对于大规模的数值模拟测试,在实际实践时,还是没有把DOE(Design of Experiments)自如的应用起来,这个问题在亲自体会了等待的痛苦后(在没有考虑DOE时),对DOE的重要性就体会到了。
对于这两个东西可以基于模型来研究(部分正确的思路),但更多是的或者更现实的是无模型的基础之上研究,后者似乎离实践更紧密。 不管那一种,试验设计是个关键,然而MATLAB里提供了这样的工具,这大大减轻了实践的代价。
http://sensitivity-analysis.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ ,刚找到的。
These official prescriptions seem to confirm that sensitivity analysis, as part of the modelling process, has become all the more urgent due to an increased awareness, among practitioners and the general public, of the need for quality controls on the use of scientific models.(这些官方的规定看来是要落实把灵敏度分析作为建模过程的一部分,灵敏度分析也由于日益增长的认识成为最紧迫的事,在实践者和公众当中,也作为关于应用科学模型质量控制需要的一部分)。
e must acknowledge that today’s role of scientists in society is not that of revealing truth, but rather of providing evidence。(当模型用于策略分析,人们应该承认,当今科学家在社会中的角色不是去揭示真理,而是提供证据),这主要在于不完整的知识问题。Scientists frequently caution themselves against blind reliance in the use of models。(科学家也经常谨防自己盲目信赖模型的应用)。
. . . most simulation models will be complex, with many parameters, state-variables and non linear relations. Under the best circumstances, such models have many degrees of freedom and, with judicious fiddling, can be made to produce virtually any desired behaviour, often with both plausible structure and parameter values.(多数模拟模型是复杂的,有很多参数,状态变量和非线性关系,在很好的环境下,这种模型也有许多敏感而无用的自由度,它们会导致虚假的期望行为,经常有似是而非的结构和参数值)。
All this shows that a possible use of models is therefore to map assumptions into inferences。(所有这些表明一种模型的可能应用是映射假设到推论的过程)。
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis are most often run in tandem, and customarily lead to an iterative revision of the model structure. The process may happen to falsify the model based analysis, e.g. demonstrating that the inference offered by the model is too wide to be of use for decision . In this case sensitivity analysis may offer guidance as to which of the input assumptions is a better candidate for further analysis aimed to reduce the uncertainty in the inference.(不确定性和灵敏度分析经常以串行的方式运作,形成一个模型结构迭代修订,这个过程可能导致基于模型的分析虚假,模型提供的推论太宽而无法用于决策,在这种情况下,灵敏度分析可以提供一个关于输入假设是一个好的候选者的指南,并进一步分析模型以减少推论的不确定性)。