



某天接到客户反馈,pod的事件中出现大量的 warning event: Readiness probe failed: OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: EOF: unknown。但不影响客户访问该服务。









I0507 03:43:28.310630  57003 prober.go:112] Readiness probe for "adsfadofadfabdfhaodsfa(d1aab5f0-
ae8f-11eb-a151-080027049c65):c0" failed (failure): OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: EOF: unknown
I0507 07:08:49.834093  57003 prober.go:112] Readiness probe for "adsfadofadfabdfhaodsfa(a89a158e-
ae8f-11eb-a151-080027049c65):c0" failed (failure): OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unexpected EOF: unknown
I0507 10:06:58.307881  57003 prober.go:112] Readiness probe for "adsfadofadfabdfhaodsfa(d1aab5f0-
ae8f-11eb-a151-080027049c65):c0" failed (failure): OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: EOF: unknown

![image.png]([object Object]&name=image.png&originHeight=168&originWidth=1280&originalType=binary&size=84729&status=done&style=none&taskId=u72c9cf78-3e4b-4756-b01c-865d185a1a0&width=640)

time="2021-05-06T16:51:40.009989451+08:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
time="2021-05-06T16:51:40.010054596+08:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
time="2021-05-06T16:51:40.170676532+08:00" level=error msg="Error running exec 8e34e8b910694abe95a467b2936b37635fdabd2f7b7c464d
fef952fa5732aa4e in container: OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: EOF: unknown"

虽然从Docker日志中显示是 stream copy error,但实际上是底层的 runc 返回了 EOF,导致返回了 error。
3、因为日志中显示 probe 类型为 Failure,因此 e.CombinedOutPut() 的 err != nil,并且 ExitStatus 不为 0,data 的值为 OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unexpected EOF: unknown,最终会调用到 RunInContainer 方法
![]([object Object]&originHeight=868&originWidth=1294&originalType=url&status=done&style=none&taskId=uf9d8e97e-59e6-4238-b7e5-3a999679368&width=647)
![]([object Object]&originHeight=422&originWidth=2208&originalType=url&status=done&style=none&taskId=u3413c77b-d75a-4301-9930-b08d2aa3808&width=1104)
ExecSync 是通过 GRPC 调用了 dockershim 的 ExecSync
![]([object Object]&originHeight=1314&originWidth=2044&originalType=url&status=done&style=none&taskId=u0d1c6ee6-a1fd-4aeb-8eb7-efac9c02ea9&width=1022)
dockershim 最终调用到 ExecInContainer 方法,并且该方法的返回了 exitcode 不为 0 的 error。

func (*NativeExecHandler) ExecInContainer(client libdocker.Interface, container *dockertypes.ContainerJSON, cmd []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.WriteCloser, tty bool, resize <-chan remotecommand.TerminalSize, timeout time.Duration) error {
   execObj, err := client.CreateExec(container.ID, createOpts)
   startOpts := dockertypes.ExecStartCheck{Detach: false, Tty: tty}
   streamOpts := libdocker.StreamOptions{
      InputStream:  stdin,
      OutputStream: stdout,
      ErrorStream:  stderr,
      RawTerminal:  tty,
      ExecStarted:  execStarted,
   err = client.StartExec(execObj.ID, startOpts, streamOpts)
   if err != nil {
      return err

    ticker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
    defer ticker.Stop()
    count := 0
    for {
       inspect, err2 := client.InspectExec(execObj.ID)
       if err2 != nil {
          return err2
       if !inspect.Running {
          if inspect.ExitCode != 0 {
             err = &dockerExitError{inspect}
       if count == 5 {
          klog.Errorf("Exec session %s in container %s terminated but process still running!", execObj.ID, container.ID)

   return err

ExecInContainer 做了以下几件事:

  1. 调用 CreateExec 创建 ExecID
  2. 调用 StartExec 执行 exec,并通过 holdHijackedConnection 来重定向输入输出。将 inputStream 写入到 connection,并将 response stream 重定向到 stdout,stderr。
  3. 调用 InspectExec 获取本次 exec 的运行状态和 exitcode

