研究表明,屏幕的蓝光会对睡眠质量造成不良影响。Android 7.1.1 推出一种称为“护眼模式”的功能,可减少设备屏幕发出的蓝光量,以便达到更接近用户当前时间和地点的自然光效果。Android 8.0 推出一项附加功能,可让用户更好地控制护眼模式效果的强度。 Android 10 推出了 COLOR_DISPLAY_SERVICE 系统服务,具备系统 API 接口,使系统、“设置”和系统界面能够更好地控制所有颜色转换(包括护眼模式)。
护眼模式需要实现 Hardware Composer HAL 2.0 (HWC 2),它可根据传递到 setColorTransform 的矩阵进行着色,而不会影响耗电量、性能和应用兼容性。
* SET_COLOR_TRANSFORM has this pseudo prototype
* setColorTransform(float[16] matrix,
* ColorTransform hint);
* Sets a color transform which will be applied after composition.
* If hint is not ColorTransform::ARBITRARY, then the device may use the
* hint to apply the desired color transform instead of using the color
* matrix directly.
* If the device is not capable of either using the hint or the matrix to
* apply the desired color transform, it must force all layers to client
* composition during VALIDATE_DISPLAY.
* If IComposer::Capability::SKIP_CLIENT_COLOR_TRANSFORM is present, then
* the client must never apply the color transform during client
* composition, even if all layers are being composed by the client.
* The matrix provided is an affine color transformation of the following
* form:
* |r.r r.g r.b 0|
* |g.r g.g g.b 0|
* |b.r b.g b.b 0|
* |Tr Tg Tb 1|
* This matrix must be provided in row-major form:
* {r.r, r.g, r.b, 0, g.r, ...}.
* Given a matrix of this form and an input color [R_in, G_in, B_in], the
* output color [R_out, G_out, B_out] will be:
* R_out = R_in * r.r + G_in * g.r + B_in * b.r + Tr
* G_out = R_in * r.g + G_in * g.g + B_in * b.g + Tg
* B_out = R_in * r.b + G_in * g.b + B_in * b.b + Tb
* @param matrix is a 4x4 transform matrix (16 floats) as described above.
* @param hint is a hint value which may be used instead of the given
* matrix unless it is ColorTransform::ARBITRARY.
<!-- Control whether Night display is available. This should only be enabled
on devices with HWC 2 color transform support. -->
<bool name="config_nightDisplayAvailable">false</bool>
<!-- Default mode to control how Night display is automatically activated.
One of the following values (see NightDisplayController.java):
- 自动开启
自定义时间安排:护眼模式在指定的开始时间(默认为晚上 10:30)开启,并在指定的结束时间(默认为早上 6:30)关闭。
日落到日出:在日落时开启护眼模式,在日出时关闭护眼模式。日出和日落的时间取决于设备所处的位置和当地的时节。 - 开启/关闭:用于控制护眼模式当前状态的切换开关。此状态遵循现有的自动规则。例如,如果用户在下午 5:30 开启护眼模式(早于自动规则的开启时间,即晚上 10:30),系统依然会在早上 6:30 关闭护眼模式。如果用户在早上 5:30 关闭护眼模式(早于自动规则的关闭时间,即早上 6:30),系统依然会在晚上 10:30 开启护眼模式。
- 强度:通过从暖色调滑动到冷色调以控制着色程度的拖动条。在未启用护眼模式时,可以停用拖动条。
- 信息性文本:向用户介绍护眼模式的功能和原理。
Setting Application 流程
- 色温调节
public boolean setSliderPosition(int position) {
return mColorDisplayManager.setNightDisplayColorTemperature(convertTemperature(position));
- 打开Night Light 模式
private final OnClickListener mListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
mMetricsFeatureProvider.logClickedPreference(mPreference, getMetricsCategory());
Framework层 流程
1.setMatrix 函数,即设置色温矩阵。
public void setMatrix(int cct) {
if (mMatrix.length != 16) {
Slog.d(TAG, "The display transformation matrix must be 4x4");
Matrix.setIdentityM(mMatrix, 0);
final float squareTemperature = cct * cct;
final float red = squareTemperature * mColorTempCoefficients[0]
+ cct * mColorTempCoefficients[1] + mColorTempCoefficients[2];
final float green = squareTemperature * mColorTempCoefficients[3]
+ cct * mColorTempCoefficients[4] + mColorTempCoefficients[5];
final float blue = squareTemperature * mColorTempCoefficients[6]
+ cct * mColorTempCoefficients[7] + mColorTempCoefficients[8];
mMatrix[0] = red;
mMatrix[5] = green;
mMatrix[10] = blue;
- setMatrix 的参数为最大色温和 最小色温之间的一个值。系统定义色温范围为 2596 -4082,色温是以开尔文为单位来计量的。.
