- 一、概述
- 二、车牌图像分析
- 三、车牌定位
- 1. 基本处理
- 2. 图像降噪
- 3. 灰度拉伸
- 4. 图像差分
- 5. 二值化
- 6. 边缘检测
- 7. 形态学处理
- 8. 定位车牌
- 四、字符分割
- 1. 去除上下边缘
- 2. 分割并保存字符
- 五、测试其它图片
- 六、总结
- 七、附上完整代码
我国汽车牌照一般由七个字符和一个点组成(参考下图),车牌字符的高度和宽度是固定的,分别为90mm和45mm,七个字符之间的距离也是固定的12mm,中间分割符圆点的直径是10mm,但是真实车牌图像会因为透视原因造成字符间的距离变化。在民用车牌中,字符排列位置遵循以下规律:第一个字符通常是我国各省区的简称,共31个,用汉字表示;第二个字符通常是发证机关的代码号,最后五个字符由英文字母和数字组合而成,字母是24个大写字母(除去 I 和 O)的组合,数字用"0-9"之间的数字表示。
- 车牌的几何特征,即车牌形状统一为高宽比固定的矩形;
- 车牌的灰度分布呈现出连续的波谷-波峰-波谷分布,这是因为我国车牌颜色单一,字符直线排列;
- 车牌直方图呈现出双峰状的特点,即车牌直方图中可以看到双个波峰;
- 车牌具有强边缘信息,这是因为车牌的字符相对集中在车牌的中心,而车牌边缘无字符,因此车牌的边缘信息感较强;
- 车牌的字符颜色和车牌背景颜色对比鲜明。目前,我国国内的车牌大致可分为蓝底白字和黄底黑字,特殊用车采用白底黑字或黑底白字,有时辅以红色字体等。为简化处理,本文只考虑蓝底白字的车牌。
1. 基本处理
def resize_img(img):
""" resize图像 """
h, w = img.shape[:-1]
scale = 400 / max(h, w)
img_resized = cv.resize(img, None, fx=scale, fy=scale,
# print(img_resized.shape)
return img_resized
img_gray = cv.cvtColor(img_resized, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
cv.imshow('Gray', img_gray)
2. 图像降噪
img_gaussian = cv.GaussianBlur(img_gray, (3, 3), 0)
cv.imshow("Gaussian_Blur2", img_gaussian)
3. 灰度拉伸
def stretching(img):
""" 灰度拉伸 """
maxi = float(img.max())
mini = float(img.min())
for i in range(img.shape[0]):
for j in range(img.shape[1]):
img[i, j] = 255 / (maxi - mini) * img[i, j] - (255 * mini) / (maxi - mini)
img_stretched = img
return img_stretched
4. 图像差分
# 进行开运算,去除噪声
r = 14
h = w = r * 2 + 1
kernel = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8)
cv.circle(kernel, (r, r), r, 1, -1)
# 开运算
img_opening = cv.morphologyEx(img, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
5. 二值化
def binarization(img):
""" 二值化处理函数 """
maxi = float(img.max())
mini = float(img.min())
x = maxi - ((maxi - mini) / 2)
# 二值化, 返回阈值ret和二值化操作后的图像img_binary
ret, img_binary = cv.threshold(img, x, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
# img_binary = cv.adaptiveThreshold(img, 255, cv.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv.THRESH_BINARY, 5, 2)
return img_binary
6. 边缘检测
def canny(img):
""" canny边缘检测 """
img_canny = cv.Canny(img, img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
return img_canny
7. 形态学处理
def opening_closing(img):
""" 开闭运算,保留车牌区域,消除其他区域,从而定位车牌 """
# 进行闭运算
kernel = np.ones((5, 23), np.uint8)
img_closing = cv.morphologyEx(img, cv.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
cv.imshow("Closing", img_closing)
# 进行开运算
img_opening1 = cv.morphologyEx(img_closing, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
cv.imshow("Opening_1", img_opening1)
# 再次进行开运算
kernel = np.ones((11, 6), np.uint8)
img_opening2 = cv.morphologyEx(img_opening1, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
return img_opening2
8. 定位车牌
先对上一步的图像 ‘img_opening2’ 检测轮廓,使用的是cv.findContours,该函数会返回图像的轮廓信息,然后对轮廓信息进行大小,高宽比,颜色筛选出最符合车牌的矩形轮廓,从而定位车牌区域。
def find_rectangle(contour):
""" 寻找矩形轮廓 """
y, x = [], []
for p in contour:
return [min(y), min(x), max(y), max(x)]
def locate_license(original, img):
""" 定位车牌号 """
_, contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(img, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
img_cont = original.copy()
img_cont = cv.drawContours(img_cont, contours, -1, (255, 0, 0), 6)
cv.imshow("Contours", img_cont)
# 计算轮廓面积及高宽比
block = []
for c in contours:
# 找出轮廓的左上点和右下点,由此计算它的面积和长度比
r = find_rectangle(c) # 里面是轮廓的左上点和右下点
a = (r[2] - r[0]) * (r[3] - r[1]) # 面积
s = (r[2] - r[0]) / (r[3] - r[1]) # 长度比
block.append([r, a, s])
# 选出面积最大的五个区域
block = sorted(block, key=lambda b: b[1])[-5:]
# 使用颜色识别判断找出最像车牌的区域
maxweight, maxindex=0, -1
for i in range(len(block)):
