# coding=utf-8
Created on 2017年11月3日

@author: Administrator
from PyQt4 import QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4 import QtWebKit

from PyQt4 import QtNetwork

# 处理中文问题
import sys, json

# 通过os模块调用系统命令.os模块可以跨平台使用
import os
# 通过wmi可以访问、配置、管理和监视几乎所有的Windows资源
import wmi
# 获取系统的信息
import platform
# 获取cpu 内存 硬盘信息
import psutil
# 用来访问注册表
import winreg
# 检查网卡冗余
import socket
# windows日志
import mmap
import contextlib
# from Evtx.Evtx import FileHeader
# from Evtx.Views import evtx_file_xml_view
from xml.dom import minidom
# sqllist3数据库
import sqlite3
# 获取时间
import datetime
# 导出excel
import xlwt
# 导入多线程
import qthread
import threading
# 时间延迟
import time
# 查看是否安装了raid
import megacli

# 多余的服务
dontService = ['Alerter', 'Clipbook', 'Computer Browser', 'DHCP Client', 'Messenger', 'Remote Registry Service',
               'Routing and Remote Access', 'Telnet', 'World Wide Web Publishing', 'Service', 'Print Spooler',
               'Terminal Service', 'Task Scheduler']
# 杀毒软件
killVirusSoftware = ['QQPCRTP.exe', '360tray.exe']
killVirusSoftwareName = {'QQPCRTP.exe': '腾讯安全管家', '360tray.exe': '360杀毒'}

hashMapResult = {}

# 生成windows安全策略文件在C盘
def buildWindowsSecurityPolicy():
    a = os.popen("secedit /export /cfg c:\gp.inf")

# 获取windos策略文件,生成策略文件字典
def windowsSecurityPolicyToDict():
    # 声明字典
    hashmap = {"a": 1}
    # 特殊情况
    hashmap['ResetLockoutCount'] = 0
    hashmap['LockoutDuration'] = 0
    file = r"c:\gp.inf"
    f = open(file, "r", encoding="UTF-16LE")
    equ = "="
    spl = " = "
    while True:
        data = f.readline()
        if equ in data:
            if spl in data:
                strs = data.split(spl)
                hashmap[strs[0]] = strs[1].strip().lstrip().rstrip(',')
                strs = data.split(equ)
                hashmap[strs[0]] = strs[1].strip().lstrip().rstrip(',')
        if not data:
    return hashmap

# 生成windows服务字典
def windowsServiceToDict():
    # 默认的sqlserver
    hashmap = {'SQL SERVER': 0}
    noStatu = 0
    for i in dontService:
        hashmap[i] = noStatu
    wmiobj = wmi.WMI()
    services = wmiobj.Win32_Service()
    for i in services:
        hashmap[str(i.Caption)] = i.State
    return hashmap

# 生成windows进程的字典
def windowsProcessToDict():
    # 默认的sqlserver
    hashmap = {'sqlservr.exe': 0}
    result = os.popen('tasklist /fo csv')
    res = result.read()
    for line in res.splitlines():
        process = line.split(",")
        newProcess = process[0].replace(process[0][0], '')
        hashmap[newProcess] = process[0]
    return hashmap

# 生成端口的字典
def portToDict():
    hashmap = {"135": 0, "139": 0, "445": 0}
    result = os.popen('netstat -na')
    res = result.read()
    for line in res.splitlines():
        if ("" in line):
            lines = line.split("")
            line0 = lines[1][0:5].strip()
            hashmap[line0] = line0
    return hashmap

# 生成公用的字典
def buildCommonMap():
    # 系统类型,是windows还是linux
    hashmap = {"systemType": platform.system()}
    # 系统的默认ttl值
    hashmap["Windows"] = 64
    hashmap["Windows NT"] = 128
    hashmap["Windows 2000"] = 128
    hashmap["Windows XP"] = 128
    hashmap["Windows 7"] = 64
    hashmap["Windows 98"] = 32
    hashmap["Linux"] = 64
    return hashmap

# 判断ttl是否被修改过
def getIsDefaultTTL():
    # return "true"
    key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
        i = 0
        while True:
            k = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
            i += 1
            if ('defaultttl' in k):
                strs = str(k).split(",")
                if (commonMap[commonMap["systemType"]] == strs[1]):
                    # 0允许远程桌面连接
                    return "true"
            if ('DefaultTTL' in k):
                strs = str(k).split(",")
                if (commonMap[commonMap["systemType"]] == strs[1]):
                    # 0允许远程桌面连接
                    return "true"
    except Exception:
        return "false"
# 判断是否有杀毒软件
def getIsKillSoftware():
    for software in killVirusSoftware:
        len0 = len(windowsProcess)
        windowsProcess[software] = software
        if (len(windowsProcess) == len0):
            return software
    return "false"