<integer name="config_defaultNightDisplayAutoMode">0</integer>
<!-- Minimum color temperature, in Kelvin, supported by Night display. -->
<integer name="config_nightDisplayColorTemperatureMin">2596</integer>
<!-- Default color temperature, in Kelvin, to tint the screen when Night display is
activated. -->
<integer name="config_nightDisplayColorTemperatureDefault">2850</integer>
<!-- Maximum color temperature, in Kelvin, supported by Night display. -->
<integer name="config_nightDisplayColorTemperatureMax">4082</integer>
- 色温系数定义在如下文件中,设备制造商根据设备显示面板的特性(包括白点、色域和所需颜色)自定义颜色梯度。可以使用配置叠加更改颜色梯度,而不更改基本实现。此配置表示为红色、绿色和蓝色中每一种颜色的二次方程,其形式为 vres = vat2 + vbt + vy-int,其中 t 是以开尔文为单位的温度输入,根据 config_nightDisplayColorTemperatureMin 和 config_nightDisplayColorTemperatureMax 之间的范围(如上一部分所述)指定,va、vb 和 vy-int 分别是指定主曲线的 a 系数、b 系数和 y 轴截距,如下所示。
<string-array name="config_nightDisplayColorTemperatureCoefficientsNative">
<!-- R a-coefficient --> <item>0.0</item>
<!-- R b-coefficient --> <item>0.0</item>
<!-- R y-intercept --> <item>1.0</item>
<!-- G a-coefficient --> <item>-0.00000000962353339</item>
<!-- G b-coefficient --> <item>0.000153045476</item>
<!-- G y-intercept --> <item>0.390782778</item>
<!-- B a-coefficient --> <item>-0.0000000189359041</item>
<!-- B b-coefficient --> <item>0.000302412211</item>
<!-- B y-intercept --> <item>-0.198650895</item>
* Color transform level used by Night display to tint the display red.
public static final int LEVEL_COLOR_MATRIX_NIGHT_DISPLAY = 100;
* Color transform level used by display white balance to adjust the display's white point.
public static final int LEVEL_COLOR_MATRIX_DISPLAY_WHITE_BALANCE = 125;
* Color transform level used to adjust the color saturation of the display.
public static final int LEVEL_COLOR_MATRIX_SATURATION = 150;
* Color transform level used by A11y services to make the display monochromatic.
public static final int LEVEL_COLOR_MATRIX_GRAYSCALE = 200;
* Color transform level used by A11y services to invert the display colors.
public static final int LEVEL_COLOR_MATRIX_INVERT_COLOR = 300;
所以最终的ColorMatrix 是通过computeColorMatrixLocked 把所有效果的Matrix 相乘得到。如下
* Returns the composition of all current color matrices, or {@code null} if there are none.
private float[] computeColorMatrixLocked() {
final int count = mColorMatrix.size();
if (count == 0) {
return null;
final float[][] result = mTempColorMatrix;
Matrix.setIdentityM(result[0], 0);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
float[] rhs = mColorMatrix.valueAt(i);
Matrix.multiplyMM(result[(i + 1) % 2], 0, result[i % 2], 0, rhs, 0);
return result[count % 2];
2.0 mCompositionEngine->present(refreshArgs)
最终的ColorMatrix 是通过surfaceflinger CompositionEngine->present()函数把矩阵设置SurfaceFlingre或者HWC层。
void CompositionEngine::present(CompositionRefreshArgs& args) {
// latchedLayers is used to track the set of front-end layer state that
// has been latched across all outputs for the prepare step, and is not
// needed for anything else.
LayerFESet latchedLayers;
for (const auto& output : args.outputs) {
output->prepare(args, latchedLayers);
for (const auto& output : args.outputs) {
- preComposition 函数,对于BufferLayer 主要是1.mFrameEventHistory记录PreComposition事件 2. 判断是否需要再触发SurfaceFlinger继续接受Vsync进行合成
- Output::prepare:Output实际上就是display, 通过调用每个Display的rebuildLayerStacks ,建立display 的 LayerStacks.