# print('block', block[i])
if 2 <= block[i][2] <=4 and 1000 <= block[i][1] <= 20000: # 对矩形区域高宽比及面积进行限制
b = original[block[i][0][1]: block[i][0][3], block[i][0][0]: block[i][0][2]]
hsv = cv.cvtColor(b, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
lower = np.array([100, 50, 50])
upper = np.array([140, 255, 255])
# 根据阈值构建掩膜
mask = cv.inRange(hsv, lower, upper)
# 统计权值
w1 = 0
for m in mask:
w1 += m / 255
w2 = 0
for n in w1:
w2 += n
# 选出最大权值的区域
if w2 > maxweight:
maxindex = i
maxweight = w2
rect = block[maxindex][0]
return rect
1. 去除上下边缘
def find_waves(threshold, histogram):
""" 根据设定的阈值和图片直方图,找出波峰,用于分隔字符 """
up_point = -1 # 上升点
is_peak = False
if histogram[0] > threshold:
up_point = 0
is_peak = True
wave_peaks = []
for i, x in enumerate(histogram):
if is_peak and x < threshold:
if i - up_point > 2:
is_peak = False
wave_peaks.append((up_point, i))
elif not is_peak and x >= threshold:
is_peak = True
up_point = i
if is_peak and up_point != -1 and i - up_point > 4:
wave_peaks.append((up_point, i))
return wave_peaks
def remove_upanddown_border(img):
""" 去除车牌上下无用的边缘部分,确定上下边界 """
plate_gray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, plate_binary_img = cv.threshold(plate_gray, 0, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY + cv.THRESH_OTSU)
row_histogram = np.sum(plate_binary_img, axis=1) # 数组的每一行求和
row_min = np.min(row_histogram)
row_average = np.sum(row_histogram) / plate_binary_img.shape[0]
row_threshold = (row_min + row_average) / 2
wave_peaks = find_waves(row_threshold, row_histogram)
# 挑选跨度最大的波峰
wave_span = 0.0
for wave_peak in wave_peaks:
span = wave_peak[1] - wave_peak[0]
if span > wave_span:
wave_span = span
selected_wave = wave_peak
plate_binary_img = plate_binary_img[selected_wave[0]:selected_wave[1], :]
#cv.imshow("plate_binary_img", plate_binary_img)
return plate_binary_img
2. 分割并保存字符
从左往右开始检测匹配字符,若宽度(end - start)大于5则认为是字符,将其裁剪并保存下来。
def find_end(start, arg, black, white, width, black_max, white_max):
end = start + 1
for m in range(start + 1, width - 1):
if (black[m] if arg else white[m]) > (0.95*black_max if arg else 0.95*white_max):
end = m
return end
def char_segmentation(thresh):
""" 分割字符 """
white, black = [], [] # list记录每一列的黑/白色像素总和
height, width = thresh.shape
white_max = 0 # 仅保存每列,取列中白色最多的像素总数
black_max = 0 # 仅保存每列,取列中黑色最多的像素总数
# 计算每一列的黑白像素总和
for i in range(width):
line_white = 0 # 这一列白色总数
line_black = 0 # 这一列黑色总数
for j in range(height):
if thresh[j][i] == 255:
line_white += 1
if thresh[j][i] == 0:
line_black += 1
white_max = max(white_max, line_white)
black_max = max(black_max, line_black)
# print('white_max', white_max)
# print('black_max', black_max)
# arg为true表示黑底白字,False为白底黑字
arg = True
if black_max < white_max:
arg = False
# 分割车牌字符
n = 1
while n < width - 2:
n += 1
# 判断是白底黑字还是黑底白字 0.05参数对应上面的0.95 可作调整
if (white[n] if arg else black[n]) > (0.05 * white_max if arg else 0.05 * black_max): # 这点没有理解透彻
start = n
end = find_end(start, arg, black, white, width, black_max, white_max)
n = end
if end - start > 5 or end > (width * 3 / 7):
cropImg = thresh[0:height, start-1:end+1]
# 对分割出的数字、字母进行resize并保存
cropImg = cv.resize(cropImg, (34, 56))
cv.imwrite(save_path + '\\{}.bmp'.format(n), cropImg)
cv.imshow('Char_{}'.format(n), cropImg)
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
img_path = 'data\\img\\test_005.jpg'
save_path = 'Chars\\test'
def resize_img(img, max_size):
""" resize图像 """
h, w = img.shape[0:2]
scale = max_size / max(h, w)
img_resized = cv.resize(img, None, fx=scale, fy=scale,
# print(img_resized.shape)
return img_resized
def stretching(img):
""" 图像拉伸 """