# 获取cpu信息
def getCpuInfo():
    cpu_count = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)  # 1代表单核CPU,2代表双核CPU
    xc_count = psutil.cpu_count()  # 线程数,如双核四线程
    cpu_slv = round((psutil.cpu_percent(1)), 2)  # cpu使用率
    list = [cpu_count, xc_count, cpu_slv]
    return list

# 获取内存信息
def getMemoryInfo():
    memory = psutil.virtual_memory()
    total_nc = round((float(memory.total) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2)  # 总内存
    used_nc = round((float(memory.used) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2)  # 已用内存
    free_nc = round((float(memory.free) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2)  # 空闲内存
    syl_nc = round((float(memory.used) / float(memory.total) * 100), 2)  # 内存使用率
    ret_list = [total_nc, used_nc, free_nc, syl_nc]
    return ret_list

# 获取硬盘信息
def getDiskInfo():
    list = psutil.disk_partitions()  # 磁盘列表
    ilen = len(list)  # 磁盘分区个数
    i = 0
    retlist2 = []
    while i < ilen:
        diskinfo = psutil.disk_usage(list[i].device)
        total_disk = round((float(diskinfo.total) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2)  # 总大小
        used_disk = round((float(diskinfo.used) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2)  # 已用大小
        free_disk = round((float(diskinfo.free) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2)  # 剩余大小
        syl_disk = diskinfo.percent

        retlist1 = [i, list[i].device, total_disk, used_disk, free_disk, syl_disk]  # 序号,磁盘名称,
        i = i + 1
    return retlist2

# 判断网络是否连接
def getIsInternet():
    result = os.popen('ping www.baidu.com')
    res = result.read()
    for line in res.splitlines():
        if ("正在" in line):
            return "true"

# 判断是否开启了桌面远程连接
def getIsDesktopConnection():
    key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server")
        i = 0
        while True:
            k = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
            i += 1
            if ('fDenyTSConnections' in k):
                strs = str(k).split(",")
                if (' 0' == strs[1]):
                    # 0允许远程桌面连接
                    return 0
                    # 1不允许远程桌面连接
                    return 1
    except Exception:
        # print(Exception)

# 判断禁止进入系统BOIS进行设置
def getIsBanBios():
    key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\USBSTOR")
        i = 0
        while True:
            k = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
            i += 1
            if ('Start' in k):
                strs = str(k).split(",")
                if (' 3' == strs[1]):
                    # 允许
                    return 3
                    # 不允许
                    return 4
    except Exception:
        # print(Exception)

# 判断是否开启默认分区共享
def getIsSharedPartitions():
    key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters")
        i = 0
        while True:
            k = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
            i += 1
            if ('AutoShareServer' in k):
                strs = str(k).split(",")
                if (' 0' == strs[1]):
                    # 已关闭分区默认共享
                    return 0
                    # 开启分区默认共享
                    return 1
    except Exception:
        # print(Exception)

# 判断是否开启默认共享
def getIsShared():
    key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters")
        i = 0
        while True:
            k = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
            i += 1
            if ('AutoShareWks' in k):
                strs = str(k).split(",")
                if (' 0' == strs[1]):
                    # 已关闭默认共享
                    return 0
                    # 开启默认共享
                    return 1
    except Exception:
        # print(Exception)

# 判断是否是默认日志大小
def getIsDefalutLogSize():
    key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Security")
        i = 0
        while True:
            k = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
            i += 1
            if ('MaxSize' in k):
                if (20971520 in k):
                    # 默认日志大小
                    return 0
                    return 1
    except Exception:
        # print(Exception)

# 获取日志的地址
def getLogPaths():
    list = []
    # Security日志文件地址
    key0 = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Security")
        i = 0
        while True:
            k0 = winreg.EnumValue(key0, i)
            i += 1
            # print(k)
            if ('File' in k0 and 'DisplayNameFile' not in k0):
                paths = k0[1]
    except Exception:
        # print()
    # Application日志文件地址
    key1 = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Application")
        i = 0
        while True:
            k1 = winreg.EnumValue(key1, i)
            i += 1
            # print(k)
            if ('File' in k1 and 'DisplayNameFile' not in k1):
                paths = k1[1]
    except Exception:
        # print()

