excel中 复制工作表
There may be times when you want to create a new Excel worksheet based on an existing worksheet. You can easily copy an entire worksheet in Excel to a new worksheet in the same file or even to a new, separate workbook file.
有时您可能想基于现有工作表创建一个新的Excel工作表。 您可以轻松地将Excel中的整个工作表复制到同一文件中的新工作表,甚至复制到新的单独工作簿文件中。
The Move or Copy command allows you to easily move or copy a worksheet, with all of its data and formatting, to a new sheet or to a new book. Read on to find out how.
“移动或复制”命令使您可以轻松地将工作表及其所有数据和格式移动或复制到新工作表或新书中。 阅读,了解如何。
Select the worksheet you want to move or copy and right-click on the worksheet’s tab at the bottom of the Excel window. Select Move or Copy from the popup menu.
选择要移动或复制的工作表,然后在Excel窗口底部的工作表选项卡上单击鼠标右键。 从弹出菜单中选择移动或复制。
NOTE: You can also select the worksheet and click the Format button in the Cells section on the Home tab on the Ribbon. Then, select Move or Copy Sheet in the Organize Sheets section of the drop-down menu.
注意:您也可以选择工作表,然后单击功能区“主页”选项卡上“单元格”部分中的“格式”按钮。 然后,在下拉菜单的“整理图纸”部分中选择“移动或复制图纸”。
The Move or Copy dialog box displays. Select the workbook to which you want to move or copy the selected worksheet from the To book drop-down list. You can select the current workbook (the default), another existing workbook, or a create a new book to contain the moved or copied worksheet.
显示“移动或复制”对话框。 从“到书”下拉列表中选择要移动或复制所选工作表的工作簿。 您可以选择当前工作簿(默认设置),另一个现有工作簿或创建新簿来包含移动或复制的工作表。
If you’re moving or copying the worksheet to the current or another existing workbook, select the worksheet before which you want to move or copy the selected worksheet in the Before sheet list. Select (move to end) to insert the worksheet after all the existing worksheets in the workbook.
如果要将工作表移动或复制到当前工作簿或其他现有工作簿,请在“工作表之前”列表中选择要移动或复制所选工作表的工作表。 选择(移至末尾)以将工作表插入工作簿中所有现有的工作表之后。
Select the Create a copy check box if you want to copy the worksheet and leave the original alone. Click OK.
如果要复制工作表并保留原始文件,请选中“创建副本”复选框。 单击确定。
If you’re copying the selected worksheet to the current or another existing worksheet, the new worksheet is labeled with a sequential number at the end of the worksheet name to distinguish it from the original.
To copy or move the selected worksheet to a new workbook, select (new book) from the To book drop-down list on the Move or Copy dialog box. Again, select the Create a copy check box to copy the worksheet instead of moving it. Click OK.
要将选定的工作表复制或移动到新工作簿,请从“移动”或“复制”对话框的“到书本”下拉列表中选择(新书本)。 再次,选择创建副本复选框以复制工作表,而不是移动它。 单击确定。
A new workbook is created and the selected worksheet is moved or copied into the new file.
You can also copy a worksheet manually by pressing and holding the Ctrl key and then dragging the worksheet tab to the new location. If you want to copy or move the worksheet to a new workbook, be sure to create the new workbook file first. The worksheet will be inserted after the default Sheet1.
您还可以通过以下方式手动复制工作表:按住Ctrl键,然后将工作表选项卡拖动到新位置。 如果要将工作表复制或移动到新工作簿,请确保首先创建新工作簿文件。 工作表将被插入默认的Sheet1之后。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/162509/how-to-easily-move-or-copy-a-worksheet-in-excel-2013/
excel中 复制工作表