maxi = float(img.max())
mini = float(img.min())
for i in range(img.shape[0]):
for j in range(img.shape[1]):
img[i, j] = 255 / (maxi - mini) * img[i, j] - (255 * mini) / (maxi - mini)
img_stretched = img
return img_stretched
def absdiff(img):
""" 对开运算前后图像做差分 """
# 进行开运算,用来去除噪声
r = 15
h = w = r * 2 + 1
kernel = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8)
cv.circle(kernel, (r, r), r, 1, -1)
# 开运算
img_opening = cv.morphologyEx(img, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
# 获取差分图
img_absdiff = cv.absdiff(img, img_opening)
cv.imshow("Opening", img_opening)
return img_absdiff
def binarization(img):
""" 二值化处理函数 """
maxi = float(img.max())
mini = float(img.min())
x = maxi - ((maxi - mini) / 2)
# 二值化, 返回阈值ret和二值化操作后的图像img_binary
ret, img_binary = cv.threshold(img, x, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
# img_binary = cv.adaptiveThreshold(img, 255, cv.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv.THRESH_BINARY, 5, 2)
# 返回二值化后的黑白图像
return img_binary
def canny(img):
""" canny边缘检测 """
img_canny = cv.Canny(img, img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
return img_canny
def opening_closing(img):
""" 开闭运算,保留车牌区域,消除其他区域,从而定位车牌 """
# 进行闭运算
kernel = np.ones((5, 23), np.uint8)
img_closing = cv.morphologyEx(img, cv.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
cv.imshow("Closing", img_closing)
# 进行开运算
img_opening1 = cv.morphologyEx(img_closing, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
cv.imshow("Opening_1", img_opening1)
# 再次进行开运算
kernel = np.ones((11, 6), np.uint8)
img_opening2 = cv.morphologyEx(img_opening1, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
return img_opening2
def find_rectangle(contour):
""" 寻找矩形轮廓 """
y, x = [], []
for p in contour:
return [min(y), min(x), max(y), max(x)]
def locate_license(original, img):
""" 定位车牌号 """
_, contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(img, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
img_cont = original.copy()
img_cont = cv.drawContours(img_cont, contours, -1, (255, 0, 0), 6)
cv.imshow("Contours", img_cont)
# 计算轮廓面积及高宽比
block = []
for c in contours:
# 找出轮廓的左上点和右下点,由此计算它的面积和长度比
r = find_rectangle(c) # 里面是轮廓的左上点和右下点
a = (r[2] - r[0]) * (r[3] - r[1]) # 面积
s = (r[2] - r[0]) / (r[3] - r[1]) # 长度比
block.append([r, a, s])
# 选出面积最大的五个区域
block = sorted(block, key=lambda bl: bl[1])[-5:]
# 使用颜色识别判断找出最像车牌的区域
maxweight, maxindex=0, -1
for i in range(len(block)):
# print('block', block[i])
if 2 <= block[i][2] <=4 and 1000 <= block[i][1] <= 20000: # 对矩形区域高宽比及面积进行限制
b = original[block[i][0][1]: block[i][0][3], block[i][0][0]: block[i][0][2]]
hsv = cv.cvtColor(b, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
lower = np.array([100, 50, 50])
upper = np.array([140, 255, 255])
# 根据阈值构建掩膜
mask = cv.inRange(hsv, lower, upper)
# 统计权值
w1 = 0
for m in mask:
w1 += m / 255
w2 = 0
for n in w1:
w2 += n
# 选出最大权值的区域
if w2 > maxweight:
maxindex = i
maxweight = w2
rect = block[maxindex][0]
return rect
def preprocessing(img):
# resize图像至300 * 400
img_resized = resize_img(img, 400)
cv.imshow('Original', img_resized)
# 转灰度图
img_gray = cv.cvtColor(img_resized, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
cv.imshow('Gray', img_gray)
# 高斯滤波
# img_gaussian = cv.GaussianBlur(img_gray, (3,3), 0)
# cv.imshow("Gaussian_Blur", img_gaussian)
# 灰度拉伸,提升图像对比度
img_stretched = stretching(img_gray)
cv.imshow('Stretching', img_stretched)
# 差分开运算前后图像
img_absdiff = absdiff(img_stretched)
cv.imshow("Absdiff", img_absdiff)
# 图像二值化
img_binary = binarization(img_absdiff)
cv.imshow('Binarization', img_binary)