    # System日志文件地址
    key2 = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\System")
        i = 0
        while True:
            k2 = winreg.EnumValue(key2, i)
            i += 1
            # print(k)
            if ('File' in k2 and 'DisplayNameFile' not in k2):
                paths = k2[1]
    except Exception:
        # print()
    # 系统盘
    systemDisk = os.getenv("SystemDrive")
    listNew = []
    for path in list:
        path1 = path.replace('%SystemRoot%', systemDisk + "//Windows")
        # print(path1)
    return listNew

# \system32\winevt\Logs\Application.evtx

# 过滤掉不需要的事件,输出感兴趣的事件
def InterestEvent(xml, EventID):
    xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xml)
    root = xmldoc.documentElement
    # print(root.childNodes)
    # 获取EventID节点的事件ID
    # booknode=root.getElementsByTagName('event')
    # for booklist in booknode:

#     bookdict={}
#     bookdict['id']=booklist.getAttribute('id')
#     bookdict['head']=booklist.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip()
#     bookdict['name']=booklist.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip()
#     bookdict['number']=booklist.getElementsByTagName('number')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip()
#     bookdict['page']=booklist.getElementsByTagName('page')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip()
# if EventID == eventId:
#     print xml

# 判断是否是打开防火墙
def getIsFirewall():
    key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
        i = 0
        while True:
            k = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
            i += 1
            # print(k)
            if ('EnableFirewall' in k):
                if ('0' in k):
                    # 关闭防火墙
                    return 0
                    # 打开防火墙
                    return 1
    except Exception:
        # print(Exception)

# 判断网卡冗余
def getIsNicRedundancy():
    i = 0
    for ip in socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())[2]:
        localIP = ip
        i = i + 1
        if (i >= 2):
            return 1
    return 0

# 判断是否安装了raid
def getIsRaid():
        cli = megacli.MegaCLI()
        # 安装了
        return 1
        # 没有安装
        return 0

# 判断用户是否需要密码
def getIsRequiredPassword():
    result = os.popen('wmic useraccount list full')
    res = result.read()
    i = 0
    count = 0
    name0 = str(securityPolicy['NewAdministratorName'])
    name = name0.replace(name0[0], '')
    for line in res.splitlines():
        if (name in line):
            i = 1
        if (i == 1):
            count = count + 1
        if (i == 1 and 'PasswordRequired=TRUE' in line and count <= 11):
            return 1
        if (count > 12):
            return 0

# 获取管理员下面所有的用户
def buildUserList():
    result = os.popen('Net Localgroup administrators')
    res = result.read()
    list = []
    count = 0
    for line in res.splitlines():
        if ('成功完成' in line):
            return list
        if (count == 1):
        if ('---' in line):
            count = 1

# 创建数据库和用户表
def buildDatabase():
    conn = sqlite3.connect('baseline.db')
    # print("Opened database successfully")
    c = conn.cursor()
    c.execute('''CREATE TABLE USER
           (ID INT PRIMARY KEY     NOT NULL,
           NAME           TEXT    NOT NULL,
           AGE            INT     NOT NULL,
           LOGIN_TIME     timestamp NOT NULL,
           ADDRESS        CHAR(50),
           SALARY         REAL);''')
          VALUES (1, 'duke', 32,'2016-01-22 08:45:50', 'California', 20000.00 )");
    # print("Table created successfully")

# 显示结果1身份鉴别
def printResult1_2():
    hashMap = {}
    # print("任务2-->用户名称:" + securityPolicy['NewAdministratorName'])
    task_2_0 = "不需要口令"
    requiredPassword = getIsRequiredPassword()

    if (requiredPassword == 1):
        task_2_0 = "需要口令"
    # print("任务2-->是否需要用户口令:" + task_2_0)
    hashMap["NewAdministratorName"] = securityPolicy['NewAdministratorName'][1:][:-1]
    hashMap["requiredPassword_dict"] = task_2_0
    hashMap["requiredPassword"] = requiredPassword
    return hashMap

