EDR 即Enhanced data rate,是蓝牙技术中增强速率的缩写,其特色是大大提高了蓝牙技术的数据传输速率,达到了2.1Mbps ,是目前蓝牙技术的三倍。因此除了可获得更稳定的音频流传送的更低的耗电量之外,还可充分利用带宽优势同时连接多个蓝牙设备。目前诸如多普达 710 等手机已经开始支持蓝牙EDR 技术。
Bluetooth2.0的规范中,EDR作为补充出现的,它正确定义了调变技术的改变,和额外的封包类型,这使它能够以3MBPS的速率传输.所以,我们通常看到的是"蓝牙核心规范2.0版本+ EDR"的说法。
实际情况是:目前并没有一项蓝牙应用的传输需要超过1MBPS.即使是高音质的立体声数据流,它必须使用次频宽编解码技术(Subband codec;SBC codec,最多也就需要345KBPS即可。
如果用户想要倾听高音质的立体音响效果,就需要345 kbps的数据传输率,而不是中等音质的传输率237 kbps。高音质的音讯串流会占用53%的频宽,加上鼠标和键盘所需的22%之频宽,只剩下25%的频宽,对需要重传(retransmission)的 情况,这是不够用的。而且,如果通讯干扰很严重时,则25%的频宽将更加不敷使用。
若改用EDR,则可以解决上述的问题。在EDR的通讯环境中,鼠标和键盘仍然维持11%的最大频宽消耗量,但是,高质量的音讯串流现在只会占用18%的频 宽,因此,频宽能剩下60%。即使在严重干扰的情况下,通讯效能仍然能够轻易地维持在可以接受的程度。这还可以为其它额外的应用提供足够的频宽,譬如:打 印档案、或同步传收数据(synchronizing data)。
EDR除了支持高音质的音频流以外,它也能协助降低功率的损耗。蓝牙射频所需要的功率大小,是由它处于工作模式(active mode)下的时间长度而定。由于EDR使数据传输率增加了3倍,因此蓝牙射频处于工作模式下的时间长度,如今只需要过去的1/3,而所需要的功率也只有 过去的1/3。
EDR可以100%和蓝牙1.2版兼容。向后兼容(backwards compatibility)是当初在开发EDR时,就一直强调的。蓝牙网络允许具有EDR功能的装置和具有标准传输率(1 Mbps)的装置混合共存。新的调变设计也能和标准传输率兼容,因此双方可以接收对方发射的讯号。这意味着在设计具有EDR功能的产品时,将不会比设计蓝 牙1.2版产品复杂。
What is Bluetooth 2.0+EDR
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Bluetooth 2.0+EDR and Bluetooth 2.1+EDR are specifications for short-range wireless data exchange. Both Version 2.0 and 2.1 support EDR (Enhanced Data Rate), a faster PSKmodulation scheme capable of transmitting data 2 or 3 times faster than previous versions of Bluetooth.
Version 2.1+EDR is built to be more secure and make man-in-the-middle (eavesdropping) attacks more difficult. Connecting, which is called "pairing" is easier than in previous versions. In version 2, a Bluetooth device will make a connection automatically and all the end user has to do is confirm the connection. Version 2 also allows multiple Bluetooth connections at the same time.
A feature called Sniff Subrating extends battery life by reducing the active duty cycle of Bluetooth devices like keyboards and mice to improve battery life. Bluetooth hosts can specify maximum transmit and receive latencies so that low-power devices can know how often they must exit and re-enter "sniff mode." This can result in up to five times the battery life experienced by older low-power Bluetooth devices.
Specifications | Bluetooth 1.0 | Bluetooth 1.2 | Bluetooth 2.0+EDR (enhanced data rate) | Bluetooth 2.1+EDR (enhanced data rate) | Bluetooth 3.0 HS (high speed) |
Transmission rate | 721 kbit/s | 721 kbit/s | 2.1 Mbits/s | 3 Mbits/s | 24 Mbit/s |
Adopted | 2002 | 2005 | 2004 | 2007 | 2009 |
Backward compatible | yes | yes | yes | yes | |
Simple Secure Pairing | yes | yes | yes | yes | |
yes | yes | ||||
yes | yes | ||||
802.11 Protocol Adaptation Layer (PAL) | yes | ||||
Standard PANrange | | | 10 meters (33 feet) | 10 meters (33 feet) | 10 meters (33 feet) |