# 边缘检测
img_canny = canny(img_binary)
cv.imshow("Canny", img_canny)
# 开闭运算,保留车牌区域,消除其他区域
img_opening2 = opening_closing(img_canny)
cv.imshow("Opening_2", img_opening2)
# 定位车牌号所在矩形区域
rect = locate_license(img_resized, img_opening2)
print("rect:", rect)
# 框出并显示车牌
img_copy = img_resized.copy()
cv.rectangle(img_copy, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[2], rect[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2)
cv.imshow('License', img_copy)
return rect, img_resized
def cut_license(original, rect):
""" 裁剪车牌 """
license_img = original[rect[1]:rect[3], rect[0]:rect[2]]
return license_img
def find_waves(threshold, histogram):
""" 根据设定的阈值和图片直方图,找出波峰,用于分隔字符 """
up_point = -1 # 上升点
is_peak = False
if histogram[0] > threshold:
up_point = 0
is_peak = True
wave_peaks = []
for i, x in enumerate(histogram):
if is_peak and x < threshold:
if i - up_point > 2:
is_peak = False
wave_peaks.append((up_point, i))
elif not is_peak and x >= threshold:
is_peak = True
up_point = i
if is_peak and up_point != -1 and i - up_point > 4:
wave_peaks.append((up_point, i))
return wave_peaks
def remove_upanddown_border(img):
""" 去除车牌上下无用的边缘部分,确定上下边界 """
plate_gray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, plate_binary_img = cv.threshold(plate_gray, 0, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY + cv.THRESH_OTSU)
row_histogram = np.sum(plate_binary_img, axis=1) # 数组的每一行求和
row_min = np.min(row_histogram)
row_average = np.sum(row_histogram) / plate_binary_img.shape[0]
row_threshold = (row_min + row_average) / 2
wave_peaks = find_waves(row_threshold, row_histogram)
# 挑选跨度最大的波峰
wave_span = 0.0
selected_wave = []
for wave_peak in wave_peaks:
span = wave_peak[1] - wave_peak[0]
if span > wave_span:
wave_span = span
selected_wave = wave_peak
plate_binary_img = plate_binary_img[selected_wave[0]:selected_wave[1], :]
return plate_binary_img
def find_end(start, arg, black, white, width, black_max, white_max):
end = start + 1
for m in range(start + 1, width - 1):
if (black[m] if arg else white[m]) > (0.95*black_max if arg else 0.95*white_max):
end = m
return end
def char_segmentation(thresh):
""" 分割字符 """
white, black = [], [] # list记录每一列的黑/白色像素总和
height, width = thresh.shape
white_max = 0 # 仅保存每列,取列中白色最多的像素总数
black_max = 0 # 仅保存每列,取列中黑色最多的像素总数
# 计算每一列的黑白像素总和
for i in range(width):
line_white = 0 # 这一列白色总数
line_black = 0 # 这一列黑色总数
for j in range(height):
if thresh[j][i] == 255:
line_white += 1
if thresh[j][i] == 0:
line_black += 1
white_max = max(white_max, line_white)
black_max = max(black_max, line_black)
# print('white_max', white_max)
# print('black_max', black_max)
# arg为true表示黑底白字,False为白底黑字
arg = True
if black_max < white_max:
arg = False
# 分割车牌字符
n = 1
while n < width - 2:
n += 1
# 判断是白底黑字还是黑底白字 0.05参数对应上面的0.95 可作调整
if (white[n] if arg else black[n]) > (0.05 * white_max if arg else 0.05 * black_max): # 这点没有理解透彻
start = n
end = find_end(start, arg, black, white, width, black_max, white_max)
n = end
if end - start > 5 or end > (width * 3 / 7):
cropImg = thresh[0:height, start-1:end+1]
# 对分割出的数字、字母进行resize并保存
cropImg = cv.resize(cropImg, (34, 56))
cv.imwrite(save_path + '\\{}.bmp'.format(n), cropImg)
cv.imshow('Char_{}'.format(n), cropImg)
def main():
# 读取图像
image = cv.imread(img_path)
# 图像预处理,返回img_resized和定位的车牌矩形区域
rect, img_resized = preprocessing(image)
# 裁剪出车牌
license_img = cut_license(img_resized, rect)
cv.imshow('License', license_img)
# 去除车牌上下无用边缘
plate_b_img = remove_upanddown_border(license_img)
cv.imshow('plate_binary', plate_b_img)
# 字符分割,保存至文件夹
if __name__ == '__main__':