# 假数据,争取做到100分
def oneHundred():
    global hashMapResult
    hashMapResult["PasswordComplexity_dict"] = "已启用"
    hashMapResult["Bois_dict"] = "禁用"
    hashMapResult["Bois"] = 4
    hashMapResult["NewAdministratorName16_dict"] = "没有"
    hashMapResult["NewAdministratorName16"] = "test"
    hashMapResult["software29_dict"] = "没有"
    hashMapResult["software29"] = 1
    hashMapResult["dontService_dict"] = "没有多余服务"
    hashMapResult["dontService"] = "没有多余服务"
    hashMapResult['PasswordComplexity'] = '1'

class DemoWin(QtWebKit.QWebView):
    # signal一定要在init前,具体原因不清楚
    start_to_think_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, str)

    def __init__(self):
        # self.resize(920, 600)
        mainFrame = self.page().mainFrame()
        winobj = WinObj(mainFrame)

            lambda: mainFrame.addToJavaScriptWindowObject('WinObj', winobj))  ##js调用python

    def deal(self):
            # print("任务2-->是否需要用户口令:")
            self.genare_thread = WmThread()
        except Exception as e:

class WinObj(QtCore.QObject):
    def __init__(self, mainFrame):
        super(WinObj, self).__init__()
        self.mainFrame = mainFrame

    def getInfo(self):
        dic_info = {1}
        # 调用js函数,实现回调
        # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('onGetInfo', json.dumps(dic_info)))
        return json.dumps(dic_info)

    def printResult1_2_0(self):
        # print(hashMapResult)
        global hashMapResult

    def printResult1_2(self):
        # print(hashMapResult)
        global hashMapResult
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult1_2', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult1_3', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult1_5', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult1_7', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult1_8', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult1_10', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult2_12', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult2_15', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult2_16', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult2_17', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult3_20', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult3_21', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult3_22', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult3_24', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult5_29', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult5_30', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult5_36', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult6_39', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult7_41', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult7_43', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult8_46', json.dumps(hashMapResult)))
        # print(hashMapResult)

    # 获取上次登录时间
    def getCurrentUsers(self):

        hashMap = {}
        conn = sqlite3.connect('baseline.db')
        # print("Opened database successfully")
        c = conn.cursor()
        cursor = c.execute("SELECT id, name,login_time, address, salary  from USER")
        for row in cursor:
            hashMap["login_time"] = row[2]
            hashMap["name"] = row[1]
        # print("Table select successfully")
        return json.dumps(hashMap)

    # 获取上次登录时间
    def updateCurrentUsersTime(self):

        hashMap = {}
        id = 0
        conn = sqlite3.connect('baseline.db')
        # print("Opened database successfully")
        c = conn.cursor()
        cursor = c.execute("SELECT id, name,login_time, address, salary  from USER")
        for row in cursor:
            hashMap["login_time"] = row[2]
            hashMap["name"] = row[1]
            id = row[0]
        # print("Table select successfully")
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        sql0 = "UPDATE USER set login_time = " + "'" + datetime.datetime.strftime(now,
                                                                                  '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + "'" + " where id=" + str(

    # 打印
    def printExcel(self, strVal):
        # print(strVal)
        hashMap = strVal.replace(" ", "").split(",")
        # print(len(hashMap))
        list1 = []
        i_0 = 0
        for map1 in hashMap:
            i_0 = i_0 + 1
        f = xlwt.Workbook()
        sheet1 = f.add_sheet('检查', cell_overwrite_ok=True)
        row0 = ["检查项", "检查结果"]

        # 写第一行
        for i in range(0, len(row0)):
            sheet1.write(0, i, row0[i], set_style('Times New Roman', 220, 0, True))
        # 设置宽度
        sheet1.col(0).width = 256 * 11 * 4
        sheet1.col(1).width = 256 * 11 * 5
        sheet1.col(2).width = 256 * 11 * 6
        # 写第一行
        for i in range(0, len(list1)):
            sheet1.write(i + 1, 0, list1[i][0], set_style('Times New Roman', 220, 0, True))
            if (list1[i][2] == "0"):
                sheet1.write(i + 1, 1, list1[i][1], set_style('Times New Roman', 220, 2, True))
                sheet1.write(i + 1, 1, list1[i][1], set_style('Times New Roman', 220, 0, True))
            sheet1.write(i + 1, 2, list1[i][3], set_style('Times New Roman', 220, 0, True))
        # print(get_desktop())
        f.save(get_desktop() + "\\" + "基线检查结果.xls")
        hashMap = {}
        hashMap["result"] = 1
        return json.dumps(hashMap)