那么日志中打印的报错就是 response stream 传递过来的字符流。也就是说,dockerd 的 response 中包含了错误值。
![]([object Object]&originHeight=1412&originWidth=2142&originalType=url&status=done&style=none&taskId=uc038f295-1068-4c15-b9c4-8f8f4a6b836&width=1071)
此时去 docker 代码中查找原因,ExecStart 会调用到 dockerd 的以下代码:
![]([object Object]&originHeight=410&originWidth=1826&originalType=url&status=done&style=none&taskId=u24a4d934-2613-4346-9b9c-705c5413d17&width=913)
根据上面 docker 的日志,err 的错误信息为:OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: EOF: unknown。也就是说 ContainerExecStart 返回了错误。
ContainerExecStart 会调用到 containerd.Exec,也就是 dockerd 和 containerd 之间进行通信
![]([object Object]&originHeight=440&originWidth=1584&originalType=url&status=done&style=none&taskId=uda06f35b-0865-4c2a-8234-4f838f2f9fa&width=792)

// docker/libcontainerd/client_daemon.go
// Exec creates exec process.
// The containerd client calls Exec to register the exec config in the shim side.
// When the client calls Start, the shim will create stdin fifo if needs. But
// for the container main process, the stdin fifo will be created in Create not
// the Start call. stdinCloseSync channel should be closed after Start exec
// process.
func (c *client) Exec(ctx context.Context, containerID, processID string, spec *specs.Process, withStdin bool, attachStdio StdioCallback) (int, error) {
   ctr := c.getContainer(containerID)
   if ctr == nil {
      return -1, errors.WithStack(newNotFoundError("no such container"))
   t := ctr.getTask()
   if t == nil {
      return -1, errors.WithStack(newInvalidParameterError("container is not running"))

   if p := ctr.getProcess(processID); p != nil {
      return -1, errors.WithStack(newConflictError("id already in use"))

   var (
      p              containerd.Process
      rio            cio.IO
      err            error
      stdinCloseSync = make(chan struct{})

   fifos := newFIFOSet(ctr.bundleDir, processID, withStdin, spec.Terminal)

   defer func() {
      if err != nil {
         if rio != nil {

   p, err = t.Exec(ctx, processID, spec, func(id string) (cio.IO, error) {
      rio, err = c.createIO(fifos, containerID, processID, stdinCloseSync, attachStdio)
      return rio, err
   if err != nil {
      return -1, wrapError(err)

   ctr.addProcess(processID, p)

   // Signal c.createIO that it can call CloseIO
   // the stdin of exec process will be created after p.Start in containerd
   defer close(stdinCloseSync)

   if err = p.Start(ctx); err != nil {
      // use new context for cleanup because old one may be cancelled by user, but leave a timeout to make sure
      // we are not waiting forever if containerd is unresponsive or to work around fifo cancelling issues in
      // older containerd-shim
      ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 45*time.Second)
      defer cancel()
      return -1, wrapError(err)

   return int(p.Pid()), nil

这里 new 了一个 FIFOSet,而 reading from a closed fifo 仅出现在 fifo 被 close 掉时,仍然在读取的情况。即 f.Close() 发生在 f.Read() 前面。

defer func() {
   if err != nil {
      if rio != nil {
         rio.Close() // 这里 Close 会导致 fifo close

p, err = t.Exec(ctx, processID, spec, func(id string) (cio.IO, error) {
   rio, err = c.createIO(fifos, containerID, processID, stdinCloseSync, attachStdio)
   return rio, err
if err != nil {
   return -1, wrapError(err)

ctr.addProcess(processID, p)

// Signal c.createIO that it can call CloseIO
// the stdin of exec process will be created after p.Start in containerd
defer close(stdinCloseSync)

// p.Start 出错,会导致内部的 fifo 关闭,从而导致 reading from a closed fifo 的问题
if err = p.Start(ctx); err != nil {
   // use new context for cleanup because old one may be cancelled by user, but leave a timeout to make sure
   // we are not waiting forever if containerd is unresponsive or to work around fifo cancelling issues in
   // older containerd-shim
   ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 45*time.Second)
   defer cancel()
   return -1, wrapError(err)

p.Start 调用到下面的代码,通过 GRPC 和 containerd 通信。

// github.com/containerd/containerd/task.go
func (t *task) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
   r, err := t.client.TaskService().Start(ctx, &tasks.StartRequest{
      ContainerID: t.id,
   if err != nil {
      return errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
   t.pid = r.Pid
   return nil

