSource<OUT, ?> sourceOperator = new StreamSource<>(function);

        // 构建 DataStreamSource
        return new DataStreamSource<>(
                this, resolvedTypeInfo, sourceOperator, isParallel, sourceName, boundedness);


  1. 是否是支持并发读取数据. 是通过 boolean isParallel = function instanceof ParallelSourceFunction;验证的. 所以如果数据源需要支持并发读取的话,需要实现ParallelSourceFunction(SourceFunction的子类)接口.
  2. SourceFunction 会包装成 StreamSource 对象 .
  3. 最终 new了一个 DataStreamSource对象返回.

三 .StreamSource

addSource方法中,是通过final StreamSource<OUT, ?> sourceOperator = new StreamSource<>(function); 包装成 StreamSource.

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四 .DataStreamSource

DataStreamSource是SingleOutputStreamOperator的子类. 超级父类是 DataStream .
所有的数据源都会包装成DataStreamSource .

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DataStreamSource代码里面除了构造方法之外, 没有任何方法, 只有一个属性 isParallel .
从写了 setParallelism方法, 只有在 isParallel=true 的时候才可以设置并发度.

    public DataStreamSource<T> setParallelism(int parallelism) {
        OperatorValidationUtils.validateParallelism(parallelism, isParallel);
        return this;

Flink 中你可以使用 StreamExecutionEnvironment.addSource(source) 来为你的程序添加数据来源。
Flink 已经提供了若干实现好了的 source functions,当然你也可以通过实现 SourceFunction 来自定义非并行的
source或者实现 ParallelSourceFunction 接口或者扩展 RichParallelSourceFunction 来自定义并行的source。

五 .ParallelSourceFunction

ParallelSourceFunction是一个接口, 并行执行的stream data 数据源 .
在执行时, runtime会根据source配置中的并行度去启动相同数量的function实例 .

请使用{@link RichParallelSourceFunction}访问 runtime context ,
该 runtime context 将显示诸如并行任务数 和 当前实例是哪个并行任务等信息。

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六 .RichParallelSourceFunction

RichParallelSourceFunction 是ParallelSourceFunction 的子类, 实现了ParallelSourceFunction接口 .

在执行时, runtime会根据source配置中的并行度去启动相同数量的function实例 .
这个数据源可以访问 context 信息 (比如数据源的并行实例的数量和当前的实例归属于哪个任务. )
它还提供了附加的生命周期方法 #open(org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration)} and {@link #close()}.

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public abstract class RichParallelSourceFunction<OUT> extends AbstractRichFunction
        implements ParallelSourceFunction<OUT> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;