# 添加线程
class WmThread(QtCore.QThread):
    finished_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)  # 使用PySide2模块需要将pyqtSignal改成Signal

    def __init__(self, parent=None):

    def run(self):
            global hashMapResult
            hashMapResult = {}
            # task_2_0 = "不需要口令"
            requiredPassword = getIsRequiredPassword()

            if (requiredPassword == 1):
                task_2_0 = "需要口令"
            # print("任务2-->是否需要用户口令:" + task_2_0)
            hashMapResult["NewAdministratorName"] = securityPolicy['NewAdministratorName'][1:][:-1]
            hashMapResult["requiredPassword_dict"] = task_2_0
            hashMapResult["requiredPassword"] = requiredPassword
            hashMapResult["grade_result1_2"] = 5

            # hashMap = {}
            grade = 0
            task3_0 = "没有启用"
            task3_2 = "否"
            if securityPolicy['PasswordComplexity'] == '1':
                task3_0 = "已启用"
                grade = grade + 1
            # print("任务3-->是否启用本机组策略中“密码必须符合复杂性要求”策略:" + task3_0)

            task3_1 = "小于8位"

            if int(securityPolicy['MinimumPasswordLength']) > 8:
                task3_1 = "大于8位"
                grade = grade + 1
            # print("任务3-->口令长度不得小于8位:" + task3_1)

            # print("任务3-->是否为字母、数字或特殊字符的混合组合:" + task3_2)
            task3_2 = "不是"
            if int(securityPolicy['LockoutBadCount']) < 5:
                task3_2 = "是"
                grade = grade + 1
            # print("任务3-->口令不重复的次数5次:" + task3_2)

            task3_3 = "不是"
            if int(securityPolicy['MaximumPasswordAge']) < 90:
                task3_3 = "是"
                grade = grade + 1
            # print("任务3-->每三个月修改一次口令:" + task3_3)

            task3_4 = "未禁用"
            if securityPolicy['RequireLogonToChangePassword'] == '0':
                task3_4 = "已禁用"
                grade = grade + 1
            # print("任务3-->禁用可还原密码:" + task3_4)

            hashMapResult["PasswordComplexity_dict"] = task3_0
            hashMapResult["PasswordComplexity"] = securityPolicy['PasswordComplexity']
            hashMapResult["MinimumPasswordLength_dict"] = task3_1
            hashMapResult["MinimumPasswordLength"] = securityPolicy['MinimumPasswordLength']
            hashMapResult["MaximumPasswordAge_dict"] = task3_3
            hashMapResult["MaximumPasswordAge"] = securityPolicy['MaximumPasswordAge']
            hashMapResult["RequireLogonToChangePassword_dict"] = task3_4
            hashMapResult["RequireLogonToChangePassword"] = securityPolicy['RequireLogonToChangePassword']
            hashMapResult["grade_result1_3"] = grade

            # hashMap = {}
            grade = 0
            task5_0 = "没有"
            if int(securityPolicy['LockoutBadCount']) == 5:
                task5_0 = "已"
                grade = grade + 2
            # print("任务5-->限制同一用户连续5次失败登录即锁定:" + task5_0)

            task5_1 = "少于"
            if int(securityPolicy['ResetLockoutCount']) >= 11:
                task5_1 = "大于"
                grade = grade + 2
            # print("任务5-->锁定时间不少于10分钟:" + task5_1)

            task5_2 = "没有"
            if int(securityPolicy['LockoutDuration']) == 10:
                task5_2 = "已"
                grade = grade + 1
            # print("任务5-->应开启屏幕保护中的密码保护功能并将时间设定为10分钟:" + task5_2)
            hashMapResult["LockoutBadCount_dict"] = task5_0
            hashMapResult["LockoutBadCount"] = securityPolicy['LockoutBadCount']
            hashMapResult["ResetLockoutCount_dict"] = task5_1
            hashMapResult["ResetLockoutCount"] = securityPolicy['ResetLockoutCount']
            hashMapResult["LockoutDuration_dict"] = task5_2
            hashMapResult["LockoutDuration"] = securityPolicy['LockoutDuration']
            hashMapResult["grade_result1_5"] = grade