这个 GRPC 调用会到达 containerd 以下的代码:

func (e *execProcess) start(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
   var (
      socket  *runc.Socket
      pidfile = filepath.Join(e.path, fmt.Sprintf("%s.pid", e.id))
   if e.stdio.Terminal {
      if socket, err = runc.NewTempConsoleSocket(); err != nil {
         return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create runc console socket")
      defer socket.Close()
   } else if e.stdio.IsNull() {
      if e.io, err = runc.NewNullIO(); err != nil {
         return errors.Wrap(err, "creating new NULL IO")
   } else {
      if e.io, err = runc.NewPipeIO(e.parent.IoUID, e.parent.IoGID, withConditionalIO(e.stdio)); err != nil {
         return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create runc io pipes")
   opts := &runc.ExecOpts{
      PidFile: pidfile,
      IO:      e.io,
      Detach:  true,
   if socket != nil {
      opts.ConsoleSocket = socket
   // err 返回了 exec failed: EOF: unknown
   // 这里的 runtime 就是 runc 的二进制文件执行命令
   if err := e.parent.runtime.Exec(ctx, e.parent.id, e.spec, opts); err != nil {
      return e.parent.runtimeError(err, "OCI runtime exec failed")

Exec 的代码如下:

// Exec executres and additional process inside the container based on a full
// OCI Process specification
func (r *Runc) Exec(context context.Context, id string, spec specs.Process, opts *ExecOpts) error {
   f, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.Getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"), "runc-process")
   if err != nil {
      return err
   defer os.Remove(f.Name())
   err = json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(spec)
   if err != nil {
      return err
   args := []string{"exec", "--process", f.Name()}
   if opts != nil {
      oargs, err := opts.args()
      if err != nil {
         return err
      args = append(args, oargs...)
   cmd := r.command(context, append(args, id)...)
   if opts != nil && opts.IO != nil {
   if cmd.Stdout == nil && cmd.Stderr == nil {
      data, err := cmdOutput(cmd, true)
      if err != nil {
         return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", err, data)
      return nil
   ec, err := Monitor.Start(cmd)
   if err != nil {
      return err
   if opts != nil && opts.IO != nil {
      if c, ok := opts.IO.(StartCloser); ok {
         if err := c.CloseAfterStart(); err != nil {
            return err
   status, err := Monitor.Wait(cmd, ec)
   if err == nil && status != 0 {
      err = fmt.Errorf("%s did not terminate sucessfully", cmd.Args[0])
   return err

因此是 runc 在运行后输出了 exec failed: EOF: unknown 这个错误。
![]([object Object]&originHeight=120&originWidth=2464&originalType=url&status=done&style=none&taskId=u86921be9-c1b6-485f-ac8f-552aa8a8a46&width=1232)
将 runc 指令循环执行,可少量复现。经过排查,发现 runc exec 在运行期间会读取 container 的 state.json,并使用 json decode 时出现异常。
![]([object Object]&originHeight=616&originWidth=1554&originalType=url&status=done&style=none&taskId=uf116b8cd-4ec4-4bef-a6bd-9918d5c8c8b&width=777)
此时联想到开启 kubelet cpu-manager 后,会 update container,也就是更新这个 state.json 文件。导致 runc 读到了部分 cpu-manager 更新的内容。从而导致 json decode 失败。
此时排查 runc EOF 和 kubelet cpu-manager update container(默认每 10s 更新一次) 的时间,发现时间点刚好吻合,验证猜想。

查看 runc 是否有修复,发现了这个 pr: https://github.com/opencontainers/runc/pull/2467。
修复思路是将 saveState 变成原子操作,这样就不会出现读取 state.json 时,读到部分写入的内容,导致 unexpected EOF (或 EOF)的问题

// 原来的
func (c *linuxContainer) saveState(s *State) error {
   f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(c.root, stateFilename))
   if err != nil {
      return err
   defer f.Close()
   return utils.WriteJSON(f, s)
// 修复后的
func (c *linuxContainer) saveState(s *State) (retErr error) {
        tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(c.root, "state-")
        if err != nil {
                return err

        defer func() {
                if retErr != nil {

        err = utils.WriteJSON(tmpFile, s)
        if err != nil {
                return err
        err = tmpFile.Close()
        if err != nil {
                return err

        stateFilePath := filepath.Join(c.root, stateFilename)
        return os.Rename(tmpFile.Name(), stateFilePath)


  1. 关闭cpu-manager
  2. 升级runc