事实证明,这在JSch中是完全可能的,最难的部分就是找到文档。我使用的代码如下,希望其他人会发现它有用! (我知道有优化可以做,我知道,我知道。还有其他地方定义的变量,但希望任何需要它的人都可以解决它们!)
public static String oldestFile() {
Vector list = null;
int currentOldestTime;
int nextTime = 2140000000; //Made very big for future-proofing
ChannelSftp.LsEntry lsEntry = null;
SftpATTRS attrs = null;
String nextName = null;
try {
list = Main.chanSftp.ls("*.xml");
if (list.isEmpty()) {
fileFound = false;
else {
lsEntry = (ChannelSftp.LsEntry) list.firstElement();
oldestFile = lsEntry.getFilename();
attrs = lsEntry.getAttrs();
currentOldestTime = attrs.getMTime();
for (Object sftpFile : list) {
lsEntry = (ChannelSftp.LsEntry) sftpFile;
nextName = lsEntry.getFilename();
attrs = lsEntry.getAttrs();
nextTime = attrs.getMTime();
if (nextTime < currentOldestTime) {
oldestFile = nextName;
currentOldestTime = nextTime;
attrs = chanSftp.lstat(Main.oldestFile);
long size1 = attrs.getSize();
System.out.println("-Ensuring file is not being written to (waiting 1 minute)");
Thread.sleep(60000); //Wait a minute to make sure the file size isn't changing
attrs = chanSftp.lstat(Main.oldestFile);
long size2 = attrs.getSize();
if (size1 == size2) {
System.out.println("-It isn't.");
fileFound = true;
else {
System.out.println("-It is.");
fileFound = false;
} catch (Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();}
return Main.oldestFile;