- Output->present:是真正执行合成的动作函数,接下来主要分析它。
void Output::present(const compositionengine::CompositionRefreshArgs& refreshArgs) {
我们先关注 setColorTransform 函数
void Output::setColorTransform(const compositionengine::CompositionRefreshArgs& args) {
auto& colorTransformMatrix = editState().colorTransformMatrix;
if (!args.colorTransformMatrix || colorTransformMatrix == args.colorTransformMatrix) {
colorTransformMatrix = *args.colorTransformMatrix;
把上层的颜色矩阵赋给 colorTransformMatrix ,之后通过dirtyEntireOutput 重置dirtyEntire 区域。我们知道图像合成分为Client和Device两中情况, 我们这里先按照Client合成流程往下走。
接着在finishFrame函数中调用composeSurfaces(Region::INVALID_REGION, refreshArgs); 如下:
void Output::finishFrame(const compositionengine::CompositionRefreshArgs& refreshArgs) {
if (!getState().isEnabled) {
// Repaint the framebuffer (if needed), getting the optional fence for when
// the composition completes.
auto optReadyFence = composeSurfaces(Region::INVALID_REGION, refreshArgs);
if (!optReadyFence) {
// swap buffers (presentation)
composeSurfaces 函数很长,这里值截取colorTransform 相关code,如下:
std::optional<base::unique_fd> Output::composeSurfaces(
// Compute the global color transform matrix.
if (!outputState.usesDeviceComposition && !getSkipColorTransform()) {
clientCompositionDisplay.colorTransform = outputState.colorTransformMatrix;
status_t status =
renderEngine.drawLayers(clientCompositionDisplay, clientCompositionLayerPointers,
buf->getNativeBuffer(), /*useFramebufferCache=*/true,
std::move(fd), &readyFence);
- 1:初始化clientCompositionDisplay对象, 对clientCompositionDisplay.colorTransform的赋值,只有在当前Frame 是Client 合成,且HWC 没有hal::Capability::SKIP_CLIENT_COLOR_TRANSFORM 能力的情况之下才会执行。(对于HWC的Capability 这个一块后面新起文档分析)
- 2:renderEngine.drawLayers 同过opengl 把所有层 进行颜色转换。
clientCompositionDisplay实际为renderengine::DisplaySettings 的对象。如下:
struct DisplaySettings {
// Rectangle describing the physical display. We will project from the
// logical clip onto this rectangle.
Rect physicalDisplay = Rect::INVALID_RECT;
// Rectangle bounded by the x,y- clipping planes in the logical display, so
// that the orthographic projection matrix can be computed. When
// constructing this matrix, z-coordinate bound are assumed to be at z=0 and
// z=1.
Rect clip = Rect::INVALID_RECT;
// Maximum luminance pulled from the display's HDR capabilities.
float maxLuminance = 1.0f;
// Output dataspace that will be populated if wide color gamut is used, or
// DataSpace::UNKNOWN otherwise.
ui::Dataspace outputDataspace = ui::Dataspace::UNKNOWN;
// Additional color transform to apply in linear space after transforming
// to the output dataspace.
mat4 colorTransform = mat4();
// Region that will be cleared to (0, 0, 0, 1) prior to rendering.
// This is specified in layer-stack space.
Region clearRegion = Region::INVALID_REGION;
// An additional orientation flag to be applied after clipping the output.
// By way of example, this may be used for supporting fullscreen screenshot
// capture of a device in landscape while the buffer is in portrait
// orientation.
uint32_t orientation = ui::Transform::ROT_0;
包括 Display的 颜色空间,颜色变换矩阵,旋转角度等。接着上面renderEngine::drawLayers函数分析,此函数是一个通用的DrawLayers函数,下面只保留颜色变换相关处理。
status_t GLESRenderEngine::drawLayers(const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::vector<const LayerSettings*>& layers,
ANativeWindowBuffer* const buffer,
const bool useFramebufferCache, base::unique_fd&& bufferFence,
base::unique_fd* drawFence) {
setColorTransform(display.colorTransform * layer->colorTransform);
else if (layer->geometry.roundedCornersRadius > 0.0 && color.a >= 1.0f && isOpaque) {
handleRoundedCorners(display, *layer, mesh);
} else {
return NO_ERROR;
通过setColorTransform 函数把layer 和display的 颜色矩阵相乘,得到最终的colorMatrix 保存在mState.colorMatrix 中 。最终调用drawMesh绘制每一层Layer。
void GLESRenderEngine::drawMesh(const Mesh& mesh) {
Description managedState = mState;
// By default, DISPLAY_P3 is the only supported wide color output. However,
// when HDR content is present, hardware composer may be able to handle
// BT2020 data space, in that case, the output data space is set to be
// BT2020_HLG or BT2020_PQ respectively. In GPU fall back we need
// to respect this and convert non-HDR content to HDR format.
