We’ve already shown you how to customize shortcut keys in any Linux application, but for today’s lesson we’ll take it a step beyond—and assign a shortcut key that switches an open application to be the currently focused window.
我们已经向您展示了如何在任何Linux应用程序中自定义快捷键 ,但是在今天的课程中,我们将进一步介绍它,并指定将打开的应用程序切换为当前焦点窗口的快捷键。
The idea is that instead of using the mouse or flipping through a set of windows in the Alt+Tab switcher, you can quickly assign a hotkey to your most important windows and switch to them with a single keystroke, saving yourself a lot of time. To accomplish this task on Linux, we’ll use the excellent AutoKey utility.
这个想法是,您无需使用鼠标或在Alt + Tab切换器中浏览一组窗口,而是可以将热键快速分配给最重要的窗口,并通过一次按键即可切换到它们,从而节省了很多时间。 为了在Linux上完成此任务,我们将使用出色的AutoKey实用程序。
Note: if you want the Windows way to do this, you can accomplish the task with AutoHotkey easily.
注意:如果您希望使用Windows的方式来执行此操作,则可以使用AutoHotkey轻松完成任务 。
(The Scenario)
Since I do most of my work in Google Chrome, I need to have it accessible as quickly as possible and I generally assign the Alt+G key combination to switch to my open Chrome window.
由于我的大部分工作都是在Google Chrome浏览器中完成的,因此我需要尽快对其进行访问,并且通常会分配Alt + G组合键切换到打开的Chrome窗口。
(Installing AutoKey)
You’ll want to open up the Synaptic Package Manager and do a quick search for autokey, check the box, and then install the package. You could also install it using the apt-get command like this:
您将要打开Synaptic软件包管理器并快速搜索autokey ,选中该复选框,然后安装该软件包。 您也可以使用apt-get命令安装它,如下所示:
sudo apt-get install autokey
sudo apt-get install autokey
(Assigning a Shortcut Key to an Application Window)
Open up the AutoKey configuration screen from the system tray icon, and then create a New Script from the menu, and then paste in the following code:
window.activate(‘Google Chrome’)
window.activate('Google Chrome')
You’ll want to use the Set button next to the Hotkey setting, and assign your preferred hotkey—mine is Alt+G, though you’ll want to make sure that you use a lowercase g while setting the hotkey—if you set it using an uppercase letter it won’t behave right.
您将要使用“热键”设置旁边的“设置”按钮,并分配您首选的热键(我的是Alt + G,尽管要确保在设置热键时使用小写的g)(如果设置了该键)使用大写字母将无法正常工作。
Once you save the setting and minimize or close the AutoKey configuration screen, you can hit the Alt+G shortcut key combination anytime you want to switch to the open window.
保存设置并最小化或关闭“自动键”配置屏幕后,您随时可以切换到打开的窗口,按Alt + G快捷键组合。
(How Does This Work?)
When you hit the shortcut key that you’ve assigned, AutoKey will run the script that you’ve added—in this case, it’s a simple Python script that uses the wmctrl functions to control open windows. Here’s the syntax for the window.activate function, which switches the specified window to be the active window:
当您按下分配的快捷键时,AutoKey将运行您添加的脚本-在这种情况下,这是一个简单的Python脚本,使用wmctrl函数控制打开的窗口。 这是window.activate函数的语法,该函数将指定的窗口切换为活动窗口:
window.activate(‘partial window title here’)
Basically all you need to do is match part of the window title, and in the case of Google Chrome, the window title always has “- Google Chrome” at the end.
基本上,您需要做的就是匹配窗口标题的一部分,对于Google Chrome,窗口标题的末尾总是带有“-Google Chrome”。