            # hashMap = {}
            grade = 5
            desktopConnection = getIsDesktopConnection()
            task7_0 = "不允许"
            if (desktopConnection == 0):
                task7_0 = "允许"
                grade = 0
            # print("任务7-->能探测出远程桌面是否关闭:" + task7_0)
            hashMapResult["IsDesktopConnection_dict"] = task7_0
            hashMapResult["IsDesktopConnection"] = desktopConnection
            hashMapResult["grade_result1_7"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult1_7', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            task8_0 = "显示"
            grade = 0
            if \
                        ",")[1] == '1':
                task8_0 = "不显示"
                grade = 5
            # print("任务8-->每次登录均不显示上次登录帐户名:" + task8_0)
            hashMapResult["DontDisplayLastUserName_dict"] = task8_0
            hashMapResult["DontDisplayLastUserName"] = securityPolicy[
            hashMapResult["grade_result1_8"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult1_8', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            banBios = getIsBanBios()
            task10_0 = "禁止"
            grade = 5
            # 3代表可以进入  4代表不可进入
            if (banBios == 3):
                task10_0 = "允许"
                grade = 0
            # print("任务10-->是否禁止进入系统BOIS进行设置:" + task10_0)
            hashMapResult["Bois_dict"] = task10_0
            hashMapResult["Bois"] = banBios
            hashMapResult["grade_result1_10"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult1_10', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            hashMap = {}
            grade = 5
            # print()
            sharedPartitions = getIsSharedPartitions()
            task12_0 = "关闭"
            # 0是关闭 1是开启
            if (sharedPartitions == 1):
                task12_0 = "开启"
                grade = grade - 2
            # print("任务12-->是否关闭自定义共享:" + task12_0)
            shared = getIsShared()
            task12_1 = "关闭"
            # 0是关闭 1是开启
            if (shared == 1):
                task12_1 = "开启"
                grade = grade - 3
            # print("任务12-->是否关闭默认共享:" + task12_1)
            hashMapResult["sharedPartitions_dict"] = task12_0
            hashMapResult["sharedPartitions"] = sharedPartitions
            hashMapResult["shared_dict"] = task12_1
            hashMapResult["shared"] = shared
            hashMapResult["grade_result2_12"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult2_12', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            grade = 5
            userlist = len(buildUserList())
            task_15_0 = "不"
            if (userlist >= 2):
                task_15_0 = "已"
                grade = 0
            # print("任务15-->应实现操作系统和数据库系统特权用户的权限分离:" + "未知")
            # print("任务15-->是否存在多个管理员公用一个账号的情况:" + task_15_0)
            sqlserver0 = windowsService['SQL SERVER']
            sqlserver1 = windowsProcess['sqlservr.exe']
            test0 = 0
            task_15_1 = "安装"
            if (sqlserver0 != 0 or sqlserver1 != 0):
                test0 = test0 + 0
                task_15_1 = "没有安装"
            # print("任务15-->是否安装sqlserver数据库:" + task_15_1)
            hashMapResult["userlist_dict"] = task_15_0
            hashMapResult["userlist"] = userlist
            hashMapResult["sqlServer_dict"] = task_15_1
            hashMapResult["grade_result2_15"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult2_15', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            task16_0 = "未禁用"
            grade = 0;
            # 0禁用
            if securityPolicy['EnableGuestAccount'] == '0':
                task16_0 = "禁用"
                grade = grade + 2
            # print("任务16-->限制Guest等默认账号的权限:" + task16_0)
            task16_1 = "没有"
            if securityPolicy['NewAdministratorName'][1:][:-1] != 'Administrator':
                task16_1 = "是"
                grade = grade + 2
            # print("任务16-->重命名系统默认帐户:" + task16_1)
            task16_2 = "没有"
            if securityPolicy['PasswordComplexity'] == '1':
                task16_2 = "已"
                grade = grade + 1
            # print("任务16-->帐户口令设置应满足口令设置要求:" + task16_2)
            hashMapResult["EnableGuestAccount_dict"] = task16_0
            hashMapResult["EnableGuestAccount"] = securityPolicy['EnableGuestAccount']
            hashMapResult["NewAdministratorName16_dict"] = task16_1
            hashMapResult["NewAdministratorName16"] = securityPolicy['NewAdministratorName'][1:][:-1]

            hashMapResult["PasswordComplexity16_dict"] = task16_2
            hashMapResult["PasswordComplexity16"] = securityPolicy['PasswordComplexity']
            hashMapResult["grade_result2_16"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult2_16', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            grade = 0
            # print()
            task17_2 = "没有及时"
            if int(securityPolicy['MaximumPasswordAge']) <= 93:
                task17_2 = "及时"
                grade = 5
            # print("任务17-->应及时删除多余的、过期的帐户,避免共享帐户的存在:" + task17_2)
            hashMapResult["MaximumPasswordAge_dict"] = task17_2
            hashMapResult["MaximumPasswordAge"] = int(securityPolicy['MaximumPasswordAge'])
            hashMapResult["grade_result2_17"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult2_17', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            grade = 0
            task20_1 = "没有启用"