if (mUseColorManagement) {
Dataspace inputStandard = static_cast<Dataspace>(mDataSpace & Dataspace::STANDARD_MASK);
Dataspace inputTransfer = static_cast<Dataspace>(mDataSpace & Dataspace::TRANSFER_MASK);
Dataspace outputStandard =
static_cast<Dataspace>(mOutputDataSpace & Dataspace::STANDARD_MASK);
Dataspace outputTransfer =
static_cast<Dataspace>(mOutputDataSpace & Dataspace::TRANSFER_MASK);
bool needsXYZConversion = needsXYZTransformMatrix();
// NOTE: if the input standard of the input dataspace is not STANDARD_DCI_P3 or
// STANDARD_BT2020, it will be treated as STANDARD_BT709
if (inputStandard != Dataspace::STANDARD_DCI_P3 &&
inputStandard != Dataspace::STANDARD_BT2020) {
inputStandard = Dataspace::STANDARD_BT709;
if (needsXYZConversion) {
// The supported input color spaces are standard RGB, Display P3 and BT2020.
switch (inputStandard) {
case Dataspace::STANDARD_DCI_P3:
managedState.inputTransformMatrix = mDisplayP3ToXyz;
case Dataspace::STANDARD_BT2020:
managedState.inputTransformMatrix = mBt2020ToXyz;
managedState.inputTransformMatrix = mSrgbToXyz;
// The supported output color spaces are BT2020, Display P3 and standard RGB.
switch (outputStandard) {
case Dataspace::STANDARD_BT2020:
managedState.outputTransformMatrix = mXyzToBt2020;
case Dataspace::STANDARD_DCI_P3:
managedState.outputTransformMatrix = mXyzToDisplayP3;
managedState.outputTransformMatrix = mXyzToSrgb;
ProgramCache::getInstance().useProgram(mInProtectedContext ? mProtectedEGLContext : mEGLContext,
if (mState.drawShadows) {
glDrawElements(mesh.getPrimitive(), mesh.getIndexCount(), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,
} else {
glDrawArrays(mesh.getPrimitive(), 0, mesh.getVertexCount());
其中 ProgramCache::getInstance().useProgram 函数最终调用Program::setUniforms(const Description& desc)方法
void Program::setUniforms(const Description& desc) {
void Program::setUniforms(const Description& desc) {
if (mOutputTransformMatrixLoc >= 0) {
// The output transform matrix and color matrix can be combined as one matrix
// that is applied right before applying OETF.
mat4 outputTransformMatrix = desc.colorMatrix * desc.outputTransformMatrix;
glUniformMatrix4fv(mOutputTransformMatrixLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, outputTransformMatrix.asArray());
if (mDisplayMaxLuminanceLoc >= 0) {
glUniform1f(mDisplayMaxLuminanceLoc, desc.displayMaxLuminance);
if (mMaxMasteringLuminanceLoc >= 0) {
glUniform1f(mMaxMasteringLuminanceLoc, desc.maxMasteringLuminance);
if (mMaxContentLuminanceLoc >= 0) {
glUniform1f(mMaxContentLuminanceLoc, desc.maxContentLuminance);
if (mCornerRadiusLoc >= 0) {
glUniform1f(mCornerRadiusLoc, desc.cornerRadius);
if (mCropCenterLoc >= 0) {
glUniform2f(mCropCenterLoc, desc.cropSize.x / 2.0f, desc.cropSize.y / 2.0f);
// these uniforms are always present
glUniformMatrix4fv(mProjectionMatrixLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, desc.projectionMatrix.asArray());
关键函数 glUniformMatrix4fv(mOutputTransformMatrixLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, outputTransformMatrix.asArray());
通过一致变量 将outputTransformMatrix 颜色矩阵值传入GPU渲染管线,再调用glDrawElements或者glDrawArrays进行渲染。这样上层的颜色矩阵转化为opengl 指令,由GPU执行。敢兴趣的朋友可以查看如下详细着色脚本.
Client合成流程的颜色处理: 用户设置色温–>根据系统设置的色温系统求得相应ColorMatrix–>转化成OpenGL指令–>通过GPU对每层Layer的像素和ColorMatrix相乘–>得到最终颜色效果。Devices合成流程的颜色处理我们下回分析。