cubemx配置usb键盘 usb键盘怎么开启_windows


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Windows 10 offers predictive text, just like Android and iPhone. Microsoft calls this “text suggestions.” It’s part of Windows 10’s touch keyboard, but you can also enable it for hardware keyboards. Suggestions will appear floating over text as you type.

Windows 10提供了可预测的文本,就像Android和iPhone一样 。 Microsoft将其称为“文本建议”。 它是Windows 10触摸键盘的一部分,但是您也可以为硬件键盘启用它。 键入时,建议将显示在文本上方。

This setting is available in Windows 10’s Settings app. To launch it, press Windows+I or open the Start menu and click the gear-shaped Settings icon.

Windows 10的“设置”应用程序中提供了此设置。 要启动它,请按Windows + I或打开“开始”菜单,然后单击齿轮形的“设置”图标。

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Click the “Devices” icon in the Settings window.


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Click “Typing” in the sidebar. Scroll down to the “Hardware keyboard” section and enable the “Show text suggestions as I type” option.

单击边栏中的“键入”。 向下滚动到“硬件键盘”部分,并启用“在键入时显示文本建议”选项。

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As the Settings app points out, “text suggestions for the hardware keyboard aren’t available in some languages.” Microsoft doesn’t have an official list of supported languages we can find, but we tested it with “English (United States).” If you need another language, this feature might not work.

正如“设置”应用指出的那样,“某些语言无法提供有关硬件键盘的文本建议。” Microsoft没有可找到的受支持语言的正式列表,但我们使用“英语(美国)”对其进行了测试。 如果您需要其他语言,则此功能可能不起作用。

If you want Windows 10 to automatically correct typos as you type with your hardware keyboard, you can also enable the “Autocorrect misspelled words I type” option.

如果您希望Windows 10在使用硬件键盘键入时自动更正输入错误,则还可以启用“我输入的自动更正拼写错误的单词”选项。

Finally, if you frequently type in multiple languages, be sure to enable the “Show text suggestions based on the recognized languages you’re typing in” option under “Multilingual text suggestions.” Windows 10 will attempt to automatically determine the language you’re typing in and offer text suggestions based on that language.

最后,如果您经常输入多种语言,请确保启用“多语言文字建议”下的“根据所输入的语言显示文字建议”选项。 Windows 10将尝试自动确定您输入的语言,并根据该语言提供文本建议。

Now, while typing on your physical keyboard, you’ll see a floating pop-up with text suggestions. This works in most applications, including Office applications, like Microsoft Word, to web browsers, like Google Chrome. It even works in Notepad.

现在,在物理键盘上打字时,您会看到一个带有文本提示的浮动弹出窗口。 这适用于大多数应用程序,包括Office应用程序(如Microsoft Word)和Web浏览器(如Google Chrome)。 它甚至可以在记事本中使用。

There are two ways to select a suggestion. You can tap the up-arrow key to focus the suggestion bar, use the left and right arrow keys to select a suggestion, and then press Enter or the space bar. Or, you can use your mouse cursor to click a suggestion.

有两种选择建议的方法。 您可以点击向上箭头键以使建议栏聚焦,使用向左和向右箭头键选择建议,然后按Enter或空格键。 或者,您可以使用鼠标光标单击建议。

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This feature was added in Windows 10’s April 2018 Update, also known as version 1803. It’s controlled by the “EnableHwkbTextPrediction” DWORD value under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Input\Settings in the Windows Registry. If it’s set to 1, predictions are enabled. If it’s set to 0, they’re disabled.

Windows 10的2018年4月更新 (也称为版本1803)中添加了此功能。它由Windows注册表中 HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Input \ Settings下的“ EnableHwkbTextPrediction” DWORD值控制。 如果将其设置为1,则启用预测。 如果将其设置为0,则将其禁用。