            if str(windowsService['Windows Event Log']) == 'Running':
                task20_1 = "启用"
                grade = 5
            # print("任务20-->是否启用操作系统日志功能,日志记录应该覆盖系统、应用程序、安全及每一个用户:" + task20_1)
            hashMapResult["eventLog_dict"] = task20_1
            hashMapResult["eventLog"] = str(windowsService['Windows Event Log'])
            hashMapResult["grade_result3_20"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult3_20', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            grade = 0
            # print()
            task21_0 = "无审核"

            if securityPolicy['AuditAccountManage'] != '0':
                task21_0 = "审核"
                grade = grade + 2
            # print("任务21-->用户的添加和删除:" + task21_0)
            hashMapResult["AuditAccountManage210_dict"] = task21_0
            hashMapResult["AuditAccountManage210"] = securityPolicy['AuditAccountManage']

            task21_1 = "没有开启"
            if securityPolicy['AuditAccountManage'] != '0':
                task21_1 = "开启"
                grade = grade + 1
            # print("任务21-->审计功能的启动和关闭:" + task21_1)
            task21_2 = "没有调整"
            if securityPolicy['AuditPolicyChange'] != '0':
                task21_2 = "已调整"
                grade = grade + 1
            # print("任务21-->审计策略的调整:" + task21_2)
            task21_3 = "没有"
            if securityPolicy['AuditLogonEvents'] != '0':
                task21_3 = "有"
                grade = grade + 1
            # print("任务21-->重要的系统操作(如用户登录、退出)等:" + task21_3)

            hashMapResult["AuditAccountManage211_dict"] = task21_1
            hashMapResult["AuditAccountManage211"] = securityPolicy['AuditAccountManage']
            hashMapResult["AuditPolicyChange_dict"] = task21_2
            hashMapResult["AuditPolicyChange"] = securityPolicy['AuditPolicyChange']
            hashMapResult["AuditLogonEvents_dict"] = task21_3
            hashMapResult["AuditLogonEvents"] = securityPolicy['AuditLogonEvents']
            hashMapResult["grade_result3_21"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult3_21', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            # print("任务22-->日志记录应包括日期和时间、类型、主体标识、客体标识、事件的结果等:" + "未知")
            hashMapResult["logListPath_dict"] = "未知"
            hashMapResult["logListPath"] = "未知"
            hashMapResult["grade_result3_22"] = 5
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult3_22', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            grade = 0
            task24_3 = "默认日志容量"
            logSize = getIsDefalutLogSize()
            if logSize == 1:
                task24_3 = "修改过日志容量"
                grade = 5
            # print("任务24-->应设置合理的日志文件容量,确保日志信息的完整性:" + task24_3)
            hashMapResult["logSize_dict"] = task24_3
            hashMapResult["logSize"] = logSize
            hashMapResult["grade_result3_24"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult3_24', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            # print("任务29-->关闭Windows多余的组件,禁止安装其他与应用系统无关的应用程序:" + "未知")
            hashMapResult["software29_dict"] = "未知"
            hashMapResult["software29"] = "未知"
            hashMapResult["grade_result5_29"] = 5
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult5_29', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            grade = 5
            task_30_0 = "没有多余服务"
            for service0 in dontService:
                if (str(windowsService[service0]) == "Running"):
                    task_30_0 = service0
                    # service0 + str(windowsService[service0])
                    grade = grade - 3
            # print("任务30-->关闭多余服务:" + task_30_0)
            shared = getIsShared()
            task12_1 = "关闭"
            if (shared == 1):
                task12_1 = "开启"
                grade = grade - 2
            # print("任务30-->删除系统默认共享:" + task12_1)
            hashMapResult["dontService_dict"] = task_30_0
            hashMapResult["dontService"] = task_30_0
            hashMapResult["grade_result5_30"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult5_30', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            windowsVersion = platform.platform(True)
            # print("任务36-->系统版本信息:" + windowsVersion)
            task_36_0 = "不是默认值"
            grade = 0
            isDefaultTTL = getIsDefaultTTL()

            if ("true" == isDefaultTTL):
                task_36_0 = "是默认值"
                grade = 5
            # print("任务36-->更改默认TTL返回值:" + task_36_0)
            hashMapResult["isDefaultTTL_dict"] = task_36_0
            hashMapResult["isDefaultTTL"] = isDefaultTTL
            hashMapResult["grade_result5_36"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult5_36', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            task_39_0 = "没有安装"
            task_39_1 = "无"
            if ("false" != getIsKillSoftware()):
                task_39_0 = "安装了"
                task_39_1 = killVirusSoftwareName[getIsKillSoftware()]

            # print("任务39-->是否安装了杀毒软件:" + task_39_0)
            # print("任务39-->杀毒软件名称:" + task_39_1)
            hashMapResult["IsKillSoftware_dict"] = task_39_0
            hashMapResult["IsKillSoftware"] = getIsKillSoftware()
            hashMapResult["KillSoftware_dict"] = task_39_1
            hashMapResult["KillSoftware"] = task_39_1
            hashMapResult["grade_result6_39"] = 5
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult6_39', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            task_41_0 = "关闭状态"
            grade = 0
            isfirewall = getIsFirewall()
            if (1 == isfirewall):
                task_41_0 = "打开状态"
                grade = 5
            # print("任务41-->是否关闭防火墙:" + task_41_0)
            # print("任务41-->限定服务器的地址访问:" + "未知")

            hashMapResult["isfirewall_dict"] = task_41_0
            hashMapResult["isfirewall"] = isfirewall
            hashMapResult["grade_result7_41"] = grade
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult7_41', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            cpuInfo = getCpuInfo()
            # print("任务43-->监视服务器的CPU、硬盘、内存、网络等资源的使用情况:")
            # print("任务43-->cpu数量:" + str(cpuInfo[0]) + "核")
            memoryInfo = getMemoryInfo()
            # print("任务43-->内存大小:" + str(memoryInfo[0]) + "G")
            diskInfo = getDiskInfo()
            totalDisk = 0
            for diskinfo in diskInfo:
                totalDisk = totalDisk + diskinfo[2]
            # print("任务43-->硬盘大小:" + str(totalDisk) + "G")
            task_43_0 = "未连通"
            isInternet = getIsInternet()
            if (isInternet == "true"):
                task_43_0 = "已连通"
            # print("任务43-->网络是否连通:" + task_43_0)
            hashMapResult["cpuInfo_dict"] = str(cpuInfo[0])
            hashMapResult["memoryInfo_dict"] = str(memoryInfo[0])
            hashMapResult["diskinfo_dict"] = str(totalDisk)
            hashMapResult["isInternet_dict"] = task_43_0
            hashMapResult["grade_result7_43"] = 5
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult7_43', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # hashMap = {}
            # print()
            raid = getIsRaid()
            task_46_0 = "没有主机磁盘raid"
            if (raid == 1):
                task_46_0 = "有主机磁盘raid"
            hashMapResult["raid_dict"] = task_46_0
            hashMapResult["raid"] = raid
            nicRedundancy = getIsNicRedundancy()
            task_46_1 = "没有冗余"
            if (nicRedundancy == 1):
                task_46_1 = "网卡冗余"
            # print("任务46-->能采集主机磁盘(RAID)、网卡等关键部件冗余、双机热备(cluster集群)等硬件内容:" + "未知")
            # print("任务46-->网卡是否冗余:" + task_46_1)
            hashMapResult["nicRedundancy_dict"] = task_46_1
            hashMapResult["nicRedundancy"] = nicRedundancy
            hashMapResult["grade_result8_46"] = 5
            # print()
            # self.mainFrame.evaluateJavaScript('%s(%s)' % ('showResult8_46', json.dumps(hashMap)))

            # print(hashMapResult["NewAdministratorName"])
            # print(hashMapResult)

        except Exception as e:
            # self.finished_signal.emit(0)

# 设置表格样式
def set_style(name, weight, color, bold=False):
    style = xlwt.XFStyle()
    font = xlwt.Font()
    # 设置字体类型
    font.name = name
    # 设置字体粗体
    # font.bold = bold
    # 设置字体颜色
    font.colour_index = color
    font._weight = weight
    style.font = font
    return style

def get_desktop():
    key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, \
                         r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders', )
    return winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Desktop")[0]

class viewsThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, threadID, name, counter):
        self.threadID = threadID
        self.name = name
        self.counter = counter

    def run(self):  # 把要执行的代码写到run函数里面 线程在创建后会直接运行run函数
        app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
        demoWin = DemoWin()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    commonMap = buildCommonMap()
    securityPolicy = windowsSecurityPolicyToDict()
    windowsService = windowsServiceToDict()
    windowsProcess = windowsProcessToDict()

    # 创建新线程
    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    demoWin = DemoWin()

    # thread1 = DemoWinThread(1, "Thread-1", 1)
    # thread1.start()